Noah’s 3 sons:

Shem, Ham, Japheth (the real spelling is Yapheth because no letter J until 1524 in English and J always has a different sound in other languages than what it does in modern English - therefore, another witness the savior’s name is simply not Jesus.)

Shem means “name” - this is important. Like the true name of our Father and His Som are important. Yahuah and Yahusha are the names.

Shem’s line went on to produce Abraham, Isaac (Yitshaq), and Jacob (Ya’acob, again, no letter J in ancient, original Hebrew, which was the first and only language of mankind)

Jacob, renamed Yisra’el, produced the seedline that became the 12 tribes. All tribes must be brought together, a remnant who does not bow the knee that is. If the man-made nation of Israel were legitimate based on the Bible, all tribes would be present.

Ashkenaz was a son of Yapheth. Counterfeit. The enemy is a counterfeiter. Yahusha said they are the Jews who say they are Jews and are not in Revelation. The globalists stem from them, from the Tower of Babel with Nimrod. They are descendants of the Nephilim - it is why all the elites are related. They have sought to preserve as much Nephilim blood as possible. “White-skinned” people have been under so much attack because it is Ephraim (Yoseph / Joseph’s tribe) who has the end-time messages going out to the world now.

The world is under a spell. Only those with eyes to see and ears to hear will seek and find Truth, who is Yahusha. From its manmade invention by Constantine, Christianity has been a counterfeit of the Truth in the Bible. Jesus comes from Iesous (Zeus) Horus Krishna - Jesus H. Christ, made from 3 names of deities at the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE. Jesus is just another name for Tammuz - tracing back to the Tower of Babel idolatry the Nephilim imposed. Christmas is Tammuz’s birthday, winter solstice sun worship, Easter/Asherah/Astarte/Semiramis/Ishtar/Queen of Heaven was the mother of Tammuz - all holidays and religions and their calendars and their deities are pagan. Child sacrifice was and is still being done at Christmas - Christmas truly is the most evil religious day - the majority of the world has just been duped to go along with it not knowing how evil it is and why it’s really about while they bow down under the phallus trees. Easter’s eggs were dipped in the blood of children - that’s what it’s really representing while unknowing people are doing this with their children today! It is why in Yirmeyahu 16:19 (Jeremiah as we are told, to hide Yah’s name - same with Eliyah being Elijah, Mattithyahu being Matthew - all renamed to hide Yah’s Name), it says that upon Yahusha’s return the nations/gentiles will all say that they inherited nothing but lies from their forefathers!

ha’satan (means the adversary) was a fallen covering cherub at Yahuah’s throne and he deceived Chauuah (“Eve” as we are told) into disobeying the Commands. He and the 33 percent of other fallen ones (that’s why freemasonry uses 33, because they are glorifying the ones they serve, ha’satan and the other fallen ones, as their mixed chimera Nephilim offspring) have been deceiving mankind into worshipping them instead of Yahuah since the beginning. That’s why you’re told you don’t have to read and study your Bibles and obey the 10 Commandments and keep the Appointed Times anymore. The enemy destroys and hides the perfect law of love that is meant to keep us safe and saved! It’s why Judaism, Christianity, Islam, etc. use the moon and sun to keep time instead of what is outlined 100% in the Bible alone - hidden in plain sight to protect Yahuah’s remnant and to get His Bride keeping His Appointments on time. His Calendar is being restored to the remnant in these last days. Just think how important it was for Noah and his family to be on time inside of the ark that particular day - yes, keeping Yahuah’s Appointments is salvationally important. ha’satan has spun out so many different religions and calendars to keep everyone confused and make everyone fight about who is right when the reality is they’re all wrong and sadly deceived. But the wonderful news is that we don’t have to be - we can call out to Him in sincerity with our whole hearts and ask Him to give us His Truth! He is the only one who can deliver us from the snares of the enemy. Yahuah means “I was, I am, and I will be.” Yahusha means “I am your deliverer.” The foreword of many a Bible will flat out admit that the translators/scribes “rendered” His Name - boldly and proudly they proclaim to we readers that they have broken Command #3 and brought His Name to naught by hiding it.

Yahuah wants us to wake up and turn to Him - He tells us to come out of Babylon (there’s that Tower of Babel again with the Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz origin of the trinity) lest we share in her plagues. We must all repent, which means to turn away from the lies and sins, and do what Yahuah’s word says to do and not allow ourselves to be deceived any longer. Follow the Way, the Truth, and the Life - Yahusha - for there is NO truth in this world.

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Thank you, Ray.

