As you know, I am not buying into Sabrina beyond the point that I haven’t covered in numerous articles before (and I am about to correct some of my previous observations, too, but only after I’m more or less certain, which can take a few more weeks), but that shouldn’t hold anyone back from open discussion.
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your generous contributions. I apologize for not using the "Like" button in spite the excellent comments, and I don't give away my stance on Sabrina prematurely, because I don't want to influence anyone's comments. Will add my thoughts later, possibly in a separate article.
I probably shouldn't make a comment on Sabrina because I had never even heard of her until seeing this post... I looked her up and can't seam to make myself get through an entire video of hers. I just saw today that she is being called a whistleblower which now makes me a little skeptical. If I'm looking to learn similar information, I definitely would prefer to go with Alison McDowell.
Sorry, I'm not. I usually work from my technological, historical, and anthrpological knowledge, and whoever surprised me before, turned out to be agents...
I should not have compared McDowell to Sabrina...I just watched the video that Proton gave the link to and well now I would just say that this lady is "a little off" to say the least...
I discovered Sabrina a few years ago, rarely listen to her now. Having a technical background myself, her presentations and use of techno jargon seemed to me designed to lend excess credibility by confusion of the audience through sophisticated terminology. She presents well documented research and accurate source material and serves notice/reminder we are electrical beings and are being manipulated at this level. She also presents as a mess, a literal mess in appearance and organization, which seems possibly authentic yet makes it difficult to share her work with an appearance of credibility. Overall, I doubt her backstory yet accept the physical and bioelectrical digital healthcare manipulation is present and planned, and suspect she is providing yet another rung of consent disclosure as, and I could have missed it, I have not seen her present any solutions or hard evidence of actual use cases.
You are just about to wake up to the fact that 'mentally damaged, crippled & diseased people' are used as controlled opposition agents- knowingly or with subterfuge.
Sabrina reeks of playing the victim & attention seeking psychopath (I am trying very hard to be polite as possible).
The last time I saw something that stank as badly as her performance (even if she is sincere she is still PLAYING UP to the damaged soul stereotype) was humourless, po faced BASES rubbish with super soldiers like 'MAX fk up' & his insipid girlfriend, who then maybe went off with JAY DYER ?
I just spent a bunch of time watching Sabrina have CONVERSATIONS with this Juxtaposition guy. She is totally coherent & He adds to the convo & questions. Juxta also calls out grifters & lists ALL links for references to support his stance. He has vetted Sabrina Wallace & I see him as a good researcher.
Here is just an example vid I picked w/ Sabrina Wallace & Juxtaposition if anybody is interested in Miliscary bio`surveillance. I HIGHLY SUGGEST:
They call out the fake chip in the brain psyop which is not necessary because they have telemetry data via bio electric informatics human activity radar.
Sensors, Wireless Sensor Networks, Quantum BOTS, SMART DUST MESH: Electromagnetic warfare or electronic warfare (EW) is warfare involving the use of the electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum) or directed energy to control the spectrum, attack an enemy, or impede enemy operations.
WHO is the ENEMY? I think HUMANITY IS & I think Sabrina is sounding the alarm.
War is the game, but the game has changed as technology has been used against us. Havanna Syndrome ... people still suffer these attacks & experiments on humanity.
I listened to her 2 times, could not pass 10 minutes, she feels dark to me. Jeannette brought up the Sabrina/witch concept, I feel it appropriate, for some reason.
Jessica, Please remember WHO the witches were that they burned at the stake. Folks that knew about NATURAL herbal remedies & people that did NOT wish to be GOVERNED by psychopaths or refused to go along to get along.
Please watch this video & tell me she is NOT coherent or that she is dark.
I agree that her garage videos feel wacky. We just want the TRUTH right? This video is a REAL CONVO shenanigans, JUST what the illness of electronic warfare is bringing to humanity.
Darkness is not evil or repulsive, can we please be adult & not fall into such demonization games, that have very sadly destroyed the critical facilities of what are self claimed Christians?
I suspect you bring this up Ray as there are questions about Sabrina, thank you. Since propaganda abounds, we cannot separate her public presentation from her topic content.
Her nutty demeanor, quirky placards she can't hold straight for 2 sec, rapid and hard to follow speech/messy room and self in many vids means she is associating true info with nutty people so that the masses (not people who know it's true) will conclude that anyone with the truths she says is nutty and the info is nutty.
she is making (acting) a traumatized and quirky persona (w/the spooky music, and running on and on and saying 0 in 39 min). This helps associate these traits with her other vids that tell the truth-be sure some of her talks are ok for periods, it’s her nutty self that she associates it with that turns off normies from going further than her. That is a propaganda strategy called "discredit by association".
She is also ingratiating Christians with her bible/God talk-another propaganda strategy to gain trust of your enemy. I think she is acting on purpose, and that in reality she is normal and and rational. There are many other more rational discussions of the tech in the shots, so she is WOT (wasting our time).
Hi Proton. I agree that it's hard to stomach Sabrina's garage videos & her "interesting" demeaner. That said ... Juxtaposition on SS a has a SERIES with her. I spent all night watching them have nice, VERY intelligent & coherent conversations.
If You have time I urge you to please watch this one expose I picked at random off his SS.
I just left a comment above with supporting links as well.
I think she turned to God after she was experimented on by her crazy Rosicrucian(?)/Masonic family. I don't feel that she uses it as propaganda, but a self-soothing tool.
She doesn't speak on the tech in the shots to my knowledge, because she knows about the bio electronic warfare & THAT is more her gig.... Kill Boxes & 6-7G mesh network nodes & tele-medicine via under skin molecular warfar on the red blood cells resulting in illness (Covid?) or death or mental incapacitation.
I do hope you find time to watch the link I provided & I'd LOVE to get your opinion on that conversation. Thanx Proton :)
And PS, these 2 went around and around and said A LOT of words in the 50min. They didn't say much though besides Wifi etc can read and communicate with your bio sensors and your phones, but nothing new, nor did they anything about what to do about it besides hinting to not have or use a phone. Oh, they did teach me 2 things, 1. They are likely working for an Agency, and, 2. They are wasting our time and bandwidth.
WHAT?? We had 2 very different experiences. The cell phone using WIFI...That's OLD TECH.
I heard them speak on bio surveillance & kyll boxes with under the skin surveillance & cognitive electronic warfare assault w/out chips in the brain. Trace & track telemetry for meta-health that is the new digi-cloud based data drudging.
They also spoke on passive radar, drones over the home (Operation Mosaic) C-40 living communities where militarized medicine is weaponized & called covid or Havanna syndrome or whatever else they conjure up. ...AND when they harm people...they can NOT sue... instead we get called crazy when we get hurt. NO DUE PROCESS to cover this under their lawfare guild.
Also, He spoke on stealth cancers confirmed in congressional hearings. Phase Paws/pause project that practiced vaporizing cows w/ pulsed microwave weapons from miles away. EVERYBODY NEEDS TO KNOW THIS.
They also spoke on sound weapons that can blow out your eardrums or windows in a church, etc. & they gave instances where they used these weapons.
They mostly spoke on how the miliscary names their projects what they are NOT & then he named military intelligences. I found it fascinating ... his explanations of hunger games meta tech that they target humanity. This was all in the first 30 minutes & I missed a LOT of it here, cause I'm a slow typer.
