From what I have understood about China is that they took many peoples savings to "build" huge apartment buildings, then these companies went belly-up. So all those looking to purchase a better place to live lost everything. And their government did NOTHING in getting these people's money back. If that isn't planned, I don't know what is. There are people on YT who go to these empty malls and such in China that were NEVER completed!

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Haven't hear of this, but it sounds like "democracy." :)

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"Do not comply" mantra is naive. Think about using that slogan when lockdowns were enforced by the police upon arrest, fines and vehicle decommission. Nobody used guns then, why would they use them later?

The smart cities will be enforced AFTER they get away with the cashban digital money, THEN you'll have no choice but to comply.

Passive resistance means defeat. Actually, it might be a false flag to numb down the masses, falling into the delusion that normal walking-away and political forces would correct massive government infiltration and corruption by freemasonry. Anybody promoting passive resistance, is the enemy of active resistance.

Apart from prayer, there’s only option: fignting with all your resources for a political overturn. Otherwise you are choosing defeat by political inaction, leaving yourself no choice except moving to a self-sufficient farm, surrounded by like-minded farms and doctors, pharmacists, etc… and eventually even those preppers will be searched and destroyed by the future digi-tatorship.

Have a glimpse of the future... and the solutions:


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Using guns would only provide an excuse for martial law.

Not complying, however, is probably also self-defeating, basically suicide by the enforcers. The American people have become atomized and cultures have been set on each other, although much of that is only for a show, because most people didn't buy into that. Still, it can, and will be used when the Antifa/BLM thugs who have been released from prison for this very reason will be dressed up as "normal citizens" wreaking havoc. Of course, the artificially-created food and energy shortages will turn people against each other, no matter what.

The monsters even want people to do the favor of getting rid of themselves


and attack each other during the end game:


Oh, and it's not the Masons. The money changers provide the ultimate weapon, but even at that point it's unclear if they are not tools, too:


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What about what groups like the Amish and the Nation of Islam are doing?

When you live your life already separated from certain "negative" lifestyles, then you might be surprised what you are able to accomplish. If we are already defeated in the mind....then what's even the point of any of these sub-stacks or even living? You might as well sign up for a self-euthanizer plan if you really see this as hopeless.

While I agree that CBDCs will play a major part in being able to control the decisions of the masses, I don't see it as insurmountable. For example, the elitists will have their own backdoors to convert CBDCs into more free-flowing cash/credits.

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Interesting, so let's say you might be able to have an off-shore corporation and do all your transactions from the corporation's credit card?

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Or foundation. Like a hedge fund, there would be an onshore component, and an offshore component. Or if you are really connected, you can just rinse funds directly onshore in some cases: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=bank+money+laundering+scandal+summary+largest&t=h_&ia=web

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We are on the same wave length! My wife was a Horvath from Chicago!


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When I was young, I knew a Lynn Horvath from Chicago. Other than that, there are 52 Raymond Horvaths in the US, one for each state and even one for D.C. and for Puerto Rico. :)

Yes, you and I are making attempts to make progress in the same direction.

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After Oxford, the next city might be Edmonton, Alberta.

The mayor is promoting an urban concept, favouring to create small, 15-minute neighbourhoods.

Are they going to implement the totalitarian surveilance, including the tracking of movement of people? How about issuing fines and revoking your rigths to leave your area?



Mr Sohi was elected. Was the Dominion voting machine played a role in this?

The City Plan defines it as “small towns in our big city, where people can meet many of their daily needs locally.”


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“In touch with”. Ok.

Let’s just say your insistence on Canadians can get around in winter on bikes to do what they need from yourself there in Australia is unbelievable. Telling a Canadian that. It’s that attitude that’s the cause of all the trouble in all our countries. The farmers in the Netherlands. The reduction of fertilizer. The switch to ‘Green energy’ without any sane transition plan. The WEF green energy plan tried in Sri Lanka and ignore the starving people rioting and protesting. Impose your ideology . Who cares what the people you impose it on say, feel, or what they experience. That attitude is why all these captured countries are experiencing such damage.

