Are you aware of Wal-Mart's history? The Sam Walton worked for the military, actually the Dept of Justice, during WW11 and was the overseer of an "illegal" concentration camp, on our soil. He and his brother then, after the war, started WalMart, and they sprung up like weeds. ?? There was a whistlblower who had been involved in building them who explained the camera system, and underground "bunkers" and tunnels etc.. that when they get the word, those stores can be transformed into gulags at the drop of a hat.
Same.... will not support this agenda when there's knowledge. I still can't believe the number of people supporting businesses that show what they are for people.
Fast meal for the little time for a meal they can grab that gives off energy. My favorite Primary got overweight and developed Type 2 Diabetes, he took the worthless Metformin. Many doctors are too brainwashed by their schools. He developed one of those unhealing wounds. That put him out of action for months. Then depression from the loss of his elderly mom finished off his career. This was several years before covid.
I know better than to eat all the carbs I eat, but Gastroparesis is NOT very compatible with Type 2, you don't digest it, and are in constant Abdominal pain. You lose either way you go. If they take out Barrett's Esophagus pre-cancer spots caused by GERD, I still have to take Nexium. So far no changes in that. But moving into the Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis phase just creates new problems. And the Meds hate me.
These younger ones only know drugs by their Generic name. Not the name brands we learned, and it is confusing. It is how they got away with telling us Plaquenil =Hydroxychloroquine was horrid when it is the most used RA/Lupus drug on the market, since 1955. Stromectol = Ivermectin since 1997. And Metronidazole=Flagyl is about the same anti-parasitic. Different side effects.
I just updated my reaction list to the generics. Two I take as Name brands.
I've not had an McD's in years and no sodas. McD's is by choice. BK child's meal when I'm out and gone too long fasting for a med test. Then adjust supper.
Gail , BH4 ( tetrahydrobiopterin?) has been talked about helping gastroparesis. I once had a conversation with an MD friend of mine . He said don’t talk to me about that stuff . I bet if he ever experienced gastroparesis he would be more willing to listen . His poor patients.
History Channel did a week's long piece on the Food that made America. Interesting to watch how cutthroat a business it is. Let's not leave out Congress'misnomer 'FARM BILL' PAY TO NOT GROW, RAISE, OR HARVEST.
Drive out the small industry, Homesteaders. I'm old enough to remember growing, canning, and preserving our own food. Grandma made 2 types of bread, lard biscuits, and cornbread daily. What they couldn't grow, they gathered. Raised chickens and grew the flock for eggs. 2 adults 6 kids eat a lot. They bartered for items they couldn't.
I recently told a friend that this is the case. Her response was interesting as she thought about it for a minute. At least it wouldn't look suspicious when trucks are bringing more food and products in to resupply what is already in the stores. Few would raise an eyebrow. They would think that people (neighbors) probably died from C19 after they go missing without a trace. My thoughts as she shared hers: do they haven incinerators like the CCP hospital emergency camps built and used in 2020?
The "trucks" will only bring further devastation...
The rest is "natural selection." So are the ones who still believe in the official narrative, not that the rest of the people are protected in any way.
Deep Underground Military Bases. They use a tunneling network to move people, munitions, equipment, Adrenochrome, anything they want without anyone knowing and without regulatory oversight. The White Hat military (good guys) have been clearing them out for several years. Just last night in Manhattan where four manhole covers were emitting gray smoke after loud explosions, for instance. The bad guys have been trafficking children and worse using these DUMBs around the world.
I can't even relate to the term; last time it was the mercenaries who set up provocative videos in Syria in order to goad TV-viewers into a line of hatred.
Everything is a lie in the political theater, which apparently includes the way history is taught...
I havent seen any definitive proof that so-called white-hat military are clearing these DUMBs out.
I saw a video once, but it was filmed entirely from above ground. No victims running for safety above ground...or anyone emerging from the scene for that matter; only speculation about what is heard. Who knows what really goes on down there?
Oh dear, “trust the plan”? The only white helmets are the ones kicked out for refusing the vaxx. The rest of this thread is pure Qtard - based in some truths but then sensationalised and amplified. Look, I’m a man of the world, accept that anything you can imagine (consistent with the laws of nature) will have been / are being done. TPTB invert that which is good, true and beautiful, they also exaggerate their deeds (in terms of scale) to achieve the same ends - nihilistic despair. God is in control and the evil He permits (but does not condone) is already defeated by the crucifixion and resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
First of all, it's DUMBs for Deep Underground Military Bases with emphasis upon deep. You are not going to see people running for safety. Your notion about what to expect is in need of some serious adjustments given the nature of these tunneling systems. The brave and highly skilled Special Forces know what is going on and much that happens would chill most people to the bone. For example (prepare yourself), on video displays a Reptilian-Human baby removed from one area and being cared for by a team of medical personnel who had put a diaper on the infant. The footage scanned the head, ear slits, mouth, torso, and feet which clearly illustrated the physiological features that were not human. Furthermore, explosives and occasionally torrents of water are utilized to completely inundate those who are operating in the bases. One exception is the rescue of children who are being trafficked for slave labor or the production of Adrenochrome, some of those kids are brought out to the outside world for medical care and trauma counseling; but you won't see them due to the extent of what they have endured. There are some videos and photographs of these rescues.