Now he's speaking on.Synthetic biology, IEEE, mesh networks, Smart dust to actuate nodes for blood clotting. Im glad I just listened to this AGAIN. It was soo worth it cause it is so coherent ... unlike my wording in this comment.
WIFI was barely acknowledged until they explained the hookup thru spectrum Then they explained military language & what commissions allocate bandwidth to monitor you at home with sensors that can monitor you anywhere. Medicare is the original social medicine which is obviously a weapons system... & they broke that down.
Ok thanks, maybe there were some ok nuggets to get, but IMO they were largely digging up similar attacks that others have been talking about for a few years. Turbo cancers are well known due to shots (once you are in this sequence there is not much to do. Pray? Take CLO2? sure). Biosensors, mesh networks, smart dust causing any kind of bio havoc, is not new, microwave weapons was out in 9.11, and there are docs about DEWS from before the 80s. The other stuff like the radar and drones is not new, and besides run what can we really do? Sure, scream at politicians...not much will change because the majority is in a daze proven by the Covid shot debacle. But I can appreciate different people can garner different things from a talk.
"Our ENTRY level suggested "Glossary of Terms" essential to understanding the United Nations Agenda 2030: ......"
It may be entry level, but for folks like me, it's helpful :)
They get into what can be done to help protect yourself in other collaborations. (NOT much) But honestly, I could care less to be around to watch the suffering of humanity as it is phased out. They are really doing this thing & Robo whirled is a scary concept to me.
I can agree that everyone is at a different point on different topics. I just don't think it had much to tell me in 55 min, except to be scared, scared, and more scared, and smile while telling these stories. Especially the guy, lots of smirks and smiles. At 35:00 he pushes JFK fake assassination. Shot officer Tippit was touted as the JFK corpse, it's all a magik trick (see the link to Brain Bits near the top here)
-They fear monger, he smirks and sometimes chuckles, reports going to places most people can not go, nor would they report these places on national video, they push some debunked narratives. It's partially or even largely true but diverts and in the end is just putting the same laundry in the rinse cycle. Please accept my honest report, hasnothing to to with you or your way of thinking.
I saw the link. She is rational. I think this supports my idea she acts quirky on purpose. The problem is the guy and her know much more about mil and tech things than most people. They give lots of info the avg person can't fit into how it fits to the big picture. I think they are both assests giving out more than people can follow and more than any normie will ever agree.....Ugg, he starts promoting the JFK was shot narrative...Thanks
THANK YOU, Proton! That thought crossed my mind for a millisecond, then I replaced it with...."Well, He calls out lots of co intel pro folks".
In some of his other videos...I feel as if he is A.I. Freakishly smart. Too smart.
I'm feeling sorry for Ray at this moment... this is a tough debate cuz some of this provable, some is perception deception & some is just plain poppycock. 😂
I always appreciate your opinion. The waters have been muddied! :)
Hey JM! You are always so kind, one of my favorite people in this corner of no-man's land. Let me state first, I think most of what she says is true and makes sense. I have seen her speak rationally and calmly at times, even her vid using the spear or whatever that was, you can't be disorganized and be so good with that thing at the same time. The problem is when she is running off the tracks with too much info too fast, strange music, messy face and hair, messy room. This makes no rational sense except, sorry, but she is acting to discredit the very topic she reports. I'll try to watch a bit but I really feel sick watching her at all now. With all the masonic and rosi stuff, well, once that is out, you really can't trust anything they say. For me, it's what she does, not says, that outs her as an Intel asset. Like Orwell, or Yeadon, the crazed apocalypse guys, when they act like that, the truths become LESS believable not more. This is a typical reverse psychology propaganda trick.
I HEAR what you are saying totally & completely. I had such a hard time taking her seriously due to everything you listed. Then I saw her in a coherent convo w/ Juxto & I HAD to watch the whole series (all nighter) & it changed my stance because of what Juxta added & the way he questioned her about things that I was not grasping.
Maybe she is is acting to throw the scent off her for anybody wanting to do her harm for putting out this info?? It is quite bizarre.
It's STILL possible she is an asset ... i get the feeling she hates her family & is rebelling against them, due to the fact that they left her disabled & beshoveled.
I guess time will tell huh? Consider the video Research ...Juxta brings A LOT to the table... so it's only HALF Sabrina. Lol :)
People with problems like she admits, don't admit them. Do me and you share our deep secrets? Nope, has nothing to do with putting out a rational post. The Elites have sent out large cadres of assets for Covid and Agenda 2030 deception. She flip flops, is normal then not. She is following typical double speak and fractured messaging (content and demeanor) deception tactics. She is making a mess of her own message by design. Keep in touch!
Don’t tell me to ‘keep in touch’ Her behaviour is most likely ‘Manic Depression’ or Bipolar. You think you have all the answers Proton. Arrogance is not helpful in our situation.
Please, refrain from labeling and adhere to discussing specific problems. It's fine to disagree, but mutual respect must prevail in order to keep the comment section readable...
That "keep in touch" was directed at me. Proton knows I'll keep bantering til he puts a nice end to it, so He can move on with his day.
You mistake arrogance for opinion. We ALL get to have them. In fact the TOPIC of this post is ASKING for opinions on Sabrina Wallace. Mission accomplished,
I am telling you my opinion, which I am able to have, is that she is acting, I am not describing her behavior in any way as a psychiatric condition, you are. In any case, there is no way to prove a psychiatric condition, there is no test, and they all have problems in validity. Needless to say we are not her doctor and if we were it would be unethical to mention a diagnosis for her. Anyway, you can opine she is bipolar or anything you want, your opinion is free choice, but you can't tell me not to have my opinion.
It seems like manic behaviour that she can’t help. Her more calmer approach is part of the mix. For anyone to call her “crazy” is a cheap shot. That kind of jibe makes me more suspicious of the caller than Sabrina. If anyone doesn’t like it then don’t watch. Simple.
Psychiatry is nearly 100% subjective, and we have no way to prove she is disabled. Trump is acting nearly 100% of the time. People do get mentally ill but the names of these conditions were set up by Rockefukker medicine and is to have a drug regimen for them and there is about zero validity in stating what someone has as they are only DESCRIPTIONS NOT THINGS.
You are confusing being crazy with acting crazy (like a movie actor), I only speak of the latter for her, Orwell and Yeadon. That is a classic propaganda tactic of discredit content by association to the speaker that normal people will take as unreliable.
They have always been essential to conspiracy expose, but never aware of Christianity being a big conspiracy!
From JOHN BIRCH/ Gary Allen & HAL LINDSEY times, they forged the path for many. I like many of their works, but never trust them 100% because of obvious prejudice.
No one with a few thousand fans is genuine. the Christian Right have always had resources to hype their spokespeople, some of which pretend to be not Christians as part of dynamic.
I am very fond of genuine Christians, but not the pretenders.
Tim LaHaye is very important name among those, thank you for highlighting.
He was in fact a member of and speaker for the John Birch Society (JBS),
so, I did include him, maybe you forgot that fact in your eagerness to highlight him?
There are many such busy bees of injustice, & some are better then others, while some are more evil than the forces they claim to expose. To list all that were notable would require a serious book for fairness to the influx of perception formations & management !
