Intuition / innate intelligence based mostly on keen observation and definitely a touch of sixth sense

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What exactly is "sixth sense"? Is this it?


What's the measure of keen observation?

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to find and discern truth one has to access the source of truth and live by the truth then b when one encounters lies and deceptions we automatically perseive an uneasy feeling or thought or other warning sighns ....just as some things have the ring of truth or goosebumps or other good manifistations so lies have bad feelings sometimes even bad smells animals can smell a bad person childern are often repelled by bad people or events etc etc also from a spiritual perspective ... the truth is not only a "what " but also a being ie " jesus said i am the way the truth and the life" this is beyond all the facultitys of the mind . the truth is transcendant ... the mind is the wrong tool for the job of good god realization truth realization ... where as our soul has intimate experience and access to " our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come etc etc

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i know that ...i dont know . i think socrates said this ".. isnt it good that we have a mystery to enjoy ,see ,figure out, experience ,etc " original saying of " boinker [ sound of bob jumoing on a pogo stick ] bob from warburton australia ' personally i ask my Heavenly good Father , Son ,and Holy Spirit to " enlighten my darkness " according to His devine loveing , gracious wisdom... " thanks Dad " for all your help ,all your gifts,,, .... p.s . im trying

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to find and discern truth one has to access the source of truth and live by the truth then b when one encounters lies and deceptions we automatically perseive an uneasy feeling or thought or other warning sighns ....just as some things have the ring of truth or goosebumps or other good manifistations so lies have bad feelings sometimes even bad smells animals can smell a bad person childern are often repelled by bad people or events etc etc also from a spiritual perspective ... the truth is not only a "what " but also a being ie " jesus said i am the way the truth and the life" this is beyond all the facultitys of the mind . the truth is transcendant ... the mind is the wrong tool for the job of good god realization truth realization ... where as our soul has intimate experience and access to " our father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come etc etc

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How does existential needs link up with the other points?

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They don't.

Thank you for the question; it made me realize I'd implied too much, so I have added the explanation here to the term, too, with a footnote:

I have assigned a special definition of the term: someone considers something an existential need, if the person wouldn’t like to live with or to live without it. It doesn’t matter, if the need is real or not, because the person’s truth judgments, nonetheless, depend on it. Real existential needs are not a matter of choice (the need to eat, sleep, etc.). The existential needs I refer to exist only in the person’s cognition.

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Dec 15, 2022
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It is you who is presenting you in public.

I only respond.

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you said it! : "on which department, they seem to have reached remarkable levels of success"

But of course.. the irony, is that the monkey in that thar drivers seat knows even less than the kidnapped passengers, even the dumb ones--does not understand the humans whose car he's taken over without much've a fuss and is operatin' no less well than if the dang thing WERE driverless... he's a MONKEY fergawdsakes, who the 'f let 'im have the car keys?

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Great sign. Gotta love it. Reminds me of journeys up to Tahoe through 12 ft. snowdrift canyons - caravans led by HW Patrol. Putting chains on the Volkswagen. Digging the cars out in the morning. Better carry brains cause no one is coming to save y'alls behind. Natural selection for certain. Worse sometimes in the Rockies. Live and survive - that is the concept.

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The muzzles, the "tests," and the injections were also parts of "natural selection"...

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None of this is natural but blatantly crudely and most certainty obviously pre planned and orchestrated

even the obviousness of it all proved to be too much for the sheep

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Who exactly my friend is being selected? I am not feeling so naturally selected of late, lol.

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Great post! This is very similar to how I began to look at my world view when I decided that I needed to wake up some 13 years ago. The first step for me was to say to myself everything I think I know has to be discounted, relegated useless or discarded, begin a new start on how to evaluate information and the world. Your enumerated strategy section is a very similar approach to what I try to consciously do. The key thing for me was to not allow emotion enter into the evaluation of the information but is one of the hardest things to do. You become more like a Mr. Spock character unfortunately. Thank you for writing it down.

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By exclusion, nothing but letting things go opens up the room for personal development; constant challenges are also indispensable. Emotional solutions can work as long as the problem originates from or resides in emotions; specific problems must be addressed at the same level or higher than the one they emerge. You cannot fix emotions with logic, but logic can correct perception, and existential decisions outrank emotions/intuitions. The latter is probably at the core of what has been traditionally called "free will."