To come out of Babylon includes all governments and systems of men...religions, health care, education, etc. We have been misled by ALL governments since their existence…man’s/government laws are not Yahuah’s law. 1 Samuel 8:10-18. We were only ever to have Yahuah over us as King and be following His law, which is perfect order and love. Now we are at the tail end of this age, the nations will rage, and Yahusha will soon return and the Millennial Reign will begin and His perfect law and order will be established….His will be done on earth as it is in heaven. This will not make sense to the vast majority of people who will continue to worship the beast system, but it will make sense to the Remnant who has the eyes to see and the ears to hear. Christianity has been a counterfeit and a tool of the enemy, so has Judaism. Lies repeated enough become accepted as truth by the masses. To be able to identify a counterfeit, you must know the Truth. The 10 Commandments, the Appointed Times, and the right rulings of Yahuah - the everlasting Covenant law of Melchizedek, who is and was and is coming. All Scripture is profitable for learning, and man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of Yahuah. The definition of sin is transgression of the law and Yahusha said He loves those who love him; those who guard to keep His commands. His Word and our believing in it by living it out keeps us safe - it is a law of love, the only love that exists because it is Him. Man’s laws are flawed (unless they directly support Yah’s law) and most of them will lead people to a lot of trouble and/or death. I pray that makes better sense to you.

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Andrea, please keep your comment concise and relevant to the article. The article is about the way governments have been misleading their subjects, especially in the last 100 years or so.

Please, edit your comment and explain to your fellow readers how it pertains to the subject.

Christianity was also used as state ideology for about 12 hundred years, but that still doesn't explain the relevance of your comment, at least, not to me.

Otherwise, please, write an article and post the link here with a brief explanation regarding its relevance. I usually do the same, and I only expect you to respect your fellow readers.

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Thank you Mr. Ray . You point to the exact direction from the given perpetrators to the real ones . These criminals are over here for not just thousands of years but tens of thousand . They are called the Society of the Nine Unknown Men . They are representing the nine levels of Hell .

If they kill all the Jews , Jesuits and secret society members these guys are still be here and nothing will change .

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I don't buy into killing "them" all. That's one of the sidetracks:


I only advocate self-defense (although I considered the muzzle a direct attack on my life, too).

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Bigotry tastes the same on both sides! My Father was in a couple of concentration camps. He was not a Jew and actually had no liking for them. He fought to keep the Nazis out of his country and from taking over Europe. 5,000 humans came into Dachau every month and nobody left, except through the smoke stacks. And yes, they tortured prisoners! And Murdered then by many different means.

None of this justifies the Jewish behaviour, or the ISIS behaviour, or specially, the American behaviours over the past 100 years. Humans are not an admirable species and we are not improving!

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When the US enslavement (government) starts utilizing the FEMA quarantine centers built throughout the country, do you think the people that get out will call them "labor camps"? I have spoken with several survivors of the Nazi concentration camps and not one of them ever referred to them as labor camps. And, I suppose the number tattoos on their forearms were an employee id so they could get their paychecks.

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Oh boy! Thnx for the great posting.


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You are so right about so much. I’d like to comment on the teachers.

I’m definitely not sticking up for them, but the Department Of Education is horrible and at the beginning, teachers could teach anything they wanted but little by little they took everything away and you had to do everything they said for the whole day. And they would demand meetings after school, during summer, during vacations. It used to be a good job for mothers, but the hours became worse than a truck driver.

But then, forcing the curriculum on you was the worst that’s why I left and will never go back. You couldn’t make one decision for yourself. It was disgusting.

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big TQ, one of your best!

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An excellent post!

A real story, if I may....

A statement made by my long gone dear grandmother, years ago, who worked in the slave factories in northern England since the age of 11, lived through the horror's of both wars, and had an excellent knowledge of history right up to the age of 95, was this...

"Hitler wasn't the enemy, he was right".

No explanation, just the statement one afternoon while putting down another encyclopedia read, cover to cover.

I remember being a young lad thinking, what had lead her to this conclusion after all the suffering she'd been through?

It was a moment , early on in my life, that made me doubt the history we had been taught, it still resonates today, her saying that.

An extremely honest and tough woman, who had raised children through the struggles on her own , and would never lie, the truth, tough love , and practicality, was her way.

A woman not be trifled with!

My conclusion is the same as yours, it was all bullshit, written by the hidden handlers and victors.

Names never known, playing us all like fools.....

We must never let it happen again.

For Grandma "canna" ( Grandma, can I.....)

All the best.


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Mick, My Gnana said to me, when I asked of her: "Why don't you smile in any of your photos?" "What was/is there to smile about?" She say... was born in 1913 - 2013. My mother 1940 was killed in 1970 - I can see her point!

Life should not be this way - It is what these demonraticals choose for us, and we (for the most) surrender/succumb to those suckabitches.

Time to wake the world in a BIG way and end this sacrificial Bulshevoik!

Thank the Creator, I never had any children, for them to ask me the same.

