As a former amateur Blitz “chess champion”1 in a large city in the late 1980s ($100 nomination fee versus the $1,000 I won by beating many of my superior professional fellow players), I’ve always wondered about Bobby Fisher. He is often cited as someone who had a problem with “the Jews,” but it’s not as simple as that…
Bobby Fisher (March 9, 1943 – January 17, 2008) was a chess prodigy who beat a grand master at the age of 10 and at the age of 14, he won the US chess championship with the only-ever perfect score of 14-0.
His significance after winning the world championship is acknowledged even on Wiki, or maybe, that’s why?”
Dutch Grandmaster Jan Timman calls Fischer's victory "the story of a lonely hero who overcomes an entire empire".[353] Fischer's sister observed, "Bobby did all this in a country almost totally without a chess culture. It was as if an Eskimo had cleared a tennis court in the snow and gone on to win the world championship".[354]
When he returned home,
Upon Fischer's return to New York,[355] a Bobby Fischer Day was held.[356] He was offered numerous product endorsement offers worth "at least $5 million" ($36.4 million today), all of which he declined.[357]
That kind of reminds me of a Nobel Peace Prize winner (!), which shouldn’t surprise me after the weaselly Ellie Wiesel achieved the same feat in 1986, publishing a book weak in literary values, but full of lies, but what the heck. He even had a cathedra at Harvard, which gives you an idea of the value of a Nobel Prize as well as a professorship at Harvard. Bob Dylan wanted to decline, because he knew he was only a performer who had never written the lyrics or composed the music… It was Bob Dylan, and he was eventually forced to accept his “prize.”
Bobby’s end-of-life period strangely coincides with the demise of quite a few “celebrities” who seem to have refused to comply with the NWO (“New World Order”) after 9/11. Lots of naturopaths and actors seem to have fallen victim to the “operation,” and even “Dirty Harry” (Clint Eastwood) and Morgan Freeman complied, when they were puking out nonsense against the globalist player, Trump(f) or another “celebrity.” Nicole Kidman, was yumming on insects as a result…
Of course, that may have been something else:
All that was most likely in order to secure them for AI-produced movies that have been taking over since no later than 2020.
Bobby Fisher has been copiously quoted by people who blame “the Jews” for just about everything. I personally think that some Jews are promoted exactly for the reason to turn them into victims. For example, no matter which side you take regarding Palestine, it only promotes “Jewish unity”:
What Bobby actually said was, “Those damn Jews must be stopped.” He didn’t say “the Jews” or “all Jews.” So, what exactly did he mean by “those”?
One can argue that Bobby became a Christian by joining The Church of God, but I don’t believe that’s the gist of it. He was also harassed by the police:
On May 26, 1981, while walking in Pasadena, Fischer was arrested by a police patrolman, because he resembled a man who had just committed a robbery in the area.[391] Fischer, who alleged that he was slightly injured during the arrest,[392] said that he was held for two days, subjected to assault and various types of mistreatment,[393] and released on $1,000 bail.[394] Fischer published a 14-page pamphlet detailing his allegations of police misconduct, saying that his arrest had been "a frame up and set up".[395][396][397]
That kind of reminds me of Mel Gibson, after exposing the Hollywood mafia, being stopped by the police for “drunk driving”; the way it had to go down was someone telling “the police” he was leaving a restaurant after dinner, and he had consumed some wine or whatever else. Bobby was also strong-handed by US “authorities,” which he refused to respect in 1992:
The US Department of the Treasury warned Fischer before the start of the match that his participation was illegal, that it would violate President George H. W. Bush's Executive Order 12810 imposing United Nations Security Council Resolution 757 sanctions against engaging in economic activities in Yugoslavia.[413] In response, during the first scheduled press conference on September 1, 1992, in front of the international press, Fischer spat on the US order, saying "this is my reply".[414] His violation of the order led US Federal officials to initiate a warrant for his arrest upon completion of the match,[415] citing, in pertinent part, "Title 50 USC §§1701, 1702, and 1705 and Executive Order 12810".[416][417]
He was not reserved about US policies:
saying, "I applaud the act. Look, nobody gets ... that the US and Israel have been slaughtering the Palestinians ... for years."[430][431][432][433] He also said, "The horrible behavior that the US is committing all over the world ... This just shows you, that what goes around, comes around, even for the United States."[430]
I certainly wouldn’t like to be ruled by Islam (the following is a comprehensive summary, but if you are not interested, the following meme might do)
Not all Palestinians are Muslims, either, and the US has certainly committed a LOT of atrocities in the past:
For religious Jews (not sure which part he meant, and there are at least three branches, and they don’t exactly “care” for each other), he was not particularly restrained:
Fischer also referenced the movie Seven Days in May (1964) and said he hoped for a coup d'état in the US: "[I hope] the country will be taken over by the military—they'll close down all the synagogues, arrest all the Jews, execute hundreds of thousands of Jewish ringleaders."[434][435]
Two years before his death, he was also passed around like a hot potato:
