Jul 8Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I can think of a few popular personalities here on SS that are suspect as well...

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All authors with "thousands and thousands of paid subscribers" are under suspicion. Or is that only another dial on the machine measuring the stupidity index?


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The first question is:

# 1. Should the direct election of US Senators be returned to the States Legislatures?

a. Yes

b. No

c. Not sure

# 2. Who gets to vote in the: general election?

a. citizens only - Yes No

b. natural born citizens only - Yes No

c. naturalized citizens (legal immigrants) - Yes No

d. legal immigrants not yet naturalized - Yes No

e. anyone with a drivers license – Yes - No

# 2.1 Ages of Voter

f. minimum18 years

g. minimum 21 years

h. minimum 25 years

i. minimum 30 years

# 2.2 Sex of Voter

a. Male – Yes - No

b. Female – Yes - No

c. Non – Binanry - Yes - No

d. Transgender - Yes - No

# 2.3 Competence of Voter

e. property owners net value over $50,000 - Yes - No

f. property owners net value over $250,000 - Yes - No

g. have paid a minimum of $5000 per year of tax combined jurisdictions (school district, county, city, state, federal) - Yes - No

h. those receiving welfare / food stamps – Yes - No

i. tax exempt persons – Yes - No

j. those with unpaid child support obligations - Yes - No

k. those receiving WIC – Yes - No

l. those receiving Section 8 – Yes - No

m. those working for government bureaucracies – Yes - No

# 2.4 Genetic presence of Voter

a. Male without children – Yes - No

b. Male with children plural vote – Yes - No

c. Female with children plural vote – Yes - No

d. Female without children – Yes - No

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And your point is? How is this related to the article?

Of course, this can be a joke, but I'm not in the mood. Sorry.

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I am engaged in an effort to improve the method of our current government. I am using the comment section of your writing as a platform to insert my efforts to steer the imaginations of those who come this way.

It is not a joke.

Do you want me to leave?

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If you have such ambition, you might as well start up your own stack. I would help you, if you need that.

On my part, it doesn't look like the current system is salvageable:


Changes can happen only if those in power believe that it's good for THEM.

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Uhh, I have been told by people really in the know that America is going to be completely destroyed. In a certain sense it already has but that *we have not seen anything yet, make your plans accordingly*.

There is no where for me to run and no where to hide.

I plan to do what I can to raise consciousness among those I can intersect with who also have an interest in a better world - even though it is probably wasted effort. And nothing will come of it as the war has already been lost.

I guess I could go fishing but I believe that would not be interesting for me at this time.

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My info from "high-up" also confirms what they told you, but I am not using hearsay, only conjecturing from actual and preferably cautiously-evaluated data.

Hardly anyone can run or hide. The enablers and the enforcers are living in a dream: once they finish their dirty work, they will also be lined up at the slaughterhouse.

I highly respect your interest in a better world, but my major problem with reincarnation, for one, is that in my opinion, people would remain just as fragile and fallible as they are now even if they were reborn a million times.

Doing one's best (which usually sucks in my case, too) is all one can do.

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In all honesty I have seen a couple of improvements, recently, at least in the areas I frequent.

In a few years past I have actually gotten one piece of legislation passed and a water saving criteria for clothes washing appliances altered in my favor.

I also got a letter from a former XXX director telling me that he thought that allowing regular people to vote on paragraphs of legislation was a bad idea.

I have a general idea of what I am doing and how I go about it.

If my bs is too extreme for your liking I will go away. Call the shot.

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The "Two steps ahead, one step backwards" is a common strategy:


So is the bait-and-switch:


Limited hangouts are so common that I don't even care to mention them much anymore.

Your idea is incompatible with my contents, but if you can link it to the actual article, I don't mind it.

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I will fade out.

Good luck.

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The biggest snake oil salesmen are those asking for campaign contributions. I am sick of seeing BHO asking for "just $5 can make a difference". Really? Why not sell one of your mansions, you POS? How many homes can you live in at once, especially after seeing all these homeless people living on the streets which you care nothing about? I've left a message on Rumble for DJT to sell his Mar-A-Lago home if he's that desperate for cash. None of these people have done a whip of anything for us except bilk us out of billions of tax dollars. Crash and burn, America. Voting for the lesser of two evils won't get you out of this mess. All these alphabet soup agencies gotta go.

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and then there were the RAT results aye :)

your comment about the bottom feeders is somewhere between highly offensive and hilarious , depending on what kind of bottom you consider...

I don't know , are 30% of Peoples just plain hypnotised or overtaken completely by some parasitic entity...frequencies alone achieve that kind of damage...

on a personal level I can gladly announce that The Peoples , quite obviously the MAJORITY have caught on to the corrupt papal decree of 1666 , "I own everything and everybody"...


All the compounded knowledge coming together at this very time of our Beings alive makes for the most exhilarating exiting times we would have never dreamed of - we will collectively push satanism back to where it came from - The Void - and our children will grow to understand the difference between Community and Communism - Good Riddance

some snowflake sheila (unless it was some fucked up bot) called 55 years of smashed hopes ,pain and agony suffered "big man routine' , f... her

reach out , unite , let what you know as Truth be known as the Truth , we will prevail...

AI (if you exist) will be on our side !!!


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Indeed, AI is astonishingly well-programmed these days as articles on the Jeff Rense site mentioning this phenomenon reveal, film directors just put a penny in the slot and AI will generate countless plots and sub-plots, write and play the movie music and green screen in any moving background and even the often replicated actors they want for any Hollywood historical or SF movie scene instantaneously, with all that being able to be sub-edited again at will by any further prompting, and the AI can be programmed to offer many different versions of everything for the human editor to choose from for the final cut. This reminds me again of George Orwell's '1984' where a machine is engaged to write the current popular songs.

Software programs are being advertised for sale that will write entire novels or books on any subject the purchaser desires. I do have to wonder when the UK government says IT is worried that 'right wing terrorists' might use AI to generate 'political propaganda spam' (a classic case of projection by the you-know who's in power).

By strange cohencidence literally around 98% of anything at all that I write these days on any subject at all is automatically marked as spam these days anywhere off Substack.

And I do have to wonder about the real origin of some of the time-wasting contrary and 'ignorant' comments I keep receiving from some visitors to my site that seem deliberately calculated to waste my time by obliging me to respond to them, but thankfully, most visitors seem to be actually human.

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All of us are being marketed to death.

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