‘I’m out there’ right here! Cheers for the leaps of useful discourse ! Beauty in action I see with the conversations - question everything person is raising the bar in helpfully articulating this tidal wave of interconnected human smashing plans that are being executed.

It’s hard for me to put my thoughts about this into words as it is so all encompassing. Language, Ray, and re-reading, 3-4the time, your discovery formulated in your personal problem solving years ago- the narrowness of only deductive reasoning- add and stir with big spoon Inductive pictures, soooo helpful in gaining insights for me - reading the two of you is like being in the middle of a musical composition!

Thank you :)

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It is I, who must thank YOU! :)

You have contributed a lot without probably even noticing. In my last piece, inspired by your comment, I hope, I managed to prove my point at least to a certain extent:


It surprises even me to experience during these conversations how much most people here, including me, are parts of the same WHOLE. It reminds me of classical music, when one instrument starts a tune, another takes over to carry it, and the whole orchestra is there to play the whole piece.

I am certain that humans are a lot more interconnected in many ways they still cannot fathom than one could even possibly imagine. Life is a miracle, and I like to see it that way. :)

On second thought, now as you are mentioning it, my deductive approach might be an obstacle for quite a few people, especially in the Anglo-Saxon culture, where I have been repeatedly told not to "generalize," when I was simply initiating a conversation by depicting the picture frame in which the participants of the conversation might be able to specifically address the subject.

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I havn't got time to read in full but Malone ups himself a little too much there. He doesn't get those contracts due to his oh so wonderful talents, he gets them because he's an insider.

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You see, I don't read his crap, because it's clear where he is coming from and what is hoping to accomplish. No need to waste your time, either. :)

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What is he trying to accomplish? Malone as President?

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Just gaslighting people, mostly by giving them false hope and a tribal mentality that prevent pre-emptive action, independent thinking, and even any form of discussion/debate.

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Hi Ray,

GREAT post! Very thought provoking.

As per the comments here it seems your subscribers feel that Dr. Malone is "off" (as do l)! I felt it right away when l first became aware of him. He just makes me feel slimy when l read his stuff or watch his interviews.

Personally, l don't think Malone actually writes his own material on his SS....l think he has paid ghostwriters. I remain a free subscriber to his SS just to keep abreast of what he's publishing because l sometimes pick-up unusual hints of where the current may be flowing on any given day. Also, because his thoughts are promoted by so many others in different venues & l want to be able to go back to his SS to confirm what others are saying when they "refer" to him.

As far as his lawsuit against the Breggins....it makes me want to vomit. Now that immature, unnecessary situation is truly slimy! Malone is REALLY showing his colors with that move!

Anyway, the reason l am commenting is because l want to ask something about Archbishop Vigano. As has been mentioned, he is in "hiding" for his safety as he has been very vocal about Church & world events (and l have respect & admiration for him & so far agree with all he has said). Vigano has been extremely critical of activities at the Vatican as well as the current pope (who is essentially a "non-pope" imo). Vigano has also been demoted in his standing within the Church to my understanding.

So this is my inquiry....WHY is he not a threat to TPTB? Why has he not been ex-communicated by the Church? What could TPTB really be using him for?

If Vigano knows he is potentially in danger & made the decision to go into hiding why is the Catholic Church tolerating him by allowing him to remain an Archbishop? Why haven't they discredited him by ex-communicating him?

Okay, l've asked several questions but they're all essentially the same thing. IS THE ARCHBISHOP SERVING SOME PURPOSE FOR THE CHURCH OR TPTB? If so, what is that purpose?

I can't wrap my head around this & l'm wondering what you & others may think....

As always, thank-you!

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Good topic! The simple conclusion is: Any outspoken public activist medical or scientific professional who is a “virus exists” person, regardless if they are against the shots or not is a deception operative of the first order.

The no-virus should be simple for any of these medical professionals. Just read the Fan Wu paper. It only takes 10 minutes, but they are mum about it, and will only go so far as to say genomes prove the existence of viruses.

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You see, the only way the "virus" narrative can be maintained is by microscopic images and the hired killers who might "only" be morons, including the "medical" staff and the rest...

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ABSOLUTELY! But...ten whole minutes? Come on, now- why can't "they" condense it down to a pleasing, commercial length, of say,

45 seconds, because no one can have their attention held for such a strenuous length of time- no, no, no. Perhaps that is the aim, in a world gone beyond mad.

For the few that may not have had their morning go juice, this is only crude sarcasm!

"Fan Wu" comes to my ears as intimating "F you", so perhaps I am just sick in the noggin...or, these words and phrases are very subtly designed... (Or, a strange mix, I must allow for!)