Why Mr. Spock? (Sorry, I'm not quite familiar with the Star Trek franchise).

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I grew up watching Star Trek and his lack of emotion character just stick out in my brain as an early age influencing TV program. He would analyse the moment rather than react immediately so that is what I mean by the Mr. Spock reference. Some people might call it a "Poker Face". Media will often try to enter a story through the emotional vector so I will often be the only one not reacting to the story telling.

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To me, it's readiness. I never panic. At the age of seven, I trained myself not to react as other people do in an acute situation, but check out what the problem is, and act accordingly. It has nothing to do with emotions, but I definitely have those, too. :)

During my 23 years of academic teaching, I always told my students that participating in public polls is a bad idea, because these days, a person's last chance to exercise some freedom lies in his incalculability. If people were impossible to predict, the rulers would have to allow longer leashes. Sadly, many people volunteer their stances on social media sites.

In my case, it's okay, because I am an influencer, and it is my readers' decisions that matter, because they are the ones presiding over their own lives.

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Ah. Academic. That explains how you are able to go to these complex places. Old School Academic = respect (I'm a University brat). It used to be about thinking and quality of thought, less about production & conforming.

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I have to give you my best "red pilling" advice award in Substack this year for this article. I always have a hard time with the people that think they will "red pill" others with this or that one piece of information when it is a mindset about everything a person takes in for information and how they process it is the real "red pill" for going forward in life. By going about life this way, it can save you from a lot of health issues like myocarditis for sure. :-)

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Yes, people are being imprisoned in their own minds by believing that their cognitive space is limited.

I usually don't press "Like," when I receive praise or recognition, but the rest of your comment overrides my rule. :)

For comic relief, here is one of my previous articles that is relevant to your comment. Incidentally, I wrote it on the Forth of July:


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Dec 15, 2022
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Please, keep your warmup off the field. I WILL have to ban you, if you keep wasting my readers' time and attention...

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Dec 15, 2022Edited
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Look, unless you keep posting your comments that pertain to the actual article, you will earn the honor of me banning you from this site.

Last warning...

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Intuition. The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

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Am I the vessel that created itself?

Having answered truthfully, then let the Real Work begin, which , to me, is usually so anticlimactic as to be the act of simply getting out of my own impudent way, letting the Authorial Flow guide my willing spirit, body in tow, to the scenic vistas that Such would show me.

I can exert the will to pull my earthen cart wherever I might, but I have found that it is a much smoother ride with the correct driving techniques employed, and following the well-lit, but narrow path, as opposed to being the hoodlum, barreling off with no regard...

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Dec 15, 2022
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Libor, I do not know any more than what you put forth on your substack, which tells me that you are in a rough spot.

I have never been to Nicaragua, but know that it would eat me alive.

I have no words other than to say that I acknowledge your struggle, and send you the strength that I might, in order that you may persevere through whatever trials that life offers you, to spring free from at least some of that which holds you stuck.

No doubt that life has been made difficult with only one arm, as a friend of mine living pretty rough in the panhandle of Texas, who lost his arm, is always getting jacked up by street thugs, going so far as to steal his bicycle, his money, his shoes even...so there is not much compassion to be found in these dark days of the generation of vipers.

Also, just so it may be clear, the "scenic vistas" that I reference are mentioned with just a little bit of sarcasm, which may not have been conveyed clearly in my comment, in that the world as many see it has gone to the snakes -- All of It, and such are the vistas...

Nonetheless, I am for appreciating the small bones that life has thrown me, such as being able to eat, and drink, and sleep warm while it is cold these wintery nights, and hope that you can maintain such for yourself- minus the freezing, of course.

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Intuition uses analogy (based on personal experience) and the "fifth sense" (which actually does exist, but not "scientifically" for the time being), so that's just another package for the AI. :)

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Intuition is a feeling based on non computable facts that are below perception.

Why would I get an anxious feelings while going out on a horse that the rider always hacks out without difficulties? Yet this time there was a flutter. And this time he gave a huge buck that injured the riders back. But when the horse bucked before no injuries were incurred.

Why this time? I guess I believe in premonitions. Perhaps they’re folds in space time dimensions.

