Premeditation Is Showing Over and Over Again: What's Up, Canada?
Arrive in Canada? Isn't it, rather, in the New World Order?
Some people are in agreement.
Premeditation has been proven a number of times
ModeRNA received a patent in 2015 for a “virus” that has never existed, except for its computer simulation. The US is one of the few countries, where “ideas” can be patented without providing a prototype or, in this case, a physical sample. It might make ModeRNA feel better to learn that no “virus” has ever been purified from a supposedly “infected” person, and attempts with volunteers were made to “infect” others failed completely and miserably. ModeRNA, though, although it has never produced anything else, also received a patent for its “vaccine” for the “virus” that exists only in its own computer simulation. Is that why McAffee was epsteined? After all, his program was for removing “viruses.” While that’s an option, the two patents ensured complete secrecy in the name of “intellectual property.” Strangely enough, the magic brew in the vials received green lights from the CDC in no time, and it proved only a little more fatal than its counterparts from other manufacturers, including the Russian and the Chinese concoctions. In China, for that matter, crematories are now backed up by weeks and relatives are given only a few minutes to bid farewell to the deceased after lining up for the cremation in a long line:
Russian sources report that the injected tend to have a MAC address, which is accessible through Bluetooth or similar technologies. Even the satellites are participating in the mass production of death and control, as you can read about it in one of the best articles currently on Substack:
The 2019 simulation of a “pandemic” by Bill Gates and his cronies is well-known by now, as is the simulation for the “monkey ‘virus’” a bit later. The inventor of the infamus PCR test, who emphasized that the test cannot be used for diagnosis, conveniently passed away in 2019, and the tortorous/humiliating/life-threatening test that contains at least two carcinogens and some graphene oxide is still used fraudulently, even for the culling of millions of poultry…
For those, who have doubts about graphene oxide, here is an excellent author on Substack:
For those, who fall for the mRNA red herring, here is my old article:
And for those, who need further explanation, here is the latest:
Intent to harm was already possible to prove in November, 2021:
Test runs for the CBDC and UBI (Universal Basic Income that you will receive in CBDC as long as you are docile) are being conducted all over the place, which is hardly an accident.
If you still doubt that this didn’t start yesterday, here are steps of enslaving the people from since the end of the “Civil War” that, ironically and officially, was about liberating slaves:
And compliance-training started with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 and during WW1 and, since then, it has only been expanded:
Canada is further paving the road to the technocrats’ hell
What you probably haven’t heard of is the case of the app that Canadians are expected to show upon re-entering Canada. Here is the official brochure:
As for the rest, my wife was kind enough to hunt down the following details from FB (which I do not use):
Standing strong and free for Canadians
Private group
From notifications
Carol Tarasoff shared a post.
12 h ·
ArriveCan App contract was months before covid
From FB group:
What's Up Canada?
Covid got here January of 2020, the prep work for the ArriveCan app started in August 2019.
How anyone can still believe that any of the Covid Catastrophe is a natural series of events is beyond me.
The fact that they are getting away with mass murder and crimes against humanity is utterly astonishing, their investments in propaganda, MSM and censorship have paid them trillions in profits and the witnesses are dying.
A pretty spectacular crime spree on behalf of government infiltrators if you ask me.

“For everyone who is asking how I know this contract was for the ArriveCAN app - it was included as disclosure from CBSA as a part of the ‘pre-existing contracts used as the basis for agreements to design, develop, and deploy the ArriveCAN.’ It was always in the works.”
Contract clarification by CBSA:
From the Twitter feed:
“Contractors working on the ArriveCAN application is a $4.5 million CBSA contract with Dalian/Coradix which was dated August 8, 2019
This contract keeps giving money to these companies amended and increased to almost $16.7 million.”
What is the connection between Dalian/CORADIX and the Federal government?
In LinkedIn, the following appears:
Dalian Enterprises Inc.
Military Grade Security Managed Cloud Protection
Here is Dalian’s website:
And here is CORADIX’s:
CORADIX Technology Consulting
Their website shows that most, if not all, of the government IT, data management related projects land with these companies. Their history goes back to 2014.
Who are they? What is the connection between these two companies and the government? Here are their assignments that, following the tradition of all “government” contracts in “democracies,” keep growing manifold AFTER they “win” the contract:
Wassup, Canada?
Canada, of course, has not been sitting idle during the plandemic. It imprisoned pastors who defied the edicts and locked down the churches, and it arrested the leader(s) of the truckers, while freezing the bank accounts of those, who supported the protests. It is still working on declaring you crazy, if you defy the lethal injections:
In the menwhile, the country has been importing foreign mercenaries, and you can probably guess, why:
While the narcissistic Turdeau went on vacation, using the taxpayer’s money, while people were locked into their places. He outlawed firearms that could be used for self-defense, while he doesn’t even dare to show his ugly face in public. For that matter, he is, again, enjoying another vacation these days, as if he had earned it.
There is an actually existing New World Order. Explicit and Implicate. Unfolded and unfolding. Mainly a Western Globalist skeleton with large and powerful nation states entering into binding trà,weaties. Since the first Report from the Club of Rome the great FEAR of ecological collapse has been sold as the glue binding the powers together. By the 21st century enough agreement had been reached for extermination of billions of humans as the least dangerous way to fully implement the plan. This train is gathering speed. Great Powers jockey for position in the horse race of total power. China seems to be the capstone for the arch. The Globalists see China as their continued experiment in creating a Hybrid Totalitarianism that has echoes in Brave New World Revisited and Brave New World.
I do know populations are resisting passively and this is not working. I also think the Globalist overachievers due to a fatal flaw of arrogance stepped too far. Totalitarian Earth can be accomplished. Populating it with synthetic neurolink man will fail badly.
It is global, Canada included in the package deal. We knew the NWO was in the works long before Bush mentioned it out loud. Then when Trudeau was outed as Castro's illegitimate son, we decided to watch to see how he would wrangle Canadians into the fold. The infiltration of virtually all key positions in governments, banking systems, private contractors, intelligence agencies, medical systems, voting systems, management in social services, and every other facet of people's daily lives had been accounted for to carry out their plan for world domination. Essentially, even cultural and language barriers in communications systems were compromised and controlled to make it more difficult for people around the world to share and discuss what was happening as they began the more obvious implementation of their plans. The only thing that they haven't accounted for is the Will of the good people everywhere to risk their lives and stand their ground to expose, resist, and stop this to preserve freedom for all mankind in the face of total enslavement by the NMO. Humanity hasn't forgotten what happened in Babylon; we do know how to communicate with one another. Hence, this mportant post. People can see behind the curtains to make these connections between government and private contractors. Follow the money. (remind me to share the secret motivations behind the UBI curtain soon).