I liked Mercola from way back there, he was a BIG funder of the campaign to stop GMO's. But after Covid, "they" got to him, I think they blackmailed him or threatened him somehow... who knows, but he ain't the same now... Good post, tho! Thanks!
Same here. Have been reading his stuff since he started his page, although I had serious reservations about his pushing pharmaceutical products and his articles often contradicted each other. Nevertheless, he made me think, which is what I would like to assist my readers with. Nobody has to agree, and civilized discussion is most welcome.
Around the time they threatened him (he published n article about it at the time), I was also banned from his sight for making a few comments about "viruses." Disqus banned me only after two days everywhere else. On Substack, 2nd and Eugyppius are the most memorable (both are shills) :)
I started listening to him waaaay back, like in early 20-teens. Can’t rememble exactly, but a long-time reader of his views… I was even attacked waaaaaay back there for “following” him… similar kind of cancel BS we see w/Crapvid. But I think he’s been “disciplined.” There is some reason to think that… Someone wrote about him being visited by big guys… I can’t remember the details, but it sounded pretty ominous.
To the medical jigsaw puzzle challenged: Think about this...if most drugs really worked to your benefit, you would use them for a while and be "fixed" or "repaired" health wise. You wouldn't need to use them again and again.
But if that was ever to happen, the medical community would be losing employees left and right...it would be shrinking because demand would be shrinking. A healthier population = less demand for health services.
What do we have instead? More useless drugs than ever, higher costs for less healthcare, richer health care workers, insurance companies who couldn't care less about costs and charges because it helps their profit margins and continuous expansion of the "non-health" care industry...or the medical mafia.
I agree. My mother was on a ton of meds and I kept telling her that all those pills will never cure her of anything, but instead make it worse so she would have to take even more. I was better off talking to the wall. They are Murder for Hire Professionals, not Medical Professionals. And by now, they KNOW what they are involved in. BTW - all those St. Jude commercials to donate more dollars to them make me sick. Those poor children!
Thanks, but I don't think she really cared and was too far gone, i.e. brainwashed. Most of my siblings have followed in her footsteps, and they wonder why they feel like such crap. I am done with trying to convince them, so really don't want to listen to their "woe is me" schtick either. I find people that I can spiritually connect with and thats good enough for me. There still is a lot of positives in such a negative world.
I so relate, and I agree with your conclusion. Your blurb about yourself on your ID page, or whatever it's called, sounds like a sister I don't have... You're welcome to my page/world anytime. ^_^
My brothers seem to have both become completely insane. They have destroyed our (small) family and, not ME, but my name, my reputation, and are actively trying to undermine me in any way they can. Hard to get work, now. And all sorts of other hell I won't go into. I can't even visit my elderly folks now... My mom turns 90 tomorrow. I've missed Mother's Day, Father's Day, and my one brother TELLS me he's lying to them about me... I mean, he LIES to them, it's not clear if he actually GETS that. He's really "out there" now...
Covid is part of this Wave of Evil that is washing over our beloved Earth. Those of us with the wherewithal to resist, will resist.
My mother actually destroyed the family (9 of us little Indians - too many for her to handle, but its what she wanted). She turned my father into a horribly mean and unhappy man. She twisted the brains of my siblings to hate me with lies and gossip because I am different. She tried hard to take me down, now the others think they will be successful. I was not invited to my nephews wedding because my youngest brother said I am an "idiot and moron". I have not seen or talked to him since 2016, so what brought that about? My oldest sister now has taken the mantra of being the "matriarch" of the family with more mean, cruel lies. These are people who profess to be "Catholic". Going to church once a week hasn't really done them any good, but thats on their souls. It is pretty much why I can't stand most Catholics - biggest hypocrites ever.
Sorry to hear of your situation. Can't your mother even try to call you? She cannot think objectively? I can guarantee that your brother will one day pay for what he's doing, in the worst way.