I saw the video somewhere, but I didn’t think it was real. I’m not saying it isn’t for sure because nobody could know that for sure but it really didn’t look that great. It could’ve been a fake puppet or it could’ve been CGI etc.
It would be more convincing if there is a video or 2 that compiles this circumstantial evidence of how DUMBs are used as you described, how special forces are "clearing out" the dumbs [e.g. How are the white hat operators able to access these dumbs, rules of engagement: are they firing on other US soldiers stationed at the dumbs?], etc. in a way that is compelling, you can post it here...or even make a Substack/blog about it. I'll look at it when i have free time.
There is more than enough events happening ABOVE ground that the elitists (CFR/Atlantic Council/WEF/IMF/et al) either openly admit to, or downplay but can be observed by their collective actions.
This includes child trafficking and cloning where breeds of animals are "mixed". In the mean time, I edited the previous post to correct the dumbs acronym.
Videos can be easily fixed up to look real. Only consistent thinking can suggest certain proceedings and outcomes. There will be no "Bibliography" for the conclusions, either. That is a basic premise for me, when I am running this site, and those, who stay, read, and comment, including you, Jon, are well aware that we are on our own. As you are also saying, there are more than enough things that are visible, but I am using them only to draw up the map, and my conclusions come from thinking ahead like a chess player. It's not against the law... Oops, maybe, it already is, for all I know. :)
Actually, when I mentioned torture and "medical" experiments in the camps, I was also conjecturing, but I'm hardly ever wrong, when I do that. "Medical," I guess, is deeply involved in the Frankensteinian business of DNA quackery, creating monsters and humans whom they are only using as parts and refuse to consider humans. The same, of course, applies to "organic" humans as well...
Yes, the word is out about Chinese labs that cross-bred pigs with humans, but that's only what's somewhat visible.
I don't think it's possible to imagine all the horrors that humans are capable of... One of my maxims is that "If it can be done, someone will do it."
There are videos that substantiate the descriptions, but they are not suitable to be released into the public domain...yet. The element of surprise is vital. I am not interested in convincing anyone, just reporting occasionally. While I have blogged for a long time on WordPress and still do on wellness topics, I don't choose to take time away from my more significant and time-sensitive work to do this right now. But I will give you a lead that you can pursue on your time table: Gene Decode. He will provide a good foundation that you can build upon with images, locations, and current status.
Ray, I have followed this issue for a long time. I care about the children. I was once the Executive Director of a NPO (non-profit organization) for youth. Much is happening, but the sheer psychological intensity of this is far too staggering for public comprehension.
And let's not forget the "Boston bombers" with white rucksacks ending up black. Or was it the other way around? What kind of a criminal would write a "confession" on the inside of a boat with no lighting otherwise? Patsies...
How about OK City, where a bomb made of fertilizers were supposed to cause ten or more times of damage?
How about 9/11, when airplane fuel was supposed to destroy two towers hit by a plane and a third one (Building 7) only by "office fire."
I remember; small businesses were put out of business and the bug stores were allowed to stay open. (Although i saw the lines waiting to go in bc of limited customers) ; bet corruption here!
Yes, Wal-Mart has contracts with the Deep State to do this. Don't give them your business, support local small business people in your community or join those of us who have begun to build a parallel economy, so we can trade without the CBDC digital currency.
I include those who act as shadow government influencers, intermediaries and operatives in with the lot of globalists. We were using the term, Deep State, back in the 70s when we were sorting out the Trilateral Commission, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relation), the City of Rome, and other scoundrels who were among the first to be exposed so long ago. Those Deep State players on the chessboard acting on behalf of the IMF banking system formed corporations both onshore and offshore to contract their work out to stores like Walmart. Later came the likes of Amazon in the US while companies like Virgin and Alibaba competed in Europe and Asia to be part of the coming new order.
What I would like to emphasize is that the power structure must be clear and the terminology used for referring to its parts must align with it. Those, who control the money flow worldwide also control governments, "health" care, the media, pop culture, production and distribution. Yes, the enforcers are usually government lackeys.
The term "Deep State" in itself, to me, suggests mystification of the subject.
Yes, it is true. When the monsters mandated all "non-essential" businesses out of operation, the corporations were left intact. Strangely, I kept telling people in March, 2020, but couldn't get anywhere. 99% assiduously kept wearing their muzzles like good dogs or worse...
I hate those self-checkout machines, they are small, crowded, long waits, and seniors often need help with their groceries. Or do they intend to have only young healthy customers?
That would be nice, but the logistics are unclear. ANY centralized "opposition" that has leaders is beheaded. All local movements are infiltrated by agents (by 1970 or so, about 49 out of 50 "Klan" members were federal agents).
