Apparently, the article touched a nerve or two, so be prepared for some trolling in the comments, but hurry, because chances are, I'll soon delete most of it.

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Noooooo, I enjoy reading your stuff !

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It was not about you. :)

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Ray, did you get the link? It seems to not be here this morning ?

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The link is still here.

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I know . 😊I saw one of your answers about clay . That is what I’m using to try and help eliminate toxins , etc

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Does it work? I haven’t tried it for a while, and it’s supposedly works.

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I think it does . It’s a magical product , my buddy mines it . Pure . I’d be happy to send you some .

I’m hoping to get one of the doctors on here to test it . I’m not even sure how you would test to see if it eliminates spike p , or the chem trail toxins . I do have all the other test reports on it tho

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That’s kind of you, but I still have some Living Clay left, enough for about a month. It’s inert, and it’s unlikely to cause any problem, but it has a long history of being helpful. I thought it usually comes from Death Valley. I forget how it works, but I think it has something to do with gram positive bacteria. I’ll check it out one of these days again.

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The UFO experiences are actually demons. I know because I have been attacked for my spiritual work many times and have taken those opportunities to observe, take notes and test. I speak from much firsthand experience. Their intent is to help facilitate the belief in an alien religion vs one of Christ. The mRNA vaccines have permanently altered the human genome. The fabricated mainstreamed story that aliens created human DNA long ago is the red flag. Connect the dots. Once the genome news is sensationalized and normalized, then people will be guided to the UFO religion that supposedly seeks to protect nature and all life. A manmade human is less likely to follow Christ. This is a spiritual war, God vs Lucifer.

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Pay attention to the amount of alternative media that promotes the idea of a fake alien invasion; meanwhile, our spiritual beliefs are being engineered under our feet. Typical distraction crap. Luciferian at its core. The serpent’s tongue is forked.

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The findings of the Collins Elite and several UFO researchers happen to agree that UFOs are demons. The mainstream news and much alternative media never touches on this point.

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There are a few treatments that are as effective as Ivermectin but are rarely mentioned in alternative media. Artemisinin and quercetin + zinc, for example. Why the adherence to the Ivermectin paradigm? Thuja 30c prevented many deaths in India. Again, rarely mentioned, if ever. When the depop is institutionalized, thinking on your own is required to survive. Otherwise, die.

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https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=touchable+holograms&atb=v223-1&ia=web some of the stuff in chemtrails like the nano alliminum, barium, graphene.etc ... which [ beside other apps] are excellent conductors of EM waves [ longitudonal horozontal and scalar ] ps i read ,graphene is a room temp. superconductor... good God of truth goodness and love please help us all according to your loveing wisdom

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yup, all've us targeted but as they "out" their INSANE plans fer us all, I'm wonderin' if we kin slow 'em down an' even the go-along-ta-git-along-ers will say NO when push comes ta shove? (a' course much've this is BEYOND consent an' they'ze jus' doin' it but when folks realize there is to be nothin' REAL in their lives--mebbe they'll have second thoughts an' dump the "idear" that Meta is "cool." I sure hope so! (I'm a cynic but not full out black pilled...) With all that said, recently I was gob-smacked at the proposed ruthless inhuman-itty of the "metaverse" which I'd consciously ignored -- I had no idear that controllin' our lives (food supply, forced medi-cull interventions...yadayada) wuz just a steppin' stone to "meta" which is (of course) our planned "kill box"---


my advice...take it day by day--I don't think its good fer the consty-2-shun ta look inta the abyss (on a daily basis at least) -- even THAT may be an "illusion"... a handy one fer sure as they want'cha to be BLEAK!

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Here's the thing. What if the entire "human" race is an alien race of some kind? Not natural or native to the earth but from somewhere else? What if humanity is the freak race of the universe? Thousands of other kinds of beings might be of some other makeup that is non-human.

You only target someone if you hate them enough to do some kind of damage to them. Look at all science fiction. It is always based on human factors as if aliens are like humans. What if there is something else not known to humanity? Maybe only humans like to target each other.

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What difference would it make?

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It is very important for Luciferians to convince humanity that God did not create us. The demons are helping them by parading as aliens and UFOs. See my other posts in this thread for details. Luciferians “win” not by converting us to Luciferianism, but by driving us away from Christ. This guarantees our soul goes to Hell.

