I regret not learning chess in my youth. It was bad enough being classified by my peers as a nerd and serious student, placed in the so-called accelerated classes. But I did learn chess several years ago when I became enamored with watching the chess tournaments live from the St Louis Chess Club.
In the 70's I was aware of Bobby Fisher as a chess prodigy, but did not follow him. I did know that he had become affiliated with the Worldwide Church of God in Pasadena CA. In high school I had begun receiving their literature debunking the "theory of evolution", and became familiar with their Biblical teachings. I'm sure that is why Bobby followed them.
They were led at the time by Herbert W Armstrong, who started Ambassador College in Pasadena, with another campus in Texas. I had considered enrolling after high school, and visited both campuses.
They taught the keeping of the original Ten Commandments and the Feasts and Holy Days commanded in the Covenant to be kept forever, along with the clean food laws. But they did not consider themselves "Jewish", but Christian. They acknowledged that the true Messiah was a Hebrew, an Israelite, and a Jew, his lineage being through the Tribe of Judah.
They also realized and taught the history of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and the history of the two ancient Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, two separate nations, that went their own ways, and suffered different punishments from YHWH for their disobedience.
Today there are far more living descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel than there are of the two Tribes that comprised the Jews - Judah and Levi. There are actual Jews living today, and there are the false Jews, those Khazarians who stole the Jewish identity, and are the ones who are part of the cabal. And by "Israelite" I do not refer to the proxy state of Israel in the middle east.
A simple way to understand this is to say "All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews". (not including the false Jews). The vast majority of Israelites today are not Jews. Hundreds of millions of Israelites occupy many western nations today, including America.
I was fortunate to learn in high school that much of what we are taught as facts are actually lies, like the satanic theory of evolution. Even so, in 1969 I watched the "live" moon landing on TV and never for once doubted it was real. Only decades later, long after learning we had been lied to about who murdered JFK among other things, I was forced to confront the NASA lies and discovered we never went to the moon, it was all faked, and several of the "astronauts" who refused to go along with the sham were murdered, including Grissom and the other two burned alive in the capsule.
But I still believed in the spinning globe earth. It was only in the last 2-3 years that I slowly allowed myself to seriously consider this question. I now have firmly come to the belief that NASA and its CIA/cabal promoters also have lied to us about "space", and that the Earth is not a spinning globe, but a stationary level plane. This is the real big lie that must be exposed. There is no curvature observable, never has been, and there are many proofs of this.
Incidentally, my ancestry is English/Irish/Scottish and some Dutch German, all clearly Israelite descendants.
I am marking your comment with a "Like" because of your candid veracity; you and I don't have to agree on everything. The important thing is that we are still (more-or-less) organic humans with their own Free Will.
Eventually, quite a few people read and discussed my personal experience as described in
In my next publication, I published your comment with my response, hoping that it would engage others into a discussion about personal experiences, but after nearly a day, nobody left a single comment, and the post received only 17 "Like"s, indicating the my readership is busy somewhere else or are not particularly interested. Time will tell.
However, if you modify your comment, I'll have to modify the way I quoted it, so please, let me know, if that happens.
This strikes me as an extremely sensible and helpful summary of your thoughts. I am pinning it.
Thank you for your detailed introduction of Bobby's choice of religion. I'm a bit puzzled about the 280-something "food laws" in Judaism, because the ones for seafood made sense before refrigeration was introduced, and I never understood the restrictions on pork. The only Christian denomination I know is Calvinism (unless Mormons can count as Christians), where you know that G*d loves you because you are affluent with lots of progenies, and Yahve punishes you, if you are not living up to the standards.
To me, it's even more confusing if I am a Jew or not. It turned out only 13 years ago that my paternal ancestry is, nearly with absolute certainty, Jewish, but they catholicized around 1918, and the Catholic Church made their "history" disappear to the point that they were not even dragged to the labor camps. By Jews, only the mother is certain, so apart from growing up at the edge of a Jewish quarter, having next to no religious experience at a young age, but not even noticing which of my friends were Jewish, I am a weird lot. :)
The Moon landing, by the way resembles the H* fable, too...
The curvature of the Earth is easy to ascertain, even for simple people like you and I. Just look at the streetlights across a lake like 8-10 miles away, and only the ones that are tall enough (about 15" or taller) can be seen. I'm not saying this whole world cannot be an illusion, but if it is, we are royally screwed... Of course, not all the stories are even feasible, with the UFOs taking the lead among them...