Been too long navigating the Matrix, and it is taking its toll. Is it time for a Vacation, yet? Yes, please!

Good Day, All!

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Ray, I am new to writing, a generation behind you. Your articles are chocked full of great analysis. Thanks for your service. The solar fields also leak radiation of some sort and I get sick when I am near. When I travel for work I will work in a different community. I have to take all my nutritional supplements, etc with me just to survive from being sick. Minerals and water make a huge difference.

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Recently became a subscriber to your Substack, Donald. Thoroughly enjoying your writing. Keep it coming! You are an inspiration!

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That means a lot Laurie. Thank you!

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Thank you for your appreciation. Please, understand that I am not "great," I am unique. :)

Still, I need more info regarding your question. In the meanwhile, here is what I have already written on the subject:


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Posting Question Everything's comments and your response are very helpful. Thank you! I'd wanted to ask QE and now wish to ask you both what you think of what Sasha Latypova is saying here: Lhttps://open.substack.com/pub/sashalatypova/p/discussion-with-sam-dube-and-lara?r=ud9cd&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Why is it that I have been saying the same and more accurately, and people are still falling behind?

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Not falling behind, just haven't caught up yet.

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Well, those who didn't start early enough, like in January 2020, have a strong disadvantage, because many sources are now hidden by popular search engines. I started up my site as a farce (otherwise, I would have called myself a "Doctor," which I am), but it turned out I could still serve three percent of the three percent.

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I'm glad you don't call yourself a doctor, but am equally glad for your academic background. Who are the three percent of the three percent? Academics who have critical thinking skills?

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You are the first to ask, so the laurel is yours. :)

It is the three percent of the ones who would be willing/able to resist/fight for their freedom, but only three percent of those could relate to most of the stuff here...

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Am happy to be awarded a laurel for a question. Thank you! :)

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Obviously, she is trying to say what I have been saying for several months, except she is making money out of it. :)

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Long time reader Ray but i think this is my first reply;

All (most of the so-called truthers have found a way to make money out of misery; They are like "ambulance chasers" just waiting for an "accident" to occur right in front of them;

Not that it (probably) matters to [t]hem, but i have no respect or regard for [t]hem at all and will never contemplate adding to the coffers;

Yes, we all need an income of some sort to survive these days BUT when it comes to helping mankind survive this onslaught on our very existence, is it really moral or spiritual to ask for money before you help?;

Maybe i need to recognise my worth next time i help an elderly or disabled HUMAN-BEING cross a busy road or put their shopping in their car;

Maybe i should reconsider sticking up for someone who is being attacked or bullied before i get some type of remuneration for my "services";

Perhaps i should seek help for being selfless?; Perhaps i need to "reset my compass"?........

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Thank you for joining in. It is readers like you who are giving a chance to others by spreading the news... I never had dollar signs floating in front of me, when I started up in May; simply wanted to use the end of my life in a way that might help others.

As Yeadon understood shortly after I told him that compliance would never save anyone, only speed up the proceedings, many of my readers seem to understand that although "Like"s and comments are recorded, if there are enough of them, the AI-run system cannot handle them. Other than that, every US citizen breaks the "law" about three times a day without knowing it, so the whole problem of being afraid is moot. Moreover, those who live in fear are already dead, except they do not know it.

I do post the "begging" insert about once a month, but only in my best articles and a reminder that I also need to subsist on more than nothing. This site is up and running mostly out of my wife's good will and support, although I also have to make some money on the side, which doesn't need to be a whole lot, because I own my small house in rural Kentucky. I'll always allow all comments (well, I don't care for people preaching in order to collect donations, people who try to destroy this site in the comment sections the by diluting it with BS, and people who disrespect others, except me).

Bottom-feeders has become a constant problem. They are trying to save those, whom only God (assuming He cares can save or has already saved, if you will)... They are also selling you metal mesh to be used over your bed for $1.2-1.4k, which is an absolute disgrace; that crap is not going to save anyone... These subhumans are truly despicable...

I never get angry, but I do harbor aggression against the false prophets, who want people to have hope before they have faith in anything. Those, in my opinion, are the worst, but I could be wrong.

In general, you or I cannot save the world; most of the time, it doesn't even want to be saved. :)

My wife is a good and gentle spirit; I am not. I've seen too much of human stupidity and cruelty, but I am supporting her in her helping out people in the neighborhood. She is willing to use her resources to help even those who might need no help. :)

Ultimately, only you can answer your questions, because they are about your life. All I can do is share my story to a certain extent.

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The more I read and saw on video of Dr. Malone, the more I thought, he is an actor, he is not sincere, he is suspicious.