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I think one of the ways we can find out what is ‘good’ for our body, ie., what to take, is learn how to muscle test yourself. It is used in Kinesiology but you don’t have to take I the whole thing just learn how to register your own ‘yes’ and ‘no’. The more you do,this the quicker and more trustworthy your results are. The huge plus is you are learning t0 listen to your body which has an intelligence right there for our benefit, the mind can be manipulated but the body CANNOT LIE! It is a dram of mine to put this out put so much going on in my life it sees a not yet. Thank you for your service. Irish blessings to all.

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Wow! I’m watching language and ‘ tone’ here. You’re just like the singularity of the AI in your analysis! Hard to put my thoughts to words for this. Inductive and deductive processing in symphony.

My apologies for a bit off target, but yes, all are targeted, by degrees, Robert Heinlan couldn’t even imagine all the vectors employed at this point.

I’m curious about the protein problem.

I’m remembering, from the ‘90’s that the Round up weed killer product was linked an increase in glutton intolerance- the glycohosphate prevents a protein in the plant from doing its job to assimilate sunshine into plant energy- thus the plant dies- sprayed all over US grain crops to save money, as the drying the grain out step was done on the dead sprayed plant in the field. That same compound in ingested and inhibits the digestion of it’s ( the wheat flour, oats etc. ) protein in the human gut, among other problems that are long term.

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I figured out the protein problem during writing about peanut allergy:


Mundane poisons constantly contribute to the picture. Glyphosate certainly creates a lot of problems, which produces invented illnesses.

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Great quote: [“The public” is a somnambulist moron]

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This is what happens when you get over the target.

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Hi Ray :)

If your interested in learning more about Targeted Individuals the website is targetedindividuals.com

On the website you can read the grounding breaking lawsuit currently in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. Targeted Individuals, are persons watch listed and coded as 3's and 4's, known as Non-Investigative Subjects databased on the Terrorist Watch List.

The last week of January 2024 Targeted Justice published a Symposium with some of the leading defendants of the lawsuit and their attorney.

Also, the Obama Administration convened a committee chaired by Christine Grady, was held and the video is available on You Tube. Targeted Individuals gave testimony to various elements of the Targeted Individual Program including; Illegal

Home Entries, Gangstalking, Remote Neural Monitoring, enabling 24/7/365 surveillance of brain activity and decoding of a targets thoughts. MK Ultra, MK Ultra 2, control of a targeted individual's visual cortex, central and peripheral nervous systems, synthetic telepathy, WBAN w/Biosensors, Non kinetic brain injuries from being targeted with Directed Energy Weapons, which, is known as Havana Syndrome better known as Neural-Strike and Voice to Skull communications,which, are microwave auditory hearing effects. Beyond Targeted Justice's website and substack, these subjects and topics are valuable keywords on google scholar :)

Hopefully, this will alleviate rabbit holes like one cited in you newsletter :) Those are plentiful and your time valuable:)

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But, are there really any groundbreaking lawsuits when judges are globalist pawns upholding a scripted narrative? Siting the Obama Administration for almost anything positive at this juncture is a red flag. As is siting anything generated from google.

The organization you reference appears as controlled opposition to “manage” as many targeted individuals into feeling they are being supported in their suffering. Who in the world would wear a t-shirt advertising themselves as targeted?

There is no alleviation of rabbit holes. There is only confirmation, to those who frequent rabbit holes, that there are very, very few genuine proponents of truth in the public forum.

Ray counts as one of them.

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I believe it's groundbreaking as its the first lawsuit which challenges the due process rights of watch listing a American citizen onto a terrorist watch list as a non investigative subject coded a 3 or 4. Anyone listed a 3 or 4 should be investigated. Why would anyone put on such a list not be investigated, not be made aware and not have any rights to due process. Then be actually terrorized with no recourse by any entity tasked with protecting innocent American citizens targeted with directed energy Neural Strike weapons. Then subjected to brown shirt strategies and tactics in their local communities.

I wasn't saying anything positive about Obama's Presidential Commission on the Targeting of American citizens. I take it as an administrative admission of the Targeting Individual Program, overall.

I have read TJ is a controlled opposition organization. I don't know what the truth is. I only know its the first entity to file a lawsuit challenging the listing and coding of Targeted Individuals as non investigative subjects (3's and 4's) then subjected to the torturous program's elements. And, there is no other support for the endless pain and suffering people are enduring nor any other organization challenging the list. Hopefully, there will be a restoration of due process rights, at the very least. I support their efforts and support of the community of Targeted Individuals overall.

The targeting of individuals and "the program" will be the targeting of all Americans if the process, policies and administration of people onto the list coded 3's and 4's is not challenged. Currently, some know they are targeted individuals, others will become aware they are targeted when their covert targeting becomes overt. And, for everyone else I would recommend, Brandon's substack on Neural Strike.