The Amish are now being eliminated based on "vaccination" (fined for running their schools without their offspring being injected with the poisons) and "food security" laws. In some places, even collecting rainwater on your own estate is "illegal." Growing in the back yard, ditto.
The Mormons actually introduced a gold-based currency like two years ago (the banknotes were supposed to contain enough gold to back up their value), but I haven't heard about it ever since.
Parallel economy would need stuff for barter, marketable skills, or its own currency. Oh, I nearly forgot, and a lot of protective potentials... Over here, in rural Kentucky, I've been trying to unite farmers to no avail... It's winter now.
Apparently, the "Goldback" is well and alive. Still, who will accept it when all production and distribution will be limited to the globalists? (hint: most of it already is)
Yes to all the points your raised! What an monumental challenge! For quite sometime, I thought that the movement to restore a functioning Republic would occur with Anna and people in every state becoming state nationals. That has been a slow process, but I haven't given up on it. There's too much at stake to abandon the effort to find solutions.
And look at what Whole Foods has done under the guise of C19! They now require a personal QR code to enter their store to shop. I have only seen the video of one store, so I have no idea how common this is at other WF locations.
Am in Western New York very close to State University ...
They have been in place for at least 5 years now.
When I ask different check out persons, each one in a matter of fact tone...
Suggests, if I wish, I may sign up at the front desk.
Do recall the 'seed' injected into the right hands of willing University students in Sweden, perhaps it has been 'experimental' at UB with a 'test' or volunteer group.
The styles and graphics on the logo have also evolved. Still...
I mentioned them before, but most likely, only in a comment. My wife and I sometimes go there to pick up organic celery roots and dills, and we were literally stunned about six weeks ago, when the option was presented...
The scanner deployment may have differed by location; that was the first time we saw it. It was also the first time, when we saw the sign, "No guns permitted." People raised their T-shirts to show all they had on the belts were cell phones... Well, here, in KY, they didn't raise the other side of the T-shirts. :)
One woman said that she wasn't going to shop if they required her to get a code. Personally, while I like some of their products; I am NOT going to use a code to shop there or anywhere else.
I refused to shop there until they lifted their Mask policy. The last thing that a checker said to me when I told him the science I researched concluded that masks did nothing to offer protection and created oxygen deprivation within minutes. He had the nerve to say that HIS science said they work. I asked for a citation or reference and he could not provide one.
My wife and I didn't have that choice. When the door(wo)man reminded us, "You have to wear a ..." we cheerily responded, "We know," and kept walking. Nobody wanted a mess...
I think all that’s going on, especially the above, is worse than Nazi Germany. Early in this travesty, I heard a female Holacaust survivor saying it was worse here than back then! It’s terrifying. The ones ordering this garbage don’t realize once they aren’t needed any more, they will be done away with the same as all of us!😡😢
After all the lies in the official narrative, who would still believe in the history imposed on the people?
I apologize, but "Nazi" Germany kicked out the same bankers who are trying to kill 19 out of 20 people. That would surely "save the world" right away.
Of course, the labor camps in Germany were not for the faint of heart, but they were first run by the criminals and later on, by the communists, who were a lot better organized. Anne Frank's "diary" was written by his father, and she was treated in the camp hospital, which is hardly for a race that one would like to exterminate. The only two truly functional gas chambers were built by the Soviets in 1946. This is not "revisionist" history, but it certainly goes against the "history" taught by the victors. The 6 million was a pure invention by the founder of the Wiesenthal Center, who did a lot of disservice to real Jews...
The Jewish population of Europe in 1938 was lower than in 1948, despite the mass emigration (and, of course, requests for "reparations" by "H* survivors, although only four (out of over 60) labor camps had tattoos and even the wiesely Nobel Prize winner, Ellie Wiesel, never showed his, while he maintained that "some things are true, even if they never happened." An Israeli rabbi actually explicitly stated that the H* is fiction, but it is a good one. Most the photos you see were taken after the Allies bombed the supply lines to the camps (some of them are Germans out of the approximately 1.5 million starved to death by the "Allies" in concentration camps after the war, or out of the up to eight million German civilians who met the same fate in the post-war era, when food supplies were halted or withheld by the "Allies"), so people were starving there and dying of disease, even well after the "liberation." What you can't hear much about is the 1.5-2 million German civilians, aged from 8 to 80, being killed in American and French open-air camps (Montgomery refused to take part in the genocide), the 6-8 million German civilians who were killed in war crimes, just the Japs who were more than willing to surrender (on condition that their Emperor would not get hurt) well before the two (supposedly) A-bombs. In Nuremberg, it was the war criminals slaughtering the losers, nothing else.
I am strongly against forced labor, but they represent most of the US penitentiary system, and the US had camps for Japanese-Americans during WW2.
The ones who enforce this garbage are supposed to realize they will be the next in line to the slaughterhouse, once their dirty job is finished...
