Thank you for your service?
Around 2002, I remember an article in USA Today (the media was bought up and centralized “only” around 2012) that said about the distribution of income among workers in the US (please, notice that at that time, the 100% was still a lot higher in terms of purchasing power than today, and my figures are from memory, so they might be a little, but not significantly, off):
Federal workers: about 273% of the national average;
State workers: about 220%;
Local government: about 186%;
Corporate employees: 150%.
If you can find the source, please, post it; I couldn’t.
Anyway, I have never envied federal workers for their income (only morons do that, which would drag everyone else down into the gutter), only stated that the average worker who pays for their salaries through his/her taxes would also be entitled to the same level of income.
Still, the story goes on. It also entails unfunded pensions that inflate federal debt over $200 trillion, which nobody will ever be able to pay, unless the Federal Reserve, as the greatest criminal enterprise in history since 1913, is reined in, which will not happen, unless it’s for the “fed-free” CBDC that will also offer a $5k “rebate” to Americans as a bait, only to be switched later to total slavery.
It’s a bit surprising that today’s statistic figures don’t reflect the same proportions anymore. Corporate income includes CEOs’ income that is hundreds, if not thousands of times more than the those of the lowliest employees. Anyway corporations are famous for chewing you up and spitting you out before you reach 50, and you are lucky if you get any severance pay, because they tend to “reorganize” without any legal obligations to pay.
In all the countries I’ve been observing in the last 30 years, government employees have been overpaid, which provided solid support for the usurping governments, using their subjects’ money by borrowing from private central banks.
Most Americans have one week off every year and once they retire, they cannot live on their social security payments. Even the SSI1 is only about $900 a month, and $175 or $185 is deducted from it, unless they can prove that they are paupers... Most moms cannot work, because they wouldn’t make much more than what would pay for daycare, ensuring lasting penury... Four out of ten Americans don’t have enough money to last for a month, if their income failed (the figure is exaggerated, because many work in the black economy). Most farmers have already lost their livelihood and the poor are forced into jobs that barely pays the bills, and they cannot even afford a car to restore from the junkyard, while public transportation is limited to a few urban areas, where taking the bus or a subway can be a dangerous enterprise. After retirement, small pensioners have to pay an average of $5k a year for their sick-care out of pocket before their “Obamacare” coverage kicks in, and those who don’t have the money lose all their assets; not that they have ever had owned anything, including their own property:
It didn’t help that the habeas corpus2 has been suspended since 9/113, but the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 made sure everyone is a government asset:
In the meanwhile, Obama has been receiving $1.7m a year for “Obamacare,” amounting to about $40m until the Trump administration canceled it (How about claiming it back as “overpayment,” which is what those who received a few hundred dollars more in social security payments are subjected to?). Apparently, the privatized fiat money for disastrous purposes has been only redirected for even more ignominious purposes:
So, I am declaring that April 1st must be renamed the Day of the American Hero!
SSI extends the benefits to a minimum for those whose social security payments are lower than the minimum, but if they earn a penny, it’s deducted from the amount they actually receive.
The “authorities” only have to use the T-word, and you are done.
Actually, alot of government employees make less that corporate jobs. To offset the lower pay we better benefits and a bit of job security. A very select few make enormous amounts of money. I know people with phds making almost minimum wage. Please tell me what jobs you know in any government position that is making a huge salary. Most government positions aren't easy to get. Federal employment is harder to get past the initial screening. Normal employees are struggling. It's hard to get promotions in some areas.
Being a citizen, no, asset, no, slave of the US Corporation Government is not so bad. You are relieved of the task of planning the use of most of your money. In exchange for giving up your sovereignty as a free serf, when you retire you get to sit home to wait for a non-livable pension check. You get to give back some of your pension for second (maybe third) rate health insurance which includes a slight discount on overpriced "medicine". Also, in exchange for your liberty and freedom which you have been relieved of, the corporate US enslavement provides protection from foreign enemies. Just to aware that protection does not extend to hostile government employees or foreign barbarians that have been admitted by the government through open borders. Don't forget you are also provided protection against taxpayer financed pandemics by the DOD and the UN/WHO, thanks to "vaccines" created by computer genius Bill Gates of Hell. Now, where on the planet do slaves have a better life? Soon you will be able to be a hybrid human, courtesy of Laus Snob and the WEF. WEF, in coordination with the US corporate government, will offer life where you will be happy and own nothing. No cares no responsibility, no money-- a dream come true.