People are using the scamdemic as an excuse to let the evil in their souls take over, evil that has always been there. I am done with trying to convince blood relatives of anything that resembles sanity, or even talk about anything its so out of control. I travel to small towns here in Wisconsin and talk to strangers who are so open and kind. A totally refreshing uplift for me, and thats what I have to do to do survive.
I'll be your sister anytime, my friend. In spirit, I am sending hugs back to you. XOXO
Wow, that sounds so much like my family, it's freaky. But you know, people ARE nice to Not Family others! I've had friends who are always nice to ME, say terrible things to their family members... I guess we just take each other for granted? I don't know. I'm not perfect, but the ugliness of what my brothers do and have done in the past... well, for decades really, but seriously, heavily evil in the past two=three years. They've made it very difficult for me to find work, because they took me to court and lied their asses off (no evidence, but apparently that's not necessary!) They go to my folks' friends and utterly slander me. So hateful, so CRUEL. I want to just quit them, but I do want to at least say goodbye to my folks. My brother turned my dear dad against me. I'll never forgive him for that. We were always buds. My mother had her moments, that's for sure. I think when she realized I was trying to take care of her, she "got it" and started to trust me, but my brothers, who sound amazingly like your sibs, really went psycho, and I'm not just throwing that word around. But then, they ALL of them got jabbed, too. I think all that aluminum and mercury and graphene, all that nasty stuff... It's GOT to have an effect, and it's long been known about how that stuff unhinges the brain... Sigh.
Thanks for being my sister. I always wanted one. Glad I got YOU instead, LOL. And I've got some good buddies that read my page and we chat on the phone a bit. We could that. I'm in WA State, near Seattle. Anyway, cheers. xo xo
The surprising part is that many patients DEMAND "medications." The US is only one of two countries (I forget what the other is), where pharmaceuticals are allowed TV commercials...
This is a typical case of the condemned forced to pay for the rope used for the hanging. Beyond that, it fits into the whole picture of gradual democide.
to all people of good will ... let us put aside all our diferences religous ,political ,ethnic ,national and find ,search for common ground to unite ... we are strong together
There are a few logistical problems in "uniting," but the powerless can make little difference, anyhow: a million times zero is still zero... And the ones with power are profiting from the setup.
true its fancyfull but so is everything else ...therefore i send you out as sheep among wolves... someone said " ill believe when i see it... someone else replied " youl see it when you believe it... faith takes over where logic ends.... ie miricles happen .... " sinatra high hopes.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Buq40brGDTY
👉Cholesterol does not predict degree of atherosclerosis at autopsy
In 1936, Landé and Sperry noted that the degree of aortic atherosclerosis at autopsy of healthy individuals who had died violently, was independent on their blood cholesterol concentration analysed immediately after death.4 Their finding was confirmed by Mathur et al.5 and similar results were obtained by others.6–8 The objection that an analysis of cholesterol after death may not reflect its concentration during life was met by Mathur et al.5 who found that the cholesterol concentration was almost constant up to 16 h after death. Paterson et al.6 bypassed the problem by comparing the degree of atherosclerosis at death with the individuals’ cholesterol measured previously on several occasions. In all these studies, plots of blood cholesterol concentrations vs. the lipid content of the aorta or the coronary arteries were widely scattered.