I appreciate your response to my comment. Thank you.

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Lawsuits in a time of obvious legal corruption is the tell. You don’t look to allopathic doctors to cure an illness created by an allopathic system. Think outside the box.

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Hi Jackson: Thank you for your comment.

God - and taking up the full armor of God is the only reason I continue to survive the TI Program.

Educational awareness of, "The Program" and unleashing your intellectual prowess, then educating and creating awareness to the full extent you are able within your networks and local community will help end the torture and cruel and inhuman punishment of hundreds of thousands of innocent Americans because, "The Program" is illegal and fully in breach of the US Constitution, Federal and State Laws and Statutes, The Bill of Rights, Civil Rights and The Nuremberg Code.

It's incumbent and every single American citizen to make a decision to be of the solution to end the silence of complicity that enables, "The Program" to take on new TI victims across America every single day. I hope you decide to be on the right side of American history to help end, "The Program"; or like any computer generated virus - its going to continue spread like the contagion it is.

It is great hope this appeals to both your humanity and courage.

This is an opportunity to learn, education, create awareness and be part of the solution:



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Truthstreammedia on YouTube; The Minds of Men documentary, a film by Arron and Melissa Dykes

Who is Robert Malone MD Substack: Today's Book Review: The Great Campaign: Against The Great Reset; themes include dark technocracy - totalitarianism, which is the center of the TI Program.

MixxKid17 on Youtube; Greatest Sermon Ever Preached in this Generation, by S.M. Lockridge

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Perhaps I see too much intentional misdirection across the board in alternative and disclosure “media.” We are in a war, and subduing of the populace is near the top of the list. If any current lawsuit helping TI’s actually proves successful, with firm enforcement, I will be pleased and shocked. But, if the court system was true and effective, we would no longer be in a war.

I appreciate your heartfelt empathy for this needful cause. It’s an abominable practice with a long history. I do believe help will come. Just not from this particular organization.

Thanks for the discourse!

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Thank you so much for your response, here. I could not agree more. And, enjoyed our discourse:)

I was overtly targeted in 2004 with directed energy. The rest of the elements of "the program" came out of the shadows overtly in 2010. I was diagnosed with Havana Syndrome- a made up name by the MSM - as Havana Syndrome which is indeed Neural-Strike in 2022. Its a never ending cycle of incapacitation during a painful Strike, then recuperating period before the next hit. I have a vested interest in seeing this program end for myself, my family - the community ofTI's and every single American citizen. Ray is spot on when he states, "we are all being targeted." As a person, I appreciate your support. As I am so much more then a targeted individual :) Just as all Targeted Individuals are. I keep all faith with God and put my hopes in the humanity of others :) And, am so appreciative of yours!

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A targeted individual is the LEAST of who you are. I agree that everyone is in the crosshairs, but any person singled out and directly interfered with has the badge of the most backward compliment in the world; it means your true heart and intelligence are a threat to misguided psychopaths. It means your humanity shines and you have a higher task than most. Despite anything, your energy field carries on its intended magic and your Soul remains a success. 🩷💐

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Thank you so very much 💗 💗💗 we are all here on this earth of ours to love and be in service to each other in ways our hearts allow us to connect to each other. I believe its our deepest calling and connection to our soul and to God. And, it is that infinite connection to all forms of love and God and inability to break it "they" fear the most in all of us :)

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Thank you. I don't consider myself a truth-teller, but I am trying to stick to facts. The Truth is in everyone's heart, that is, if the person has one.

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I am a fan of your well-informed perspective. However, Targeted Individuals call themselves Targeted Individuals because they are clearly suffering to a degree and in a way that nobody else is, not even remotely. What's the point in trying to split hairs here? Just because the capabilities are dormantly or quietly there for everyone on planet earth doesn't make everyone a TI for me. I feel like stating it in that way is going to lead to more confusion and obscure the path to freedom for people who are obviously suffering quite completely unlike anyone else.

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My point is that everyone is targeted and someone doesn't necessarily know more only because of being or having been targeted.

When it comes to radiation and nanoparticle poisoning, everyone is a target, subject to potentially lethal dosages of one or both.

There is a hospital in a city in England, where a couple of months ago, about 300 patients were "treated" with peptic ulcers, and the patients age ranged from 3 to 80. Doctors were (still are) clueless. Insomnia, dizziness, cancer, and a large number of other symptoms from unidentifiable sources crop up on the trail of the globalist attack. I personally nearly died as a result of a similar case last summer. Was I targeted or not?

I certainly refrain from quantifying human suffering...