I was told my grandfather had a tattoo from prison (edited from "war"). As far as I know he wasn't in Europe for the war although he was definitely called up early on so he could have been there (and as my father was very young he may not remember it). Also as far as I know he was not Gypsy or Jewish although there may be someone in London who disagrees with this (long vague story).
My father was a 17 year old called up in 1943 for German army in 1943. I'd never talked about the war with him before, but he said he was tatooed with his blood type, inside top left arm, in case of blood transfusion needed. Lucky for him, captured by Canadian forces and shipped to Louisiana POW camp working in a peach canning factory. I have never read so much in my life these past couple of years and learned that most of what we are taught is not true or misconstruded. The French camps were said to be worst but Eisenhower did a good job by not calling them POWs but some other category which allowed him to ignore Geneva convention on humane treatment of POWs.
Yes, the French camps were the most infamous and insidious. The death toll is up to two million, and nobody talks about it... Only Montgomery refused to participate in killing German POWs and even civilians in post-war death camps... Your father was exceptionally lucky... General Patton objected and he died under suspicious circumstances in December, 1945...
The US using depleted uranium warheads all over the world for decades has been a crime against humanity, too, but nobody says a bad thing about that, either.
Oh, forgot to mention; the wording in your link turned my stomach and would have made be puke, if only I ever had breakfast or lunch on the last 15 years. :)
No warning was needed; I have also told my readers it's not gonna be pretty.
I wouldn't believe a court or a politician anymore. Would you?
The Constitution was buttf*d with the (Un)Patriot Act. Everything since then, has been a trickle-down piss on the people's faces and some of them welcome it a soothing rain. Oh, wasn't it the cowboy-hero Reagan, who first said money would trickle down? Yeah, and I was born yesterday...
For more information on "Nazi" death camps, they were labor camps and most US penitentiaries would meet the definition even today, although there were concentration camps for Japanese-Americans even during WW2...
Good, another version of Operation Paperclip. Nothing to see here...
They all work under the same premises and for the same masters, as you have also agreed was the case, unless I'm mistaken (in the comment sections you left invaluable info):
Yes, I am familiar with the sources, but focus on the outcomes only; that's why people like you and I must work together. Some people just wouldn't believe my conclusions, even if they saved their lives. The details you provide are invaluable, and I'm struggling with reasonable ways to combine our forces. I have received a couple of offers before, but I am not compatible with anyone; never was.
Could you possibly start up your Substack so that we can work together without any obvious way to prove it? I don't care for cross-publishing, but inserting links to each other's comment sections is good. Once our combined forces exceed 10k, it will be over, anyway, at least, that's what my estimate is.
In the meanwhile, while running under the radar as insignificant, it is possible to accomplish important things, mostly because it will be the three out of ten thousand readers who might be able to make a difference. I keep providing ideas and the space for further ideas, but I have no power over the proceedings, which makes me one of the millions who are destined to go.
I have seen videos of Walmart trucks entering the tunnels to the DUMBs below...I rarely go into Walmart after seeing that.
I try to avoid it, too, like the plague. :)
And yes, there are the tunnels I forgot to mention, so I'm pinning your comment.
Are you aware of Wal-Mart's history? The Sam Walton worked for the military, actually the Dept of Justice, during WW11 and was the overseer of an "illegal" concentration camp, on our soil. He and his brother then, after the war, started WalMart, and they sprung up like weeds. ?? There was a whistlblower who had been involved in building them who explained the camera system, and underground "bunkers" and tunnels etc.. that when they get the word, those stores can be transformed into gulags at the drop of a hat.
Most of what I know about the Waltons is in Agent's article:
The rest is in mine. :)
If you can recommend other sources, please, do.
Same.... will not support this agenda when there's knowledge. I still can't believe the number of people supporting businesses that show what they are for people.
In this area, LOTS of small and businesses have been forced out of business, but Costco and Walmart were considered "essential."
Notice the Wallmart logo of the sun's rays at the top of the post is an occult illumination symbol. Soul Coughing - Bus To Beelzebub
Fast meal for the little time for a meal they can grab that gives off energy. My favorite Primary got overweight and developed Type 2 Diabetes, he took the worthless Metformin. Many doctors are too brainwashed by their schools. He developed one of those unhealing wounds. That put him out of action for months. Then depression from the loss of his elderly mom finished off his career. This was several years before covid.
My eldest manages a Pop-eyes. Not healthy meals and works 60+ hrs a week. I learned a lot watching this The Toy one and Men who built America all are good info pieces.
I know better than to eat all the carbs I eat, but Gastroparesis is NOT very compatible with Type 2, you don't digest it, and are in constant Abdominal pain. You lose either way you go. If they take out Barrett's Esophagus pre-cancer spots caused by GERD, I still have to take Nexium. So far no changes in that. But moving into the Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis phase just creates new problems. And the Meds hate me.
These younger ones only know drugs by their Generic name. Not the name brands we learned, and it is confusing. It is how they got away with telling us Plaquenil =Hydroxychloroquine was horrid when it is the most used RA/Lupus drug on the market, since 1955. Stromectol = Ivermectin since 1997. And Metronidazole=Flagyl is about the same anti-parasitic. Different side effects.