More recent autopsy studies have found weak or inconsistent correlations between LDL‐cholesterol or total cholesterol and various measures of atherosclerosis.9 For instance, the most severe degree of atherosclerosis was found mainly in individuals with extremely high cholesterol, whereas small differences were seen in the rest.10 A correlation was found in White men, but not in Black men,11 in men but not in women,12 in individuals below, but not above age 80 years,13 and in the coronary arteries, but not in the thoracic or abdominal aorta.14
The weak and unpredictable correlations probably reflect bias, because most of the studies were performed on selected individuals. In such large projects, the main object of which was to study risk factors for cardiovascular disease, individuals with such diseases, or with high cholesterol, were preferred for post‐mortem examination,10–15 which means that the proportion of individuals with familial hypercholesterolaemia must have been much larger than in the general population. As such patients have very high cholesterol and are more prone to vascular changes, their inclusion automatically creates a correlation between degree of atherosclerosis and LDL or total cholesterol. Accordingly, it is obvious from a figure in a preliminary report that the correlation disappears if individuals with total cholesterol >350 mg/ml (9 mmol/l) are excluded.16 It is questionable if the vascular changes seen in familial hypercholesterolaemia are synonymous with atherosclerosis.17,18 Therefore, to prove that the concentration of LDL‐cholesterol has importance in the general population, it is necessary to exclude individuals with familial hypercholesterolaemia.
👉Cholesterol does not correlate with degree of coronary atherosclerosis on angiography
A correlation between the pathological findings seen on coronary angiography and cholesterol has been found in many studies.19 However, the correlation coefficients in these studies were never >0.36 and often much smaller; in some studies no correlation was found.20–23 When present, the correlation found may have been due to bias by the process mentioned above, because coronary angiography is mainly performed on patients with symptomatic coronary disease, and more often on middle‐aged and younger patients. The correlation disappeared in one study after exclusion of patients treated with lipid‐lowering drugs.24
👉Cholesterol does not correlate with degree of coronary calcification
In contrast to conventional angiography, electron beam angiography detects coronary plaques independent of their location in the vessel wall, but only calcified plaques. Degree of coronary calcification seems a good surrogate for degree of coronary atherosclerosis, because it correlates strongly with total plaque volume and obstructive coronary disease, and is a powerful predictor of clinical outcome. Nonetheless, degree of coronary calcification did not correlate with any lipid fraction in the blood.25
👉Cholesterol does not correlate with degree of peripheral atherosclerosis
Many studies have found an association between LDL‐ or total cholesterol and peripheral atherosclerosis, depicted by angiography or ultrasonography, but only in dichotomous analyses, and again, differences have been found mainly between individuals with very high cholesterol concentrations and the rest. In ultrasonographic studies, where degree of carotic atherosclerosis was graded as a continuous variable, no correlation was found with individual LDL‐cholesterol concentrations.26,27 In similar studies using aortic28 and femoral29 angiography, no correlation was found either. Mean femoral intima‐media thickness was evaluated by ultrasonography in patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia and in control individuals with normal cholesterol. Using all observations, a correlation was found (r=0.41), but from a visual judgement of the scatterplot, within each group no clear correlation was present.30
I believe it was Dr Malcolm Kendrick who said that 5,000 people would need to take statins every day for 5 years to save one life. It was something like that. In other words the benefits are astoundingly hard to come by.
I would say that original Chinese acupuncture actually addresses the "data paths" in the body, and it is able to numb pain or stimulate the transmission.
My BS like all Type 2's yoyo's with what I eat. I use Humalog, I can thank Robert Yoho for the Metformin warning. The other pills had too many side effects. My 'cheat' if my BS is around 80 at night is half a teaspoon of honey, which I get from my Internist, a Master Bee Keeper. If it is at 60 it is 1 teaspoon, which ensures I don't drop lower. In the morning I'm at 100-120.
Do you think there is a chance to slowly wake up the body to make enough insulin? Out of what I've read, the "Metformin-stage" is sometimes reversible, but I am nobody to tell anyone what to do.
I am concerned that many "symptoms" we suffer in the West are actually caused by EMF's... And yet they're symptoms of "diseases" too, so there is a lot of drug use that really doesn't "cure" a damn thing...
I used to enjoy Katherine Watt's legal analyses, but unsubscribed, because she mixes religion into scientific arguments and "trusts" too many "authors" I do not, "Sage" being one of them.
