Thinking back on the Assange case, it looks like whistleblowers are strongly discouraged. Perhaps Bradley Manning, who sent Assange the incriminating materials, could tell you more. Manning, who blew the whistle on homicidal and abusive acts committed by the US military, most likely either chose to become a “woman” and survive his 35 years of incarceration, or was forced to undergo sex change in order to be made fun of. I’m finding hard to imagine that this man
… wanted to become this:
Assange is no fun to look at these days, either:
So, what about those, who are arrested?
Dr. Andreas Noack’s case seems characteristic. First, he was arrested by a SWAT team in November, 2021 during an internet broadcast.
As he didn’t learn from the warning, he was summarily taken out at the end of the same month:
If he hadn’t been killed (several others haven’t), I would suspect him to have been an agent popularizing a red herring, but telling people about the rapidly-killing graphene hydroxide in some “covid” vials and calling the Austrian authorities mass murderers must have been too much for the system. It took several more months until it was clear from other resources that graphene oxide was found in the vials, and some time later, it also became known that 5G signals can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide. Of course, full crowd control, personal targeting, and depopulation are fully possible by radiation:
The New Zealand case
It just made the news that “New Zealand Health Ministry Employee and Whistleblower’s Home Raided and Arrested”:
This particular site has been taken off the “net,” but you can still probably find it in the internet archives at
One must be careful with popular heroes; sometimes they are created in order to make people believe everything they say, because they didn’t lie at first (agents usually divulge something that is already more or less publicly known):
Watch out for the language of the report
Some “alt” news reports also claim to be “bombshells” or “truth bombs,” while containing nothing that I haven’t known for weeks or months. Popular heroes are often created only because they go against the official narrative or they are subjected to censorship or even persecution that, of course, cannot be confirmed. Truly targeted people are unlikely to be allowed to survive and report back to the public, unless they are turned into agents or their deepfake takes over. Small fry can be allowed to live as long as they are still subjects in an ongoing experiment.
“Heroic” pseudo-reports become interesting only because they usually present a few facts and mislead a lot of people, who assume that the rest of the contents is also factual, which of course, it never is.
It’s a theater
The Breggins/Malone dispute is a perfect example of pure theater, which I discuss in the first part of my recent article:
Then there are the tiny details that look innocuous first, but it turns out they only confirm prevalent and fraudulent narratives.
The NZ “hero,” for one, blames Germany for WW2, which is pure propaganda.
Moreover, you didn’t have to be an insider to know about the batches. I noticed the same regularity in November, 2021, and published it after I started my stack (but haven’t been arrested):
The “death rates” by the NZ “whistleblower” are severely underreported, which is typical of such psyops. VAERS also started doctoring reports retroactively after November, 2021, every Friday, going back as long as to 2015 with the Armed Forces.
Controlled opposition often underreports death rates, and usually confirms only what most people already know, which is an example of the use of limited hangout, aiming at regaining the trust of the people. After that, the bait-and-switch strategy tends to work. He is also calling the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections “vaccines,” which gives other comparable injections legitimacy. Of course, this doesn’t prove that he is an actor and even his good intent cannot be doubted much. Still, when people lose focus, they miss the point, and the point is that injections are not necessary for total control
It’s the end result that counts
Anyone, whistleblower or not, agent or not, ends up doing the same as useful idiots, when the point is missed in their presentations. And there are lots of side shows for the masses that would be important and legitimate, were it not for the current ultimate invisible attack on humanity by radiation.
More and more people become familiar with events that cannot be undone, yet nobody is made responsible. When is the (un)Patriot(ic) Act from 2001 going to be revoked? Is anyone going to stop the WHO from turning the whole world a “health” dictatorship? (hint: it doesn’t matter, as long as “governments” can declare a “state of emergency,” forcing their human assets into submission) When incriminating details are presented for the public and nothing is done about stopping the culprits and undoing damages, the people can experience over and over how defenseless and powerless they are. An arrested public hero gains even more credibility in the eyes of the public, if (s)he is found guilty, while nobody will know if (s)he is going to jail or on a well-deserved vacation.
For the public, Stalin’s maxim remains in circulation: “if you punish the innocent, everyone is afraid.”
Equal rights are materializing in the old Stalinist sense that nobody has any rights anymore:
That's an excellent article and makes a strong case for individual critical thinking and discernment when it comes to who to listen to in so called whistleblowing circles. I remember first researching the whole graphene oxide thing specifically because of watching Noack's video explaining what it does in the human body. "Razor blades in the blood". And I remember watching him being arrested, then hearing of his death. After that, it seemed deaths were coming thick and fast in those who managed to speak out. Whether "accidental" or "sudden", most were highly suspicious.
The people I find most unbelievable aren't necessarily whistleblowers but those like Malone, for example, simply by dint of the fact he's still working in the same business he decries. That doesn't make for a plausible "frontline freedom fighter" imo. And others who reach some level of "this is what's happening" and jump on a bandwagon of "bringing it down" but never seem to progress beyond endless discussion or book selling or other marketing (how many frontline doctors are selling their "detox from covid/thejab protocols"?)
When it comes to whistleblowers, as with those claiming to be fighting for our individual and collective freedoms, my method is and wait. Do they actually achieve anything, or have they turned into a one man/woman commercial enterprise, convention appearances at no extra cost?
All the past three plus years have done is turn me into a "trust no one" poster child. That includes not trusting whistleblowers until they've actually earned trust.
Yep.....bombard them with info, be part of the fake but show us just a little bit and then hold no one responsible....except the innocent of course (J6ers). Brilliant. We give up in the end of ever holding anyone accountable for anything!!