I used to fall for her, but she refused to respond to my concerns that the changes in the blood reflect only a transitory stage and only a single factor of the multi-faceted global poisoning.
Probably not, but she can verify in a lab that we do have to deal with the idea of this self assembling nanotechnology that Sabrina discusses found in our blood.
The issue is credibility, I gave you the link. now you are supposed to get the 7day free trial and read that post.
Be sure. She is not "verifying" as we don't have independent confirmation of the composition or functionality of those images. Doesn't matter if there is a bunch of them studying it. Look at my recent post, "Elemental Dear Watson", I did independent study of lido, LM, SEM, Spect, found nothing so far. This is a propaganda war you need to think out of the box.
If you look at latest skill in miniature robots (ie machine BEES etc), then you are correct 100%, it is laughable that NANOTEC can do what is hoped & claimed. It is impossible with known techniques.
However, what it really is, is impingement activated crystalline/mold growth function. ie EMF induced multiplications.
The BIBLE is not originally written in readable form, it had no vowels or sentence breaks. It had to be transcribed, transposed, transliterated & translated. whatever truth you find in it is manufactured as allegory. It is a book that was intended for initiates with numerology & gematria wisdom for Astrological correspondence.
Sabrina mainly shows people how to do their own research and also that the information is not hidden for anyone wanting to open their eyes to what is occurring.
She has assembled macro level public information into the best pdf format overview I have seen anywhere to date, for free dissemination for people to freely choose the credibility of the info. link to free pdf below.
I would be interested to know what part of this document anyone can dispute?
The only bit of information she has given that I question was in relation to morgellons, but that's understandable as its not in her area of expertise.
Like Clifford Carnicom's information, I would ask anyone to challenge her information and not attack the person, as is so common these days. That type of personal attack only exposes the weakness of the attacker in my view.
I understand why this post has been made and its good for everyone giving information today to be open to questioning. Sabrina herself would not have any issue with that.
Love this comment!! I don't know shit from soap about this stuff, I'm learning though. I hope she's the real deal. I want to say I think she is, but 9x out of 10 we end up being wrong about folks we follow.
Sorry, Matt, this is not about me, but between people who are interested in discussing Sabrina. If you go to my pinned comment, I promised to post my opinion later on, most likely in a separate article.
As I'm learning from my readers all the time, I hope to address many details that crop up in this discussion session, and provide the stance I represent for the time being.
If she is an IOB expert, where is her wireless signal capture files and protocols analysis and packet decodes? Showing that physical evidence and how to obtain the wireless captures is the forensic proof of what she is saying is actually taking place in reality but no evidence is provided just the technical papers and a lot of talk. Once she shows this level of proof, I'm satisfied she is legit but not before that.
You can show these network communication protocol artifacts with Tcpdump, Wireshark, Sniffer protocol analyzers. I used Ethernet wired and wireless packet capture tools to do just that for troubleshooting network problems. Those tools are a necessity for a network engineering and network software development.
I'm afraid I'm an oldster and cannot understand anything you wrote. More power to you, my friend.
I simply note that one technique often used to persuade people involves flooding an individual with facts, supporting documentation, convincing arguments, etc. When said individual looks at the documentation, the theses broached are proven, but.... If an individual were an expert in an area with a broader understanding of the whole--the gestalt--the supporting documentation and proposed or alleged statements of truth could be more easily placed within a context. Truth is most often established in relation to other truths or perceived truths.
The gullibility of individuals is that they want to believe. If they're easily led to a circle of logic supported by chosen documentation to verify allegations...well...where is the individual? Has truth been established? Or has truth been carefully crafted? Scientists do so quite often in their experiments.
Their assumptions precede the parameters of their experiment. The assumptions construct their experiments which "prove" their initial hypothesis. IOW, what's the value of "established" or "purported" truth? Which is why I liked your comment.
Thanks! You are most likely using a proven method of arriving at a truth which will help protect you from harm in so many ways. What I was writing above is how one would prove a wireless signal is taking place, recorded as a file (pcap file) that can be replayed to a court of law to prove that something actually happened over a wired or wireless network. Software engineers will use these tools to see how their software behaves properly with other devices for example as nobody can see 2.4 ghz microwave signals they must use these special microwave radio wave capturing equipment like a FM radio decodes the audio music transmitted in the airwaves so you can hear the music.
What I find interesting is the connection of Sabrina's work of changing the human genome to the death of Gene Hackman. This is how Hollywood does their spell work.
"Gene" Technolgy & "Hack"manning the human genome. The dog was a "German" shepherd & they named it "Gene". They are trying to shepherd our genes.
They are also saying that Gene's wife was mummified. It's all connected to DNA & Gene therapy.
Plus the death of their dog during the Dogstar alignment. It's ALL so scripted & they think we're too stupid to figure out the esoteric spell work of it.
edit: Sabrina is also a very "witchy name". There are good & bad witches. Sabrina is showing us the alchemy of their dark magic.
The name Sabrina is a name associated with rivers & water, Water also relates to currency. Doesn't Sabrina tell us that they want to store our deth/CRYPTo currency in our DNA?
I found your analysis quite remarkable. I never would have thought to go down the "Gene/Hack" rabbit hole you just mentioned. Unless I am incorrect, as I was reading what you said my gut said YES! Well done!
Are you at all familiar with the "Q Review News Review with Mike King" podcasts on NewsTreason com? They have a very different perspective than many authors on substack I really don't know what to make of it, but I couldn't argue with it either.. Many substack authors opine that Q is just a CIA psyop. I can't tell if that's true or not. Many say that the so-called "white hats" in the (non-deep state) military are merely a part of what they term the "Patriot pacification program." But I don't know if that's true either. What's your take on all this? (You can reply to these inquiries to me privately if you wish. Thanks.)
Yes Equinefriend :) I get Mikes newsletter. It's MY opinion that he has been duped by Q/#17 & he is very much so in denial of the Bolshevik agenda to pacify the patriots thru The "hurry up & wait" ..."let's just watch the movie play out" psyop. White hats are a whole nother agenda all together IMO....Jaun O Saven or 107 ... The Kerry Cassidy crew, etc.
These 2 parties are both in on the same NWO goal to usher in the AI takeover of humanity & throw us into a Hunger Games scenario. Our miliscary has been so brainwashed that they won't even throw out our belligerent government that was NGO, not voted in...(F)ELon & Kennedy, etc. Again, just my opinion os what I see playing out on the whirled stage....
I will say some are just useful idiots bc they want a human savior and not because they're paid off so they lack intent to deceive. I could be wrong about that tho. I, too, was duped into believing that whole scam until I came across Probably Alexandra. Tho, I will not deny that it was a useful tool for me at the time bc I became aware of so many things that I was blind to before. I don't think I could have handled the truth of this world without it coming in pieces. It's become far easier for me to change every belief and paradigm I had in smaller pieces and as I've adapted I feel that I'm now able to see things more clearly and I believe the Holy Spirit has guided my journey. Looking at who I was in 2019 compared to 2025 is quite the different person.
I feel the same way about Alex Jones *shudders*. Between him and C2C AM (where i first heard him pretending to crash the Bilderberg meeting back in the 90s), I wouldn't have heard about any of the things I now know. Those people led me down a rabbit hole where among other things I learned discernment and grew a BS-Meter.