I have many ‘weird’ events that brighter logic or any kind of thinking process can explain.

Such as having dreams where a bloody axe all of a sudden burst into the dream. Or I repeatedly dream that I’m being chased by a woman in a blue long dress who grabs me by the neck. Even when I jump through the window. I eventually told the owner of the 1700’s old cottage about these dreams and described the woman. Find out the description fits the previous owner who died there and was a small time chicken farmer. The bloody axe dreams ceased.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horacio, then are dreamt of in your philosophy. Hamlet.

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Sorry to disappoint, but most of the time even intuition is "computable," somewhat depending what one means by the two. The "fifth sense" and divine relevations are certainly not for computers. :)

Please, notice that logic can ONLY apply to logical problems, so it cannot "explain anything at higher levels, but it can be certainly used for selective arguments.

Your dream only further substantiates what I found out, when I fixed Darwin's theory of "evolution":


"The rest is silence." (Hamlet)


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Alas, poor Hamlet. Even Shakespeare failed to tell his real story. But that is another story, lol. Those are some dreams my friend.

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Dec 15, 2022Edited
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In a previous life I wrote the Book Of Wandering. A Great saga of wandering the highways and byways of a land called (infamously) America. America crashed and burned from gross negligence and hubris. There are some broken wild wandering souls still haunting the broken land. They still sing the old songs.

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Dec 15, 2022
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I am not yet on trial here. Give it time. I sing for coyotes and wild wolves, feathers and amber.

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Dec 30, 2022
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Don't worry about it. It took me two weeks to make it worthwhile to respond to your fantastic comment. :)


Chemtrails are definitely up a few notches and they are now looking like real clouds, unless you catch the planes, which we did...

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Me, too. Even his body language was conflicting. To a deep degree,

I couldn't trust. Dr. Malone, likeable as I found him.

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Vigano is too sharp to be trusted.

He must be complicit from his perch, thereby making him a wolf in sheep's clothing.

All of these people that have made their livings off of people's ignorance - from our Vigano's, to our Malone's, to all of the politicians claiming that they're on the side of justice and truth and honor - can not tell me that they didn't know the world works this way, in which $$ is Everything, and is controlled by high, dark forces that use the power derived from such corruption to sow the seeds of more death and misery.

In a nutshell... Trust No One.

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Viganò I trust.

He’s in hiding for his life.

Was demoted in the Vatican because he called out money corruption and sexual abuse.

He expected Bergoglio to continue with the punishment of the Cardinal in DC that Benedict did.

Instead, Bergoglio turned that Cardinal free….

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Surely we may all put our trust wherever, and in whomever we might.

I, myself, am thoroughly convinced that anyone affiliated with the organized corruption that is the papacy is absolutely a drinker of the blood of our collective ignorance, and is in No Way to be trusted.

Just think - how could anyone witnessing the perversions that are ripe within every aspect of our modern lives, both within and without the Church, knowing of these dark matters, and yet still wearing his rich robes, and his golden rings, and enjoying a demotion, alas... how could he not be complicit, and surely he is only spouting what he is being told??

Hollywood-style drama of the worst type, if you ask me.

No one of his standing is to be trusted. Not one.

None of these men of wealth and political/ informational/ technological high standing are to be trusted- not the Jordan Peterson's, nor the Malone's, the Gates', the Musk's, nor any of them.

Not if one values authentic honor for the truth, anyhow, as not one of these gluttonous fat-cats are capable of from their corrupted seats, as such always proves out, eventually.

They are one and all corrupted participants in a most selfish and wicked ponzi scheme, I wish that I could convey to all, so that there was no lingering doubt, none whatsoever, but "they" have got "it" pretty well hemmed in, don't they?

Blessings for the eyes to see!

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I hear ya. With excellent points.

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Is it possible the Vigano is allowed to operate as a court jester as Rand Paul is in the Senate?

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The fact that he publicly supported DJT as if he was not part of the cabal makes one think he is part of it as well even though much of what he says is true. Someone at his level, couldn't have been fooled by the man who is more than any other leader responsible for the disaster that is OWS.

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Oops, I didn't know he supported any politicians... Obviously, that was either a lie or a misconnception.

I agree that falling for a politician is incompatible with the truth, but where else was he wrong?

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To my mind, it is a given.