I just updated my reaction list to the generics. Two I take as Name brands.
I've not had an McD's in years and no sodas. McD's is by choice. BK child's meal when I'm out and gone too long fasting for a med test. Then adjust supper.
Gail , BH4 ( tetrahydrobiopterin?) has been talked about helping gastroparesis. I once had a conversation with an MD friend of mine . He said don’t talk to me about that stuff . I bet if he ever experienced gastroparesis he would be more willing to listen . His poor patients.
Toxic food has been an issue for a long time. Look how long it took the military to prove CAMP LEJEUNE. Same with our and Baby Food. Unless you grow and can your own, you don't know what is in it. TEN COMPANIES CONTROL ALL FOOD PRODUCTION.
History Channel did a week's long piece on the Food that made America. Interesting to watch how cutthroat a business it is. Let's not leave out Congress'misnomer 'FARM BILL' PAY TO NOT GROW, RAISE, OR HARVEST.
Drive out the small industry, Homesteaders. I'm old enough to remember growing, canning, and preserving our own food. Grandma made 2 types of bread, lard biscuits, and cornbread daily. What they couldn't grow, they gathered. Raised chickens and grew the flock for eggs. 2 adults 6 kids eat a lot. They bartered for items they couldn't.
1st Automated Mcdonald's needs NO WORKERS
Why are people, especially those in the so-called Medical Freedom Movement eating at McDonalds anyways?
To suggest to the masses they should go.
Nobody is going to go to that McDonalds I would have thought. ...dear good god please help them and us return to goodness truth and you,,, according to your devine good will and wisedom
I recently told a friend that this is the case. Her response was interesting as she thought about it for a minute. At least it wouldn't look suspicious when trucks are bringing more food and products in to resupply what is already in the stores. Few would raise an eyebrow. They would think that people (neighbors) probably died from C19 after they go missing without a trace. My thoughts as she shared hers: do they haven incinerators like the CCP hospital emergency camps built and used in 2020?
The "trucks" will only bring further devastation...
The rest is "natural selection." So are the ones who still believe in the official narrative, not that the rest of the people are protected in any way.
Can i ask, what are DUMBs?
Deep Underground Military Bases. They use a tunneling network to move people, munitions, equipment, Adrenochrome, anything they want without anyone knowing and without regulatory oversight. The White Hat military (good guys) have been clearing them out for several years. Just last night in Manhattan where four manhole covers were emitting gray smoke after loud explosions, for instance. The bad guys have been trafficking children and worse using these DUMBs around the world.
I pray for those white hats!!! God bless them. They are angels doing the Lord’s work.
What is worse than trafficking children? I can’t think of anything worse than hurting kids...
It's a nightmare:
The mythical white hats in the military together with q will save us... Trust the plan...
yes, and the Warp speed death Vaxx!
I can't even relate to the term; last time it was the mercenaries who set up provocative videos in Syria in order to goad TV-viewers into a line of hatred.
Everything is a lie in the political theater, which apparently includes the way history is taught...
I havent seen any definitive proof that so-called white-hat military are clearing these DUMBs out.
I saw a video once, but it was filmed entirely from above ground. No victims running for safety above ground...or anyone emerging from the scene for that matter; only speculation about what is heard. Who knows what really goes on down there?
Wow, this is the first time that I’m even hearing anything about this.
So, is this enough for your to reconsider EVER boarding a FEMA bus?
Oh dear, “trust the plan”? The only white helmets are the ones kicked out for refusing the vaxx. The rest of this thread is pure Qtard - based in some truths but then sensationalised and amplified. Look, I’m a man of the world, accept that anything you can imagine (consistent with the laws of nature) will have been / are being done. TPTB invert that which is good, true and beautiful, they also exaggerate their deeds (in terms of scale) to achieve the same ends - nihilistic despair. God is in control and the evil He permits (but does not condone) is already defeated by the crucifixion and resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
First of all, it's DUMBs for Deep Underground Military Bases with emphasis upon deep. You are not going to see people running for safety. Your notion about what to expect is in need of some serious adjustments given the nature of these tunneling systems. The brave and highly skilled Special Forces know what is going on and much that happens would chill most people to the bone. For example (prepare yourself), on video displays a Reptilian-Human baby removed from one area and being cared for by a team of medical personnel who had put a diaper on the infant. The footage scanned the head, ear slits, mouth, torso, and feet which clearly illustrated the physiological features that were not human. Furthermore, explosives and occasionally torrents of water are utilized to completely inundate those who are operating in the bases. One exception is the rescue of children who are being trafficked for slave labor or the production of Adrenochrome, some of those kids are brought out to the outside world for medical care and trauma counseling; but you won't see them due to the extent of what they have endured. There are some videos and photographs of these rescues.
Do you have a vid of a rescue you can share with us?
I saw the video somewhere, but I didn’t think it was real. I’m not saying it isn’t for sure because nobody could know that for sure but it really didn’t look that great. It could’ve been a fake puppet or it could’ve been CGI etc.