I'm so happy for you Maui! I think we've all been duped. Baby steps seem to be what works. This is why the global blackmail & Trafficking needs to stop. Some are useful idiots & some are blackmailed or bribed. It boils down to the Synagogue of Satan. I'll have to look into Probably Alexandria. Thanx.
Dang! Well, I certainly couldn't argue with anything you've said here. Indeed, the writing on the wall has always looked bad to me, although I hoped that despite that, King and his friends on NewsTreason could be correct. Oh well. In any case, I think the future will be obvious if they successfully usher in CBDCs and succeed with the next plandemic hoax in the ongoing medical tyranny under which we currently live. If that happens, then I fear we are on the cusp of a very dark age indeed. I certainly hope we are all wrong about that though. I will follow your posts. Thanks, and blessings.
Unfortunately when I saw the Trump+Vance thing...all I saw was TRANCE. They put the people to sleep thru ritual dark Maga Magik. He TOLD everybody that he was a snake. The GOLDen age Gold/orange man ... it's all signs & symbols.
"America is a nation of builders .... Soon you will be free to build" THIS is very telling! Trump is Masonic 47th President. Who are the builders?? The Free Masons... THEY will be FREE to build their Novus Ordo Seclorum. ... & LAST president if all goes his way ... He did say that "Christians will never have to vote again".
Sabrina has been warning of the medical hoax & what it REALLY is, Tele-health. ... which is anything but health...Like our food/doof.
I did a small break down before selections that I'll look for & contact you :)
But there must be a reason why you chose her and not not the thousands of other grifters on the internet. Clearly I find her one of the most credible ONLY because she offers all the research links and white papers /docs to every claim she makes and when she can not, she will say so. She also supplies all the the links in her videos. So yes, I respect her research immensely and have spent numerous hours on the IEE website and and listen to the people who are in the forefront of genomics and genetics and all the rest. There is nothing outlandish in her claims nor transparent. Ill post a few links here and let it go at that. You have have every right to put whatever you want out there, but if you knocking someone it should not be nebulous and expect a challenge from people who have actually spent time with the research. Yes I agree what you say about most... but Sabrina is one of the few who actually has integrity with her availability of research. I don't say that lightly. AI precision healthcare is here and the tech has been around for a long time. Here is a brilliant one with Mr. Giordano.
I think he chose her because I asked him to discuss the video I presented with Sabrina and Juxaposition1 about the smart dust 6 or 7g bioconvergence when he asked for feedback of what to discuss.
The other thing I like about Sabrina is that she doesn't hide "her ideas" behind a paywall. I do think people should be able to derive an income from their work, but when we are talking about exposing the evil that threatens this world, open conversation should be essential to discern the truth and likely you can not afford the hundreds or thousands of resources you may use to compile your own research and opinions derived there of. Without this type of deep dive, your opinions and ideas are likely based on a very narrow window of what may or may not be the truth so expanding your mind and knowledge base becomes almost futile.
Spot on. Franklin O'Kanu just had an article on gut feelings being more reliable than mental gymnastics in choice making. Sabrina hasn't set off any alarms yet in my belly is all I can report.
If you question someones credibility, one would expect you have reasons and research as to why. I somehow missed that Newsletter so I am asking, Was there a past post I missed ?
I 100% second Marianne’s opinion and logic. In fact, Sabrina is the only influencer I’ve come across who goes to the trouble of posting every link she uses. Her smarmy style is entertaining too. She’s a genius, waaaay above everyone’s pay grade. That’s the only difficulty I have is trying to decipher her technical acumen. And let’s not forget her passion for justice….the technocratic adulteration of our “Bo-dy” is the stuff of nightmares…. in fact, my most earnest prayer is that God will bring down the full cup of his wrath on the people who are thinking this evil stuff up.
My prayer is that the truth is revealed about all! Then, the brainwashed sheeple would be able to make better decisions about how we go about living our daily lives and how we use our energy. Most people that I know believe they are going to heaven bc "I'm a good person". I used to believe the same rhetoric until covid hit and I cried out to God and began my search for the truth. I believe if people with souls could actually understand the truth of this world, they'd spend far more energy on things that matter and far less looking into the black windows of the tv, cell phones, tablets and computers for entertainment (which I also ask God to be covered in the blood of Jesus to stop all wickedness from entering my home). My prayer for myself includes more faith, more love - the ability to love my neighbor as myself, and discernment for all I read and listen to while using these devices.
Is there anywhere.. and to that matter a purpose on why you are choosing to focus on Sabrina Wallace? I'd really like to know because if you ever sat with her for more than a day or two and really dived into her material, there is nobody that gives you more reference and white papers and backs EVERY SINGLE STATEMENT with RESEARCH ..not opinions. So Im curious why you are spending time with this and for what reason? she doesnt ask for money, she isnt a grifter. So?
First and foremost, I would like to thank you for your generous contributions. I apologize for not using the "Like" button in spite the excellent comments, and I don't give away my stance on Sabrina prematurely, because I don't want to influence anyone's comments. Will add my thoughts later, possibly in a separate article.
I probably shouldn't make a comment on Sabrina because I had never even heard of her until seeing this post... I looked her up and can't seam to make myself get through an entire video of hers. I just saw today that she is being called a whistleblower which now makes me a little skeptical. If I'm looking to learn similar information, I definitely would prefer to go with Alison McDowell.
Yup, whistleblowers are more often than not, fake.
Not sure what you mean about McDowell.
Are you familiar with her work? She goes deep into the inner workings of the tangled web being woven but more pleasant to watch and learn from
Sorry, I'm not. I usually work from my technological, historical, and anthrpological knowledge, and whoever surprised me before, turned out to be agents...
She's on YouTube under her name.
She is just a mom that started to dig around doing research into something related to her daughters schooling and one thing led to the next...
I should not have compared McDowell to Sabrina...I just watched the video that Proton gave the link to and well now I would just say that this lady is "a little off" to say the least...
I discovered Sabrina a few years ago, rarely listen to her now. Having a technical background myself, her presentations and use of techno jargon seemed to me designed to lend excess credibility by confusion of the audience through sophisticated terminology. She presents well documented research and accurate source material and serves notice/reminder we are electrical beings and are being manipulated at this level. She also presents as a mess, a literal mess in appearance and organization, which seems possibly authentic yet makes it difficult to share her work with an appearance of credibility. Overall, I doubt her backstory yet accept the physical and bioelectrical digital healthcare manipulation is present and planned, and suspect she is providing yet another rung of consent disclosure as, and I could have missed it, I have not seen her present any solutions or hard evidence of actual use cases.
You are just about to wake up to the fact that 'mentally damaged, crippled & diseased people' are used as controlled opposition agents- knowingly or with subterfuge.
Sabrina reeks of playing the victim & attention seeking psychopath (I am trying very hard to be polite as possible).
The last time I saw something that stank as badly as her performance (even if she is sincere she is still PLAYING UP to the damaged soul stereotype) was humourless, po faced BASES rubbish with super soldiers like 'MAX fk up' & his insipid girlfriend, who then maybe went off with JAY DYER ?
I just spent a bunch of time watching Sabrina have CONVERSATIONS with this Juxtaposition guy. She is totally coherent & He adds to the convo & questions. Juxta also calls out grifters & lists ALL links for references to support his stance. He has vetted Sabrina Wallace & I see him as a good researcher.
