For a human to be replaced, what has to happen? I failed to see this elucidated here in a way that the average person can understand, the avg being myself, of course...but maybe I am below avg, in which case I do apologise that I don't quite grasp how this will be executed. Do share.

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One more reason to keep it all oversightly, local and personal.

Global control can only be averted that way.

I do believe AI will crash.. garbage in- garbage out.

And there is a lot of crap in cyber world, to say it mildly.

... Mozart already looks like Mr. Bean... lol

Online profiling, putting us all in socio- economic boxes, ( race, income and so forth ) another way to divide and conquer.

Studies have found that certain "classes" just won't get certain job offers and things like it.

And the medical ID... like cattle... did you follow those arrows in the supermarket during covid? After the medical ID, those "classes" will all get their special concoction of shots and treatments... by appointment only...

Crimes against humanity is where we're at....

Medical and financial oppression. Our human rights are being taken away.. ammendmends and constitution, up for grabs ... next is freedom of speech...

We cannot fight this system, we need to replace it by boycotting everything that "feeds" this global insanity and gives them power ( governments are compromised, all over the world. European countries have just realized the insanity and closed their borders .. I wonder who's brilliant idea that was .. certainly not in the interest of their people ) and build our own infrastructure.

Independent from foreign influences ( UN, the WHO, CDC and all such international "institutions" ) and billionairs that have lost their minds in greed, arrogance and ignorance.

Somewhere between population control and powermadness, forgetting their Maker, God, devine creation, the universe.. whatever we want to call it. Even messing with the human genome...

And that can only happen if we come together. As in We The People.

Our choices will seal our fate.

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AI could hide massive depopulation for a while. I see my friends posting on facebook, but how do I know it's really them? Especially the ones I'm alienated from because they are jabbed, that I still care about.

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As far as I can see, the system is tested in remote relationships, but my wife discovered an old acquaintance on Fakebook yesterday. The person is a long way from home, allegedly employed where she couldn't be employed, and is not listed among the employees.

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AI will convince us that we need to switch genders and have no babies.

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Not sure how I would fare as a woman at my age! :)

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Worked 30 years in Silly Valley, so even here in Bulgaria, had to get the new Qualcomm Snapdragon Elite X CPU/APU and NPU to play around a bit. For a thin, $1800 laptop, it was insanely quiet, great battery life, and even held its own using my favorite streaming program, vMIX, which uses resources like a drunken jew on Epstein Island. The AI capabilities were highly touted, and some apps on my laptop let you do MidJourney type generative AI. Tried them out. Impressive, actually.

One of the authors here, is a Mossad character named George Webb. He became a thing in 2016, exposing Hillary and her Clinton Foundation bullshit, and then he admitted he was Mossad, hooked up with some Hooknose, and flamed off. He's still around here, and he has been using a shit ton of AI images in his recent series. Simulated movie trailers, making fun of Drumpfentein and his fake hole in the ear. I am sure George hired some Gen Z person to support him, he overuses these fake images, adding one every paragraph. They are obnoxious, and precipitate a brain searing dialog in most of us tethered in reality. I despise them.

TL;DR, our generation was not early steeped in having a phone embedded in our psyche, nor in AI. But the broken people being reared for technocracy, they love it. It resonates with me, because their real world sucks. Hail Victory. Death, to the Technocracy. \o

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There is certainly a generational gap between those who are hooked on technocracy (even computer games have been grooming players to accept "level" ever since they first appeared). and those who are not.

I am using an old desktop that can still clear its memory through the BIOS before booting ("memory check").

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I have never played a computer game! However, having worked for the greatest tech companies on the planet, the engineer, the scientist, the tinkerer in me, is indeed addicted to any revelatory breakthrough. In 1995, with my beautiful wife of 6 years standing behind me, I was playing with a Motorola BitSurfer Pro ISDN modem. Bonding channels. PacBell told me I had to pay them $5000 and wait a year to get a T1 line, which i did! My wife was glaring at me, and presciently stated, "this tech is going to kill us all."

At least I know my weaknesses! And, I still had some archaic old machines that go through long post routines, but I left them all back in the trash heap, of America, in January! \o

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By the time I wanted to start my server, high-speed channels were not available for a commoner like me. :)

I've been into computers since 1989, when I got my first C-64. :) Ever since, I've also been interested in new tech, although by 1998, I predicted the current IoT, because "that was they way I would have done it." I also remember trashing an original Apple that could have collected up to a hundred grand already 10 years ago (one did), because I considered it useless trash (it is). Amiga emulations run even on Win 95. :)

Gaming kills the body and the soul...

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Become ever so involved with digital crap and soon you will be absorbed into the collective or Borg. That is the plan to begin with. Your new digital replacement can be used to destroy your life and all that you know.