As absolute as the Pax Romana, to which the world is held in thrall.

A carefully selected cast of characters, and nothing more.

It can presumably be only those on the lowest rung of this organization that are able (or allowed?) to remain in possession of their own thoughts - as long as they are never voiced beyond certain perimeters, it should be understood.

When that happens, which is frequent enough, such a one is corrected.

In their carefully constructed simulations, much of this is supposedly worked out within the AI machine-mind, and with the predictive algorithms being milked for all of their worth, is there room for "accidents", one is being encouraged to enquire.

I, personally, feel that only by the grace of a better intuition am I to be able to keep ahead of this Tsunami wave bearing down, and am going to maintain my best effort to reject the liar's Agenda - up to the greatest possible sacrifice, if needed.

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Dec 19, 2022
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We all perceive life from our own unique perspective, I hold, but from my view, it seems as if if a steady waxing of evil forces has occurred over these past few millenia, with more of what I would call mild pauses in the march, rather than a retreat, an ebbing, or waning of any sort.

The majority of mankind is inclined to rate Quality of Life with his and her own prosperity - however such is measured.

Rarely does such include a more broad, inclusive view in relation to the much larger picture, which of course leads to mass degradation of the whole, entire Gift, which was intended (from a simple and common-sense perspective, anyhow...) to be carefully administered to.

To my being, this is a cause for remorse, and much lamentation, yet I persevere, as I hope for as many of my fellows to find a similar will to triumph over absurdity and madness.

I believe that you would have found some of the nonsense of early Rome to be on near equal, if not superior footing with this that we all observe today, minus the sinister nano- technologies, of course.

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Dec 19, 2022Edited
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I am a believer in inherited memory, as in the entire human experience as pertains to my "thread" is there within my being to be tapped into, and I can perceive of it's relationship within the larger tapestry with Great Accuracy, if I apply myself.

Within it is the culmination of much that certainly does not pertain to my physical life, alone, the one lived personally by me, but most likely extends to some degree, it can be reasoned, to All of my progenitors, as well.

As humanity is capable of much more than we can ever be aware, ascending and/or descending along this path, and as our capacity for expanding, mainly outward, in many directions, towards diverse pursuits tends to put us in peril more often than not, this should not preclude our waking up to the necessity of dignity and respect taking root in our beings, leading our steps with a clearer, kinder purpose- one other than our own den's plush lining at the expense of many other's ability to simply eek out an existence and barely live; and yet the majority of our modern human family seems dead-set upon the current grim TV show in it's stead.

I perceive very clearly that the Orwellian order re-writes even last week's history, so I can rest assured that all of our recorded history, as taught, is full of a fat and lazy fox's cunning, sending those that would pursue along a few meandering paths; but if one remains focused, and possesses enough savvy, and the seeming required bit of sense (and perhaps a blessing or two thrown in for good measure!), then I believe that one can gather quite accurately the more complete tapestry of our rich history, which is predominantly a sordid one, regrettably.

The fox assures us that "All Roads Lead To Rome", and while we may not have received pin-head precision within the prophetic works as to the day and the hour of these events, having kept at the worthy efforts of sifting out the tares, there was and is ample warning of what we are now experiencing to be found there within them, as well as plenty of good and sound advice, if you will, for how to proceed through such darkness, giving warning to those with the ears to hear.

There is absolutely no man on Earth worthy of the title of king, to be idolized, or cozied up to for some beneficent act(s) on his behalf, nor should any of his counsellors' and advisers' words and dictates be taken above the Truth written within our own, individual hearts, as when they demand that we should burn incense to Caesar's gods- whatever new-fangled, black magic tech they would ensnare us with... essentially the same as it has been for millenia, it is just that at times the pap went down smoother, if I may be so bold.

When one lives by the sword, one is likely to die by the sword, and doesn't it stand to reason?

But oh-so mighty man will not be humbled by such until it is to be the life of him, and the rest of us, as well, if we should slide along side of him, willingly...

I do not intend to be dragged down into such, even as the first waves lap about at our mutual and collective doorstep, but will seek and find the Higher Ground, along with any whose path is congruent, that being the only requirement.

Blessings for All, regardless.

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Dec 15, 2022
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The article is about the reason why people make decisions; truth judgments, if you will...

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