Here is just an example vid I picked w/ Sabrina Wallace & Juxtaposition if anybody is interested in Miliscary bio`surveillance. I HIGHLY SUGGEST:
They call out the fake chip in the brain psyop which is not necessary because they have telemetry data via bio electric informatics human activity radar.
Stealth Health uses your own red blood cells (Covid?) to cause health issues & cognitive illness:
Sensors, Wireless Sensor Networks, Quantum BOTS, SMART DUST MESH: Electromagnetic warfare or electronic warfare (EW) is warfare involving the use of the electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum) or directed energy to control the spectrum, attack an enemy, or impede enemy operations.
WHO is the ENEMY? I think HUMANITY IS & I think Sabrina is sounding the alarm.
War is the game, but the game has changed as technology has been used against us. Havanna Syndrome ... people still suffer these attacks & experiments on humanity.
I listened to her 2 times, could not pass 10 minutes, she feels dark to me. Jeannette brought up the Sabrina/witch concept, I feel it appropriate, for some reason.
Jessica, Please remember WHO the witches were that they burned at the stake. Folks that knew about NATURAL herbal remedies & people that did NOT wish to be GOVERNED by psychopaths or refused to go along to get along.
Please watch this video & tell me she is NOT coherent or that she is dark. Covo w/ Juxtaposition.
I agree that her garage videos feel wacky. We just want the TRUTH right? This video is a REAL CONVO shenanigans, JUST what the illness of electronic warfare is bringing to humanity.
Darkness is not evil or repulsive, can we please be adult & not fall into such demonization games, that have very sadly destroyed the critical facilities of what are self claimed Christians?
I'm not demonizing anybody. The comment she was refering to was ...well, just have a peek for yourself further down .
Thank you,😁
I am just pointing out horrible misuse of word 'darkness' that is mostly done unaware,
It is like use of the word BASTARD as derogatory, but being illegitimate is not evil state, or worthy of abuse.
Words are spells & we should be mindful of what spells we conjure & construct.
I suspect you bring this up Ray as there are questions about Sabrina, thank you. Since propaganda abounds, we cannot separate her public presentation from her topic content.
Her nutty demeanor, quirky placards she can't hold straight for 2 sec, rapid and hard to follow speech/messy room and self in many vids means she is associating true info with nutty people so that the masses (not people who know it's true) will conclude that anyone with the truths she says is nutty and the info is nutty.
In her video here
she is making (acting) a traumatized and quirky persona (w/the spooky music, and running on and on and saying 0 in 39 min). This helps associate these traits with her other vids that tell the truth-be sure some of her talks are ok for periods, it’s her nutty self that she associates it with that turns off normies from going further than her. That is a propaganda strategy called "discredit by association".
She is also ingratiating Christians with her bible/God talk-another propaganda strategy to gain trust of your enemy. I think she is acting on purpose, and that in reality she is normal and and rational. There are many other more rational discussions of the tech in the shots, so she is WOT (wasting our time).
😂 absolutely, she is TIME VAMPIRE SPACE INVADER on despondency & fear mongering gravy train. Still, some of her content is very valid, while others is
HYSTERIA & smoke & mirrors propaganda.
People in general are unable to comprehend MAGIC & MILITARY are ALWAYS co-dependent, not polar opposites.
Hi Proton. I agree that it's hard to stomach Sabrina's garage videos & her "interesting" demeaner. That said ... Juxtaposition on SS a has a SERIES with her. I spent all night watching them have nice, VERY intelligent & coherent conversations.
If You have time I urge you to please watch this one expose I picked at random off his SS.
I just left a comment above with supporting links as well.
I think she turned to God after she was experimented on by her crazy Rosicrucian(?)/Masonic family. I don't feel that she uses it as propaganda, but a self-soothing tool.
She doesn't speak on the tech in the shots to my knowledge, because she knows about the bio electronic warfare & THAT is more her gig.... Kill Boxes & 6-7G mesh network nodes & tele-medicine via under skin molecular warfar on the red blood cells resulting in illness (Covid?) or death or mental incapacitation.
I do hope you find time to watch the link I provided & I'd LOVE to get your opinion on that conversation. Thanx Proton :)
And PS, these 2 went around and around and said A LOT of words in the 50min. They didn't say much though besides Wifi etc can read and communicate with your bio sensors and your phones, but nothing new, nor did they anything about what to do about it besides hinting to not have or use a phone. Oh, they did teach me 2 things, 1. They are likely working for an Agency, and, 2. They are wasting our time and bandwidth.
WHAT?? We had 2 very different experiences. The cell phone using WIFI...That's OLD TECH.
I heard them speak on bio surveillance & kyll boxes with under the skin surveillance & cognitive electronic warfare assault w/out chips in the brain. Trace & track telemetry for meta-health that is the new digi-cloud based data drudging.
They also spoke on passive radar, drones over the home (Operation Mosaic) C-40 living communities where militarized medicine is weaponized & called covid or Havanna syndrome or whatever else they conjure up. ...AND when they harm people...they can NOT sue... instead we get called crazy when we get hurt. NO DUE PROCESS to cover this under their lawfare guild.
Also, He spoke on stealth cancers confirmed in congressional hearings. Phase Paws/pause project that practiced vaporizing cows w/ pulsed microwave weapons from miles away. EVERYBODY NEEDS TO KNOW THIS.
They also spoke on sound weapons that can blow out your eardrums or windows in a church, etc. & they gave instances where they used these weapons.
They mostly spoke on how the miliscary names their projects what they are NOT & then he named military intelligences. I found it fascinating ... his explanations of hunger games meta tech that they target humanity. This was all in the first 30 minutes & I missed a LOT of it here, cause I'm a slow typer.
Now he's speaking on.Synthetic biology, IEEE, mesh networks, Smart dust to actuate nodes for blood clotting. Im glad I just listened to this AGAIN. It was soo worth it cause it is so coherent ... unlike my wording in this comment.
WIFI was barely acknowledged until they explained the hookup thru spectrum Then they explained military language & what commissions allocate bandwidth to monitor you at home with sensors that can monitor you anywhere. Medicare is the original social medicine which is obviously a weapons system... & they broke that down.
Ok thanks, maybe there were some ok nuggets to get, but IMO they were largely digging up similar attacks that others have been talking about for a few years. Turbo cancers are well known due to shots (once you are in this sequence there is not much to do. Pray? Take CLO2? sure). Biosensors, mesh networks, smart dust causing any kind of bio havoc, is not new, microwave weapons was out in 9.11, and there are docs about DEWS from before the 80s. The other stuff like the radar and drones is not new, and besides run what can we really do? Sure, scream at politicians...not much will change because the majority is in a daze proven by the Covid shot debacle. But I can appreciate different people can garner different things from a talk.
Well, In Juxtapositions own words ....
"Our ENTRY level suggested "Glossary of Terms" essential to understanding the United Nations Agenda 2030: ......"
It may be entry level, but for folks like me, it's helpful :)
They get into what can be done to help protect yourself in other collaborations. (NOT much) But honestly, I could care less to be around to watch the suffering of humanity as it is phased out. They are really doing this thing & Robo whirled is a scary concept to me.