Yes, The Origin of Species (1859) was a first attempt by pretty much the same people who are now holding the whole world captive, to convince people that they are only animals (sadly, quite a few of them are, to the extent of never being able to exercise Free Will: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/i-have-solved-the-question-of-free), so human dignity must go down the drain, which is a good precursor of today's technocracy...
Fisher, somewhat surprisingly, wanted to be, and was buried, as a Roman Catholic (with the new fake Pope, that sort of things has become precarious).
It was my father who, a few years before he died, showed me the Fisher-Spassky games, but I was not much good at chess at the time; preferred physical sports.
Bobby was self-taught from the age of seven, kind of like me, except I only went into chess in college, where we had a "Chess Department" in the smoking place and were playing for a quarter a pop (plus challenge). There were master candidates and a good chess hustler there, so it took me "only" a few years to "graduate" with my "blitz certificate." My favorite plays were 30/30, though.
My Hubby and I just watched the movie about Bobby Fisher, my hubby has loved chess since he was a kid. It was a good movie,....but given where we are today, with the Khazarian Mafia (fake Jews) still in total control of America,....it really seems like nothing ever changes. Even now, Trump hires all Zionists,....but I have a question for you.
When Bobby is talking about The Jews,....he seems to be speaking about a certain group of them,...did he know they were really White Eastern European, not Jews at all? It sure sounds like he did! And being very vocal about it, no surprise they took him out with cancer.
Now that we know that SV40 monkey kidney cancer promoter is in ALL the Vaccines and always has been,....keeping the Cancer Industry flowing with money,....it would have been easy to kill him that way. They always take out the people who are Intelligent enough to SEE them through all the lies, fraud and scams at the PUPPET MASTER behind the CURTAIN. Sad for all of the people who could SEE!
While Zionist, Khazarians, and whoever else are doing a great job at promoting and securing the NWO's Agenda 2030, I believe, they are only tools for the actual overlords, and most of them will be eliminated once their job is accomplished:
Great article Ray. Interesting and informative. Soon any truth in history will all be erased. AI will make sure of it. Canada is now looking to remove any history books printed prior to 2008 in the public (government propagandized) school system. It’s sickening how fast this agenda has sped up. Another announcement from the Canadian federal government yesterday to ban yet another 125 firearms in addition to the previous 200 or so that they banned 2 years ago. The statement claims that they will take these (military looking)firearms away from legal licensed owners and ship them to Ukraine to help the war effort. Disarming Canadian citizens to arm Ukrainian citizens. To be clear all fully automatic firearms have to illegal in Canada since 1979. What they are taking away is anything that looks scary and is semiautomatic, even hunting rifles. They will have a tough go with this decision… but a state of unrest is what they are shooting for, pun intended. This comes a few short days after Trudeau was summoned to Mar a Lago for a meeting by the president elect. They are all compromised and controlled by the same entity, without naming any names. I believe Bobby Fisher was definitely on to something. 2025 is shaping up to be a wild ride.
Ukraine, with its gay clown at the helm, is a joke, but who knows who would win the clown contest between him and Diaper Joe?
Fully automatic costs a bundle in the States, but it's still legit. For that matter, even simple people arming up for self defense, has become a challenge, including suppressors, whose only objective is to protect people's hearing:
I am already surprised that the psyop stopping electricity/oil/food/water delivery still hasn't started up. You can find plenty of info about those, if you are searching under "Archive" with the proper key words on my main page...
Don't worry; long-range rifles would still work against... (Please, read the comments, too.)
“Grok, the AI chatbot developed by his startup xAI, will soon be able to summarize complex U.S. laws before Congress passes them.
This new feature aims to simplify legislation and make it more accessible to the public, allowing people to understand the "real purpose" of these laws.
Grok's ability to access real-time information through X(formerly Twitter) and browse the internet enables it to provide up-to-date summaries of proposed legislation.
This move comes as part of Musk's emphasis on transparency and truth in AI technology.
The feature is expected to be implemented in the coming weeks and will be available to X Premium+ subscriber.” (AI summarized).