It was a fake. :)
It all adds up and points in the same direction.
Indeed, it does.
It would be more convincing if there is a video or 2 that compiles this circumstantial evidence of how DUMBs are used as you described, how special forces are "clearing out" the dumbs [e.g. How are the white hat operators able to access these dumbs, rules of engagement: are they firing on other US soldiers stationed at the dumbs?], etc. in a way that is compelling, you can post it here...or even make a Substack/blog about it. I'll look at it when i have free time.
There is more than enough events happening ABOVE ground that the elitists (CFR/Atlantic Council/WEF/IMF/et al) either openly admit to, or downplay but can be observed by their collective actions.
This includes child trafficking and cloning where breeds of animals are "mixed". In the mean time, I edited the previous post to correct the dumbs acronym.
Videos can be easily fixed up to look real. Only consistent thinking can suggest certain proceedings and outcomes. There will be no "Bibliography" for the conclusions, either. That is a basic premise for me, when I am running this site, and those, who stay, read, and comment, including you, Jon, are well aware that we are on our own. As you are also saying, there are more than enough things that are visible, but I am using them only to draw up the map, and my conclusions come from thinking ahead like a chess player. It's not against the law... Oops, maybe, it already is, for all I know. :)
Actually, when I mentioned torture and "medical" experiments in the camps, I was also conjecturing, but I'm hardly ever wrong, when I do that. "Medical," I guess, is deeply involved in the Frankensteinian business of DNA quackery, creating monsters and humans whom they are only using as parts and refuse to consider humans. The same, of course, applies to "organic" humans as well...
Yes, the word is out about Chinese labs that cross-bred pigs with humans, but that's only what's somewhat visible.
I don't think it's possible to imagine all the horrors that humans are capable of... One of my maxims is that "If it can be done, someone will do it."
Oh my gosh, if that’s true about a pig and human, I wonder what the heck that thing looks like
There are videos that substantiate the descriptions, but they are not suitable to be released into the public domain...yet. The element of surprise is vital. I am not interested in convincing anyone, just reporting occasionally. While I have blogged for a long time on WordPress and still do on wellness topics, I don't choose to take time away from my more significant and time-sensitive work to do this right now. But I will give you a lead that you can pursue on your time table: Gene Decode. He will provide a good foundation that you can build upon with images, locations, and current status.
My response to Jon also applies here. Thank you for your straightforward, intelligent, and knowledgeable comments.
The "white-hat" part is definitely not exactly credible; it's been circulating for a couple of years, yet nothing has happened.
Ray, I have followed this issue for a long time. I care about the children. I was once the Executive Director of a NPO (non-profit organization) for youth. Much is happening, but the sheer psychological intensity of this is far too staggering for public comprehension.
Lynn, it's good to see that someone actually knows it first-hand what I have only been conjecturing, because it was logical...
And let's not forget the "Boston bombers" with white rucksacks ending up black. Or was it the other way around? What kind of a criminal would write a "confession" on the inside of a boat with no lighting otherwise? Patsies...
How about OK City, where a bomb made of fertilizers were supposed to cause ten or more times of damage?
How about 9/11, when airplane fuel was supposed to destroy two towers hit by a plane and a third one (Building 7) only by "office fire."
The list goes on...
Now, we are getting into False Flag territory and that is another can of worms. Different can, plenty of NATO Operation Gladio worms...
Funny, just wrote an article about my latest epiphany this morning about that:
I remember; small businesses were put out of business and the bug stores were allowed to stay open. (Although i saw the lines waiting to go in bc of limited customers) ; bet corruption here!
My wife is from Vancouver, BC, and she has taught me a lot. :)
This is true? Ill never go there again!
Yes, Wal-Mart has contracts with the Deep State to do this. Don't give them your business, support local small business people in your community or join those of us who have begun to build a parallel economy, so we can trade without the CBDC digital currency.
There is no "Deep State." It is the globalist bankers who own Walmart.
I include those who act as shadow government influencers, intermediaries and operatives in with the lot of globalists. We were using the term, Deep State, back in the 70s when we were sorting out the Trilateral Commission, the CFR (Council on Foreign Relation), the City of Rome, and other scoundrels who were among the first to be exposed so long ago. Those Deep State players on the chessboard acting on behalf of the IMF banking system formed corporations both onshore and offshore to contract their work out to stores like Walmart. Later came the likes of Amazon in the US while companies like Virgin and Alibaba competed in Europe and Asia to be part of the coming new order.
It looks like you and I agree.
What I would like to emphasize is that the power structure must be clear and the terminology used for referring to its parts must align with it. Those, who control the money flow worldwide also control governments, "health" care, the media, pop culture, production and distribution. Yes, the enforcers are usually government lackeys.
The term "Deep State" in itself, to me, suggests mystification of the subject.
Yes, it is true. When the monsters mandated all "non-essential" businesses out of operation, the corporations were left intact. Strangely, I kept telling people in March, 2020, but couldn't get anywhere. 99% assiduously kept wearing their muzzles like good dogs or worse...
