Is there anybody out there?
One of my most productive commenters supplied enough material for me two weeks ago for the following article, which is one of my most important and innovative one:
I apologize for the delay, but most of my articles are still not obsolete, and I have to handle hundreds of comments every day. This one deserves my attention to the point that I am not leaving it behind:
Question Everything
Dec 15·edited Dec 15
You made a brief response to me on another thread, which really got me going, so I’d thought I’d post it here under the intriguing idea of “What Makes You Think You Are Right?” As I wrote more than intended, some of the topics I discuss are: Karen Kingston; an interesting quote from an Archbishop; Dr. Malone (extensively); injection contents; and generally how I've approached all this complication.
Karen Kingston. I'm disappointed she doesn't allow comments, but I can understand why; it’s lots of work tending them. I appreciate her attempt to understand the injections from a quasi-legal analysis of the patents, which does strongly resonate with me because I have much legal experience (unfortunately). I think her patent analysis is a good methodology to understand what's happening with respect to injection contents.
Karen also sometimes frames the discussion in a religious manner, which does not resonate with me, but from a spiritual standpoint I totally understand a Christian framing it in a good v. evil manner – that makes perfect sense – and in no way bothered by it. In fact, I have found Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò to be one of the most articulate voices on the pandemic and of course his writings are expressed within a Catholic framework, but again that doesn't bother me; he's extremely sharp as to what's going on and very eloquent:
"I am pleased to be able to speak and share with you my thoughts about the current global crisis. A crisis that we can consider to have begun with the pandemic emergency, but that we know has been planned for decades with very specific purposes by well-known personalities. Stopping at the pandemic alone would in fact be a serious mistake, because it would not allow us to consider the events in their full coherence and interconnectedness, thus preventing us from understanding them and above all from identifying the criminal intentions behind them. You too – each with your own expertise in the medical, scientific, legal or other fields – will agree with me that limiting yourselves to your own discipline, which in some cases is extremely specific, does not fully explain the rationale for certain choices that have been made by governments, international bodies, and pharmaceutical agencies. For example, finding “graphene-like” material in the blood of people who have been inoculated with experimental serums makes no sense for a virologist, but it does made sense for an expert in nanomaterials and nanotechnology who understands what graphene can be used for. It also makes sense for an expert in medical patents, who immediately identifies the content of the invention and relates it to other similar patents. It also makes sense for an expert in war technologies who knows about studies on the enhanced man (a document of the British Ministry of Defense calls him “augmented man” in transhumanistic terms) and is therefore able to recognize in graphene nanostructures the technology that enables the augmentation of the war performance of military personnel. And a telemedicine expert will be able to recognize in those nanostructures the indispensable device that sends biomedical parameters to the patient control server and also receives certain signals from it."
I wouldn’t have thought an Archbishop would have such a sophisticated view, graphene and nanotechnology included, but there you are.
I think it's important people not think in absolutes, and bring some nuance to a problem. I started to get swept up in what is something of a demonization of Dr. Malone. I read one of his Substack posts recently (“Twitter is a Weapon, not a Business”) which states, in relevant part:
“Among other things, as a consultant I have won billions and billions of dollars in federal contract awards for my clients when acting as proposal manager, subject matter expert, and proposal author. This is because I have the ability to dive into new technical domains, quickly understand the fundamentals, and then write convincing proposals in response to US Federal requirements. *** As a consequence, I have signed many non-disclosure agreements (which limit what I can disclose about what I know),*** and have performed deep dives into a variety of different business and technical/strategic plans. <For the record- My pay rate for this work was typically $300/hr, which is modest for someone with my knowledge base and track record. Enough to pay the bills, but not enough to yield the “millions” of dollars which the trolls claim that I have been paid>.
For many years, one of my clients was a company known as “Behavior Matrix”, which has since been sold in 2017 to Element Data. Element Data is partnered with Amazon Web Services, Microsoft, and Snowflake. Here is one case study in how Element Data supports the Healthcare industry, and another study regarding the Pharmaceutical industry. My point here is that I do have insights into the current status of Cyber. And it goes far beyond this specific example.”
That is an incredibly revealing post. Obviously he’s dazzled by money, as most people are these days. He has talked quite a bit about growing up in Goleta. Goleta is literally next door to Montecito, which is perhaps the most beautiful place on the planet (although it’s as big as your little fingernail). Very few people could grow up next to Montecito and not be strongly attracted to money, so I’m not going to hold it against him.
The other thing that’s crystal clear in the quote is that he is deeply embedded in the pharma industry (and DOD and DARPA and CIA experience, which he discusses in other posts). Given that, it’s impressive he’s come out as much as he has against the injections. However, I’ll never be a Dr. Malone cheerleader. For example, he trumpets his participation with “Behavior Matrix” and its sale to Element Data. I looked into that and the technology is ***creepy***. From what I could gather it’s AI to monitor your emotions, and somehow that will translate into better healthcare. Right. Sure. To me, that’s CIA-type behavior monitoring, and he spins it as a good thing. I don’t think his participation in that project was some kind of noble endeavor like he tries to spin it. Still, at the moment he is pretty strongly anti-injection, so I think these are examples of bad and good participation by him.