US laws are so full of contradictions and ambiguous language that they shame the complexity of the Gordian knot. The similarity is that the only solution seems to be Alexander the Great's. :)
Perhaps the only way to cut the knot is to implement the Electronic Townhall.
Reality is the only thing that matters.
This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the political powerlessness of the powerless.
Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy. They claim to be doing the best thing for us on each and every point across the board.
Periodically, they even let us vote for representatives who are authorized to vote for us on the new laws that will do the right thing for everybody each and every time. And this empowerment of fallible human beings is the only means we have to redress our grievances.
And yet the honest Congressional and Legislative representative admits that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on.
In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws every day. They vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.
And according to the powerless, the situation gets worse.
So, when does it get better? Or is it necessary that our democratically elected representatives, who do not have the time to evaluate the legislation they vote on, plunge us into Armageddon where only God could sort it out?
Somehow, we have to call a stop to the madness.
The peaceful, prosperous world we all hope and dream of begins when the responsible Citizens develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.
............ But of course we could find a charismatic billionaire hero who will do the right thing to save us. If we can get him elected to the Presidency.
I always say that the "deaths" of all high-profile persons should be suspect. Was the body open to public inspection and identification? Of course not.
☞Bobby seemed to have served certain psyops well, maybe it was time to let him relax in a mountain house in Switzerland.
Right. As with the Rosenbergs, it remains a question if he really died as the public was told, but even the way people are told he did could easily serve further psyops...
He may have been tired, or got to crazed in the church he joined or became mentally ill, or all the above and they had to take him into protective custody/hospitalization. We don't know, but they don't just kill their assets or people unless they are actively against them or there is no other choice. Either way the story for public consumption is as usual, not likely the truth.
Ray, that Bibi reveled in using the people of Isreal as test dummies for his friends at Pfizer in 2021 is a tell… the majority are only being sold on the idea they are in the club which creates so many opportunities to spin a lie. Great work, thank you
Yup, Israel had some of the highest rates of damages/deaths from the injections, and was not all Palestinians...
All I'm asking my readers to do is think a few more steps ahead, instead of reveling in the very first conclusion that makes them feel convinced how smart they are... But that is mostly for newcomers; my old-time readers are aware of that, and seem to enjoy the exercise.
As a dyslexic somewhere once remarked - what’s all this fuss about semen about, surely the world depends on sailors? On a serious note in retrospect the Isreal as mass bio lab project looks like a compliance test, gauging the ground for what was to come.
Fascinating! I liked to play chess as a younger person, but was not great.
As for Nicole Kidman, I believe what she went through with the bug eating vid is known as a humiliation ritual. Apparently *they're* font of doing that to these celebs.
Isn't it more accurate (and meaningful) to say Hollywood was created by jews instead of just being "Jewish-dominated"?
And in regards to jewish supremacy, I get the sense you are weak in the knees; i.e. when the now increasing number of demoralized people start looking for the source of the spiritual and moral decay of the West, pattern recognition reveals uncomfortable truths, but we are not supposed to "believe our lying eyes".
Yes, even the American musical was started up by Jewish immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian empire, but that's only a small part of the whole global picture. The utmost device that rules the world is banking, and that's not necessarily all Jewish:
As for categorizing me instead of being specific; I don't like being insulted instead of being addressed respectfully. Would you? If you take the time and re-read my article, I am introducing more layers to the conundrum than anyone else, while not ruling out any options. I am not interested in ad-hominem exchanges.
My intent was not insult, and where I come from "weak in the knees" hardly qualifies as one. My point is that your article seems to reinforce the idea that jews really are victims (of scapegoating by the overlords), which is of course what they want everyone to think so they can continue implementing their agenda(s) in plain sight.
Some Jews ARE victims ("collateral damage"), others are not, and the self-victimization is certainly deplorable... How does that differ from other people is the question, and I am attempting to explore a few answers in my article.
May I say…I love the Jews…for 2 very special reasons! 1. They were responsible for the Holy Bible! 2. They gave me my Savior Jesus Christ..at least His humanity! They were given eternal promises by God to Abraham! One being …whoever curses the Jews…God Himself will curse! And God also gave the land of Palestine to the Jews! Forever! The Jews are no more evil than the gentiles! For God has concluded all under sin…that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ..might be given to them that believe! All who repent and put their faith in Christ will receive eternal life! Both Jew and gentile!
