simply put... we are being [and have been] poison ed and corrupted since the garden of eden and the tower of babalyon ... dear God of goodness and truth please help us all return / turn to goodness and truth and love and grace ... thank you , we try to love you , we would like to know you

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My wife's comments after leaving the theatre after watching a French movie was 'well at the least the French can still make a movie without any woke in it".

Not sure about the AI.

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Thanks Ray. The murk of hollywood is clearing.

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Bit of an aside but I have personal insight into the circumstances surrounding the Paul Walker death. I know the person who sold the Porsche prior to the accident in LA that killed him. That person knew (and apparently told the buyer, I can’t confirm) that the tires fitted to the vehicle had not been upgraded to align with the upgraded performance of the car. In short, the buyer was (apparently) advised to change the tires before driving the car. He didn’t. That’s all I’ve got.

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I never watch movies in a theater these days, unless forced by my wife, last time was some stupid Star Wars flick. American major motion pictures I usually detest. I used to when I had income 20 years ago go to Film Festivals. Those were worthwhile. If I want a movie I go to the past and seek out CINEMA. Fellini say, though of course there are many fine foreign films.

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I've got proof that actors are offered this deal: you support the NWO (abortion, gender ideology, etc.) and you keep getting overpaid work and fame. Otherwise go back to regular life.

What do you think?

It's all just part of THEIR plan:


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The movies have been using baphomet actors - trans people - women going crazy as their curvature became an obsession to tame in gyms. The busty slim thighs should have been a tell of THEIR (lady boy) presence. Anorexia and bulimia trends - to the now of following the holly wand hypnosis to chemical and surgical gender dysphoria.

The lady boys have been front and centre for decades - who? THEY had to adopt children...

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