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Not sure how such a plan could work in the vast spaces of Canada , or with Canada’s very cold climate in the winter. Electric vehicles already won’t charge in such cold, and no one can walk, or cycle to the stores in our winters to lug home their groceries. We have -40 frequently in some areas of Canada.

So how do we stop this? Besides working every day to expose it. The biggest problem is their control of MSM, and people who can’t sustain reading or thinking beyond slogans, slurs and bandwagons. And they usurped the legitimate causes of minorities and the environment and morphed it into nonsense that those same slow brains gravitate to, don’t question, and parrot self righteously .

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Excellent, thank you Ray :-))

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Their plan cannot work in most US urban spaces simply because of the distances involved. The situation in Europe is completely different, where in most cities stores and services are more easily accessible to local residents and public transport is infinitely superior. Even so, the plan seems to omit various societal groups who would not be able to cycle or walk the distances required, such as the elderly, disabled, mothers with very young children etc., not to mention doing so in frequent inclement weather. How are these people supposed to manage bulk shopping?

As for the city of Oxford being a surprise promoter of such schemes - they were one of the first UK cities to authorize the very antisocial practice of allowing the muslim call to prayer over loudspeakers five times a day in residential areas. Just imagine having to put up with that! The basic problem is the failure of local residents to get involved with local politics and possibly control the worst excesses of runaway ideologues but anyone with any experience of this soul-destroying, mind-numbing activity in practice would understand the degree of self-sacrifice required. There may come a point when they rue their disinclination.

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Yes. I’ve been involved in that soul destroying activity of of being involved, and vocal, and active in trying to make people aware of this systematic destruction of our democracy and fundamental human rights. Every day. Three years now, I’m so tired of the war. I long for escape. But awareness has broadened since I began by printing my own flyers and posters; going through the city at night putting up posters, and going door to door; constantly at the MPs, the senators, and the Premiers. Is there hope? I can’t bear to think of how awful this will be if the corporate coup d’état aided by colluding politicians and bureaucrats succeeds. All of humanity is lost if we don’t stop this. Check out Canada’s government website: Policy Horizons BioConvergence; the ‘vision’ is transhumanism, and they even state “ changing what it means to be human”. The UK, and the US have similar. We’re fighting evil; just like the Nazis; WW3 for the 21st century. We can’t stop.

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As someone who uses bicycles as transportation I'd like to point out a few things. Firstly grocery shopping can be done by bicycle in 3-4 trips per week rather than one on Friday night. What I'd like to see in my city are more alternatives to the large grocery chains who are trying to push me away from cash right now and have been videoing me in store and at checkout with no pushback but also no approval not just from customers but also from staff and store management.

Secondly in this small town of 140k people I can get around it easier and faster on my electric bike than my wife can in our car. And the same applies in Melbourne a city of 4m people. The main problem in my eyes is that my wife and daughter are discouraged from riding bikes because they have to share the roads with cars.

Those same cars now are part of the surveillance state whether electric or petrol driven. The electronics in them are constantly dialing back to Dystopia Inc. I even suspect that my electric bicycle can do this. And with cars that system can and is used to disable cars. Your car can have its power steering disabled for example. Remove the blue tooth unit and it stops. Cars are not the way out of this and the resources required to make 2 tonnes of car with all the latest electronics for one 80kg human are massive.

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You DO know that the legitimate environmental movement has been usurped by the globalist WEF agenda and morphed into ‘climate change’ don’t you? The past head of Greenpeace has spoken out by this. I used to be a long time environmentalist activist. Carbon is NOT a problem. Have you not noticed that the ‘solutions’ to their ‘climate emergency’ require billions funneled to corporate interests ? Not a word about our globalist friends and their Big Corporations and their constant, longtime, polluting our planet, or even their destroying the earth to mine lithium for car batteries etc. And WHY is no one concerned about the effects of the high levels of radiation from 5 G on every living thing including insects and birds? Peer reviewed studies are totally ignored and certainly not brought to public awareness about how 5G radiation is a class 1 carcinogen . Asbestos is a class 1 carcinogen. First thing is to realize that we’re being lied to and manipulated. People need to stop listening to them and read, think, scrutinize for themselves. The truth is out there. But hey: loud propaganda on MSM and from our governments is just too easy.