Seeking ways to evade deportation to the United States, Fischer wrote a letter to the government of Iceland in early January 2005, requesting Icelandic citizenship.[454] Sympathetic to Fischer's plight, but reluctant to grant him the full benefits of citizenship, Icelandic authorities granted him an alien's passport. When this proved insufficient for the Japanese authorities, the Althing (the Icelandic Parliament), at the behest of William Lombardy,[455][456] agreed unanimously to grant Fischer full citizenship in late March for humanitarian reasons, as they felt he was being unjustly treated by the United States and Japanese governments[457][458] and also in recognition of his 1972 match, which had "put Iceland on the map".[459]
Already at that time, he was considered “terminally ill”:
Fischer moved into an apartment in the same building as his close friend and spokesman, Garðar Sverrisson.[463] Garðar's wife, Kristín Þórarinsdóttir, was a nurse and later looked after Fischer as a terminally ill patient. Garðar's two children, especially his son, were very close to Fischer.[464] Fischer also developed a friendship with Magnús Skúlason, a psychiatrist and chess player who later recalled long discussions with him on a wide variety of subjects.[465]
For more,
From the 1980s on, Fischer's comments about Jews were a major theme in his public and private remarks.[502] He openly denied the Holocaust, and called the United States "a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards".[503]
All this, after being Jewish by both parents…
In the entertainment industry, there is a double layer of redistribution network. Ever wondered why a movie has three layers? About a year ago, “sports” betting was sued and the defense decided to argue that sports betting is okay to rig, because it’s “entertainment.” That resembles the greatest crime against humanity, the Stock Market, except you will never hear that the Stock Market is part of the entertainment industry.
Nobody can argue that Hollywood has been Jewish-dominated for seven decades or more, and around 2012, the six Jewish-controlled conglomerates took over the news (another form of “entertainment”). I still believe that all this is only a front, aiming at turning Jews into scapegoats. Those who promote them, despise most Jews, and even more people…
Have you ever hear of the “Kosher tax”?
You can find the icon on comestibles. Still, even Morton salt has the icon on it, and the “anti-caking” ingredient is so toxic that no self-respecting Jew or, for that matter, human, would ever consume it.
Public performers have also reported that the “system” was taking too much out of their revenue. That may have been the main reason why the Beatles broke up, but of, course, they could hide, but couldn’t run, and John Lennon was even assassinated by someone resembling Sirhan (who never fired a shot that hit RFK; the lethal bullets hit Robert from the back and no bullet ever hit him from the front, where Sirhan was located during the event), who was a mind-control operative and couldn’t remember a single moment of the incident:
He also seemed to be aware of MK Ultra initiatives, for which he was penalized. Even according to Wikipedia,
In 1974, Fischer was willing to play the 21st Chess Olympiad in Nice, France, but FIDE rejected his demand to play in a separate room with only Fischer, his opponent, and spectators.[171]
He also stated that the Soviets cooperated against him, which is probably true:
Following his failure in the 1962 Candidates,[c] Fischer asserted in a Sports Illustrated article,[199] that three of the five Soviet players (Tigran Petrosian, Paul Keres, and Efim Geller) had a prearranged agreement to quickly draw their games against each other in order to conserve their energy for playing against Fischer. It is generally thought that this accusation is correct.[200][201]
Considering how the Soviets seemed to injure my mother in the late 70s in Germany, who knows what is true or not.
Anyway, it’s just about obvious that when Bobby said, “These Jews must be stopped,” he referred to those who are profiting from the entertainment industry to this very day. Yes, chess is part of it, but with implants it’s now most likely going out of fashion, because the world chess champion, Garry Kasparov, already lost to Big Blue in 1997
How did Bobby die? Probably the way I also nearly did a year ago:
Another reasonable question to ask is if Bobby was also an experiment in an MK Ultra deployment, possibly without his knowledge. If yes, and later he said no, for whatever reason, that was a good time for him to be eliminated.
The situation eerily reminds me of the Rosenbergs:
In 1999, he gave a radio call-in interview to a station in Budapest, Hungary, during which he described himself as the "victim of an International Jewish conspiracy". In another radio interview, Fischer said that it became clear to him in 1977, after reading The Secret World Government by Count Cherep-Spiridovich, that Jewish agencies were targeting him.[504]
Was he targeted by “Jewish” agencies? Considering that Germans are still paying “reparations” to descendants of “H* survivors” (even originally, no evidence was required, only registration) for something that never happened, it’s possible…
He openly denied the Holocaust, and called the United States "a farce controlled by dirty, hook-nosed, circumcised Jew bastards".[503]
Of course, he only read up on his history:
Pushing the invented 6 million and forcing 20 countries to incarcerate those who only ask legitimate question can mean either or both that the globalist rulers are finding it convenient to employ the tribe for news and entertainment or that the tribe is “taking care of itself,” for which they cannot be blamed, because any other tribe would do the same.