People have been so dumbed down into an “either/or” mentality, but life’s not like that; it’s a complicated mix that you have to tease the truth out of. Dr. Malone knows he was an active participant in dark activities, and I believe he’s trying to rehabilitate himself to the best he can, and I don’t think it’s realistic to expect him to come totally clean given the real-world constraints he and everyone operate under. What are those constraints in Dr. Malone’s case? He and, for example, Dr. Yeadon undoubtedly have or recently had consultant gigs, and therefore would be effectively muzzled by an NDA. Dr. Malone specifically says that in the quote I provided above. These men can can only say so much without violating an NDA. So I don't expect them to ruin their lives in endless litigation by violating an NDA.
Until recently I had been dreaming that they would reveal “the truth” behind the injections. After I discovered Dr. Malone’s reference to his NDAs I realized my dream was foolish and would not occur. In addition to litigation, they'd be a pariah in their professional field. I guess a moral argument could be made that with so many unexplained deaths, the moral thing to do would be to say everything you know, but I think that’s Marvel superhero fantasy stuff. They are *not* going to commit career suicide, and I think that’s totally understandable. But let’s give Malone and Yeadon credit for finally stating the injections are bad (Yeadon recently has unambiguously condemned the injections).
I forgot something – the lawsuit against the Breggins – that’s unforgivable. Litigation as a weapon is a tremendous mistake on Malone’s part; that cost him a lot of support, undoubtedly. Also, he’s obviously not very sophisticated, legally, because if he was he’d understand what juridical risk is: no matter how confident you are of your case, you may still lose in court for countless reasons, most of them political. The lawsuit also revealed he's very thin-skinned, which is never an attractive trait. Big egos get easily pissed off when challenged, as he demonstrates.
(Sorry! Continued below; I received "Please type a shorter comment" from Substack.)
To finally close the door on Dr. Malone for now -- his book is finally about to launch and no doubt there will tremendous Substack discussion about it -- his latest post just arrived. I skimmed it and without **any** doubt he’s a firm believer in vaccines. I disagree strongly with that. But later he talks about the incredible dangers of “one world health” – so that’s very good. So it’s all about nuance.
Regarding the "parasitic part" of your reply: that gets into "What Makes You Think You Are Right" territory because we now have dueling experts. Dr. Ana and others claim they are seeing self-assembling parasites vs. Drs. Yeadon and Cole and others who think that's quite far out. So now that each side claims the other is wrong, what can I do? I turn to technical research articles, patent analysis, and of course and most obviously, I want to know what the contents of the injection are. What do I learn? With respect to research and patents, my research confirmed, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that there is intense interest in graphene and hydrogels in the context of injections.
With respect to injection contents, imagine going to the doctor with symptoms of poisoning. You inform the doctor you took a pill (prescription, supplement, whatever) and became violently ill. You helpfully produce the bottle that contained the pill and hand it to the doctor. The doctor says, “I don’t know what you took; there is no list of contents or ingredients. This will be very difficult.” That’s the situation with injection contents. At this point in time, if someone cannot see that people are dropping dead or suffering severe disabilities due to the injections, they are being willfully stupid. With enough time and effort someone may eventually reverse engineer or parse out what’s in the injections to finally help all these suffering people, but it’s going to be **far** more difficult without knowledge of the injection contents.
The fact that full injection contents are unknown: I call that a "tell," meaning it points out somebody’s hiding something (DOD and pharma, in this case). Any claim for redaction based on trade or military secrets is now bogus, and legally could be challenged in court and pierced because of the huge death and disability increase. The fact that full injection contents continue to be deliberately concealed, despite the obvious harm they have caused, is certainly bad faith and *strongly* suggests Dr. Ana et al. are correct and Drs. Yeadon and Cole have it wrong. But in the whole brouhaha of nano this and graphene that, I can't make a definitive determination until I know either the complete injection contents or some other fact which isn't even on my radar. Until the contents are revealed (when? ever?) or something totally unconsidered piece of info pops up, I would be astounded if it turns out that Dr. Ana was wrong on this, based on the research, patents, and hidden contents of the injections.
Almost forgot! The illustration at the top is hilarious! I loved “drivers ignoring winter conditions may be subject to natural selection.”
Apologies for the length of this, but I have been quite conflicted about Malone and injection contents, and writing this out has been helpful for me. I have a bit more to say about "what makes me think I am right," in the context of the very beginning of the plandemic, but I have to run. Thanks again, Ray.
Here is my response after two weeks:
Thank you for your observations. They are often more valuable than my articles (at least, that’s what I think), which is why I asked you to also start your Substack, even if you can publish only once or twice a month. You are the sole contributor here with specific legal aspects.
I tremendously enjoy our conversations, although I wouldn’t mind, if I could call you by the name as a form of respect. Talking over the phone might also accomplish quite a bit.
Sorry about being this late, but the other day took me the whole day to conscientiously react to your comment, and I’m not sure how many readers understood that it was worth every second of it.
Anyway, here is my response.
