Sep 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thank you for the great link! In only 14 minutes, it confirms what I had to figure out on my own... (I started watching and after 3 minutes, I realized it was well worth my time.) For the heck of it, the NASA document doesn't mention orchestrated UFO attacks, although they also seem to be in the plans. :)

The central site also looks promising:


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Thank you! I have researched plenty of subs for many years (40+). Once in a while I stumble across some serious horse shite - (generally speaking, this happens in the paddock). Have fun with the new rabbit holes. I know I get enamored, rarely lost.

Also, there is another possibility of our demise, them, those, they cannot take credit for, nor own the world and it's people. Later on in the day, I shall send the link.

Blessings ~

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6

Your opinion of Dr. Mihalcea is not my opinion. I think you are misinterpreting her two Substack articles about checking the results of nicotine to see if it is at all like what La Quinta Columba’s claimed. She agrees it doesn’t stop nano bots, hydrogels, white rubbery clots, etc. And she says her patients who come to her while having used only nicotine patches, or smoking, still have all that stuff contaminating their blood and nicotine didn’t stop it.

But…she says the results of her microscopy using just nicotine shows what La Quinta Columba said that what using nicotine (only nicotine, without using other things along with it) does is it interferes with the development of Nanoantennas and Microchip growth (I think might be hard to hook us up to the cloud for control?). And she says but you can’t use nicotine alone, but have to use other things, EDTA etc. to stop the micro and nano bots, hydrogels, white rubbery clots, etc. and all the other crap seen in the blood, as it takes several things to stop this travesty.

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And do I think she's a freemason......no not all, but i do like to joke of our cgi globe the NASA freemasons have given us.

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It doesn't matter what you or I think. The symbolism is there, and it would be mighty unusual of someone with her intelligence not to realize it. Anyway, what matters is what she does.

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Sep 6Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My point was only she should have done the experiment before she posted la quinta columbas findings. It actually created a ripple and everyone is diving for nicotine patches ( which are probably contaminated liked erything else )

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They probably are contaminated, supposedly with graphene oxide. I personally don’t like nicotine, tried 2mg nicotine gum the brand recommended by Dr. Ardis, for a couple of months. Felt sick/woozy/ tired much of the time. Found out my blood pressure was in the 180s, dangerous could cause stroke. I stopped the gum, it took a few weeks for my pressure to again be normal in low 130s and 120s. I think there are other things that work to do what nicotine does. I don’t do chemicals, except once a month ‘short bag’ EDTA from my Naturopath dr, $80 each. I prefer taking Humic and Fulvic acid, and Essential Oils Oregano and/or ‘Thieves Oil’ every day a few drops in coconut oil topically.

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My impression is that she was probing the readership... It happens all the time...

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It is YOUR job to make up your own mind. You'll NEVER have to agree with me, but after you make your decision, you won't be able to blame anyone else for it, which is my objective here.

Mihalcea is still a "virus" pusher, and she never responded to my call for decompartmentalizing her "research." Please, read up on the subject in my stack.

She charges $1k a pop for a treatment that might do nothing more than transfer the crap from the blood to the neural system (she also maintains the "treatment" must be repeated):


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Thanks, but so far my decisions seem okay, live blood analysis good, routine blood test results good, no health issues or meds and I’m old. Learned a lot, changed a lot of things in the last year or two. It is good to keep reading different sites to hear different opinions. Even when some things seem at odds, there are still others one might learn about.

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Disappointing to think Mercola may have succumbed to the intense pressure he and his company were under due to his stance on convid. Some believe his new spirituality guru is cause for pause.

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Mercola actually announced about three years ago that he and his family received mortal threats and he was resigning to the extent that his publications would be available only for a couple of days. After that, "his" publications were also highly compromised. "He" also banned me from his site after eight years of membership (well, I didn't exactly buy from "him," and his publications often followed the book my friend and I completed in 2012, sometimes by years) after I politely questioned his dedication to Germ Theory and the idea of viral transmission...

So, the "guru" might not be anyone than "his" handler...

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Yeah, so she decide to actually do the experiment 🤯

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In her videos (I don't watch videos), she is allegedly surrounded by Masonic symbols... Masons seem to have infiltrated just about all global organizations after 1859. The blue color still seems to hold more meaning than I could ever imagine:


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Sep 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You meant that big masonic globe on everyshow 😂

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What big Masonic globe on her show? I’ve never seen that on her shows. I just looked through a few but didn’t see any of that. Can you send a link to one of her shows that has that?

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Floor and ceiling tiles, perhaps the signs on the wall; sorry, I've never seen any. It would be too upsetting for me. :)

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I’ve come to realize these resets happen periodically throughout human history. It was a time tested strategy for the gods of earth to maintain their monopoly on power and energy. And the priests go along and execute. Sometimes resets work better than others and this one is only “great” because, in their hubris, they think they have the tools to perfect it. But in past resets, although some of humanity survived the ensuing chaos, the priest and gods of earth eventual succumbed defaulting to eternal gods of the sky and only what was written in stone or the minds of the survivors to be corrupted by the passage of time. The human animal, the scribes of stone, and the gods of the aether were in the end, the only ones eternal. And it will be so again. The best of the species will move forward. To my mind, it’s trying to figure out what the best of the species is. What is useful vs irrelevant.

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Sep 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thank you Ray Horvath!

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It's my honor. :)

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Sep 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thank you for your work! Attempting to help us keep all of this straight

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Thank you for your kindness. It's a bit complicated, but not if once one knows what they want. :)

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Sep 5Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

A lot from Mercola is reprinted from elsewhere. Anytime I make a comment, even a decent one, I am put in temporary hock by the A/I thugs. I was reading a lot of Mihalcea's stuff but it just got too crazy and intense. It's difficult to wrap your head around this stuff as true as it might be.

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Can you explain A/I thugs? I also posted a question on Mercola's site which was rather innocuous. Upon trying to get in later it said I wasn't blocked but I needed to delete my cookies, which I did. Still days later, can't get in. I went in on another computer (not under my username) and had no trouble - looked for my comment and it was gone. So not sure what to think....

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Most of it is not based on facts, and you have been reading me long enough to know that you are the best judge of what you accept, based on what you think to begin with...

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I posted at Dr Ana: what science and procedure was used at LaQ

And, did she replicate?

She can be emotional and is running to fast towards conclusions.

She is over the target.

I’ll say this for the record: She ain’t seeing nano w/o electron scope…

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