Legalizing in an illegal system is mere distraction, and using religion as a lure is intellectually dishonest. I don't have the patience to read the most popular authors, because the lies stick out too much and hurt my brain. :)
I find that the pages with the "most popular authors" tend to be FULL of trolls, jerks, and idiots. LOL Like nasty little flies to the honey. *rolling eyes*
besides physical injury ,deficiency, bad dentistry , elecrtopollution ,radiation and pshycosomatic stuff,,,, most other causes of illness are .... e4ndrocrine disruptor chemicals ie pesticides and all other chemical in food , pharmaceuticals ,water ,air,paints , asbestos in brake pads ,exaust chemical factories household chemicals, air freshners washing powders.... etc
That kind of reminds me of the scene from "The Life of Brian," when the zealots are discussing what they had received from the Romans (I don't care for the movie, but this scene is ingenious):
Ray my friend your analysis is well done and your work has enabled well founded skeptical reception of "Personality Medical Science" whose practice seems based more on technique of selling than healing. Which is quite understandable in this actually existing culture lacking God and knowing only the Gospel of Mammon that the grave is your destination and never more. I can quite understand the partition Dr. Mercola has betwixt knowledge transmission and doing so for a fee. No money made by urging all to be autodidacts like you and I and many others. However autodidacts are a critical 1% Donkeys laden with degrees and experience who may be 15% of the paid thinking class are in the end donkeys laden with books and sometimes much money by professionalizing.
I don't blame Mercola for being protective for himself and everyone he loves (it's been the standard to threaten both for several decades, if not forever, but to me, the US looks like is the "true leader" in that habit). I've been contemplating over the same situation, and I would not give in: it is THEY who are the killers, my hands are clean, and they can kill me for all I care, too. That decision, of course, needs the recognition that not much else can be lost, which is still too much for most people.
While I can think outside the box (never been able to get inside it, even when I tried hard), and as I joke about it, sometimes I have a 360 IQ, in many cases, I make basic mistakes, so I am nobody to follow (am I just being human?). When I was young, we used to tease each other with my buddies,
"Are you an autodidact?"
"Have you become so stupid on your own?" :)
And yes, I am aware of the value of my two "doctoral degrees," and it embarrasses me that many people are using the title. In my understanding, I have to prove myself with every single move I make.
Given the recent performance of all of the US (and most global) institutions of higher learning, I would be embarrassed to get a PhD today from Yale (my alma mater), or any of the universities I've been associated with during my four decades in academia. They've all been taken over by Marxists, first slowly, and then completely in the Covid years of wokeness. If any of us get out of the scamdemics alive, universities will need to be gutted and rebuilt.
With Critical Race Theory, the situation became surreal. The muzzle and injection mandates only showed who rules the land, which is especially embarrassing in the presidency and in the Armed Forces.
Exit PRINCE HENRY FALSTAFF ‘Tis not due yet; I would be loath to pay him before his day. What need I be so forward with him that calls not on me? Well, ’tis no matter; honour pricks me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on? how then? Can honour set to a leg? no: or an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no. Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? no. What is honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? he that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no. Doth he hear it? no. ‘Tis insensible, then. Yea, to the dead. But will it not live with the living? no. Why? detraction will not suffer it. Therefore I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon: and so ends my catechism.
Very interesting post!
I liked Mercola from way back there, he was a BIG funder of the campaign to stop GMO's. But after Covid, "they" got to him, I think they blackmailed him or threatened him somehow... who knows, but he ain't the same now... Good post, tho! Thanks!
Same here. Have been reading his stuff since he started his page, although I had serious reservations about his pushing pharmaceutical products and his articles often contradicted each other. Nevertheless, he made me think, which is what I would like to assist my readers with. Nobody has to agree, and civilized discussion is most welcome.