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As far as I can see, his charisma is used against the people and, sadly, even against himself, because his personal integrity will fall apart (unless that's already happened), and he will one day wake up without knowing who he is... I always feed sorry for such people, except this time, he is an integral part of the genocide, which I cannot condone.

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In most cases, i try to afford people like Malone the benefit of doubt BUT with all the "technologies" he has helped create leaves very little room for doubt about his past and of which side he walks with;

Stating that "generally, vaccines are good" is another Red Flag as is being on the side of "virology" and contagions as such;

A true scientist would never be so ready to accept an outcome as inevitable; for that matter, nor would they attempt to justify introducing synthetics into the Human body;

[T]hats what drug dealers are for even though they mean (i think???) to give people a 'good time" out of reality, they are still peddling in death;

To come out after the fact and attempt to say "i told them this was dangerous" is by no means an escape from prosecution or persecution;

I feel that Malone and his ilk are attempting to hide from scrutiny by admitting fault BUT at the same time saying "at least i told you"........in effect asking for amnesty;

Then there is this (possibly) shallow old adage that my Grandfather told me on several occasions regarding people i (at the time) considered friends that had eyes that were not so far apart........ "never trust someone with pointy (as he called it) eyes"........ And you know what, those "friends" were there ones that let me down harshest

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Ray, what a great break down from then to now. I hold with so many of the points made, that I commend you for getting it down on paper, well-thought out and compelling. Your work is deeply appreciated. Thank you.

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Thank you. I am still correcting older stuff, because my wife joined me with proofreading only later and I am a rapid reader, don't even notice my typos most of the time. I could, but it would take up to five days for each article, and this is journalism, where nobody gets a break for five days.

What you are saying is someting feasible and it probably should be done: to collect my articles into a volume and publish it.

If I am persistent and consistent, with my wife's help, this site (or my name?) will be well known by May, 2024 (startups need about two years to succeed, and they do only if all other conditions are met), but I'm not sure how much of the country will still be around by then.

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Thanks Ray, I appreciate the links to older stacks also. I agree about Dr Bob completely. I too am a believer, a cradle Catholic and as such must profess my faith. We have been asked by Him to tell the Good News and that can bring people to Him although I agree that He speaks to us, loves us and saves us daily, so the personal experience merely has to be recognised, it is always there.

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Even I have to re-read my own stuff, because most of them are good or even unique.

The very first thing I did, when I realized about the genocide in March, 2020, was make peace with my Maker. All the rest is an addition for people like me, who are living on borrowed time.

Wherever your treasure is, that's where your heart will be. That hardly ever needs verbal feedback, but it's good, when that sort of thing comes back. The Internal Voice is there, but it must be closely watched, whether it is compatible with your articles of Faith. :) Satan, after all, never sleeps.

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Dude, brilliant piece. Perhaps your best to date. Will be sharing far and wide. Thank you.

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Also, the ONLY way for my stuff to become known is by people spreading the word. The MSM will certainly not going to do it. :)

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And as you are reading so many sources, you might be able to notice that a LOT of "authors" are "borrowing" my ideas. :)

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Thank you. I am here to serve. :)

Still, I think, I have a few "best pieces" recently and even much earlier, when my readership was still starting up.

My latest epiphany:


A conclusion reached for the power structure in the last 120 years or more:


How to prevent CBDC from taking people's assets:


A summary of general poisoning:


What makes people decide on what they consider true:


I hope, you are familiar with these, too.

Here is an earlier one that is also unique:


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Oh Ray. Don't know what to say. Maybe you have come to the same conclusion.

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The same as what?

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Dec 31, 2022
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Strangely, Latypova came out with something about a week ago that I had said for several months, but I'm getting used to that, because I'm here to serve the truth, not myself, and it is possible that thinking people arrive at the same conclusion. I just hate it that I've been usually the first throughout my life and was considered "negative," "conspiratorial," or even a nutcase by the same people who bought the same idea later on from someone else. It is actually good that Latypova is saying the same, because she reaches a lot larger audience.

As I previously suggested, it is probably possible to reverse engineer most of the ingredients in the vials, but the contents of single batches will always remain a mystery, because literally nobody knows the specific brews the computers compiled at the time, and I don't think those computers will ever leave breadcrumbs.

There are certainly no "side effects" and no "contaminants." Everything is intentional, just like with "medications."

The most amazing thing to me is that people do not react to the wake-up call that manufacturers are not legally liable for their injections. That alone should discredit the whole "vaccine" scam.

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Jan 1, 2023
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You are in good company here. Not sure how someone can keep going to "doctors" and still survive as a healthy person. Doctors don't do that sort of thing...

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