Just would like to inform you that in 3rd world countries , like Africa , Ivermectin is used for many many years. It costs about 2 dollars in Egypt and it is widely used. So what all this hype is about in the West is mysterious to me. People are poor , live in very tuff conditions, drink unclean water etc , yes their bodies can be immune compromised and malnourished and cannot fight weird things from drinking dirty water so these drugs can be helpful . We can say, change your eating habit etc , which I agree with for people living in the west, who stuff themselves with junk and drink junk , voluntarily, by choice but not having clean drinking water and people shouting on top of that in the west , we should ban plastic water bottles just gets all a bit to much as that is all you can get as clean drinking water in 3rd world countries. Go and see in a supermarket , there is hardly anything you can eat , it is all rubbish. Wondering why we get sick , look at these kids , breakfast Cornflakes , drink coca cola , it is a joke. Not only do poor countries have to deal with dirty drinking water and harsh living circumstances, now they can happily buy Fanta , from the rain into the drip. If indeed these shots , so called vaccines , including all the others you get when younger , because of the maybe you will get sick sales pitch, are full of monkey cells or whatever the heck they put in there , you are better of to do a deworm cure as those parasites belong to monkeys and we are of the human species. People go to 3rd world countries for holidays , drinking tea from dirty water or not boiled over 60 degrees , drink milk or want medium rare meat and then wonder why they get sick and then shout , but it is a 5 start hotel, yes well which person in his right mind does that in a 3rd world country. Go and have a look at the fruit or meat market and then you will understand why the locals wash the meat , the fruit and you will never see a local eating medium rare meat or anything under cooked. People in the west are so malnourished it is scary and it is by choice, no wonder you get sick, but lets blame the parasites or what every we want to blame , maybe blame your stupidity , that is why you are sick. Read labels and seriously you will end up buying hardly anything.

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Thank you Ray, this is a very useful article. I didn't have a notion about parasites. I have been so blessed as to be able to keep away from doctors and medicine almost my whole life and have had an Ayurvedan doctor when I needed one. This is what has kept me safe.

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Ivermectin (allededly) does the same thing that Metformin does. Attacks your mitochondria(s). And calls it a win.

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Like many species, when the giving is good they flourish...

Bacteria flourish - as garbage collectors - when the giving is good, not before...

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

From your "About" bit:

"I refrain from using 'we' as a collective noun ..."

This is good, because 'we' is not a noun. It's a pronoun. Surely those are of concern to you.

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Out of the six, for sure viruses are an illusion. Our guts are filled with bacteria and that is a good thing. The others can be harmful under certain conditions. Notice, I do not think there are any vaccines for these except for viruses and bacteria. The scariest of the bunch and the easiest to promote as being life threatening.

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So Ray are you claiming that parasites are NOT a cause of certain diseases or just that their role is overstated?

Can you clarify?

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100% agree regarding ivermectin today, we put it under the scope.

I used to use it ,i dont now until we find a clean source.

Horse meds, what a scam. plus how clever to get all the great unpoisoned to take something that has no liability. "we told you it was horse stuff" they laugh as they add a bit more gqd's etc.

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Where is this “authorities approval” that you speak of? The general consensus is that it’s horse medicine...

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Very interesting regarding role of appendix! Another rabbit to jump down 🕳️

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