
My wife told me about the "attack" yesterday and, this morning, she was wondering how come nobody was injured or died, and the MSM is now dishing out the story! Is our place under surveillance? :D

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Fuck you. one dead, 2 injured spectators. 1 dead perp. millions traumatized. fuck you

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Sorry, I just noticed that you are asking to be banned. Done.

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A guy did die.

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Collateral damage

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Jul 14·edited Jul 15Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes. Allegedly a Firefighter died. The word Fire was written on many signs at the rally.

Trump shook his fist several times, yelling "FIGHT." after he was "shot" ....

Wordsmithing together, Fire & Fight..... = MK mind Kontrolling!

Edit...are they telling us that America is about to BURN? Reading between the lines.

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Chump ass bitch. Fuck you. Go to Pa and console his wife and daughter he is allegedly dead. Fuck you.

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Apologies, but crude language and ad-hominem attacks are NOT welcome here. If you have an argument, post it. As for your feelings, you must deal with those on your own.

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Jul 22Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Vulgar, obscene language is a crutch for a crippled mind! In more Godly times comedians would be jailed for using an F-word in night-club acts! But Not now in our Hellhound, neo-Sodom Gomorra/ LGBTQA, LSMFT-promoting world!

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Sodom Gomorra

On steroids

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Vulgarity is also a mind- and discussion-stopper:


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You can use this language at your own site. From here, you are banned once and for all.

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I said ALLEGEDLY cuz we can NOT believe what the media says at this point. GROW UP!

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That's intriguing. Is it possible that it was a signal or a countdown?

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I think it's part of the magik media spell...Like 911 ...Plane, Hit, Steel, when Pres Bush was reading to the children & had them recite those words..

& YES, A countdown.

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I forget those words. At that time, I was a semi-moron. What were they? Plane, hit, steel?...

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OMG! Fight Fight Fight !! Trump Screamed those word's while being pulled off the stage!!

THREE times is the MAGA magik spell! .... Coulda been 4 tho.?

Invoking CIVIL WAR ?????

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Right, and all those fake shootings happened, too.

Why was a death not in the first reports?

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I heard ONE dead & ONE injured.

They make it up aa they go.

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RemovedJul 16
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The way I look at it, there is no point in being buried in the details issued a day or two later, because they are fake, as usual. It was a staged event, so nobody was hurt or killed.

Obviously, there was no death, not even the "perp's."

The whole performance is, as usual, halfway amateurish.

Trump doesn't matter, whether he is still around, alive, or is already a deepfake.

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RemovedJul 21Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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My impression is that you and I are on the same page. :)

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Handles. The first video of “him” being carried away without the typical forensic analysis that needs to be done / with ultra strong dudes carrying all that weight like it was nothing. Interesting pics. What is real. What is real.

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Makes not one iota of a difference- the cards are dealt. Meanwhile the nano vegetables are ripening. They look the same yet the microscope peeking indicates synthetic somethings. Maple syrup is the only thing I’ve put up that shows no signs of the synthetic, that I can detect anyway. The trees may work a bit like reverse osmosis in generating their sap flow- does contain some helpful trace minerals- zinc, magnesium and calcium 💕- no orange hair though😂

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Oh, my... I forgot to add "diversion" to the list. With your help, it's now #2. :)

Maple syrup is also one of my favorites. I believe, "organic" means more than nothing even for that.

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Aha! I had already settled on #2! Wonderful words here.

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Thank you for your wonderful writing! I'm glad I found your work from "Agent".

I would ask Mr.Ray, and many of the folks replying, to please take another look at former President Trump.

At 66 y.o. I have found so many things American citizens have been "psy-opped" about.

As a retired RN, the Covid pandemic and the Fauci/Birks recommendations really started my questioning of the government.

The current situation in our country and the world goes far beyond bipartisan politics. We are at great risk of loosing our country and our freedoms forever.

The media has been really harsh and untrue concerning Mr.Trump.

He might not win the personality or best politician award, but behind the bluster, he does have a brilliant economic intellect and has great economic people assisting him. From the rich to the poor are having problems with the current economic situation. We need a "business man" and not a politician at this stage.

Each of us has the freedom of having our own opinions and ideas concerning many things, and often may have to agree to disagree.

This is my opinion based on the research I have done since Covid. My deep concern for my country is driving this request.

Thank you. RTR

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Thank you for your appreciation. Please, check for key words in the search function under Archive.

Many RNs were honest and retired during convid, because they were afraid of losing theur pensions...

Politicians are all (s)elected, and they are not going to save anyone. It's a good-cop/bad-cop game in the Uniparty...