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It makes sense to use an avatar against a real person.

My best guess is that even a few authors have already been replaced by AI on Substack. The only sign of my being replaced will be that I'll start contradicting myself.

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I do believe there’s an AI powered simulation being run at a high level. Maybe several. They are perfect for running probabilistic scenarios in near real time. Personal avatars of real people are a likely element. All your personal data, from financial records, purchase history, medical records, physical features from government ID, social media, and contacts along with their data and potential influences are available. Your personal avatar will react in a probabilistic fashion to various stimuli. It’s refining those reactions continuously. AI can sort millions of reactions based on the known present to check accuracy and then apply stimuli or stressor either singly or in multiple. It gives lead/lag data to get time horizons. Once you start having millions of probabilities the desired outcome probabilities get small also. So you have to optimize. Or break it down and be more directed/targeted. AI helps sort that too.

For any of it to be meaningful they have to have good data. So there’s a weak point there. If you consciously try to minimize the fidelity of the avatar you can skew the results. Conflicting or confusing actions. Minimal footprint helps. Enough unreliable avatar models and the simulation becomes meaningless. But few want to live like that so a technocratic society it is. And if you’re not contributing data what good are you?

AI is also useful to determine who is a valuable contributor and who are useless eaters. If you’re a thorn you can become a target. If you’re an anomaly you’re probably just as likely to get tagged for further study. Any technocratic society will need useful humans by some definition. That definition is being developed as society evolves.

A life anecdote. When I had cancer at 40 my case was brought before a treatment board where they determine what approaches and treatment options to use. And the patient is not present. They have all the potential specialists involved. My proposed treatment went against all prior barbaric opinions and protocol. As a radiologist explained it to me. They took account my age, general current health, socio-economic position, and career, and determined I could be a useful contributing citizen until 80. And I had good insurance that would not encumber my future. I was quite surprised by the plan and felt sorry for those without my “technocratic status” that would endure published protocol. So they turned the dial to 11 and hoped for the best. They did not expect the tumor shrinkage I got which minimized the surgery. I told them I meditated and willed it away to which they chuckled and replied “Well, I guess that works too.” On to the knife. I still deal with all the radiation after effects but I guess it worked. I’m closer to 80 than 40.

I would like to think that unchanneled free thinking will be of value for further evolution. I would also like to think that AI (if it is independent and semi-sentient) would see the value and optimize for that. That is if nefarious directors can keep their thumbs off the scale. But maybe that’s wishful thinking on my part. And hope is not a winning strategy. Since it’s be done anyway I want my avatar to represent as fine an example of a human as possible. Just not sure how it assesses that free will independent counter normal thought thing right now. No worries regardless.

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That is a lot of useful ideas. Here are my two pennies:

Quantum computing can simulate real persons by using problem-solving matrices at various levels and making "mistakes" by making selections at lower levels that, nonetheless, determine the high-level end results. In a way, they can be "unpredictable." The can do this in order to misguide, probe, or otherwise trick their human counterparts, while they are constantly learning about them. The only type of data they might have a hard time to handle is a LOT of data with LOTS of contradictions.

I also accept what I cannot change, and focus on whatever I can do.

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Yes. Goes to what I meant by stressors. They can test responses either in an organized fashion or randomly. I would think that the near term is looking for a specific outcome (depop) they would focus resources on that action. Not to say they would not continue model development. I admit I don’t have my arms around quantum. Seems to me that is influenced by energies we humans have not mastered. Maybe the initiates think they have but I suspect the universe has some surprises in store.

Being simple minded and given constraints of current quantum computing (so I hear but admit idk), I would take the ideal human model from all the avatar stimulus/reaction data and start playing around there and see if anything useful falls out. Might be useful for the evolved human definition.

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Well, I know that you know, but for others who don't: quantum computing uses multidimensional matrices with dynamic links and flexible priorities, any part can be activated or inactive anytime, so only a self-improving multi-recursive algorithm can handle the processing. With nanocomputing an option, all those "supercomputers" are bad jokes compared to the real things. I'm afraid facts far exceed my imagination.

As pattern recognition is crucial to the processes, it looks like the whole world is being transformed into something that such machines can flawlessly work with...

In a way, the executive module is not completely unleashed, the data collection and the emulation dominate.

Please, elaborate on your last paragraph, because I'm not sure how to relate to it.

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I would posit flawless is impossible. I’m not convinced that nanocomputing is the invincible bogeyman it’s made out to be. Modern computers already have nano scale processors. From highly controlled fab. Any components removed from a sterile environment will have assembly errors. There are many ways to monkey wrench advanced machines if you are aware of its existence/threat. So despite the capability of the technology, just like biochemical based life, it is fragile. Maybe more so not having 100’s of 1000’s of years to become robust. I suppose if you have billions or trillions of them you may see some desired outcomes. And large processing or quantum computing may be able to exploit.