I can agree that everyone is at a different point on different topics. I just don't think it had much to tell me in 55 min, except to be scared, scared, and more scared, and smile while telling these stories. Especially the guy, lots of smirks and smiles. At 35:00 he pushes JFK fake assassination. Shot officer Tippit was touted as the JFK corpse, it's all a magik trick (see the link to Brain Bits near the top here)
At 33:30 she pushes graphene though graphene is only hypothetical.
the discoverers' say so themselves.
-They fear monger, he smirks and sometimes chuckles, reports going to places most people can not go, nor would they report these places on national video, they push some debunked narratives. It's partially or even largely true but diverts and in the end is just putting the same laundry in the rinse cycle. Please accept my honest report, hasnothing to to with you or your way of thinking.
I saw the link. She is rational. I think this supports my idea she acts quirky on purpose. The problem is the guy and her know much more about mil and tech things than most people. They give lots of info the avg person can't fit into how it fits to the big picture. I think they are both assests giving out more than people can follow and more than any normie will ever agree.....Ugg, he starts promoting the JFK was shot narrative...Thanks
THANK YOU, Proton! That thought crossed my mind for a millisecond, then I replaced it with...."Well, He calls out lots of co intel pro folks".
In some of his other videos...I feel as if he is A.I. Freakishly smart. Too smart.
I'm feeling sorry for Ray at this moment... this is a tough debate cuz some of this provable, some is perception deception & some is just plain poppycock. 😂
I always appreciate your opinion. The waters have been muddied! :)
They also laugh too much, maybe a duper's delight. IDK.
Hey JM! You are always so kind, one of my favorite people in this corner of no-man's land. Let me state first, I think most of what she says is true and makes sense. I have seen her speak rationally and calmly at times, even her vid using the spear or whatever that was, you can't be disorganized and be so good with that thing at the same time. The problem is when she is running off the tracks with too much info too fast, strange music, messy face and hair, messy room. This makes no rational sense except, sorry, but she is acting to discredit the very topic she reports. I'll try to watch a bit but I really feel sick watching her at all now. With all the masonic and rosi stuff, well, once that is out, you really can't trust anything they say. For me, it's what she does, not says, that outs her as an Intel asset. Like Orwell, or Yeadon, the crazed apocalypse guys, when they act like that, the truths become LESS believable not more. This is a typical reverse psychology propaganda trick.
Aww, Thank You Proton for the nice compliment :)
I HEAR what you are saying totally & completely. I had such a hard time taking her seriously due to everything you listed. Then I saw her in a coherent convo w/ Juxto & I HAD to watch the whole series (all nighter) & it changed my stance because of what Juxta added & the way he questioned her about things that I was not grasping.
Maybe she is is acting to throw the scent off her for anybody wanting to do her harm for putting out this info?? It is quite bizarre.
It's STILL possible she is an asset ... i get the feeling she hates her family & is rebelling against them, due to the fact that they left her disabled & beshoveled.
I guess time will tell huh? Consider the video Research ...Juxta brings A LOT to the table... so it's only HALF Sabrina. Lol :)
People with problems like she admits, don't admit them. Do me and you share our deep secrets? Nope, has nothing to do with putting out a rational post. The Elites have sent out large cadres of assets for Covid and Agenda 2030 deception. She flip flops, is normal then not. She is following typical double speak and fractured messaging (content and demeanor) deception tactics. She is making a mess of her own message by design. Keep in touch!
I tend to avoid getting involved in discussions on this page because for some it’s an intellectual exercise. Who knows more etc etc
Don’t tell me to ‘keep in touch’ Her behaviour is most likely ‘Manic Depression’ or Bipolar. You think you have all the answers Proton. Arrogance is not helpful in our situation.
Please, refrain from labeling and adhere to discussing specific problems. It's fine to disagree, but mutual respect must prevail in order to keep the comment section readable...
That "keep in touch" was directed at me. Proton knows I'll keep bantering til he puts a nice end to it, so He can move on with his day.
You mistake arrogance for opinion. We ALL get to have them. In fact the TOPIC of this post is ASKING for opinions on Sabrina Wallace. Mission accomplished,
Be well.
I am telling you my opinion, which I am able to have, is that she is acting, I am not describing her behavior in any way as a psychiatric condition, you are. In any case, there is no way to prove a psychiatric condition, there is no test, and they all have problems in validity. Needless to say we are not her doctor and if we were it would be unethical to mention a diagnosis for her. Anyway, you can opine she is bipolar or anything you want, your opinion is free choice, but you can't tell me not to have my opinion.
It seems like manic behaviour that she can’t help. Her more calmer approach is part of the mix. For anyone to call her “crazy” is a cheap shot. That kind of jibe makes me more suspicious of the caller than Sabrina. If anyone doesn’t like it then don’t watch. Simple.
I think her manic phases are part of her disability & You are right, calling her crazy due to medical issues would be very uncool.
We were in convo trying to discern IF it were an act OR actual.
Thanx for the input.
Psychiatry is nearly 100% subjective, and we have no way to prove she is disabled. Trump is acting nearly 100% of the time. People do get mentally ill but the names of these conditions were set up by Rockefukker medicine and is to have a drug regimen for them and there is about zero validity in stating what someone has as they are only DESCRIPTIONS NOT THINGS.
You are confusing being crazy with acting crazy (like a movie actor), I only speak of the latter for her, Orwell and Yeadon. That is a classic propaganda tactic of discredit content by association to the speaker that normal people will take as unreliable.
It may transpire to be both.
She is putting it on , often or occasionally, but she also has mental schisms & upheavals that overheat her brain.
the two state then feed off each other as a dynamo of persecution.
I am not saying there is not persecution of course there is, just it can be self sustaining if the fear speculation is embedded enough.
This may be why she is being used/promoted
as it resonates with others like her (& there are many!)
She is part of the CHRISTIAN movement.
They have always been essential to conspiracy expose, but never aware of Christianity being a big conspiracy!
From JOHN BIRCH/ Gary Allen & HAL LINDSEY times, they forged the path for many. I like many of their works, but never trust them 100% because of obvious prejudice.
No one with a few thousand fans is genuine. the Christian Right have always had resources to hype their spokespeople, some of which pretend to be not Christians as part of dynamic.
I am very fond of genuine Christians, but not the pretenders.
Don’t forget Tim LaHey.
Tim LaHaye is very important name among those, thank you for highlighting.
He was in fact a member of and speaker for the John Birch Society (JBS),
so, I did include him, maybe you forgot that fact in your eagerness to highlight him?
There are many such busy bees of injustice, & some are better then others, while some are more evil than the forces they claim to expose. To list all that were notable would require a serious book for fairness to the influx of perception formations & management !
Lots of pretending going on. Lots of psyops going on.
People need to believe in THEMSELVES & not be steered by gov. propaganda as a tool to keep them in line.
I'm not familiar w/ the names you speak of. Not the folks I run with. :)
What do you think of this doctor?
I used to fall for her, but she refused to respond to my concerns that the changes in the blood reflect only a transitory stage and only a single factor of the multi-faceted global poisoning.
Thanks for the information. I really do just pray for the truth no matter what it is. I just want the truth.
Not sure Ray wants to divert from Sabrina. What do YOU think?
