Dec 29, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Even in the 1970's the Frankfurt School and the Jesuit model for education (learning against learning) were fully in control. The schools of higher criticism, liberation theology, and critical theory being the nexus between the two groups. Tenure is not what peeps think. It's not about academic freedom. It's about publishing ideas and studies that promote an agenda which is crush western civilization. No one gets published or promoted that doesn't follow the ideas I listed above.

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Dec 28, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Talk about blaming others for what you would do to them, who needs gas chambers!!!?

"In the devastating aftermath of the attack [on the port of Bari, Italy], which the press dubbed a “little Pearl Harbor,” U.S. General Dwight D. Eisenhower and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill moved to conceal the truth about the shipment of poison gas. As a result of the military secrecy, medical personnel weren’t alerted to the danger of contamination from the liquid mustard that spread insidiously over the harbor, mixing with the tons of fuel oil from the damaged ships.

In the crush of casualties that first night, hundreds of survivors, who had jumped or been blown overboard and swam to safety, were mistakenly believed to be suffering from only shock and immersion. They were given morphine, wrapped in warm blankets and left to sit in their oil-soaked uniforms for as long as 24 hours, while the seriously wounded were attended to first. It was tantamount to marinating in mustard gas. But all remained ignorant of the peril.

By dawn, the patients had developed red, inflamed skin and blisters on their bodies “the size of balloons.” Within 24 hours, the wards were full of men with eyes swollen shut. .... All mention of mustard gas was stricken from the official record." (emphasis added)

-Mike King, The Allied Plot to Poison Gas 18 Million GERMANS


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Thanks Ray. So much to learn.. But don't forget that Hitler was financed and technically equipped by the nazi eugenicists in London and on Wall Street.

I only just recently learned about this Harvard Doctor Nancy Turner Banks. Highly recommend it to your audience:


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Nov 18, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Just so much to process here. thank you for writing it. it has been on my mind since I read it. when I was a teacher I started to suffer from Holocaust fatigue... and yes my dad's parents left Germany because his mother was Jewish I guess, although she had converted when she married a Christian. still, the constant pummeling with Holocaust stories was suspicious even to myself. so many great comments on this post, thanks to all the commenters who add their knowledge.

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I am sorry but I think you should actually talk to people that were in the concentration camps. I had a customer back in the early 2000’s and she was in one of the camps. She had tattoo to prove it. I would believe her over anyone that says they have “ reaearch”

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Outstanding article, Ray! You were clearly 'in the flow' while writing this one... on target and nailed it.

So the final question again, and always, presents itself, "What shall be done with the psychopaths?"

I'm asking for a friend: The other 95% of humanity...

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Excellent article, Ray. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

FYI - These are the people who definitely contribute to the demise of humanity who are using the global money flow to control and own governments, economies, production and distribution, popular culture, and the mass media at a global scale.


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Ray Horvath writes:

" . . . ancient strategy of blaming the victim."


What our "ancient" leaders missed & what today's leaders miss & what our teachers do NOT teach, is that "easy to prove" eternal law, that THIS PHENOMENON OF BLAMING THE VICTIM - IS THE VERY BEST PROOF, YOU WILL EVER FIND - THAT YOU ARE DEALING WITH A REAL PSYCHOPATH!


In reality - all insane PSYCHOPATHS are easy to detect - as they always, always, always put the blame on the FALSE cause &/or FALSE person! And each & every victim in any crime is always the FALSE person! So once you grasp this typical behavior of PSYCHOPATHS & really understand for WHAT you are looking in any criminal investigation - you search for FALSE accusation - and Corona delivered a perfect example of WHO was deeply engaged in delivering FALSE accusations . . . !


Just follow the money to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to GAVI, the WHO & the WEF & you end up inside western DEEP STATE secret leadership - buying up the MEDIA, the SCIENCE & the GOVERNMENTS - all being coordinated by CIA, FBI, NSA & all the other SECRET entities that have built SECRET operations not UN-like HAMAS in Gaza . . .


The only real difficulty & the real hard part with ancient & recent PSYCHOPATHS, is their brilliant ability & top professionalism in CAMOUFLAGE . . .


So we need the BEST of the BEST medical detectives, tactical detectives & MENTAL detectives, who are highly skilled to do reverse investigations, which means looking at the RESULT & from the RESULT do a scientific & logical "roll-back-operation" - to end up with that SECRET INTENTION AT THE BOTTOM of someones EVIL INTENTION - that was the original CAUSE & finally lead to this EVIL RESULT.