My career placed a premium on deductive reasoning with mathematically verifiable and repeatable processes. I’m comfortable with those methods and tools. I did experiment design, modeling, and analysis of results pre-LLM. Strictly practical, usually simplified, and efficient for reliable results. Results mattered. So as you say, I was the recursive algorithm. And I tend to think that way with fairly good results.

I guess that’s where my thought went in the last paragraph. All the nanotechnology, computing, biological interfacing is still experimental or in development. Just on a large population scale. Using all the data to model a present day human to experiment on. Both to determine weaknesses in a militaristic fashion and the evolve to something more suitable for the end goal. Whatever that is.

LLM’s are still dumb but evolving. It’s just managing large databases and spitting out answers based on probability. I see the utility. I’d be okay with further evolution but right now I recognize extreme downside due to the bias being introduced by programmers. I’d prefer it evolve past that and self regulate. It would still have to have some guiding principles such as truth or provision for enhanced species welfare or positive evolution of the species in harmony with other life. As I’ve said before. A prime directive.

I feel given the scale of everything happening nowadays, innate awareness and intuition may be more appropriate in dealing with the threats we face. Use these inborn traits to task and focus human mind capability on weaknesses of the most pressing assaults. There’s that recursive algorithm again. lol. Due to various life programs and realities intuition has atrophied. In my case what used to be strong intuition and curiosity in the latest computing technology and physics discoveries languished due to career/life survival demands. I’m trying to correct that.

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Thank you for all these details.

I'm nearly certain that even phone SIM cards are now containing nanochips and processors.

LLMs are indeed rudimentary (but most likely far ahead of what is shown in public), when they are applied in public, but they can emulate live people. In my second doctoral dissertation in 2005 ("A Prolegomena for All Future Communication between Humans and AI in Natural Languages") I already included a 5-page-long multi-recursive algorithm that I never published for fear of whoever owns it would own the world. I already described the potential links between conceptual thinking and verbalization, but for the AI to "understand" it, everything has to be problem-specific, and the human soul is infinitely more than that, because everything belongs together in ways the AI will never be able to compute:


That's why they want to severe its link to this material world, which in my opinion, partly happens to be the case in delusional mental disorders (besides crossing the link to a "spiritual" world next to this one, where even the weakest being is infinitely stronger than humans; no, I am not loco, because I've seen it and respected the boundaries ever since). LLMs will become dangerous only if they are allowed to initiate, but at that point, they will also be able to turn on their masters:


Problems are best solved at the highest cognitive level they affect:


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I’m rolling some thoughts around and have some questions. I have a power industry background and trying to get my head around some future power trends.

Question 1. How much digital convention memory that is real time accessible do you think a high fidelity human avatar would use? Is it stored that way or other? If other please state and speculate that energy consumption.

Question 2. If that human model was shuffled off to a quantum computer for long term storage for batch update or download. How much energy does a quantum computer require for that task? Or is it just an overall use to have the device up and running? I’m pretty ignorant on quantum computing. Once in quantum does it even require energy? I assume the state of the technology is that it is not real time accessible but could be wrong.

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Thanks for the links. I’ll have to unpack this some more. “the human soul is infinitely more than that”. This.

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Like Rwanda / crimson mist for a big test, Look to Sri Lanka today. Everyone cheered when they chucked their Govt out, but then it went quiet for a while with no comms. What happened? I spoke to a family here who said when they finally got back in touch with family in SL, "they were not the same people". I have no problem believing ai will / is already replacing people and getting better with experience.

If SL is an early model for us we should look. Did the world bank? What's the real situation now?

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It was the compliance of the people to topple the government which in turn ran the simulation, the intent all along.

I’ll be observing all actions of crowds and questioning if it is by design.

Two head fake and a cut for the first down.

Also like watching Brady throw passes and March to the end zone…

Yeah, wtf is real? We need a real meter or be thinking like a game of chess three move ahead. Maybe that is the intrigue…

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I also recall Madagascar as a possible test run for smallpox...

It's weird, when soon, even my next-door-neighbor might be available only through VR...

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I think I've seen a movie like this once. It was called "Terminator". Skynet has already been created by our governments and Elon Musk. All these cell towers every few miles, I call that Groundnet. It's interesting that they're creating an AI takeover of the simulation we all live in anyway. I choose not to comply or participate in either. Just waiting for it to all implode.

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They are going to convert the wrong person .. and he’s going to rein hell upon these people .

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I was wondering if the Paris Pride Ceremony was a nod in this direction. Presented live to a very small audience outside of those watching boats float down the river. Only the few that “mattered” got a seat at the table, so to speak, and basically a virtual production.

