The sky is the limit!
Making progress
According to a silly and atavistic adage,
There is no progress without courage!
(author unknown)
Struggle it is: Humanity is making valiant effort to revert back to the Stone Age!
The following offers a more sophisticated alternative, but the subject is still undefinable, because “achievements” can be both good and bad, depending on the objective:
“There can be no progress nor achievement without sacrifice, and a man’s worldly success will be by the measure that he sacrifices his confused animal thoughts, and fixes his mind on the development of his plans, and the strengthening of his resolution and self-reliance.”
― James Allen, As a Man Thinketh
The problem, of course, is that “progress” depends on the objective, and the term itself usually implies the destructive evolutionist myth in which progress is good.
Progress can also be made in energy use, but not necessarily from your perspective.
Problems with the energy supply
New York State has just passed into law that newly-built buildings must not use natural gas or fossil fuels, blaming both for “climate change” and, therefore, mandates the use of “clean energy” that it defines as electricity (sometimes even can tell the truth, although misses to mention the way electricity is produced1):
After all, gas stoves had been under attack before this “law”:
All this reminds me of presidential hopeful RFK Jr’s promise from this year not to pursue the “climate change” agenda, because it is used for promoting totalitarian control:
According to another news source, he was a rabid proponent of the invented threat of “climate change” in 2020:
Instead of using the "climate change" jargon, RFK, Jr. is opting to become a true champion of really protecting and preserving the environment or, better, “kids”2:
Miraculously, the following comment is still after the article, uncensored:
Here is why this is so much BS. Are you listening Robert? Coal fly ash is used as the carrying agent for the chem-trails aka geo-engineering.
The military and their contractors take the fly ash from coal burning plants
(and lots more resources) and fly them all over the world... or at least in our hemisphere. I think we had better start here, with the chemtrails. It's like they take the fluoride drags of the fertilizer company and put it in everyone's water. The dentists take the 2nd most toxic element on the planet, mercury, and put it in our mouths, where it off-gasses our entire lives. In the above article, unless I missed it, no mention of ppb, yes that is parts per billion, think of it, cigarettes smoke is ppm, of coal fly ash released in all of our skies EVERY DAY!!!
What does RFK, Jr. mean by eliminating coal power plants? Well, he is going to eliminate coal power plants, but the process is not going to start with him. Already in 2021, the plan was ready:
Nuclear plants, the cheapest and most efficient sources of reliable energy3, will also be shut down soon, because they are becoming old and decrepit, without the possibility of being saved; they cannot be used safely anymore. Many existing plants have already received life extension, because there is nothing to replace them, which is resulting in a dangerous game, risking meltdowns4 (but those can be easily blamed on Chinese or Russian “hackers,” if you think of it, or the results can be used of accusing one or both of these countries of an EMP attack or worse).
Or, perhaps, nuclear power will be banned, as Germany shut down its last nuclear plant recently and changed to, guess what?, coal!
Of course, Germany and Hungary already rallied their populace last fall to switch to firewood; perhaps the least efficient and, consequently, least environmentally-friendly method of heating a home or a facility.
RFK Jr. & Co. is promising natural gas, which spectacularly contradicts the new law in New York State.
Wind and solar are rackets and are aiming at eliminating fully-functional energy sources.
Wind is used in cooperation with greedy morons among the people, too:
Solar wouldn’t even exist without government subsidies, financed by the taxpayer, and the costs are not for the faint of heart (although easily dwarfed by other “government” spending that you will never be asked about, like bailing out big banks, “defense” spending, data collection on all Americans5, unfunded government liabilities, and the black budget):
Like wind, solar doesn’t prove to be a reliable source of energy, but it sure is dangerous:
Solar is also wasteful:
My power utility company is selling solar credits and I receive a letter from them every month with the bill, encouraging me to join and have a solar installation in my home. Apart from wanting to avoid to attract unwanted attention when SHTF, I have checked out the cost-benefit ratio, and concluded that the installation would cost me a lot more than the savings it would offer, and the panels would be long gone before I would receive fair return for my investment.
Here is the solution!
If you eliminate the wasteful, the dangerous, and the directly harmful forms of energies, the only thing you have to do is apply the laws of physics, and the only tenable energy source for heating and cooking is to convert kinetic energy into thermal energy. With this method, this is the way to cook a chicken (you must try it; it’s fun!):
The solution directly supports my solution in which I fixed the theory of evolution (for entertainment):
The danger of reviving cannibalism is involved, but hey, there is no progress without courage!
Here is something for risk assessment, if someone chooses to play or allows themselves to be forced to play chicken.
This is an obvious move towards centralizing energy sources, which will make moving people to “smart” cities more palatable or even attractive:
This is not the first time he contradicts himself:
Even his idea of changing the system from the inside sounds dubious:
More about him and his companions in using questionable narratives:
An influential segment of our “leaders” really seems to want us freezing and starving, don’t they?
I believe it is in Freddie Sayers Unheard interview with Kennedy yesterday that Kennedy says he is against geo-engineering. Also, in his own interviews, Kennedy interviews 'The Dimming documentary' guy Dane Wigington.