I have seen the 0araleels to LOTR from the beginning of this century...What is the ring?

Sometimes I think it is computers or electricity...but that is too broad methinks. Palantir is a lot more than a cell phon..it enables them to have already categorized you and 8s now pred8cting individual behavior and how to best psy op you and people like you....

Is it the debt based fiat money system,symbolized by the BIS tower as saurons tower?

Help please...

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Good reason to behave like cats. Never keep a set schedule or set routine. Don't make reservations anywhere. Use cash whenever possible. It's difficult to herd cats.

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Theoretically, "The Ring" could be the central AI, but to me, it looks like the automation and the concentration of power have already secured global rule for the criminals. That's why I wrote it's the banking system and the global investment firms.

A palantir can also be a video phone or something like that (e.g. "smart" doorbells broadcast what's happening in the neighborhood), but as you are saying, the global surveillance system is more like it (in London, they are already implementing "pre-crime" surveillance...).

The BIS tower seems like a good choice. :)

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Well whatever the one ring is….the allegory of LOTR is striking….some peoplemay be rohim..some dwarves..or elves or Hobbits or men..there were so many characters…I thinkof myself now as a hobbit mostly..I love my home, good food,,,the occasional pub night….but when younger more Rohim…

Nature is again becoming more beautiful as i get older…and my appreciationfor the working class and the middle class has increased substantially. Salt 9f the earth folks.

I just hope we can find a fellowship and ultimately destroy sauron and the ring…

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Is Hu-man , Hu-woman truly so vile ?

or are we mere victims of parasitic entities who have or were given access to realms they were once banished from ?

Who broke the seal ? Coincidence ? Stupidity ? Nephilim ? Seraphim ? .......

with all the fake history being dished up it's a bit hard to fathom what went wrong where and how , but one thing is certain , if we are truly made in the image of our maker then the only possible outcome of all the tribulations can only be that we will prevail -

truly nothing of what those overlords attempt makes sense , none of it , no wonder , it is based on madness , but that's just the thing , parasites don't know how to stop , they just do what they do...

Until we bring out the Wormwood and turn off all nasty frequencies we will continue to be enslaved , changed into walking talking? robots to serve those truly vile pedophiles and overlords and gaylords and cannibals - from day one newborns receive either alumimium or polysorbate 80 in the K-shot...

This is all way bigger than banks,politicians or whatever 'modern' crap -

was Darwin mis or dis-interpreted when he supposedly talked about 'survival of the fittest'?

There is more than Hope , many people show Faith in themselves , through their actions , worldwide dedicated people are working on taking down the entire parasite network , on every conceivable level Faith for a future of a redeemed Hu(wo)man,

Our challenge is to succeed to prevent the next cataclysm in the 2040's - for if we fail , the parasites will continue being parasites

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Yes, faith/trust MUST precede hope, unless hope is weaponized for a mob:


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Thirty million American patriots, less than 10% of our population, well armed, willing, able to fight could end our nightmare, here and abroad. Only a few of the enemy could possibly survive, and they will not likely see the light of day again (afraid to leave their bunkers). When do we start?

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I've read a lot of cheap words about our situation and felt a small shadow of hopelessness edge towards me on more than one occasion, but you are inspiring me here. Keep going with this 🙏👍

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Money is the glue. The Exchange alone is Holy. Men will sacrifice their life for the Exchange for the Exchange that rules over all is like the stern angry YHWH who brooks no resistance from it's believers or Unbelievers. Born into the Exchange and die in the Exchange but only the Exchange is sacred. Holy Money. It seems to me withdrawal from consumerism is a first step. Community banking and community currency the next. Buy or barter locally. Turn off the TV. Exchange for the the Exchange real life.

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“Just like the power of the One Ring in Tolkien, anyone possessing that power would be tempted “to use it for good,” and fall victim to its Evil.”

I really like that you’re tying this to Tolkien. It’s something with mass appeal, and if one would acknowledge it has deeper insight, then more mass awareness would be attained.

1. One must overcome fear. You do that through awareness. Certainty that there is a counter to whatever insult (physical, mental, other) is tossed your way. It is the warrior who overcomes fear of death.

2. Look at it as fragile technology and fragile ego. Compartmentalization of a fragile technocracy relying on ego is an advantage to those who would oppose. Awareness of many can result in death by a thousand cuts. The collective will ultimately decide what should be retained and what, or who should be cast aside.

“Exterminating everyone would make them slaves to their own design, which is the least they deserve, and the least they would want.”

And this is rational on their part and opportunity. That a technocratic society, although presented as trans human (choose your definition. It doesn’t matter) requires a core of humanity, therefore the spirit remains to move forward in the most harmonious way according to the universal plan. This is why I do not fear extinction. They are rational and not stupid. Know your enemy. They have a plan. They are executing with precision. No matter the current affront to nature, they expect her to be there for them when they “win”. Therefore she is here for us now and in the future.