Probably not, but she can verify in a lab that we do have to deal with the idea of this self assembling nanotechnology that Sabrina discusses found in our blood.
The issue is credibility, I gave you the link. now you are supposed to get the 7day free trial and read that post.
Be sure. She is not "verifying" as we don't have independent confirmation of the composition or functionality of those images. Doesn't matter if there is a bunch of them studying it. Look at my recent post, "Elemental Dear Watson", I did independent study of lido, LM, SEM, Spect, found nothing so far. This is a propaganda war you need to think out of the box.
If you look at latest skill in miniature robots (ie machine BEES etc), then you are correct 100%, it is laughable that NANOTEC can do what is hoped & claimed. It is impossible with known techniques.
However, what it really is, is impingement activated crystalline/mold growth function. ie EMF induced multiplications.
Possibly more red herrings I guess. Maybe I'll just stick to my Bible. For me, that is the the truth!
The BIBLE is not originally written in readable form, it had no vowels or sentence breaks. It had to be transcribed, transposed, transliterated & translated. whatever truth you find in it is manufactured as allegory. It is a book that was intended for initiates with numerology & gematria wisdom for Astrological correspondence.
I'm a red herring or Ana or Sabrina are? You still didnt read Ana post right?
Hi Ray,
Sabrina mainly shows people how to do their own research and also that the information is not hidden for anyone wanting to open their eyes to what is occurring.
She has assembled macro level public information into the best pdf format overview I have seen anywhere to date, for free dissemination for people to freely choose the credibility of the info. link to free pdf below.
I would be interested to know what part of this document anyone can dispute?
The only bit of information she has given that I question was in relation to morgellons, but that's understandable as its not in her area of expertise.
Like Clifford Carnicom's information, I would ask anyone to challenge her information and not attack the person, as is so common these days. That type of personal attack only exposes the weakness of the attacker in my view.
I understand why this post has been made and its good for everyone giving information today to be open to questioning. Sabrina herself would not have any issue with that.
YES! FINALLY, MATT! Coronavirus linked to electronic warfare!
Excellent PDF that you linked!
Sabrina has another good PDF on survival in case you are interested.
I wrote the same already in 2022. Here is the updated article:
YES You DID Ray! I even see that I liked your article back then. Sorry, my brain is bad. Glad you linked it!
Have you seen this doctor's information and work? She looks at blood under the microscope both vaccinated and unvaccinated.
Love this comment!! I don't know shit from soap about this stuff, I'm learning though. I hope she's the real deal. I want to say I think she is, but 9x out of 10 we end up being wrong about folks we follow.
Sorry, Matt, this is not about me, but between people who are interested in discussing Sabrina. If you go to my pinned comment, I promised to post my opinion later on, most likely in a separate article.
As I'm learning from my readers all the time, I hope to address many details that crop up in this discussion session, and provide the stance I represent for the time being.
I hope one day you will learn about the AETHER after I help you, but you had no gratitude at the time, & sadly disappointing arrogance Ray! 😅
But I am forgiving, & know you can admit your conceits in time!
Here I prove what I mentioned to you, with genuine original & IMPORTANT revelation, you will become far more informed by digesting=
You can thank me properly when you develop humility & respect.🙄😁
If she is an IOB expert, where is her wireless signal capture files and protocols analysis and packet decodes? Showing that physical evidence and how to obtain the wireless captures is the forensic proof of what she is saying is actually taking place in reality but no evidence is provided just the technical papers and a lot of talk. Once she shows this level of proof, I'm satisfied she is legit but not before that.
Thank you, Art. Sometimes people voice problems or concerns I feel but lack the expertise in an area.
You can show these network communication protocol artifacts with Tcpdump, Wireshark, Sniffer protocol analyzers. I used Ethernet wired and wireless packet capture tools to do just that for troubleshooting network problems. Those tools are a necessity for a network engineering and network software development.
I'm afraid I'm an oldster and cannot understand anything you wrote. More power to you, my friend.
I simply note that one technique often used to persuade people involves flooding an individual with facts, supporting documentation, convincing arguments, etc. When said individual looks at the documentation, the theses broached are proven, but.... If an individual were an expert in an area with a broader understanding of the whole--the gestalt--the supporting documentation and proposed or alleged statements of truth could be more easily placed within a context. Truth is most often established in relation to other truths or perceived truths.
The gullibility of individuals is that they want to believe. If they're easily led to a circle of logic supported by chosen documentation to verify allegations...well...where is the individual? Has truth been established? Or has truth been carefully crafted? Scientists do so quite often in their experiments.
Their assumptions precede the parameters of their experiment. The assumptions construct their experiments which "prove" their initial hypothesis. IOW, what's the value of "established" or "purported" truth? Which is why I liked your comment.
Thanks! You are most likely using a proven method of arriving at a truth which will help protect you from harm in so many ways. What I was writing above is how one would prove a wireless signal is taking place, recorded as a file (pcap file) that can be replayed to a court of law to prove that something actually happened over a wired or wireless network. Software engineers will use these tools to see how their software behaves properly with other devices for example as nobody can see 2.4 ghz microwave signals they must use these special microwave radio wave capturing equipment like a FM radio decodes the audio music transmitted in the airwaves so you can hear the music.
Oh, you're so excellent, Art!! I understand now...and your views accord with mine.
Nice one Ray.
What I find interesting is the connection of Sabrina's work of changing the human genome to the death of Gene Hackman. This is how Hollywood does their spell work.
"Gene" Technolgy & "Hack"manning the human genome. The dog was a "German" shepherd & they named it "Gene". They are trying to shepherd our genes.
They are also saying that Gene's wife was mummified. It's all connected to DNA & Gene therapy.
Plus the death of their dog during the Dogstar alignment. It's ALL so scripted & they think we're too stupid to figure out the esoteric spell work of it.
edit: Sabrina is also a very "witchy name". There are good & bad witches. Sabrina is showing us the alchemy of their dark magic.
The name Sabrina is a name associated with rivers & water, Water also relates to currency. Doesn't Sabrina tell us that they want to store our deth/CRYPTo currency in our DNA?
What a fantastic bunch of observations JM!! When I grow up I want to be as smart as you! ❤️
Why, Thank You Toxi! When I grow up, I plan on forgetting every observation I ever made & blissfully wander my mind palace in complete oblivion :)
It will take me only about 194 years to grow up! :)
Me too Ray!! 😂
I found your analysis quite remarkable. I never would have thought to go down the "Gene/Hack" rabbit hole you just mentioned. Unless I am incorrect, as I was reading what you said my gut said YES! Well done!
Thank You ... It just made sense to me. I always look at what they show us in mainstream Hollywierd & connect the dots a I see them. :)
Are you at all familiar with the "Q Review News Review with Mike King" podcasts on NewsTreason com? They have a very different perspective than many authors on substack I really don't know what to make of it, but I couldn't argue with it either.. Many substack authors opine that Q is just a CIA psyop. I can't tell if that's true or not. Many say that the so-called "white hats" in the (non-deep state) military are merely a part of what they term the "Patriot pacification program." But I don't know if that's true either. What's your take on all this? (You can reply to these inquiries to me privately if you wish. Thanks.)