Thanks Ray that was really interesting. I always had an aversion to history when I was wallowing in the “education “ system. Now I understand why. Once again aided by guides lurking on the sidelines. Twenty moves ahead; you were controlling the outcome. You were creating your destiny. When I was a young man and inquisitive I discovered the continuity of time. I would wake myself from dreams and would write them down while they were fresh. Maybe eight years later, I was having a break from working on the enormity of my personal responsibility and i reread one quite long description from a dream that I had had. It perfectly painted a picture of my view from the window of the tower that I had built on a fifty foot cliff overlooking a partially island protected opening to the misnamed Pacific Ocean.
I just read a biography of a chess champion who ended up going into martial arts and he wrote in his book that Bobby Fisher was “nuts“. I wonder after seeing what Israel is doing and after Haaaretz self wrote that everybody knows who is the producer of all the movies and music in America and we are proud of it.
Right, Bobby was, may I say, a bit eccentric, but that doesn't make him into a "nut job." Strangely, I also got involved in martial arts, but never got interested enough to desire a certification. :)
Israel was founded for good reasons. My best guess is that it was meant to ensure the Petrodollar, and if that's what it was, its usefulness is wearing out because of the CBDC:
I regret not learning chess in my youth. It was bad enough being classified by my peers as a nerd and serious student, placed in the so-called accelerated classes. But I did learn chess several years ago when I became enamored with watching the chess tournaments live from the St Louis Chess Club.
In the 70's I was aware of Bobby Fisher as a chess prodigy, but did not follow him. I did know that he had become affiliated with the Worldwide Church of God in Pasadena CA. In high school I had begun receiving their literature debunking the "theory of evolution", and became familiar with their Biblical teachings. I'm sure that is why Bobby followed them.
They were led at the time by Herbert W Armstrong, who started Ambassador College in Pasadena, with another campus in Texas. I had considered enrolling after high school, and visited both campuses.
They taught the keeping of the original Ten Commandments and the Feasts and Holy Days commanded in the Covenant to be kept forever, along with the clean food laws. But they did not consider themselves "Jewish", but Christian. They acknowledged that the true Messiah was a Hebrew, an Israelite, and a Jew, his lineage being through the Tribe of Judah.
They also realized and taught the history of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and the history of the two ancient Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, two separate nations, that went their own ways, and suffered different punishments from YHWH for their disobedience.
Today there are far more living descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel than there are of the two Tribes that comprised the Jews - Judah and Levi. There are actual Jews living today, and there are the false Jews, those Khazarians who stole the Jewish identity, and are the ones who are part of the cabal. And by "Israelite" I do not refer to the proxy state of Israel in the middle east.
A simple way to understand this is to say "All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews". (not including the false Jews). The vast majority of Israelites today are not Jews. Hundreds of millions of Israelites occupy many western nations today, including America.
I was fortunate to learn in high school that much of what we are taught as facts are actually lies, like the satanic theory of evolution. Even so, in 1969 I watched the "live" moon landing on TV and never for once doubted it was real. Only decades later, long after learning we had been lied to about who murdered JFK among other things, I was forced to confront the NASA lies and discovered we never went to the moon, it was all faked, and several of the "astronauts" who refused to go along with the sham were murdered, including Grissom and the other two burned alive in the capsule.
But I still believed in the spinning globe earth. It was only in the last 2-3 years that I slowly allowed myself to seriously consider this question. I now have firmly come to the belief that NASA and its CIA/cabal promoters also have lied to us about "space", and that the Earth is not a spinning globe, but a stationary level plane. This is the real big lie that must be exposed. There is no curvature observable, never has been, and there are many proofs of this.
Incidentally, my ancestry is English/Irish/Scottish and some Dutch German, all clearly Israelite descendants.
I am marking your comment with a "Like" because of your candid veracity; you and I don't have to agree on everything. The important thing is that we are still (more-or-less) organic humans with their own Free Will.
Eventually, quite a few people read and discussed my personal experience as described in
In my next publication, I published your comment with my response, hoping that it would engage others into a discussion about personal experiences, but after nearly a day, nobody left a single comment, and the post received only 17 "Like"s, indicating the my readership is busy somewhere else or are not particularly interested. Time will tell.
However, if you modify your comment, I'll have to modify the way I quoted it, so please, let me know, if that happens.