But you are correct that it would revert to sorting to a single leader unless every human would accept the power within and act accordingly. Kind of a self-organizing anarchic view I admit. But I think this is a step change evolution of humanity if we can pull it off and make it stick.

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This one is particularly useful Ray because it has material to ponder on such as does this circumstance challenge my sovereignty?

And more along those lines in a practical blueprint, esp from your 2023 article "where do I draw the line?"

Many thanks - it's a reference

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Thank you kindly. Yes, I thought about including a link to Where Do I Draw the Line?", but figured this was not about me. Either way, here it is, in case anyone is interested:


In fact, if all those options converged, I would consider that divine intervention, too, but nothing is impossible. If the impossible hadn't happened to me several times in my life, I wouldn't be around.

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I have a question for you, Ray, if you know the answer. They are/were so willing to murder the elderly, but what about those that are incarcerated, especially for murder or other horrific crimes? Did no prisoner receive any of these jabs? If these psychos want to experiment on humans, well, they have plenty who really don't deserve to live another day. Just my opinion.

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Many prisoners have also been injected (as in the general population, nobody knows who with what) and, as far as I know, are occasionally dropping like flies, depending on their locations. Of course, those who are performing slave labor for profit and, as long as that is needed, they are going to be kept alive.

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Jabbing up prisoners is basically lethal injections; same difference. One is not more humane than the other. But yes, if you're a useful slave, you need to be kept alive to serve the Masters. Much like many of the Jews were for the Nazis.

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As I said, laborers were most likely not targeted in prisons. Also, every batch was different even for the general population, so it's not necessarily a death sentence, but it probably comes quite close sooner or later.

The Germans used criminals, communists, and eventually Jews as forced laborers (gypsies and homosexuals were also targeted). They wanted to deport them to Slavic territories; there is literally no evidence of a plan to mass murder any of them.

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I always did find it quite difficult to believe 6 mil. Jews were murdered. How anyone came up with that number remains a mystery to me.

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Check out any encyclopedia from the 1920's. There were something like 2.2 million Jews in all of Europe. 6 million is made-up and 6 is one of their (they, them, the controllers) favorite numbers, as in 66 and 666. Anytime you see those numbers, you know you are being hosed.

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6 being a powerful number in Kabalah mysticism.

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The only two operational gas chambers were erected by the Soviets in 1946...

A snake oil salesman, Wiesenthal, simply invented the six million out of the blue. In 1948, Europe's Jewish population, according to contemporary censuses, was higher than in 1938, in spite of the mass emigration...

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Thank you Ray. Also check out Slyvia Stolz, a German lawyer imprisoned for trying to enter evidence in defense of her client that would refute the Shoah, a diabolical scam on Germans and the world.

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although Wiesenthal was certainly obeying an agenda, the number of "6 mill J_ws" did not quite appear 'out of the blue': there was a slow-churning PR campaign that started in a number of US newspapers around 1915 (just after the beginning of WW1), slowly familiarising readers with it - https://archive.org/details/old-newspapers-report-six-million-jews-1915-1938

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The blatant lies we've been told. I've never understood how anyone had time or inclination to count all those dead, decaying bodies. Never made sense to me.

Our government provided much more cruelty to German POWs, but no one wants to listen to that fact.

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G'day Ray

The powers that soon will no longer be just did or plan to jack up the retirement age in Denmark to a staggering 75 years - that might be a good thing if there was plenty of work and the peoples and the economy were to be healthy , but obviously they are cutting back expenses and want the elders to have less time to teach younger folks , or simply hope they die...

Sometimes , when our hearts are ready to burst and there is a tornado raging in our gut and you walk up to that mountain top and scream an innocent prayer into the winds , that's when our maker hears our anguish , that's when 'miracles' happen...

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They seem to be making plenty of active moves in order to make sure there won't be anyone "elderly" soon. Don't know about Denmark, but here in the US, nursing home clients were locked up and often forcefully injected with the poison, while prohibited from receiving visitors. Many of them were sedated to death (low blood pressure induced by toxins or high blood pressure combined with blood-pressure reducers can cause multiple organ failure pretty effectively, as I observed it in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/sleep-apnea-and-high-blood-pressure), some died of kidney failure after receiving Remdesivir, while others were ventilated to death, which applies to the general population as well. When turbo cancer, deadly ulcers (https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/an-unlikely-synthesis-a-comprehensive), and heart disease are added, I estimate the deaths at 20-30 million in the US alone, but there is next to no chance for learning about the accurate numbers, because the figures are constantly doctored. I devoted a whole piece to the gut flora: https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/do-you-have-this-gut-feeling-too.

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Run away in fear from Remdesivir.

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