So many plans. One of them has to work out. I favor slow starvation and the elements. Cheaper.
I hate those self-checkout machines, they are small, crowded, long waits, and seniors often need help with their groceries. Or do they intend to have only young healthy customers?
They also take videos of you! :)
This whole geolocation thing is taking it too far. Just ask the J6 folks...l
The question is, what can be done about it?
Develop a parallel economy for starters...
That would be nice, but the logistics are unclear. ANY centralized "opposition" that has leaders is beheaded. All local movements are infiltrated by agents (by 1970 or so, about 49 out of 50 "Klan" members were federal agents).
The Amish are now being eliminated based on "vaccination" (fined for running their schools without their offspring being injected with the poisons) and "food security" laws. In some places, even collecting rainwater on your own estate is "illegal." Growing in the back yard, ditto.
The Mormons actually introduced a gold-based currency like two years ago (the banknotes were supposed to contain enough gold to back up their value), but I haven't heard about it ever since.
Parallel economy would need stuff for barter, marketable skills, or its own currency. Oh, I nearly forgot, and a lot of protective potentials... Over here, in rural Kentucky, I've been trying to unite farmers to no avail... It's winter now.
Apparently, the "Goldback" is well and alive. Still, who will accept it when all production and distribution will be limited to the globalists? (hint: most of it already is)
Yes to all the points your raised! What an monumental challenge! For quite sometime, I thought that the movement to restore a functioning Republic would occur with Anna and people in every state becoming state nationals. That has been a slow process, but I haven't given up on it. There's too much at stake to abandon the effort to find solutions.
Yep and when did we give them permission to do that exactly?
Politicians have been crap for a while.
I am still to remember when I was asked for my permission, when my rights were curtailed. :)
And look at what Whole Foods has done under the guise of C19! They now require a personal QR code to enter their store to shop. I have only seen the video of one store, so I have no idea how common this is at other WF locations.
Am in Western New York very close to State University ...
They have been in place for at least 5 years now.
When I ask different check out persons, each one in a matter of fact tone...
Suggests, if I wish, I may sign up at the front desk.
Do recall the 'seed' injected into the right hands of willing University students in Sweden, perhaps it has been 'experimental' at UB with a 'test' or volunteer group.
The styles and graphics on the logo have also evolved. Still...
It seems subliminal programming at minimum!
Since 'Whole Foods' has that...
Um... sorta ' progressive aura' about itself....
What I have seen here is that Walmart is quietly collecting facial recognition data at checkouts without asking for permission.
No one mentions the PALM SCANNERS which have been in Whole Foods since before the shut-down?
WHO is using the PALM Scanners?
I mentioned them before, but most likely, only in a comment. My wife and I sometimes go there to pick up organic celery roots and dills, and we were literally stunned about six weeks ago, when the option was presented...
The scanner deployment may have differed by location; that was the first time we saw it. It was also the first time, when we saw the sign, "No guns permitted." People raised their T-shirts to show all they had on the belts were cell phones... Well, here, in KY, they didn't raise the other side of the T-shirts. :)
Which state (town/city?).
Washington DC
They are testing how many people refuse to enter.
One woman said that she wasn't going to shop if they required her to get a code. Personally, while I like some of their products; I am NOT going to use a code to shop there or anywhere else.
Not in KY, for all I know and for the time being. A well-armed population is a courteous one. :)
Trader Joe's was also a disgrace. I stopped shopping there.
I refused to shop there until they lifted their Mask policy. The last thing that a checker said to me when I told him the science I researched concluded that masks did nothing to offer protection and created oxygen deprivation within minutes. He had the nerve to say that HIS science said they work. I asked for a citation or reference and he could not provide one.
My wife and I didn't have that choice. When the door(wo)man reminded us, "You have to wear a ..." we cheerily responded, "We know," and kept walking. Nobody wanted a mess...
When it comes to "science," to each, their own:
I gave my business to Freddy's and Safeway in addition to our local co-op.
I think all that’s going on, especially the above, is worse than Nazi Germany. Early in this travesty, I heard a female Holacaust survivor saying it was worse here than back then! It’s terrifying. The ones ordering this garbage don’t realize once they aren’t needed any more, they will be done away with the same as all of us!😡😢
After all the lies in the official narrative, who would still believe in the history imposed on the people?
I apologize, but "Nazi" Germany kicked out the same bankers who are trying to kill 19 out of 20 people. That would surely "save the world" right away.
Of course, the labor camps in Germany were not for the faint of heart, but they were first run by the criminals and later on, by the communists, who were a lot better organized. Anne Frank's "diary" was written by his father, and she was treated in the camp hospital, which is hardly for a race that one would like to exterminate. The only two truly functional gas chambers were built by the Soviets in 1946. This is not "revisionist" history, but it certainly goes against the "history" taught by the victors. The 6 million was a pure invention by the founder of the Wiesenthal Center, who did a lot of disservice to real Jews...