This strikes me as an extremely sensible and helpful summary of your thoughts. I am pinning it.
Thank you for your detailed introduction of Bobby's choice of religion. I'm a bit puzzled about the 280-something "food laws" in Judaism, because the ones for seafood made sense before refrigeration was introduced, and I never understood the restrictions on pork. The only Christian denomination I know is Calvinism (unless Mormons can count as Christians), where you know that G*d loves you because you are affluent with lots of progenies, and Yahve punishes you, if you are not living up to the standards.
To me, it's even more confusing if I am a Jew or not. It turned out only 13 years ago that my paternal ancestry is, nearly with absolute certainty, Jewish, but they catholicized around 1918, and the Catholic Church made their "history" disappear to the point that they were not even dragged to the labor camps. By Jews, only the mother is certain, so apart from growing up at the edge of a Jewish quarter, having next to no religious experience at a young age, but not even noticing which of my friends were Jewish, I am a weird lot. :)
And yes, the Moon landing was a farce. It's interesting why the Soviets bought into it:
The Moon landing, by the way resembles the H* fable, too...
The curvature of the Earth is easy to ascertain, even for simple people like you and I. Just look at the streetlights across a lake like 8-10 miles away, and only the ones that are tall enough (about 15" or taller) can be seen. I'm not saying this whole world cannot be an illusion, but if it is, we are royally screwed... Of course, not all the stories are even feasible, with the UFOs taking the lead among them...
Yes, The Origin of Species (1859) was a first attempt by pretty much the same people who are now holding the whole world captive, to convince people that they are only animals (sadly, quite a few of them are, to the extent of never being able to exercise Free Will: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/i-have-solved-the-question-of-free), so human dignity must go down the drain, which is a good precursor of today's technocracy...
Fisher, somewhat surprisingly, wanted to be, and was buried, as a Roman Catholic (with the new fake Pope, that sort of things has become precarious).
It was my father who, a few years before he died, showed me the Fisher-Spassky games, but I was not much good at chess at the time; preferred physical sports.
Bobby was self-taught from the age of seven, kind of like me, except I only went into chess in college, where we had a "Chess Department" in the smoking place and were playing for a quarter a pop (plus challenge). There were master candidates and a good chess hustler there, so it took me "only" a few years to "graduate" with my "blitz certificate." My favorite plays were 30/30, though.
My Hubby and I just watched the movie about Bobby Fisher, my hubby has loved chess since he was a kid. It was a good movie,....but given where we are today, with the Khazarian Mafia (fake Jews) still in total control of America,....it really seems like nothing ever changes. Even now, Trump hires all Zionists,....but I have a question for you.
When Bobby is talking about The Jews,....he seems to be speaking about a certain group of them,...did he know they were really White Eastern European, not Jews at all? It sure sounds like he did! And being very vocal about it, no surprise they took him out with cancer.
Now that we know that SV40 monkey kidney cancer promoter is in ALL the Vaccines and always has been,....keeping the Cancer Industry flowing with money,....it would have been easy to kill him that way. They always take out the people who are Intelligent enough to SEE them through all the lies, fraud and scams at the PUPPET MASTER behind the CURTAIN. Sad for all of the people who could SEE!
While Zionist, Khazarians, and whoever else are doing a great job at promoting and securing the NWO's Agenda 2030, I believe, they are only tools for the actual overlords, and most of them will be eliminated once their job is accomplished:
I think Bobbie was referring to the Sabbateans. Crypto Jews.
Yes, most of the attack against Jews were either internal (in order to keep the fear up to ensure "unity") or to some other ends.
Can you provide further details, please?
Great article Ray. Interesting and informative. Soon any truth in history will all be erased. AI will make sure of it. Canada is now looking to remove any history books printed prior to 2008 in the public (government propagandized) school system. It’s sickening how fast this agenda has sped up. Another announcement from the Canadian federal government yesterday to ban yet another 125 firearms in addition to the previous 200 or so that they banned 2 years ago. The statement claims that they will take these (military looking)firearms away from legal licensed owners and ship them to Ukraine to help the war effort. Disarming Canadian citizens to arm Ukrainian citizens. To be clear all fully automatic firearms have to illegal in Canada since 1979. What they are taking away is anything that looks scary and is semiautomatic, even hunting rifles. They will have a tough go with this decision… but a state of unrest is what they are shooting for, pun intended. This comes a few short days after Trudeau was summoned to Mar a Lago for a meeting by the president elect. They are all compromised and controlled by the same entity, without naming any names. I believe Bobby Fisher was definitely on to something. 2025 is shaping up to be a wild ride.