I would have a few questions for Kingston, and if she could answer them in a feasible manner, I would start respecting her. Bloviating on my end just wouldn’t cut it. On the other hand, even I have been swamped, and couldn’t respond to quite a few comments, although I'm sure I have a lot fewer readers than Kingston. Still, I don’t block anyone from commenting*, and my conjecturing is straightforward, so I would like to learn more in order to improve my current mental image of the situation. To me, her disallowing comments from nonpaying readers suggests that she is only interested in “positive” feedback... Still, I don't think she’s got it all straight, which makes me suspicious of what she is hiding.
Vigano, strangely enough, has been allowed by the papacy to voice his opinion, which is quite a bit like mine, and many other ecclesiastic figures have been banned or even kicked out of the Roman Catholic Church for saying/practicing the same. He is still using the official terminology (“vaccines,” “experimental,” “virologist” and the like), which gives the official narrative a boost despite all appearances (even bad publicity is good advertising, because 60% of all sales follow name recognition...). To me, nearly everything on the “alt” media looks like either deception or sidetracking:
Religion is fine with me as long as it’s a personal account from a commenter, as I have also provided some testimony:
On the other hand, a number of times I had to ask people politely not to preach, because mine is not a religious site, and the focus here is on prevention and protection against the outcome. I even posted about my suspicion about such infiltrators:
Malone is a small-time crook, an orifice for the globalists. He is being used and is also expected to say good things, which make him believable (which is what actually Goebbels said as opposed to the Anglo-Saxon BS of “repeating a lie until people believe it,” which is, in fact, the “British” method).
From his very first appearance, I understood that he was used b/o his charisma, but he was lying through the teeth, perhaps without knowing it. The Evil Dwarf must have been selected the same way, but he certainly has no shame. Giving the benefit of doubt didn’t work with Malone, as it did with Yeadon, who completely turned around and is now saying pretty much what I told him about six months ago, when he was sitting on the fence. After all this, I am not interested in Malone’s book, just like I couldn’t care less for RFK Jr’s (he has also shown himself):
In general, I am convinced that the carrot-and-stick method is used for "celebrities," although it’s often only the stick. Everyone is dispensable.
When I was young (28), I was also offered power and money for my prospective “services,” but refused, because I wanted to live my own life instead of being at anyone’s beck and call. Strangely, I was allowed to walk out the door; I guess, it was not my time to go, although I was ready for that, too. :) If someone is not allowed to talk openly, why do they even open their mouth?
“Standing up” against the injection is moot; first, it’s too little, too late:
Second, it is now just about irrelevant:
Moreover, because
When it comes to the truth behind the injections, I’ve already voiced my opinion several times (the following article contains only part of it, but hopefully the better part):
I still maintain that the contents are no secret (graphenes, toxins, parasites, and pathogens), but the individual concoctions in every single batch will probably stay shrouded.
The “duel” between “opposing” sides, this time, might be a setup, because both parties are correct: Ana calls attention to the parasites, which just about everyone else has neglected (I’ve been collecting materials for an article for about four months, but it’s still not ready). Yeadon, as far as I understand, has already backed out of believing in Virology, which is the right thing to do, while Malone, Mercola, Kirsch et al. are still pushing it. Yeadon is light-years ahead of the scammers.
Malone’s litigation is no accident or mistake, just like there are no unintentional “side effects” in the Rockefellerian line of “Medicine.” Malone is simply proving what he is: one of the hired killers, who is doing what he is told to do. In the last few years, as a consultant, I have witnessed several MDs conducting their butchery, and not a single one admitting the possibility that their patients were suffering from radiation illness b/o a new 5G tower installments next to their habitat, of complications from the injections, or of a combination of both:
Graphenes and hydrogels are definitely there, but as I said it before, other toxins, natural and artificial parasites, and specific pathogens also seem to be in the concoctions that vary by the batch in order to maintain plausible deniability and leave room for “human error” (although the manufacturing process must be fully AI-driven) or “contamination,” which are certainly not the case.
When it comes to “patent analysis,” may I emphesize that the most important part is that the “virus” that exists only in computer simulation was patented by ModeRNA in 2015, which ensured the secrecy about the contents of the vials as “intellectual property”?
From the very beginning, I considered the muzzle, the “test,” and the injection a direct attack on my life and even said it numerous times that accepting any of those was a cruel way of natural selection, especially when parents muzzled their own children and/or having them injected. Even wrote an article at a time, when my site was not this well-known:
Harmful intent was possible to prove over a year ago, so it makes no difference what Yeadon or Ana are saying. The fact is that no litigation is allowed or allowed to win for the people:
As for appearing in court, you and I have already exchanged our ideas in the comment section after this article:
Ultimately, nobody will come to the rescue:
Reading all this might prove helpful for others as well. :)
*Eventually, I had to ban a few actors in order to protect my readers from disruptors, malfeasance, time-wasters, red herrings, crude language, and uncivilized behavior:
and more recently, because of a player in the comments of this article:
The more I read and saw on video of Dr. Malone, the more I thought, he is an actor, he is not sincere, he is suspicious.
Ray, what a great break down from then to now. I hold with so many of the points made, that I commend you for getting it down on paper, well-thought out and compelling. Your work is deeply appreciated. Thank you.