Around the time they threatened him (he published n article about it at the time), I was also banned from his sight for making a few comments about "viruses." Disqus banned me only after two days everywhere else. On Substack, 2nd and Eugyppius are the most memorable (both are shills) :)
I started listening to him waaaay back, like in early 20-teens. Can’t rememble exactly, but a long-time reader of his views… I was even attacked waaaaaay back there for “following” him… similar kind of cancel BS we see w/Crapvid. But I think he’s been “disciplined.” There is some reason to think that… Someone wrote about him being visited by big guys… I can’t remember the details, but it sounded pretty ominous.
To the medical jigsaw puzzle challenged: Think about this...if most drugs really worked to your benefit, you would use them for a while and be "fixed" or "repaired" health wise. You wouldn't need to use them again and again.
But if that was ever to happen, the medical community would be losing employees left and right...it would be shrinking because demand would be shrinking. A healthier population = less demand for health services.
What do we have instead? More useless drugs than ever, higher costs for less healthcare, richer health care workers, insurance companies who couldn't care less about costs and charges because it helps their profit margins and continuous expansion of the "non-health" care industry...or the medical mafia.
I agree. My mother was on a ton of meds and I kept telling her that all those pills will never cure her of anything, but instead make it worse so she would have to take even more. I was better off talking to the wall. They are Murder for Hire Professionals, not Medical Professionals. And by now, they KNOW what they are involved in. BTW - all those St. Jude commercials to donate more dollars to them make me sick. Those poor children!
Sorry about your mum, too. xo
Thanks, but I don't think she really cared and was too far gone, i.e. brainwashed. Most of my siblings have followed in her footsteps, and they wonder why they feel like such crap. I am done with trying to convince them, so really don't want to listen to their "woe is me" schtick either. I find people that I can spiritually connect with and thats good enough for me. There still is a lot of positives in such a negative world.
I so relate, and I agree with your conclusion. Your blurb about yourself on your ID page, or whatever it's called, sounds like a sister I don't have... You're welcome to my page/world anytime. ^_^
My brothers seem to have both become completely insane. They have destroyed our (small) family and, not ME, but my name, my reputation, and are actively trying to undermine me in any way they can. Hard to get work, now. And all sorts of other hell I won't go into. I can't even visit my elderly folks now... My mom turns 90 tomorrow. I've missed Mother's Day, Father's Day, and my one brother TELLS me he's lying to them about me... I mean, he LIES to them, it's not clear if he actually GETS that. He's really "out there" now...
Covid is part of this Wave of Evil that is washing over our beloved Earth. Those of us with the wherewithal to resist, will resist.
Hugs, and good luck, my sister "over yonder." xo
My mother actually destroyed the family (9 of us little Indians - too many for her to handle, but its what she wanted). She turned my father into a horribly mean and unhappy man. She twisted the brains of my siblings to hate me with lies and gossip because I am different. She tried hard to take me down, now the others think they will be successful. I was not invited to my nephews wedding because my youngest brother said I am an "idiot and moron". I have not seen or talked to him since 2016, so what brought that about? My oldest sister now has taken the mantra of being the "matriarch" of the family with more mean, cruel lies. These are people who profess to be "Catholic". Going to church once a week hasn't really done them any good, but thats on their souls. It is pretty much why I can't stand most Catholics - biggest hypocrites ever.
Sorry to hear of your situation. Can't your mother even try to call you? She cannot think objectively? I can guarantee that your brother will one day pay for what he's doing, in the worst way.
People are using the scamdemic as an excuse to let the evil in their souls take over, evil that has always been there. I am done with trying to convince blood relatives of anything that resembles sanity, or even talk about anything its so out of control. I travel to small towns here in Wisconsin and talk to strangers who are so open and kind. A totally refreshing uplift for me, and thats what I have to do to do survive.