Blessings ~

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God bless you and God bless your grandmother in Heaven! -From a greaseball to a mick! 😄🇮🇹 🇮🇪

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Thank you, Michael. By "Mick," may I assume you are Irish? Not that it matters much; even skin color makes little difference as long as the culture is shared. Both the English and the Irish, Scots, Welsh, whatever, are now victims.

Thank you for your story about grandma. Grandmas tend to be tough chicks indeed, who don't care for BS.

Your grandma agreed with General Patton, except that Patton was "taken care of" in late 1945 for that reason. On the other hand, even the English hated Churchill:


He was a perverted globalist drunk, a globalist agent.

Alas, there is no "we": only the person can decide for themselves as I have:


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Thanks for the links Roy I concur on the color - Blessings ~

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Cheers Ray, you're a brilliant light, diminishing the darkness, and exposing the source, of truth.

Great work !

As for origins....

My mother's maiden name, very old Irish, my father's, very old Scottish and English, a sort of a union jack of all trades 😂.

It doesn't really matter,I've traveled from the UK all the way to Oz, and back again, so the streets have no name anymore 🤣

We keep on, keepin' on!



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Happy to be in such great company!

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Thank you. Please, remember that I am not perfect. It is you who must make your own decisions. I hope to assist you.

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We're all making the best of a crazy situation, thanks for your insight, all communication in a constructive spirit is beneficial!

To be human, is to be many things, and most are certainly not perfect, I've been misled many times, and wrong even more, but we wade through the web of deceit, each trying to find our own unique solutions.


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Yes, tis truth of which you speak - Times can be beyond hard and the rock in which we lie.

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My name is an assumed one, and I’m still searching for the real one.

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It may not be correct - But, I have taken the liberty of making up a new moniker for you (using your same letters, as best I was able). Are you ready?

Harry Oath!

Too bad you did not have a "B" in your bonnet.

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Thanks Ray!

"want to get rid of the “useless eaters” and all potential enemies. Even veterans are now listed among “potential terrorists,” possibly because they have figured out what’s going on;"

According to the Soviet dissident author who was allowed to be published in the West, Russian veterans that entered the " free world" during WWII were sent to the Gulag on their arrival home, for potentially contaminated with western ideas.

Vietnam veterans came home to a welcome comprised of predominantly contempt, and left to deal with their " PTSD" , poisoned and often disabled bodies with a meager pension ( unlike the Gold Pass WWII vets got). Was Vietnam not profitable enough to encourage future generations to enlist? Or had the game changed to the War On ( with) Drugs?

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PTSD sucks... One doesn't even have to serve to have it:


"War" on anything gives the "authorities" unconstitutional power...

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With war comes the invention of whatever anyone decides is the truth as all sides pretend to be truthful. All events related to and surrounding any war only have one truth. We seldom know what that really was. Even the most sanctified history must be questioned.

If depopulation is the main goal of the globalists, they are forever failing as the world's population is still rising. What is to be gained by controlling the entire world? I can only surmise it is the murder of its inhabitants.

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Actually, there are facts to be known. Also, depopulation is only a means; it's easier to control a smaller number of people. The rising numbers can be "taken care of" in a jiffy.

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Thank you. Hard to find things like this. I became aware recently that everything we've been told from birth is a lie. All the bad people were good, all the good people were bad. Still not sure that includes some famous dictators, though, like Stalin. Definitely true about Mother Teresa. I knew about the inflated numbers of Jews in Europe (weren't 6 million in the world at that time, I don't believe), and gas chambers couldn't be found they ever existed. And Hitler loved animals. Always a good sign. ;)

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I can assure you that Stalin was a bad guy. :)

Hitler did his best, but he made a major mistake by enslaving Jews, which even Germans admitted after the war. Still, most of the lives lost in the camps were due to allied bombing.

Mother Theresa experienced "The Night of the Soul" in the last decade of her life. Surely enough, I don't believe in impersonal charity. In fact, most forms of charity are fraud:


Hitler also respected women. :)

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Hitler wanted to send the Jews to Palestine, but the Sanhedrin told him to burn them instead because they didn't need poor Jews. Therefore, he built defense camps, where he guarded them until the end of the war. At the end of the war, 3.4 million surviving Jews in Germany alone sought compensation. Most of the inhabitants of the camps went with the German guards rather than the Russian soldiers... This says a lot about how cruel they can be... The fact that some of them had to work, I wouldn't call it slave labor, if we consider that the German people also had to do it in order to support the military, themselves and them! It was a war, and if he really wanted to exterminate them, he would have done it with them on the spot and not have them travel, feed, water, and guard them. However, after their "liberation" they committed many crimes... The pictures depicting the dead bodies were taken after the bombing of Dresden.

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apart from those who ended up in the camps though.

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