Trump initiated Operation Warps Speed, poisoning a large portion of the population, and he also swore allegiance to Israel, as if it was not the US he was a "president" for...

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Operation Warp Speed was a feat in itself, as getting a new medication approved by FDA took months or more for no reason. Business man,yes, physician, no. Trump was fooled like everyone else, by Fauci and his cronies. RFK, Jr. will be awesome clearing out and restructuring FDA, CDC, and NIH!

"And I will bless those who bless you,

And the one who curses you I will curse.

And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed."

Genesis 12:3 (NASB) Nations who honor Israel will be honored by God. Nations that curse Israel will be cursed by God. Trump soon realized that Netanyahu had another agenda.

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I don't believe Trump was ever fooled; he is one of the globalist players, and being a useful idiot doesn't exempt him from his responsibility for playing the role.

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Sep 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I ignored the hoax until the 15th. I immediately started following the money. Trumps financial campaign manager started a gofundme before the event happened--Meredith O'Rourke. Media published articles time stamped before the event or just minutes after. Evan Vucci iconic photo--he took a picture of his own photo in a bar with Fox News saying Breaking News--MOMENTS AGO. Well done Ray. You're spot on. Why is most of alt so silent on this hoax?

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It's not about the money anymore. It was as long as the USD was not meant to collapse...


Please, insert relevant links with brief introductions in order to enable readers to see how they pertain.

Hoaxes are for suckers; there is one born every day. :)

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Jul 22Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes a deep state shadow play for J.D. Vance owned by Thiel. He will be the Dick Cheney of this Trump Administration. It is a clown show on multiple levels of this theater. I can only note the absence of clouds for Trump photo op. I do not think anyone is killed or injured. Trump ducked at shots fired by sniper to the "rooftop shooter." At this point I doubt anyone was not a crisis actor in the audience. Among the witnesess interviewed only by the BBC!

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Thank Satan we have YouTube's ministry of truth to protect & censor us for our own good, in our neo-Sodom Gomorra mass baby-killing world! I wonder what the evil censored video above was about?

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Jul 9, 2024 Biden ceded power. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/07/09/memorandum-on-delegation-of-functions-and-authorities-under-sections-1333-1342-1352-and-1353-of-the-national-defense-authorization-act-for-fiscal-year-2024/ Our Junta MEMORANDUM FOR THE SECRETARY OF STATE THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THE SECRETARY OF ENERGY THE DIRECTOR OF THE OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET

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I think it may actually matter who is the Prez

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Jul 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I figured out the "why" of the psyop - to bring back lost Trump support. There are MANY, myself included, who now understand that it's a globalist uniparty and ALL the actors are playing their roles in the political theater. The psyop worked.

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I think there's more to the "why" of the psyop:

Apparently, there are passages in Jewish religious texts about piercing the right ear and being a servant of Israel:


By Trump having his right ear pierced, he has now volunteered to extend his "servitude forever" to his Israeli Masters


You can't make this up boys, there is a fucking rashi on the right ear, guess what it's about... "If you buy a Hebrew servant (and) the servant declares, ‘I love my master and do not want to go free,’ He shall,,,pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life"


To clarify the anti-christ/christ (Messiah ben David) scenario Trump can only serve the anti-christ role bc he's not a Jew (tribe of Judah) Anti-christ role is still important bc he helps jews build the temple, then wants self-worship where he is defeated by the "real" Messiah


Rabbi basically says Trump chosen by God to serve Israel based on 7/13 (fake), he's going to rebuild 3rd temple (will that kick off ww3?), new UN in Jerusalem, Jews will rule the world:


Rabbi says Donald Trump is anointed as God's messiah to serve Israel.


Another Rabbi says Trump presidency is 'ordained by God'

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In Judaism, piercing and tattooing slaves is allowed only with their consent...

As for the Antichrist, I would expect someone a LOT MORE charismatic than Trump. :)

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Trump serves the jews. That’s not a new thing.

As far as Anti-Christ goes, it’s a spirit than can inhabit anyone. It is not a unique character in history.

All that said, public displays like this psyop are always ritualistic. That much is true.

The “why" is simple: build support for Trump. This psyop has energized the existing base and actually gained new support as well as recovering lost support. The U.S. Presidential selection could go either way really. Both parties and candidates are owned by our luciferian overlords - that situation is not unique either, it’s been this way for nearly a hundred years. But immense public support could create the much desired “mandate” for Trump, as #47, to enact more draconian measures upon the masses.

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The person of the President makes no difference, but selecting one, while blaming the electorate still works. People are incredibly impressionable, and they keep waiting for someone else to "save" them. Eyes cannot see...

