anyone going to Qatar gets what they deserve

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the diametric opposite is happening here in the wild west ... good god save/ help us all resist evil

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Freedom is like Pregnancy: you are or you are not. Freedom is an individual condition even if all women are about to give birth. No law makes you free but all can enslave. Blake called us to break our mind forg'd manacles but few can find the psychological strength to do so. We are political animals with emotional needs for other humans. This is why banning and exile are effective deterrents to freedom of thought. A rare person indeed is a man like Gombrowicz who jumped ship in Argentina when Poland became embroiled in WW2. He chose the freedom of exile.

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"Legally, that turns everyone into potential convicts and, as such, the property of the state."

I consider myself 100% sovereign, and the state only exists at my pleasure. Here in the US, most people who are well studied in the US constitution, the Declaration of independence and Federalist papers also would agree with me.

Human social structure writ large globally is split between those who are self reliant, independent thinkers and those who are inherent blind "followers" always willing to be told what to do.

Governments are only the organs of the Globalists' illusion of control, those who contest that control, outnumber them by the billions. We will nullify "control" by being local close nit communities of individualists.

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That's the authentic American spirit!

I wish there was more of it!

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The globalists control the global money flow and, consequently, have all governments in their pockets...

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Have those people also studied how citizens are handled at courts? :)

Here, in the US a female can identify as a male or the other way around, but that still doesn't change their sex. I can declare myself free, but I still need a SSN in order to be recognized as a person. Where exactly does freedom start and where does it end?


Nobody is 100% sovereign, not even the astronomically-rich. People cannot even drive a car without insurance and a driver's license.

Compliance-training has been going on for quite some time,


and it's working; think about all the muzzled faces for 18 months during the plandemic:


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That's the true nature of the fight we have on our hands. The fiat currency is fake money based on debt. Not backed by a scarce commodity like gold. M3 money supply through the bank of international settlements that is likely one of the primary corruption hubs of the Globalists.

The primary method of control the Paracitic Elites used for centuries is through manipulation of Perception. The first step in fighting them really isn't a fight at all; it is realization of Individualized Sovereignty, which is the true nature of each person.

Everyone needs to find their own answers to this issue, but I think we really are all on the same page together.

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Actually, it's a lot worse. When the US was sold out to the Federal Reserve, ALL money issued by the Fed as a debt picked up by the taxpayer at an interest, has the collateral of "all the people's assets, lives and limb." It's in all those contracts...

If the current system is removed, "foreign" invasion (aka. Chinese mercenaries and private armies from the illegals) can be expected, which will bring about food and energy shortages. However, the other option is to die or to become cyborg slaves. Only a few will be able to survive in a pre-industrialist landscape, but some of them might still be humans.

US citizens must choose between their own will and total compliance to the criminals who usurp governmental power, but that will still hardly fix the problem. Once access to food and energy is cut off (most likely as a result of "Russian" cyber-warefare, "alien attack," or a solar EMP), the people will either starve, board the FEMA buses, or accept the crap they are dished out. Some of them might be able to survive in the wilderness, but drones, following satellite guidance, will be hunting them.

Most people will be left with no choice.

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While at the same time the tech companies are building a metaverse where dopamine is on tap. That requires food. They're not growing food in the metaverse.

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The practice of allowing the islamic call to prayer over loudspeakers appears to be spreading fast in the UK, in some places up to the requisite 5 times a day, in cities like Oxford. Presumably the rationale permitting it is based on the argument that church bells have been regularly rung in many British towns and villages traditionally for centuries. What's overlooked is the assumption of equivalence in a small but rapidly growing very vocal minority population to impose their traditions ineluctably on the host population.

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Nov 21, 2022
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Yes, that's the exception. Christian churches, however, are forbidden to use a bell.

In your case, the sound must have been deafening! :)

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