I have seen videos of Walmart trucks entering the tunnels to the DUMBs below...I rarely go into Walmart after seeing that.

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https://youtu.be/t5ONjy19fhE Soul Coughing - Bus To Beelzebub

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Fast meal for the little time for a meal they can grab that gives off energy. My favorite Primary got overweight and developed Type 2 Diabetes, he took the worthless Metformin. Many doctors are too brainwashed by their schools. He developed one of those unhealing wounds. That put him out of action for months. Then depression from the loss of his elderly mom finished off his career. This was several years before covid.

My eldest manages a Pop-eyes. Not healthy meals and works 60+ hrs a week. I learned a lot watching this https://www.history.com/shows/the-food-that-built-america. The Toy one and Men who built America all are good info pieces.

I know better than to eat all the carbs I eat, but Gastroparesis is NOT very compatible with Type 2, you don't digest it, and are in constant Abdominal pain. You lose either way you go. If they take out Barrett's Esophagus pre-cancer spots caused by GERD, I still have to take Nexium. So far no changes in that. But moving into the Diverticulitis/Diverticulosis phase just creates new problems. And the Meds hate me.

These younger ones only know drugs by their Generic name. Not the name brands we learned, and it is confusing. It is how they got away with telling us Plaquenil =Hydroxychloroquine was horrid when it is the most used RA/Lupus drug on the market, since 1955. Stromectol = Ivermectin since 1997. And Metronidazole=Flagyl is about the same anti-parasitic. Different side effects.

I just updated my reaction list to the generics. Two I take as Name brands.

I've not had an McD's in years and no sodas. McD's is by choice. BK child's meal when I'm out and gone too long fasting for a med test. Then adjust supper.

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Toxic food has been an issue for a long time. Look how long it took the military to prove CAMP LEJEUNE. Same with our and Baby Food. Unless you grow and can your own, you don't know what is in it. TEN COMPANIES CONTROL ALL FOOD PRODUCTION. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F474x%2F7a%2F30%2F4d%2F7a304db9b05d927065db2a841e30afaf--healthy-living-healthy-life.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=af28f1215f06bd3c1f20b0912d49ea5a860e3ecba8b872bad0ab5e85dc5877f2&ipo=images

History Channel did a week's long piece on the Food that made America. https://www.history.com/shows/the-food-that-built-america Interesting to watch how cutthroat a business it is. Let's not leave out Congress'misnomer 'FARM BILL' PAY TO NOT GROW, RAISE, OR HARVEST.

Drive out the small industry, Homesteaders. I'm old enough to remember growing, canning, and preserving our own food. Grandma made 2 types of bread, lard biscuits, and cornbread daily. What they couldn't grow, they gathered. Raised chickens and grew the flock for eggs. 2 adults 6 kids eat a lot. They bartered for items they couldn't.


1st Automated Mcdonald's needs NO WORKERS https://nationworldnews.com/mcdonalds-launches-its-first-automated-store-but-some-are-against-it/

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https://www.newstarget.com/2022-12-22-who-calls-unvaccinated-people-major-killing-force.html ...dear good god please help them and us return to goodness truth and you,,, according to your devine good will and wisedom

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I recently told a friend that this is the case. Her response was interesting as she thought about it for a minute. At least it wouldn't look suspicious when trucks are bringing more food and products in to resupply what is already in the stores. Few would raise an eyebrow. They would think that people (neighbors) probably died from C19 after they go missing without a trace. My thoughts as she shared hers: do they haven incinerators like the CCP hospital emergency camps built and used in 2020?

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Can i ask, what are DUMBs?

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I remember; small businesses were put out of business and the bug stores were allowed to stay open. (Although i saw the lines waiting to go in bc of limited customers) ; bet corruption here!

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This is true? Ill never go there again!

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

So many plans. One of them has to work out. I favor slow starvation and the elements. Cheaper.

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Dec 26, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I hate those self-checkout machines, they are small, crowded, long waits, and seniors often need help with their groceries. Or do they intend to have only young healthy customers?

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deletedDec 26, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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