Thank you, but I am not alone here. Please, pay attention to other comments as well.
As my wife is Canadian, I am quite intimately informed about Canada...
People who are ready to become slaves give up their firearms. The rest might decide to make the same decision as I did, and it's not negotiable:
Ukraine, with its gay clown at the helm, is a joke, but who knows who would win the clown contest between him and Diaper Joe?
Fully automatic costs a bundle in the States, but it's still legit. For that matter, even simple people arming up for self defense, has become a challenge, including suppressors, whose only objective is to protect people's hearing:
I am already surprised that the psyop stopping electricity/oil/food/water delivery still hasn't started up. You can find plenty of info about those, if you are searching under "Archive" with the proper key words on my main page...
Don't worry; long-range rifles would still work against... (Please, read the comments, too.)
Turdeau (sic!) is as disgusting as they come. Bobby was also most likely a plant...
Thanks for the links Ray and yes the comments are very interesting.
As far as the other situation “From my cold dead hands” as stated by possibly one of the last good ones from Hollywood. Free will is the only option
“Grok, the AI chatbot developed by his startup xAI, will soon be able to summarize complex U.S. laws before Congress passes them.
This new feature aims to simplify legislation and make it more accessible to the public, allowing people to understand the "real purpose" of these laws.
Grok's ability to access real-time information through X(formerly Twitter) and browse the internet enables it to provide up-to-date summaries of proposed legislation.
This move comes as part of Musk's emphasis on transparency and truth in AI technology.
The feature is expected to be implemented in the coming weeks and will be available to X Premium+ subscriber.” (AI summarized).
US laws are so full of contradictions and ambiguous language that they shame the complexity of the Gordian knot. The similarity is that the only solution seems to be Alexander the Great's. :)
Perhaps the only way to cut the knot is to implement the Electronic Townhall.
Reality is the only thing that matters.
This stupid and insane violence we see so much of is the direct result of the political powerlessness of the powerless.
Our government officials and talking heads, worldwide, taut our system as a civilized and representative democracy. They claim to be doing the best thing for us on each and every point across the board.
Periodically, they even let us vote for representatives who are authorized to vote for us on the new laws that will do the right thing for everybody each and every time. And this empowerment of fallible human beings is the only means we have to redress our grievances.
And yet the honest Congressional and Legislative representative admits that they do not read, examine or debate any of the laws they vote on.
In the USA, they vote on one hundred - 2,000 page laws every day. They vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.
And according to the powerless, the situation gets worse.
So, when does it get better? Or is it necessary that our democratically elected representatives, who do not have the time to evaluate the legislation they vote on, plunge us into Armageddon where only God could sort it out?
Somehow, we have to call a stop to the madness.
The peaceful, prosperous world we all hope and dream of begins when the responsible Citizens develop a way to evaluate 200 Thousand pages of law speak per day.
............ But of course we could find a charismatic billionaire hero who will do the right thing to save us. If we can get him elected to the Presidency.
I always say that the "deaths" of all high-profile persons should be suspect. Was the body open to public inspection and identification? Of course not.
☞Bobby seemed to have served certain psyops well, maybe it was time to let him relax in a mountain house in Switzerland.
Right. As with the Rosenbergs, it remains a question if he really died as the public was told, but even the way people are told he did could easily serve further psyops...
He may have been tired, or got to crazed in the church he joined or became mentally ill, or all the above and they had to take him into protective custody/hospitalization. We don't know, but they don't just kill their assets or people unless they are actively against them or there is no other choice. Either way the story for public consumption is as usual, not likely the truth.
Ray, that Bibi reveled in using the people of Isreal as test dummies for his friends at Pfizer in 2021 is a tell… the majority are only being sold on the idea they are in the club which creates so many opportunities to spin a lie. Great work, thank you
Yup, Israel had some of the highest rates of damages/deaths from the injections, and was not all Palestinians...