I'll be your sister anytime, my friend. In spirit, I am sending hugs back to you. XOXO
Wow, that sounds so much like my family, it's freaky. But you know, people ARE nice to Not Family others! I've had friends who are always nice to ME, say terrible things to their family members... I guess we just take each other for granted? I don't know. I'm not perfect, but the ugliness of what my brothers do and have done in the past... well, for decades really, but seriously, heavily evil in the past two=three years. They've made it very difficult for me to find work, because they took me to court and lied their asses off (no evidence, but apparently that's not necessary!) They go to my folks' friends and utterly slander me. So hateful, so CRUEL. I want to just quit them, but I do want to at least say goodbye to my folks. My brother turned my dear dad against me. I'll never forgive him for that. We were always buds. My mother had her moments, that's for sure. I think when she realized I was trying to take care of her, she "got it" and started to trust me, but my brothers, who sound amazingly like your sibs, really went psycho, and I'm not just throwing that word around. But then, they ALL of them got jabbed, too. I think all that aluminum and mercury and graphene, all that nasty stuff... It's GOT to have an effect, and it's long been known about how that stuff unhinges the brain... Sigh.
Thanks for being my sister. I always wanted one. Glad I got YOU instead, LOL. And I've got some good buddies that read my page and we chat on the phone a bit. We could that. I'm in WA State, near Seattle. Anyway, cheers. xo xo
Sorry about your mum.
Yes, they are hired killers:
And yes, both the commercials AND the poor cashiers' collecting are gross...
The surprising part is that many patients DEMAND "medications." The US is only one of two countries (I forget what the other is), where pharmaceuticals are allowed TV commercials...
This is a typical case of the condemned forced to pay for the rope used for the hanging. Beyond that, it fits into the whole picture of gradual democide.
They demand 'em because they want to heal. They donut understand the evil system.
to all people of good will ... let us put aside all our diferences religous ,political ,ethnic ,national and find ,search for common ground to unite ... we are strong together
Yes! I'm in.
There are a few logistical problems in "uniting," but the powerless can make little difference, anyhow: a million times zero is still zero... And the ones with power are profiting from the setup.
true its fancyfull but so is everything else ...therefore i send you out as sheep among wolves... someone said " ill believe when i see it... someone else replied " youl see it when you believe it... faith takes over where logic ends.... ie miricles happen .... " sinatra high hopes.....https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Buq40brGDTY
To all the statin junkies out there:
U. Ravnskov QJM: An International Journal of Medicine, Volume 95, Issue 6, June 2002, Pages 397–403, https://doi.org/10.1093/qjmed/95.6.397
Published: 01 June 2002 https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/95/6/397/1559536?login=false
👉Cholesterol does not predict degree of atherosclerosis at autopsy
In 1936, Landé and Sperry noted that the degree of aortic atherosclerosis at autopsy of healthy individuals who had died violently, was independent on their blood cholesterol concentration analysed immediately after death.4 Their finding was confirmed by Mathur et al.5 and similar results were obtained by others.6–8 The objection that an analysis of cholesterol after death may not reflect its concentration during life was met by Mathur et al.5 who found that the cholesterol concentration was almost constant up to 16 h after death. Paterson et al.6 bypassed the problem by comparing the degree of atherosclerosis at death with the individuals’ cholesterol measured previously on several occasions. In all these studies, plots of blood cholesterol concentrations vs. the lipid content of the aorta or the coronary arteries were widely scattered.
More recent autopsy studies have found weak or inconsistent correlations between LDL‐cholesterol or total cholesterol and various measures of atherosclerosis.9 For instance, the most severe degree of atherosclerosis was found mainly in individuals with extremely high cholesterol, whereas small differences were seen in the rest.10 A correlation was found in White men, but not in Black men,11 in men but not in women,12 in individuals below, but not above age 80 years,13 and in the coronary arteries, but not in the thoracic or abdominal aorta.14
The weak and unpredictable correlations probably reflect bias, because most of the studies were performed on selected individuals. In such large projects, the main object of which was to study risk factors for cardiovascular disease, individuals with such diseases, or with high cholesterol, were preferred for post‐mortem examination,10–15 which means that the proportion of individuals with familial hypercholesterolaemia must have been much larger than in the general population. As such patients have very high cholesterol and are more prone to vascular changes, their inclusion automatically creates a correlation between degree of atherosclerosis and LDL or total cholesterol. Accordingly, it is obvious from a figure in a preliminary report that the correlation disappears if individuals with total cholesterol >350 mg/ml (9 mmol/l) are excluded.16 It is questionable if the vascular changes seen in familial hypercholesterolaemia are synonymous with atherosclerosis.17,18 Therefore, to prove that the concentration of LDL‐cholesterol has importance in the general population, it is necessary to exclude individuals with familial hypercholesterolaemia.
