Sep 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

"The IRS was founded shortly after the Federal Reserve Act, and it is collecting money for the private bank…" Money? What money? "The Federal Government, with the cooperation of the Federal Reserve, has the inherent power to create money--almost any amount of it."

~ The National Debt, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, p. 8

ALMOST? Why only ALMOST? What keeps them from creating ALL they want? You? Me? Your dog? A full moon?

Federal Reserve Notes are not federal, represent no monetary reserves and no longer conform to the definition of notes. Failing to state who, will pay what, when or to whom - they ceased to be legal tender notes, (offers of money) almost 60 years ago. They are in fact instruments of legalized THEFT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIjfaXHyrlw

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The only way to keep inflation at bay was to make sure "profits" were collected AND re-invested into the system. That's not needed anymore, while the USD is undergoing controlled demolition in order to make sure the masses will welcome the CBDC:


The MOST important part of the Federal Reserve having the exclusive right to issue the USD as a loan at an interest to the taxpayer is that the captured political class that has been, and is, using the money used "all assets and the citizens lives' and limbs" in the country as collateral for the "loans." People already own nothing:


If they don't believe this, they might as well try not to pay their property taxes:


As the article also states, the IRS is only a private lapdog to collect for the private bank. And in the last year or two, the IRS has been hiring thugs who would mind killing people, and buying up motherloads of ammo...

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Ray, it's going to blow up in their faces. Literally. From many yards away travelling 3000 Feet per second. Come try to take my home. And yes, I know about the 1st plank of the communist manifesto servicing the 10th plank. https://www.courageouslion.us/p/communism-american-style

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There is no way to abate inflation when ALL of the created out of thin air fake money IS inflation. Yes, you can't pay off a house with a note. The problem is that it hasn't been a NOTE for at least 60 years. The whole system is based on CONSTRUCTIVE FRAUD which makes it FRAUD from it's inception.

While Franklin and Eleanor

were tellin' us they hated war

They made a deal behind our backs

They said the bankers could enslave us

for a portion of our wages

And today we call it income tax

But what they failed then to tell us

was the way they planned to sell us

In to statutory slavery

Now it's called constructive fraud


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Sep 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I am a human being renting space in an area they call the US. I signed no contract nor affirmed any contract with the government. But they go by tacit agreements whereby if you don't refuse their tyranny and demands, they assume you are all in accepting their treachery. If you resist, they want to hunt you down and kill or imprison you for being a human being instead of a dumbed down slave.

The world invents borders and countries and states for practical reasons and then calls the inhabitants citizens as if they own you. As immigration progresses, those not willing to obey laws will eventually find themselves in the same place they came from. With less indigenous populations to support them, they will become destitute since they have no way to support themselves. Watch the EU as it crumbles as government destroys all reason for continuing to adhere to its tyranny.

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Realizing that one wants to be a human being over being a state asset is most likely deadly, at least sooner or later...

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The EU seems to have been formed for imposing degenerate and catastrophic rules all over Europe, centralizing its fiat, the Euro, which makes countries even easier to control, but the countries alone have proven to serve the bankers previously as well, and are always able to be tyrannical; ruling by force is a defining feature of the state...

What amazes me that there are always enough stooges and morons to become enablers and enforcers, but many of them have been already groomed for the role from a young age, and the alternative paths available for them were not pretty...

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Amy Sukwan, here on SS, has documented her long struggle to gain citizenship for her Thai husband. Endless hoops, endless fees, and of course the DeathVaxx...

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This is the situation in which the situation becomes unlivable... Not all immigrants are created equal.

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Aug 31Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray, It's too bad you chose to modify or "Change" the original post you put up earlier. The new one replaced the old one and a comment I was trying to leave got deleted, a lot of effort WASTED.

Here's the jist of it:

""Nations and Empires are Parasites to Human Civilization

A National or Global Empire, is not natural; it entirely depends on Compulsion and Centralized Hierarchy to come into existence and grow. Usually, compulsion is driven indirectly by hijacking cultural Trust at the community level; Ingratiation and Infiltration leads to the Usurpation of local control. Economics become Colonized into a Subversionary system of conscripted apartheid and usury. Individuals are then fooled into trading their Natural Freedom for enumerated Liberties, granted by a Parasitic System that only ever had manufactured consent. (Our present Western Democratic Empire.)""