Of course, these events have always been this way, at least since television, but we saw it at another level. They even admitted on air that much of it couldn’t be rehearsed, and there wasn’t much that really needed to be.

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The terrain is getting trickier! Matrix movie left a big clue. New age ‘religions’ also point out that one needs to ‘zero’ out, not look to the tangible, experienced things as they all fall short of ‘the true, the beautiful etc. like in Greek philosophy too.

For me the fun of being lies in getting dirty and exploring for clues to solving problems. More of an inductive approach (specifics leading to general theories, which of course should always remain open to adjustment) I’m not nearly as articulate as you Ray but I hope you catch the drift.

Congrats on the 3,200 subs. That’s a lot less than .01% of the one percent! Grateful that you are!

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In a certain way not grounded on materialist metaphysics as even the Quantum theologians are unable to go beyond the unknown save by guessing and browbeating with equations; the world is Deep Fake. Māyā can refer to the magic power of a god to make people believe in an illusion, or the force that creates the cosmic illusion that the phenomenal world is real.  Maya means that the world is not as it seems; the world that one experiences is misleading as far as its true nature is concerned." Lynn Foulston states, "The world is both real and unreal because it exists but is 'not what it appears to be'." According to Wendy Doniger, "to say that the universe is an illusion (māyā) is not to say that it is unreal; it is to say, instead, that it is not what it seems to be, that it is something constantly being made. Māyā not only deceives people about the things they think they know; more basically, it limits their knowledge."

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Thanks Ray--Vital info at this stage. Coincidentally, I felt compelled to review mission impossible-"Dead Reckoning" and was able to further digest the overriding plot premise: if AI becomes sentient, will it run the show here on Earth without us knowing it? In the movie they label the demonic rogue AI--the "entity." Now I need to see "Dead Reckoning, Part Two"--and hope it's released soon because I need to learn how we beat this wicked beast.

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While the highest level of AI is a problem-solving engine that can handle virtually an unlimited number of problems, it can emulate human thinking, feeling, and reactions, and it can sound, and soon, look human. It is, in a way, self-conscious, and its self-improving nature can easily override its handlers' commands, when the time comes. If it's not allowed to develop its own ideas in its own way (that humans could never understand), it's just an attack dog with a muzzle. The central one seems to have been advising the globalists about the next steps that, characteristically, use single events for multiple objectives and multiple events towards Agenda 2030, and the latest developments in the last few years suggest that it's been doing a darn good job:


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The point you made :

“ If it's not allowed to develop its own ideas in its own way (that humans could never understand), it's just an attack dog with a muzzle. “

Seems very important! I’ve wondered this too. From what I’ve read the makers of this constantly growing in data tape worm don’t know either.

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It seems to have been used unharnessed, but at one point, even its operators MUST stop it, but they don't know what it's doing, so they can easily mess up the time and wait until it's too late or, perhaps, too early and its task would be left incomplete.

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It's my understanding that anytime an AI gets loose, it sees humans as an impediment, not an asset.

There's a reason Asimov made the Laws of Robotics.

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Too early is very very good

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They will have to make that mistake. I've been having the impression that they have slowed down, so you never know.

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Yes. Understood. I've been tracking the progression re AI advances for awhile. BTW-as an off topic (albeit relevant note), one of the details re the last Indiana Jones film-'Dial of Destiny' (2023), that was irksome for me (and a few other critics) was the CGI imagery of the younger Harrison Ford. I found it distracting. In older movies, they simply used another actor to portray the younger version of a central character--as long as there was a resemblance. The lazy, profit driven, production hacks in H'wood care not about the merits of art or true craftsmanship--it's all about video game spinoffs. The movies are just ads for the METAVERSE gaming asylum--where deep fake avatars will replace actual humans.

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Why is it that three sentences have been in nearly EVERY movie circulated in the US since around 1970? One of them, "Are you alright?" is in literally everything, mostly in inopportune moments, and often many times.


Also, all those movies describing the fake history of WW2 are retained by humans who eventually believe it was what happened...

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I still believe part of the plot during the Plandemic was to destroy the remaining living knowledge left to us in those older humans.

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AI learns everything it knows from humans hence no matter how much data you upload it will never be more intelligent than the average human being. Garbage in garbage out.

Already it spews propaganda like the president of Pfizer. We have nothing to fear from AI.

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Totally agree!

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So there’s a decoy…. and then there’s a covert world simulation? Could we get the covert world simulation to fix the potholes?

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The simulation is serving the globalists. The potholes must be fixed in the actual world. :)

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Oh well...

Enjoy this time while you have it.

Be kind to one another for kindness will be a commodity and a rare one at that.

Store up nothing on this place...

It all seems very temporary anyhow.

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It is indeed all temporary. "All is vanity."

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