
Without reading it, 2nd banned me after I made fun of him/her/it for his testing his audience for stupidity (he got a 108 "Like"s by the time I pointed out that):


He also became an Ivermectin peddler, which only substantiates my problem with IVM:


He is a virus promoter in a world where pathogenic viruses do not exist, but are used for oppression. The article in your link is also pushing mRNA, which is also a diversion and a red herring.

Sorry, I cannot stomach reading his/her/its crap...

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Sep 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

What does 99.9% network reliability mean?

I think its just a good way to pop a 666 in their for Where's Wally.

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Looks like it. :)

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I just started getting spectrum and I love it. Best internet and picture I ever had.

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Starting this past spring I was bombarded with offers of high speed internet..every other day it seemed. Hell of a push for service, and Spectrum is still sending me mail almost weekly while the others have dropped off. While I'd love high speed again, I can live with 2 gig at the beginning of each prepay renewal. each month. TBH, I thought about sending Spectrum an offer of 2 years of service at a reduced price and free installation because I understand that aspect of the game, but I'd rather not. There's much to be said about not contributing excessively to the emf noise.

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I have been paying 5GB/s access forever; it's enough for everything. The company has been pushing me to accept their "fast internet," which would, of course, necessitate the installation of their 5G/6G-compatible router, which would put my wife and me into harm's way by enabling tracking, live data collection around my place, and potentially targeting us individually. They even pretended they had a problem for which they wanted to get into my house, but I managed to procrastinate until they gave up. Still using an old router.

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Interesting. Our provider pulled a similar stunt wanting access to the house and ended up "replacing/upgrading" the device on the outside of the house. I think they were annoyed that I had cut the power to it long enough to kill the battery. I switched service shortly after, but they all insist on horribly toxic routers.

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Starting this past spring I was bombarded with offers of high speed internet..every other day it seemed. Hell of a push for service, and Spectrum is still sending me mail almost weekly while the others have dropped off. While I'd love high speed again, I can live with 2 gig at the beginning of each prepay renewal. each month. TBH, I thought about sending Spectrum an offer of 2 years of service at a reduced price and free installation because I understand that aspect of the game, but I'd rather not. There's much to be said about not contributing excessively to the emf noise.

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And your 5G-compatible Wi-Fi is tracking you and can target you, as needed:


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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I remember watching this a while back. I didn't quite buy into it. I will, however, watch this again after downloading on work wifi. No high speed at home, just tethering to 2015 phone. Won't sign up for it again.

For your considerations:


a link to the document from her site : http://www.stopthecrime.net/docs/nasa-thefutureof-war.pdf

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Sep 12Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Finally managed to watch that video again, though this particular copy was really only clips of the full version I watched before.

It appears that the presentation was only merely about what things could be predicted to become true. Brainstorming as it were. However, we both know that that cal be done likely will be done, especially by those with no scruples. I never saw any evidence that said document was on the Nasa website, yet she claims it was at least three times. Falsehoods with the best intentions are still violence against one by the endeavor to change reality to something more false than before.

It is obvious the path we are on is a dangerous one and we can't prepare what we can without knowing the possible dangers of tech that's currently here or yet to come. Therein lies the real value of the presentation.

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Thank you for your comment. It reminds me that my current standing is still based on partial information producing fragmented conclusions. Of course, I've never posed as an Oracle for the Truth, only published what I thought, and announced several times that human cognition is inevitably fragmented, which is what makes compartmentalization as a psyop possible:


If you look up Agent's publications about NASA at https://chemtrails.substack.com/, you'll most likely find that nothing they say is written in stone.

Documents on websites come and go. Have you tried archive.net? (E.g. I received a notification about a post by Kirsch that had compromising details about the injections in the Armed Forces by an army doctor, but by the time I clicked on it, it was not posted; still thinking about making it public, because the notification is not "confidential") Anyway, her video confirms my conjecturing, and I am certainly not an agent. :)

Please, notice that "brainstorming" has always been a psyop, mostly in R&D in order to test the participants' potential to turn against the system. It's actually happening in all comment sections on the Internet, but in my comment sections, I hope that the benefits exceed the risks (of people exposing themselves or pretending to be someone else than they are). Other than that, it usually contained mostly garbage.

Already in the early 1980s, it was proven that a single highly-intelligent person solves the same problem faster and better than a group in which the same person is present.

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https://archive.org not net. I use it frequently on dead links when looking for something. Just last night I was looking at http://www.thelivingmoon.com/45jack_files/02archives/Letters_from_the_Author_of_Silent_Weapons_for_Quiet_Wars.html but had to grab it from the web archive.

It is the actual author of Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars commenting on his work. Found the link while researching the 'hoaxes' of Deborah Tavares.

I totally agree.. the thinking of the one is better than the thinking of the many. The need for conformity kicks in, like the smart kid playing dumb so they don't get beat up on the playground.

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I am not familiar with anything else than what I posted in the article. Those two things pan out, whether hoaxes or not.

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Sep 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Indeed. It's one thing to say one should be prepared for possible future weapons/etc and another to claim they are being pursued for certain objectives. Much like Elon Musk saying we are going to be overrun by AI, and then seemingly pushing people that what like his company Neural Link. Often I feel he is a bit of a stooge being used to introduce tech that's been long in development and possibly even perfected.

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Oh, he IS is a stooge. :)

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Sep 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Mr. Ray… Where can I find this document that she was talking about from 2001? My family and I go to church with several high-level NASA engineers, and I would LOVE to have their take on this information…

God bless… 🙏🏽

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Sep 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
Sep 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thank you… I need to read through this and pass it on. 👍🏽

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Deborah Tavares is great.

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She provides information. I like it that the rest is up to her audience.

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If you look this gift horse in the mouth, wait for Predator to bite your face off

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Deb is the real deal

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She provides information. The rest is up to her audience.

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Sep 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I have followed Deb Tavares for many years.

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Time for me to do the same; never heard of her, but I have been working from scraps and conjecturing only. Still, evidence shows that two people can, however rarely, arrive at the same conclusions! :)

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