All I'm asking my readers to do is think a few more steps ahead, instead of reveling in the very first conclusion that makes them feel convinced how smart they are... But that is mostly for newcomers; my old-time readers are aware of that, and seem to enjoy the exercise.
As a dyslexic somewhere once remarked - what’s all this fuss about semen about, surely the world depends on sailors? On a serious note in retrospect the Isreal as mass bio lab project looks like a compliance test, gauging the ground for what was to come.
Fascinating! I liked to play chess as a younger person, but was not great.
As for Nicole Kidman, I believe what she went through with the bug eating vid is known as a humiliation ritual. Apparently *they're* font of doing that to these celebs.
"humiliation ritual" good point, never thought of that, although when I fly it always comes to mind.
Won't let me edit typo.
*Fond. Not font.
I agree; she must have been coerced to do that as a ritual showing her compliance... Those "celebs" who disagreed met an even less equitable fate..
Always wondered how she got away with Eyes Wide Shut, but then, she was married to Scientology...
Isn't it more accurate (and meaningful) to say Hollywood was created by jews instead of just being "Jewish-dominated"?
And in regards to jewish supremacy, I get the sense you are weak in the knees; i.e. when the now increasing number of demoralized people start looking for the source of the spiritual and moral decay of the West, pattern recognition reveals uncomfortable truths, but we are not supposed to "believe our lying eyes".
Yes, even the American musical was started up by Jewish immigrants from the Austro-Hungarian empire, but that's only a small part of the whole global picture. The utmost device that rules the world is banking, and that's not necessarily all Jewish:
As for categorizing me instead of being specific; I don't like being insulted instead of being addressed respectfully. Would you? If you take the time and re-read my article, I am introducing more layers to the conundrum than anyone else, while not ruling out any options. I am not interested in ad-hominem exchanges.
My intent was not insult, and where I come from "weak in the knees" hardly qualifies as one. My point is that your article seems to reinforce the idea that jews really are victims (of scapegoating by the overlords), which is of course what they want everyone to think so they can continue implementing their agenda(s) in plain sight.
It depends on what you mean by Jews.
If it was not an insult, what was it?
Some Jews ARE victims ("collateral damage"), others are not, and the self-victimization is certainly deplorable... How does that differ from other people is the question, and I am attempting to explore a few answers in my article.
All I'm asking for is more discernment.
May I say…I love the Jews…for 2 very special reasons! 1. They were responsible for the Holy Bible! 2. They gave me my Savior Jesus Christ..at least His humanity! They were given eternal promises by God to Abraham! One being …whoever curses the Jews…God Himself will curse! And God also gave the land of Palestine to the Jews! Forever! The Jews are no more evil than the gentiles! For God has concluded all under sin…that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ..might be given to them that believe! All who repent and put their faith in Christ will receive eternal life! Both Jew and gentile!
Thanks Ray that was really interesting. I always had an aversion to history when I was wallowing in the “education “ system. Now I understand why. Once again aided by guides lurking on the sidelines. Twenty moves ahead; you were controlling the outcome. You were creating your destiny. When I was a young man and inquisitive I discovered the continuity of time. I would wake myself from dreams and would write them down while they were fresh. Maybe eight years later, I was having a break from working on the enormity of my personal responsibility and i reread one quite long description from a dream that I had had. It perfectly painted a picture of my view from the window of the tower that I had built on a fifty foot cliff overlooking a partially island protected opening to the misnamed Pacific Ocean.
This is the article you have inspired:
Wrong guy ray
Thank you, Michael. In response to your inspiring comment, I am preparing a publication about this, which will be ready by tomorrow.
I just read a biography of a chess champion who ended up going into martial arts and he wrote in his book that Bobby Fisher was “nuts“. I wonder after seeing what Israel is doing and after Haaaretz self wrote that everybody knows who is the producer of all the movies and music in America and we are proud of it.
Right, Bobby was, may I say, a bit eccentric, but that doesn't make him into a "nut job." Strangely, I also got involved in martial arts, but never got interested enough to desire a certification. :)
Israel was founded for good reasons. My best guess is that it was meant to ensure the Petrodollar, and if that's what it was, its usefulness is wearing out because of the CBDC:
Still, in the movie industry, it's a bit weird why they have two tiers for distribution.
If you carefully read my article, that part is included, but it certainly doesn't apply to all "Jews."