Of course, My Kampf is not exactly “anti-semitic”; Hitler kicked out the same central bankers who are now ready to introduce the CBDC and take over the world, but was grateful to his mother’s Jewish doctor until the end of his life and even sent him two of his paintings…
The Elders of Zion is just another publication that directs the mob’s wrath against “the Jews.” Notably, whoever wrote it, knew what was, and still is, coming…
At this point, the alphabet-agency-sponsored (from the black budget, on taxpayer’s expense) Wikipedia is questioning his mental competency, not that anything mental could ever be diagnosed in an objective manner:
Fischer said that it became clear to him in 1977, after reading The Secret World Government by Count Cherep-Spiridovich, that Jewish agencies were targeting him.[504] Fischer's sudden reemergence was apparently triggered when some of his belongings, which had been stored in a Pasadena, California, storage unit, were sold by the landlord, who claimed it was in response to nonpayment of rent.[505] Fischer was also upset that UBS had liquidated his assets and closed his account without his permission. When asked who he thought was responsible for the actions UBS had taken, Fischer replied: "There's no question that the Jew-controlled United States is behind this—that's obvious."[468][470] Fischer, at a press conference upon his return to Reykjavik, Iceland, lashed out at Jeremy Schaap, the son of the late Dick Schaap, a sportswriter who had been a father figure to Fischer when growing up, calling his father a "Jewish snake" for doubting Fischer's sanity in his later writings.[506][507]
As a matter of fact, Bobby didn’t necessarily hate “Jews” (not sure how such a “notebook” can be acquired):
A notebook written by Fischer contains sentiments such as "12/13/99 It's time to start randomly killing Jews".[510] Despite his views, Fischer remained on good terms with Jewish chess players.[511]
Was he or was he not targeted? That’s your job to decide, especially when it comes to the options of who may have been targeting him. It’s so easy to kill someone… There are methods to kill people quickly, simulating a heart attack with no evidence left over, or a slow kill, causing cancer… He had kidney failure, which can be caused by way too many sources, which ensures that the perps will never be found.
Still, the question remains: Did Bobby die due to natural causes or he was “resigned” from the world of the living?
Let him rest in peace:
My best result was against a Russian in 30/30 minute games and I won two, had two draws, and lost the rest, “only” losing at 7 to 3 with two wins and two draws. Still, after being able to think 15-20 moves ahead, I stopped playing, because it gave me the feeling that everything is predestined, which I didn’t like.
I regret not learning chess in my youth. It was bad enough being classified by my peers as a nerd and serious student, placed in the so-called accelerated classes. But I did learn chess several years ago when I became enamored with watching the chess tournaments live from the St Louis Chess Club.
In the 70's I was aware of Bobby Fisher as a chess prodigy, but did not follow him. I did know that he had become affiliated with the Worldwide Church of God in Pasadena CA. In high school I had begun receiving their literature debunking the "theory of evolution", and became familiar with their Biblical teachings. I'm sure that is why Bobby followed them.
They were led at the time by Herbert W Armstrong, who started Ambassador College in Pasadena, with another campus in Texas. I had considered enrolling after high school, and visited both campuses.
They taught the keeping of the original Ten Commandments and the Feasts and Holy Days commanded in the Covenant to be kept forever, along with the clean food laws. But they did not consider themselves "Jewish", but Christian. They acknowledged that the true Messiah was a Hebrew, an Israelite, and a Jew, his lineage being through the Tribe of Judah.
They also realized and taught the history of the Twelve Tribes of Israel, and the history of the two ancient Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, two separate nations, that went their own ways, and suffered different punishments from YHWH for their disobedience.
Today there are far more living descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel than there are of the two Tribes that comprised the Jews - Judah and Levi. There are actual Jews living today, and there are the false Jews, those Khazarians who stole the Jewish identity, and are the ones who are part of the cabal. And by "Israelite" I do not refer to the proxy state of Israel in the middle east.
A simple way to understand this is to say "All Jews are Israelites, but not all Israelites are Jews". (not including the false Jews). The vast majority of Israelites today are not Jews. Hundreds of millions of Israelites occupy many western nations today, including America.
I was fortunate to learn in high school that much of what we are taught as facts are actually lies, like the satanic theory of evolution. Even so, in 1969 I watched the "live" moon landing on TV and never for once doubted it was real. Only decades later, long after learning we had been lied to about who murdered JFK among other things, I was forced to confront the NASA lies and discovered we never went to the moon, it was all faked, and several of the "astronauts" who refused to go along with the sham were murdered, including Grissom and the other two burned alive in the capsule.
But I still believed in the spinning globe earth. It was only in the last 2-3 years that I slowly allowed myself to seriously consider this question. I now have firmly come to the belief that NASA and its CIA/cabal promoters also have lied to us about "space", and that the Earth is not a spinning globe, but a stationary level plane. This is the real big lie that must be exposed. There is no curvature observable, never has been, and there are many proofs of this.
Incidentally, my ancestry is English/Irish/Scottish and some Dutch German, all clearly Israelite descendants.
Fascinating! I liked to play chess as a younger person, but was not great.
As for Nicole Kidman, I believe what she went through with the bug eating vid is known as a humiliation ritual. Apparently *they're* font of doing that to these celebs.