fwiw - In the video below, Col Fletcher Prouty, who was a cargo pilot in WW2, talks about seeing them set up for the Korean War and the Vietnam War before WW2 was even over!! And he asks: "who made those decisions" and then talks about how there is a ruling elite behind the scenes:

The Real Mr. X- Col Fletcher Prouty Interview with EIR


This 1992 interview has excellent insights into the ongoing fight against oligarchy that we are involved in. Colonel Prouty gives us a look at the inner workings of the US intelligence community from the inside. If you don't have time to read his book, "The Secret Team: The CIA And Its Allies In Control Of The World," watch this video. His description of the period after WWII leading into the Vietnam War is critical for Americans to understand

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Very good. Hitler came to power in 1933. It is of course the Nazis all over again, plus Marxists/communists plus RC Church and the banksters (let the reader understand).


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Sep 11, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Aside from controlling the finances of a nation, one of the key elements of the hidden hand's control of humanity is the propagation of the fiction of the plague/pandemic. They have used this ruse for centuries, even blaming a bacteria spread by rats for the supposed collapse of European civilisation in the 14th Century. All nonsense of course. Germ theory is a scam and has been disproven many times. Only most people don't realise this because the BBC never told them so it can't be true. There was no bacteria/virus in 1918 either. Most of the soldiers they killed received up to 25 experimental vaccinations in a short period. Yes 25. They don't tell you that do they? The HIV/AIDS scam really set the ball rolling though. Once they got away with that one, the Covaids was a slamdunk.

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Thanks for putting this all together. I’ve seen it this way for a long while which is why I wrote my post on American Civil Wars to begin to explain to myself. Absolutely we were commanded as Americans to support the out of control maniacs who engineered all this since 1865. The American people still fail to understand the Civil War did not wipe out slavery nor was that what it was about. The Civil War brought in corporate wage slavery. Any civil rights won by people of color came much later and has been severely limited. No civil rights at all we’re realized for the big losers - the Native Americans. Women and children have lost their unalienable rights, and now devolve into the evil Woke agenda with it’s “Trans” deceptions, broken biology, mind bending dystopia, topped off with the insidious attacks from the invasion of our Southern Border and tidal wave of deadly drugs.

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

1932, FDR recognized and invited over representatives from the Soviet Union as he desired "convergence" with Stalin, and all they had to do was promise not to overthrow the US Government!

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Jul 2, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Agree with most but although I do realize there was an element of manipulation in the feminism of the 70s and 80s I don't think that you'll find too many women from that era who didn't appreciate being able to work outside of the house. Although I do understand that in doing so it became impossible to maintain a one income household anymore.

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RemovedJan 7, 2023·edited Jan 7, 2023
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