👉Cholesterol does not correlate with degree of coronary atherosclerosis on angiography
A correlation between the pathological findings seen on coronary angiography and cholesterol has been found in many studies.19 However, the correlation coefficients in these studies were never >0.36 and often much smaller; in some studies no correlation was found.20–23 When present, the correlation found may have been due to bias by the process mentioned above, because coronary angiography is mainly performed on patients with symptomatic coronary disease, and more often on middle‐aged and younger patients. The correlation disappeared in one study after exclusion of patients treated with lipid‐lowering drugs.24
👉Cholesterol does not correlate with degree of coronary calcification
In contrast to conventional angiography, electron beam angiography detects coronary plaques independent of their location in the vessel wall, but only calcified plaques. Degree of coronary calcification seems a good surrogate for degree of coronary atherosclerosis, because it correlates strongly with total plaque volume and obstructive coronary disease, and is a powerful predictor of clinical outcome. Nonetheless, degree of coronary calcification did not correlate with any lipid fraction in the blood.25
👉Cholesterol does not correlate with degree of peripheral atherosclerosis
Many studies have found an association between LDL‐ or total cholesterol and peripheral atherosclerosis, depicted by angiography or ultrasonography, but only in dichotomous analyses, and again, differences have been found mainly between individuals with very high cholesterol concentrations and the rest. In ultrasonographic studies, where degree of carotic atherosclerosis was graded as a continuous variable, no correlation was found with individual LDL‐cholesterol concentrations.26,27 In similar studies using aortic28 and femoral29 angiography, no correlation was found either. Mean femoral intima‐media thickness was evaluated by ultrasonography in patients with familial hypercholesterolaemia and in control individuals with normal cholesterol. Using all observations, a correlation was found (r=0.41), but from a visual judgement of the scatterplot, within each group no clear correlation was present.30
I believe it was Dr Malcolm Kendrick who said that 5,000 people would need to take statins every day for 5 years to save one life. It was something like that. In other words the benefits are astoundingly hard to come by.
Statins eat the brain lipids (fats), which causes DEMENTIA.
And the good "doctor" generously forgot to mention that statins actually INCREASE the risks of a stroke or a heart attack...
All this would make a great article, too!
Healing is (Voltage), sounds a bell to You !!!!!! by Dr Jerry Tennant
I would say that original Chinese acupuncture actually addresses the "data paths" in the body, and it is able to numb pain or stimulate the transmission.
My BS like all Type 2's yoyo's with what I eat. I use Humalog, I can thank Robert Yoho for the Metformin warning. The other pills had too many side effects. My 'cheat' if my BS is around 80 at night is half a teaspoon of honey, which I get from my Internist, a Master Bee Keeper. If it is at 60 it is 1 teaspoon, which ensures I don't drop lower. In the morning I'm at 100-120.
Do you think there is a chance to slowly wake up the body to make enough insulin? Out of what I've read, the "Metformin-stage" is sometimes reversible, but I am nobody to tell anyone what to do.
I am concerned that many "symptoms" we suffer in the West are actually caused by EMF's... And yet they're symptoms of "diseases" too, so there is a lot of drug use that really doesn't "cure" a damn thing...
I used to enjoy Katherine Watt's legal analyses, but unsubscribed, because she mixes religion into scientific arguments and "trusts" too many "authors" I do not, "Sage" being one of them.