The Jewish population of Europe in 1938 was lower than in 1948, despite the mass emigration (and, of course, requests for "reparations" by "H* survivors, although only four (out of over 60) labor camps had tattoos and even the wiesely Nobel Prize winner, Ellie Wiesel, never showed his, while he maintained that "some things are true, even if they never happened." An Israeli rabbi actually explicitly stated that the H* is fiction, but it is a good one. Most the photos you see were taken after the Allies bombed the supply lines to the camps (some of them are Germans out of the approximately 1.5 million starved to death by the "Allies" in concentration camps after the war, or out of the up to eight million German civilians who met the same fate in the post-war era, when food supplies were halted or withheld by the "Allies"), so people were starving there and dying of disease, even well after the "liberation." What you can't hear much about is the 1.5-2 million German civilians, aged from 8 to 80, being killed in American and French open-air camps (Montgomery refused to take part in the genocide), the 6-8 million German civilians who were killed in war crimes, just the Japs who were more than willing to surrender (on condition that their Emperor would not get hurt) well before the two (supposedly) A-bombs. In Nuremberg, it was the war criminals slaughtering the losers, nothing else.
I am strongly against forced labor, but they represent most of the US penitentiary system, and the US had camps for Japanese-Americans during WW2.
The ones who enforce this garbage are supposed to realize they will be the next in line to the slaughterhouse, once their dirty job is finished...
I was told my grandfather had a tattoo from prison (edited from "war"). As far as I know he wasn't in Europe for the war although he was definitely called up early on so he could have been there (and as my father was very young he may not remember it). Also as far as I know he was not Gypsy or Jewish although there may be someone in London who disagrees with this (long vague story).
Tattoos were also common in some military forces, but I'm not sure which ones.
My father was a 17 year old called up in 1943 for German army in 1943. I'd never talked about the war with him before, but he said he was tatooed with his blood type, inside top left arm, in case of blood transfusion needed. Lucky for him, captured by Canadian forces and shipped to Louisiana POW camp working in a peach canning factory. I have never read so much in my life these past couple of years and learned that most of what we are taught is not true or misconstruded. The French camps were said to be worst but Eisenhower did a good job by not calling them POWs but some other category which allowed him to ignore Geneva convention on humane treatment of POWs.
Yes, the French camps were the most infamous and insidious. The death toll is up to two million, and nobody talks about it... Only Montgomery refused to participate in killing German POWs and even civilians in post-war death camps... Your father was exceptionally lucky... General Patton objected and he died under suspicious circumstances in December, 1945...
The US using depleted uranium warheads all over the world for decades has been a crime against humanity, too, but nobody says a bad thing about that, either.
I was told that he scored it from prison a long time ago. But as far as I know he never spent anytime in a NZ prison.
That's a good one, and it is definitely an option.
Oh, forgot to mention; the wording in your link turned my stomach and would have made be puke, if only I ever had breakfast or lunch on the last 15 years. :)
No warning was needed; I have also told my readers it's not gonna be pretty.
I wouldn't believe a court or a politician anymore. Would you?
The Constitution was buttf*d with the (Un)Patriot Act. Everything since then, has been a trickle-down piss on the people's faces and some of them welcome it a soothing rain. Oh, wasn't it the cowboy-hero Reagan, who first said money would trickle down? Yeah, and I was born yesterday...
For more information on "Nazi" death camps, they were labor camps and most US penitentiaries would meet the definition even today, although there were concentration camps for Japanese-Americans even during WW2...
Good, another version of Operation Paperclip. Nothing to see here...
They all work under the same premises and for the same masters, as you have also agreed was the case, unless I'm mistaken (in the comment sections you left invaluable info):
I might be missing something here, but please, remind me; I am just being pushed hard.
They've backed off for now in WA where I live.
Backed off on what?
Malone has always been a distraction. I never fell for him.
I would prefer to omit the "Dr" as his preface, just like I don't use one for mine.
I am convinced that everyone, no matter how far they are "certified," has to prove their point in every single case.
Sage Hana is a shill. If that implies sexing the one, I won't care.
Sage seems a little antipathetic to Malone though right?
I had thought Sage more a Kirsch troll.
Yes, I am familiar with the sources, but focus on the outcomes only; that's why people like you and I must work together. Some people just wouldn't believe my conclusions, even if they saved their lives. The details you provide are invaluable, and I'm struggling with reasonable ways to combine our forces. I have received a couple of offers before, but I am not compatible with anyone; never was.
Could you possibly start up your Substack so that we can work together without any obvious way to prove it? I don't care for cross-publishing, but inserting links to each other's comment sections is good. Once our combined forces exceed 10k, it will be over, anyway, at least, that's what my estimate is.
In the meanwhile, while running under the radar as insignificant, it is possible to accomplish important things, mostly because it will be the three out of ten thousand readers who might be able to make a difference. I keep providing ideas and the space for further ideas, but I have no power over the proceedings, which makes me one of the millions who are destined to go.