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Who said anything about making a tally? There is no need to quantify where there are obvious ways the brain can tell A and B are different without any sort of calculation... Here there's also a difference between having a condition which can be diagnosed (like cancer) with the current ICD-10 codes and being a Targeted Individual, where, though a set of 4 unique characteristics that have never been observed together before by neurologists exist that would make it possible to diagnose DEW exposure, no ICD-10 codes are available if TIs want to get help for their injuries. This is just one example of how TIs suffer in a way completely unlike anyone else. Does there have to be a mathematical formula for you to accept the clear and obvious difference? Targeting is targeted, precise, specific, and tailored to the individual, whereas radiation and nanoparticular poisoning are obviously more pollution or general public health issues (targeting can be considered a public health issue, but one that affects people in a specific, rather than general manner). There. No math necessary.

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Feb 9, 2024
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"Covid" is an invented illness, mostly due to radiation sickness after the 5G installations that started in Wuhan and in Northern Italy. "Covid" cannot even be diagnosed, because it exists only in computer simulations and on TV.

Accurate information is not available for the public, and I'm afraid even the perps don't know it all.

Moreover, there are so many toxins and pathogens out there, exacerbated with radiation, that nobody can diagnose anything very much. "Medical" diagnosis is a joke, anyway:


Most illnesses are invented ones in order to cover up for mundane poisonings caused by common chemicals. Here are a few classics:


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"I cannot tell if ivermectin in its current form is good or bad for me in the long run"

The only available aid to that decision; is that after hundreds of millions of doses administered, 'there is no reported fatality from ivermectin'? The same certainly can't be said for aspirin!

So, in this one case, we are allowed "Informed Consent" and personal choice......If the government allows us to buy it???

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I'm certain that plenty of people who took IVM passed away, but the potential link was not even considered. Obviously, there are thousands of reasons why people can die as a result of the globalist attack.

Aspirin is also manufactured by globalist-owned companies. :)

When someone goes to a doctor, (s)he has to sign that (s)he is responsible for accepting treatments, which includes medications. All that, allegedly, with informed consent, but I have hardly ever witnessed truly-informed consent, and I have witnessed a lot of doctor-patient conversations.

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Ray; There was serious effort to find adverse effects from Ivermectin when the various authorities were banning its importation and use against this "Covid thingy". I looked, but did not see any evidence.

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Nobody can quantify long-term harm, and especially nobody can predict chemical interaction with unknown compounds. Moreover, if IVM has been weaponized, there must be a difference in the tablets before and after it was allowed to be prescribed.

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Feb 9, 2024
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Everybody said what they thought. I have nothing to add.

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Feb 8, 2024
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Thank you. I was somewhat aware of Ivermectin's original purpose and also the subsequently discovered secondary benefits. There is strong evidence that parasitic infestations weaken the body and the immune system.

Hopefully the 'Rebirth' of the Global South will foster better sanitation and nutrition.

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You are talking about something completely different than the article. Nobody doubted that IVM, if it's untainted, works for parasites. Still, the classic dosage is 150mg for a 180lbs of body weight, once, and people have been eating it up like candy. I strongly doubt that it's harmless even when it's consumed in excess, but even that's not my point. Right now, the threat is a lot more versatile than a few parasites (although bad nematodes have been allegedly also dispersed from airplanes).

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Feb 9, 2024
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It reminded me of people drinking Clorox and avoiding Corona beer. :)

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Feb 9, 2024
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Thinking in an analogy.

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Feb 9, 2024
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I didn't make any such statements. What are you talking about?

Please, do not put words in my mouth; I don't take it well.

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Feb 9, 2024
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That's a blatant lie and nonsense. I will have to ban you, if you keep on going.

Alternatively, you can show me where I said anything like that. Otherwise, I am expecting you to delete all the nonsense about me.

I don't care what you think about viruses, because there is literally nobody among my readers who would believe in them.

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When I go down, I want to take one of those evil bastards with me. If I can do anything to help the good of the human race, I guess that would have to be it.

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Stop ICLEI in your community. Read Rosa Koire for details. Outside of prayer, this is your most effective form of activism.

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If you really want to break this "Evil", then do your utmost to end the "Worship of money.".

Taking out one person, or a thousand, won't end the motivation for crime. It just elevates another greedy criminal?

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Feb 9, 2024
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99% of alternative media is designed to make otherwise potentially effective activists relatively useless.

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Feb 9, 2024
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I can’t see a reason for their starting out, either.

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Feb 9, 2024Edited
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How do they know where to look for help?

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Feb 9, 2024
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