Yes Equinefriend :) I get Mikes newsletter. It's MY opinion that he has been duped by Q/#17 & he is very much so in denial of the Bolshevik agenda to pacify the patriots thru The "hurry up & wait" ..."let's just watch the movie play out" psyop. White hats are a whole nother agenda all together IMO....Jaun O Saven or 107 ... The Kerry Cassidy crew, etc.
These 2 parties are both in on the same NWO goal to usher in the AI takeover of humanity & throw us into a Hunger Games scenario. Our miliscary has been so brainwashed that they won't even throw out our belligerent government that was NGO, not voted in...(F)ELon & Kennedy, etc. Again, just my opinion os what I see playing out on the whirled stage....
I will say some are just useful idiots bc they want a human savior and not because they're paid off so they lack intent to deceive. I could be wrong about that tho. I, too, was duped into believing that whole scam until I came across Probably Alexandra. Tho, I will not deny that it was a useful tool for me at the time bc I became aware of so many things that I was blind to before. I don't think I could have handled the truth of this world without it coming in pieces. It's become far easier for me to change every belief and paradigm I had in smaller pieces and as I've adapted I feel that I'm now able to see things more clearly and I believe the Holy Spirit has guided my journey. Looking at who I was in 2019 compared to 2025 is quite the different person.
I feel the same way about Alex Jones *shudders*. Between him and C2C AM (where i first heard him pretending to crash the Bilderberg meeting back in the 90s), I wouldn't have heard about any of the things I now know. Those people led me down a rabbit hole where among other things I learned discernment and grew a BS-Meter.
I'm so happy for you Maui! I think we've all been duped. Baby steps seem to be what works. This is why the global blackmail & Trafficking needs to stop. Some are useful idiots & some are blackmailed or bribed. It boils down to the Synagogue of Satan. I'll have to look into Probably Alexandria. Thanx.
Dang! Well, I certainly couldn't argue with anything you've said here. Indeed, the writing on the wall has always looked bad to me, although I hoped that despite that, King and his friends on NewsTreason could be correct. Oh well. In any case, I think the future will be obvious if they successfully usher in CBDCs and succeed with the next plandemic hoax in the ongoing medical tyranny under which we currently live. If that happens, then I fear we are on the cusp of a very dark age indeed. I certainly hope we are all wrong about that though. I will follow your posts. Thanks, and blessings.
Unfortunately when I saw the Trump+Vance thing...all I saw was TRANCE. They put the people to sleep thru ritual dark Maga Magik. He TOLD everybody that he was a snake. The GOLDen age Gold/orange man ... it's all signs & symbols.
"America is a nation of builders .... Soon you will be free to build" THIS is very telling! Trump is Masonic 47th President. Who are the builders?? The Free Masons... THEY will be FREE to build their Novus Ordo Seclorum. ... & LAST president if all goes his way ... He did say that "Christians will never have to vote again".
Sabrina has been warning of the medical hoax & what it REALLY is, Tele-health. ... which is anything but health...Like our food/doof.
I did a small break down before selections that I'll look for & contact you :)
Never heard of her before so went and had a look at a rumble video.
Gives far too much credence to nanowar stuff in my view. MRNA as an interface to AI. I don't rate either.
But she says they don't need to inject anything into us.
So did I. :) Nearly three years ago:
That doesn't prove me or her right, though.
And for trying that shit even if overrated Bill Gates should be hanging from a lamppost by now.
But there must be a reason why you chose her and not not the thousands of other grifters on the internet. Clearly I find her one of the most credible ONLY because she offers all the research links and white papers /docs to every claim she makes and when she can not, she will say so. She also supplies all the the links in her videos. So yes, I respect her research immensely and have spent numerous hours on the IEE website and and listen to the people who are in the forefront of genomics and genetics and all the rest. There is nothing outlandish in her claims nor transparent. Ill post a few links here and let it go at that. You have have every right to put whatever you want out there, but if you knocking someone it should not be nebulous and expect a challenge from people who have actually spent time with the research. Yes I agree what you say about most... but Sabrina is one of the few who actually has integrity with her availability of research. I don't say that lightly. AI precision healthcare is here and the tech has been around for a long time. Here is a brilliant one with Mr. Giordano. Thank you.
I think he chose her because I asked him to discuss the video I presented with Sabrina and Juxaposition1 about the smart dust 6 or 7g bioconvergence when he asked for feedback of what to discuss.
The other thing I like about Sabrina is that she doesn't hide "her ideas" behind a paywall. I do think people should be able to derive an income from their work, but when we are talking about exposing the evil that threatens this world, open conversation should be essential to discern the truth and likely you can not afford the hundreds or thousands of resources you may use to compile your own research and opinions derived there of. Without this type of deep dive, your opinions and ideas are likely based on a very narrow window of what may or may not be the truth so expanding your mind and knowledge base becomes almost futile.
I respect them both.
AI over nature? Not wise.
Spot on. Franklin O'Kanu just had an article on gut feelings being more reliable than mental gymnastics in choice making. Sabrina hasn't set off any alarms yet in my belly is all I can report.
If you question someones credibility, one would expect you have reasons and research as to why. I somehow missed that Newsletter so I am asking, Was there a past post I missed ?
Again, this discussion is not about me. I don't voice my detailed opinion yet, because I don't want to influence anyone else's.
Other than that, nobody, including me, is 100% reliable, because human knowledge is irrevocably fragmented and incomplete.
I 100% second Marianne’s opinion and logic. In fact, Sabrina is the only influencer I’ve come across who goes to the trouble of posting every link she uses. Her smarmy style is entertaining too. She’s a genius, waaaay above everyone’s pay grade. That’s the only difficulty I have is trying to decipher her technical acumen. And let’s not forget her passion for justice….the technocratic adulteration of our “Bo-dy” is the stuff of nightmares…. in fact, my most earnest prayer is that God will bring down the full cup of his wrath on the people who are thinking this evil stuff up.
My prayer is that the truth is revealed about all! Then, the brainwashed sheeple would be able to make better decisions about how we go about living our daily lives and how we use our energy. Most people that I know believe they are going to heaven bc "I'm a good person". I used to believe the same rhetoric until covid hit and I cried out to God and began my search for the truth. I believe if people with souls could actually understand the truth of this world, they'd spend far more energy on things that matter and far less looking into the black windows of the tv, cell phones, tablets and computers for entertainment (which I also ask God to be covered in the blood of Jesus to stop all wickedness from entering my home). My prayer for myself includes more faith, more love - the ability to love my neighbor as myself, and discernment for all I read and listen to while using these devices.
Is there anywhere.. and to that matter a purpose on why you are choosing to focus on Sabrina Wallace? I'd really like to know because if you ever sat with her for more than a day or two and really dived into her material, there is nobody that gives you more reference and white papers and backs EVERY SINGLE STATEMENT with RESEARCH ..not opinions. So Im curious why you are spending time with this and for what reason? she doesnt ask for money, she isnt a grifter. So?
Sure, she's a grifter.
AI is a new world order play.
And by the way, who programs AI?
Read the comments.
''The Kennedy Institute of Ethics.''
''Bio Ethics.''
Who decides what is ethical? Fauci?
''Neuroscience and Technology''
''puts the brain at our fingertips''
Are they doing that for mankind? So, soon after the vaccine?
Kennedy and ethics. That is funny. Thank you for the laugh.
This discussion is not about me.