And I could go on about NATO and warmongering and the fact that WE are NOT ‘the good guys’ in this war. But I’m tired. What’s wrong with people that they don’t know enough to never have blind trust in governments or in any corporate entities like that privately funded corporate entity the WHO, or that billionaire boys club the WEF.

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I have literally no exposure to the MSM nor do I trust our government one little bit.

Running a car costs each person in the West (a little less in Europe due to Public transport there) 12k + a year. That includes all the infrastructure provided by State.

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In other words if you want the West to survive it might be a good idea to attend to this cost.

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If they succeed, you won’t be worrying about any of that.

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Not worrying about it makes that more likely. The West is broken and we need to fix it. Otherwise you will have WEF dystopia with limiters on your electric bike to stop you cycling out of your neighbourhood. They are already starting to do this to cars in Oxford & Bath in the UK by all reports.

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Not in Canada dear. Are you imagining your balmy clime is global?

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Hi Dear. No. Dunedin doesn't even have a particularly balmy climate. Nor does the Netherlands or Denmark where cycling is common. Cycling is not a WEF idea it's just that they're trying to use it to aid their dystopia.

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They’re not cycling in -40 below. So no cigar.

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-40 below is rare even in Canada. And I have been out in it in Canada as well and figure it's quite workable.

Is that a Trudeau cigar btw?

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You clearly don’t live in Canada. -40 is the usual in the prairies and most of Canada in the winter except the most southern portions and the BC coast until you get too far North up,that coast. That truckers convoy in our capital of Ottawa was throughout-20 temperatures. -10 is considered a balmy winter day. My husband is from the arctic. Yes, above the arctic circle. You DO know Canadians are living throughout the North don’t you? It’s not empty up there. But why worry, they can cycle to get around. 😂 But hey; apparently you know better than me living out there, where was it; Australia? Ok. Sure. We have -21 right now as I write this. But hey; YOU say cycling to get our groceries is ‘workable’. We’ll go by you then. You DO know we get lots of snow, right? Try Labrador city for that one. Snow drifts that are the height of your roof.But those bikes are darn handy in winter for picking up groceries. 😂

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I think the future in our cities, if we should even sustain the larger ones, is bicycles and public transport. As above the dystopian world would like to control our access to both of these but they're more (in the case of cycles) or just as (in the case of Public Transport) able to do that with cars as well. The resources required to provide every person with 2 tonnes of car is too much for any country.

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Imagine how many cars would be off the road. Living spaces available. Jobs.

If we actually enforced our legal immigration.

Ever see a homeless illegal?

I haven’t

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It's a separate issue. I don't disagree that it is an issue in many places right now but it's a separate one.

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It was in response to your too many cars, bikes are the answer.

I love pedestrian ares in cities.

I never thought it was a nefarious idea.

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That depends on your age, health condition, ability to ride a bicycle (there are handicapped people, who cannot, including some who just don't dare to do it), and even the weather. The relevant point in the article is limited mobility: people are imprisoned in a sector with limited places to visit.

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This will not work in many of the 50 states. Nor in many cities. I recognize though politicians like my state Governor will do all they can to be on board.

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That survey in the “secret cabal” was done in November last year; I’m pretty sure the numbers are higher even two months later with all that has surfaced. Now you hear the term “deep state” on MSM...that’s progress.

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Do you think we can turn this around? I sure hope so!

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Hopeful but the more I read and dig...will be a difficult task but would be easier if everyone were awake.

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The best defense is attained by going on the offensive, by:

1- spreading awareness of topics like these, and that we're all in the same boat

2- building our life raft and yacht together by teaching others how to grow their own food, and become healers of their own bodies.

Each step closer to self-sufficiency reduces the overall noise of fear, each delay is a pawn sacrificed so that we may eventually walk off the board.

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Good way to put it. I like that about each delay is a pawn off the board. Well said.

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Thanks Donna! I'm no master chess player, but maybe I should start practicing more often.

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