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"As for “Jewish identity,” am I Jewish? " yeah it's a good one right, good enough for the camps, good enough to emigrate to Israel with the right of return but not good enough for the Orthodox Jews who run the show in Israel re marriages. So also not good enough to get married in Israel.

I wonder how many of the Jews in Israel are non-Jews according to the Orthodox.

Re your post more generally. Were not the Communists, second to the camps by your post, significantly Jewish?

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great clarity in confusing times, thank you. my 2cents:

- even young children are very clever in blaming their victim ("He started it!" and/or "It's his fault!", easy-peasy)

- "By the end of Stalin’s rule, about 60 million people were missing in the Soviet Union...." < now there's an interesting number: 6 million J_ws, 60 million in the SU?

- filmmakers like Alfred Hitchcock and other Hollywood filmmakers like George Stevens, John Ford, and Samuel Fuller filmed the Allied 'liberation' of the concentration camps - https://hyperallergic.com/426644/lamoth-filming-the-camps-the-holocaust/


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I had been wondering for a while now about the escalating anti-Jewish hate snowballing daily in an ever more deliberately aggressive nonchalance. No longer wondering it's endemic.

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People I must point out are biased emotional beings and only angelic by terror. History is not secular. History cannot be. Men are not secular. Simply be alive is myth we sing. How can man be possible by materialist evolution, one cell's contents behind a cell membrane choosing to partner with another since the primordial fluid following the "Big Bang?" when matter decided to be born. There must be a field shaping development and I assert Either God-Manhood or GMO-Beast Man. And if GM0-Beast Man wins the new man forseen by Hitler strides the stars as Cortez the Killer and A.I. will praise Manunkind and the triumph of the rational technical mind.

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Ray, would you please consider adding “Buy me (YOU) a Coffee” link to the top of your Substack homepage, or at the end of each article, or both? There are two different companies with slightly different names and pay schemes, which you can check out on my site if not familiar, and no, I’m not trolling for donations. The thing is, I personally don’t like to worry about subscription renewals, and it’s stupid Substack doesn’t allow for one-time tip options for as little as a dollar. I’ve been trying to convince them, but it’s like pulling teeth from a crocodile. Many, perhaps half of those visiting Substack writers, would tip over getting even a free subscription. Just look into it and consider, so at times like this when I’m blown away by your general knowledge of “everything” I can pay my respects. Honestly, I tip more to creators that offer this method than if I got a paid sub. I’d say that this article was at least a two to three cup tip. Go ahead—test my tipping veracity. I like tipping. Other than tipping delivery services and Substack writers, my only other regular donation is SmileTrain, which I also now donate more than when I established a reoccurring payment. https://donate.smiletrain.org/

Edited 19:54hrs central, to add the following note:

For those who read my comments or subscribe to my Substack: I subscribe to a select, diversified group of intelligent minds I don’t always agree with in order to obtain a wide variety of thoughts and ideas as I write my fictional sci-fi books and non-fiction history war-economic encyclopedia offline, then publish segments of my “work in progress” along with commentary in reaction to other writer’s work and daily news here on Substack. But still, I’m compelled to add this additional comment, again and again: I’m NOT a supporter of an “isms,” whatsoever; I’m NOT a racist, but a supporter of a naturally-diversified human race with infinite choice and self-determination rights that don’t obstruct or prevent the freedoms of others; I support an individual’s right to discriminate only for him/herself and no other; and finally—I have never been anti-anything in my entire life, except anti-slavery…and perhaps okra & fake meat.

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Ray, thank you for writing this all important analysis of how our history has been hijacked. There is a considerable level of evidence that the "Good Guys" didn't win the wars; they only were orchestrated to look that way.

There has never been any written order from Hitler, directing the slaughter of any Jews. Your indication about the labor camps is spot on!!

In addition, the "Transfer Agreement" that was being enacted in Germany before the war was started by Churchill, was creating an "Out" migration of German Ashkenazi Jews who were then being resettled in Palestine at the time. The violence these Ashkenazi Jews visited against the native population in Palestine was easily 3x more severe than anything that they ever experienced while in Germany. Jewish Terrorist Groups like the Haganah and the Irgun were actively driving out the Palestinians from their own homes.

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Nov 13, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

..."The vast majority of crimes do not involve firearms."...exactly true for the biggest crime of all time is the invention of government.

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Great article!

"Hitler was anything but insane."

No he was sane, but he was a hopeless meth addict to be sure

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