I never "Edit" my post, because it pisses people off. All their text just disappear..... I had something quite good to share...... But I won't spend the time trying to defeat the algorithm built into ss to "replace posts." Please, in the future could you NOT do "redo's?" --- all the best

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I keep editing my posts, because I get rid of old typos and insert new links.

I am sending you a copy of your deleted message here:

Ray, I appreciate your approach here, describing the Fraud called 'citizenship' the Birth Certificate scam is one that fools parents into the idea that a US citizenship is essential to function in Society. Then that becomes the first "Toe Tag" a child gets in life. It's always been about trapping people into the Jurisdiction of the US Federal Corporate Franchise out of City of London. This system CAN be nullified, especially if enough people are aware of it and are conscious of their Natural Born status called Sui Juris. [Of One's Own Right] In the aspect of citizenship, where taxes are concerned; the main thing I see is, if you make US Dollars, then you can rationalize paying US Taxes. If you live over seas and make your money in say; "Peso," you then go pay the host country's taxes. I don't see ANY Lawful "standing" the US Federal Corporation has to 'force' former US residents to issue a yearly return AT ALL. That's not to say that it doesn't exist as a so called Law on paper. If you live in another country, and either don't use any banks, or use a different name to bank with, why would they know anything about your business? I don't use an SSN or my given name anywhere, because I know that would be foolish. In general I usually this --- Nations and Empires are Parasites to Human Civilization: A Nation or Global Empire, is not natural; it entirely depends on Compulsion and Centralized Hierarchy to come into existence and grow. Usually, compulsion is driven indirectly by hijacking cultural Trust at the community level; Ingratiation and Infiltration leads to the Usurpation of local control. Economics become Colonized into a Subversionary system of Conscripted Apartheid and Usury. Individuals are then fooled into trading their Natural Freedom for enumerated Liberties, granted by a Parasitic System that only ever had manufactured consent. (Our present Western Democratic Empire.) Freedom that we naturally "live" day to day is a Property of existing as a living Man or Woman. This whole time that we have been living alongside Control Hierarchies, everyone has been willing to "Register" their freedom into defined and Enumerated Liberty. Remember that a dog at the end of a leash is considered to have "Liberty." A dog without a leash obviously has Freedom. ;-)

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Thank you, I tried to use the Way Back machine and it failed. I do appreciate your willingness to make this available to discussion. As always, I do see your efforts to address the important points that affect us all. --- Nef

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Aug 31Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

"The United States Constitution creates a government of enumerated powers. The Constitution delegates to the United States Congress the power “[t]o establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, … throughout the United States.” Thus, the Constitution gives Congress the power to determine which foreigners can become citizens, and under what conditions. The Constitution, however, is silent on immigration. That is, the federal government is not explicitly granted a general power to exclude or remove noncitizens from the United States."

Following that Congress needs to keep them out!

Really the ONLY thing the federal government is supposed to do is this...SECURE rights!

"That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed"

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Aug 31Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Nobody ever had the consent to give --- I am currently reading the book: "The Most Dangerous Superstition" by Larken Rose.

""The superstition referred to is the "authority" of government. Rose argues that -- that authority is a myth which we all believe in because we have been conditioned as such from the day we were born.

His argument is based on the premise that the government has no legitimacy because for the things it does, such as harassment of citizens, extortion ("tax"), wars, and so on, it claims a power given to it by citizens who cannot do all those things legally else they would get punished.

So, if the people do not have that power, how can they bestow it on someone else? You cannot give what you do not have.""

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Yes, agree with some of the things Larken says BUT he also spent years in jail for his beliefs. I've decided to get out of the District of Columbia myself and am quite happy about it. There WERE citizens before the 14th amendment which changed everything.

It's in the definitions!

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And worshiping a form of government what is "required" these days from "patriots" is Statism...

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Yup, the current proceedings are contradicting the written words. In Dmitri Orlov's words, "The US Constitution is just about as relevant as an old copy of Pravda in an abandoned Siberian outhouse."

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Aug 31Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

America is the only country, where the rabbit shoots back. :)

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