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Indeed, there are many options, but what the heck. This might be a setup for "civil riots."

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Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Anything to bring about chaos so that the UN goon squad can swoop in to save the day.

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Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The UN troops are here. Exhibit A: thousands of illegals pouring over our border every day.

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Yup, mostly Chinese...

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Jul 28·edited Jul 28Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

That. my good Commander, is exactly what I was alluding to. This country is forever and eternally divided on any number of subjects.. I am not certain it can ever walk back from it's current precipice.

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Jul 16Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

As you have clearly pointed out the psyops events achieve multiple purposes, almost without fail.

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And it looks like I am nearly the only such an "author."

Sorry to hear that sort of thing.

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Jul 16·edited Jul 18Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

As you have clearly pointed out the psyop events achieve multiple purposes, almost without fail.

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The last few paragraphs were added hours or even a day after the time of publication. Just added one about the background.

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The fist pump from a wounded 78 year old obese fully vaccinated man not in shock and the Iwo Jima shot with Secret Service was drollery. The absence of a shooter image and thin FBI story updated on July 14 with no data and a known troll account claiming not to be the shooter but having same name given by FBI as shooter is funny too. This was another 9/11 despite no death. Another security state putsch.


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very curious also there seemed to be very little to no panick among the public on the stands right behind T., it really looks like a drill ("just in case, folks!"). Melania's later public message ("it was real, you guys!") tried to massage the masses even more.

naturally a comfortly pronounced dead suspect was provided, when at 11:30 PM, July 14 a link was posted at Tucker Carlson's X which apparently showed the shooter @ 0:19 in a BlackRock ad - https://x.com/deSunShineBand/status/1812600676813574603

oh boy. let the Good Times Roll/The Cars - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnA4C1sKk1I

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Just added to the text that the background looked computer-generated, except they screwed it up.

And yes, "they" usually produce a dead suspect.

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Ok. We now have perfect confirmation of the power above the Duo-Poly. This is as fake as a three dollar bill. Trump is an actor for the Masters. NOBODY for President is impossible. Thus Trump will bring in the heavy authoritarian hand for the next round of fake sickness and he may well insist on mandatory vaccinations. We had another putsch.

Trump is still Deep State. https://visupview.blogspot.com/2017/10/goodfellas-hidden-history-of-resorts.html

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upper-tiers of TPTB had T shot at, to get him (re)elected. he'll carry out whatever policies 'they' favour, most probably more war and doing away with the 1st Amendment.

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Jul 17Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ever since he introduced "his" plan, he hasn't been the commoner's best friend...

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Jul 17Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

thnx for the link (great comments too)

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Thank you, too. My comments are pretty close to my articles, but only VERY few readers seem to realize that...

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garbage. I'm out.

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Oswald hit "RFK" ? I'm out.

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Already corrected. Never trust the first version. :)

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Jul 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Following your update just now (and I personally thought straight away the assassination is all theatrics/diversionary & I'm way down in lil old NZ where world 'news' is minimal at best) I saw a post from Mike Adams saying it's for real.

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Yes of course, Mike Adams, being omniscient and never prone to error would most surely be able to show us the difference between what is real and what is not real.

I think his proper word choice here should have been reel not real.

Reel as in "reel in them suckers".

Shakespeare said something in days of yore about all the world being a stage. And that was before Deep Fake hit Broadway.

The question should not be "Is it real or is it not real?"

The question should be: "What purpose do they have in mind with this particular 'event'?"

Beyond diversion itself (conflation of distraction and entertainment), what gives?

Here's a hint. When you imbue a person with the gravitas of quasi-matryrdom you grab an unsuspecting populace by their already deflated cojones. Their pumped up hero-quasi-martyr with a Christ like ability to evade death has warded off Darth Vader and can henceforth do no wrong.

Now what do you think happens if this joker is working for the other side?

I don't have any horse in a race not worth watching let alone betting on since everything about it is a fix.

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exactly .. "What purpose do they have in mind with this particular 'event'?"

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Again, those who are saying this was real are missing most of their spokes or are fake opposition. At least that much is clear, although I haven't learnt about new ones, because most of them are fake...

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Jul 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

That the public is even involved in the demonic practice of politics and catering to its mental deprivations is astounding. Don't 99% of us have better things to do? The political circus never comes to a close, it never ends in providing a better place for the citizens and it never satisfies the need for truth or reality. I can think of a million ways to be more entertained.

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Look around on Substack; everyone is writing about it. It's a great diversion...

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Jul 14·edited Jul 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It was pre-planned, predicted & staged MORE proof.


6 minutes ...See !:13

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And nobody is afraid of being shot!!! :D

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