Here is my last exchange with Watt:
I had a very similar experience of the two... CO?
Legalizing in an illegal system is mere distraction, and using religion as a lure is intellectually dishonest. I don't have the patience to read the most popular authors, because the lies stick out too much and hurt my brain. :)
I find that the pages with the "most popular authors" tend to be FULL of trolls, jerks, and idiots. LOL Like nasty little flies to the honey. *rolling eyes*
besides physical injury ,deficiency, bad dentistry , elecrtopollution ,radiation and pshycosomatic stuff,,,, most other causes of illness are .... e4ndrocrine disruptor chemicals ie pesticides and all other chemical in food , pharmaceuticals ,water ,air,paints , asbestos in brake pads ,exaust chemical factories household chemicals, air freshners washing powders.... etc
That kind of reminds me of the scene from "The Life of Brian," when the zealots are discussing what they had received from the Romans (I don't care for the movie, but this scene is ingenious):
Ray my friend your analysis is well done and your work has enabled well founded skeptical reception of "Personality Medical Science" whose practice seems based more on technique of selling than healing. Which is quite understandable in this actually existing culture lacking God and knowing only the Gospel of Mammon that the grave is your destination and never more. I can quite understand the partition Dr. Mercola has betwixt knowledge transmission and doing so for a fee. No money made by urging all to be autodidacts like you and I and many others. However autodidacts are a critical 1% Donkeys laden with degrees and experience who may be 15% of the paid thinking class are in the end donkeys laden with books and sometimes much money by professionalizing.
Thank you kindly.
I don't blame Mercola for being protective for himself and everyone he loves (it's been the standard to threaten both for several decades, if not forever, but to me, the US looks like is the "true leader" in that habit). I've been contemplating over the same situation, and I would not give in: it is THEY who are the killers, my hands are clean, and they can kill me for all I care, too. That decision, of course, needs the recognition that not much else can be lost, which is still too much for most people.
While I can think outside the box (never been able to get inside it, even when I tried hard), and as I joke about it, sometimes I have a 360 IQ, in many cases, I make basic mistakes, so I am nobody to follow (am I just being human?). When I was young, we used to tease each other with my buddies,
"Are you an autodidact?"
"Have you become so stupid on your own?" :)
And yes, I am aware of the value of my two "doctoral degrees," and it embarrasses me that many people are using the title. In my understanding, I have to prove myself with every single move I make.
Well, you'd better prove you have those degrees, young man...
haaa ha ha harf! just kiddies. ;)
Given the recent performance of all of the US (and most global) institutions of higher learning, I would be embarrassed to get a PhD today from Yale (my alma mater), or any of the universities I've been associated with during my four decades in academia. They've all been taken over by Marxists, first slowly, and then completely in the Covid years of wokeness. If any of us get out of the scamdemics alive, universities will need to be gutted and rebuilt.
In my time, rabid feminism and the rainbow propaganda ruled:
With Critical Race Theory, the situation became surreal. The muzzle and injection mandates only showed who rules the land, which is especially embarrassing in the presidency and in the Armed Forces.
No Falstaff thou Ray. :)
PRINCE HENRY Why, thou owest God a death.
Exit PRINCE HENRY FALSTAFF ‘Tis not due yet; I would be loath to pay him before his day. What need I be so forward with him that calls not on me? Well, ’tis no matter; honour pricks me on. Yea, but how if honour prick me off when I come on? how then? Can honour set to a leg? no: or an arm? no: or take away the grief of a wound? no. Honour hath no skill in surgery, then? no. What is honour? a word. What is in that word honour? what is that honour? air. A trim reckoning! Who hath it? he that died o’ Wednesday. Doth he feel it? no. Doth he hear it? no. ‘Tis insensible, then. Yea, to the dead. But will it not live with the living? no. Why? detraction will not suffer it. Therefore I’ll none of it. Honour is a mere scutcheon: and so ends my catechism.