Jan 19·edited Jan 19Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The fake meats made with weird chemicals and mystery (Soylent green?) splooge will pack your body with processed oils and already excessive Omega 6 fats. But it will make Gates the food source for the starving masses. Oh and it is 25 times more toxic to the environment than raising cattle. Does that sound familiar? Sort of like the illogical leap to pretending a vaccine is the only way to get immunity. Nope and Nope, but after making hundreds of Billions in PROFIT for fake humanitarian efforts, what's the difference to Gates?

With your hippocampus shrinking from spike protein (from jabs and now your food supply) you'll soon be contentedly disabled. Just enjoy the ride.

I was vegetarian for 26 years. Pros and cons, but are you including human beings in your compassion for animals? The squalor and imbalances in our cities are the product of GREED, not an inevitable outcome of human existence. Every choice was forced through the squeeeeeze of money upward into the hands of totalitarian "Smaug the Dragons" sitting on a pile of gold coins they can't eat. And suddenly human existence is the problem. Right.

Every pollution problem, every nightmare we face can be traced back to greed.

Consider that, and stop buying in to the "too many people" mantra. Even explosive populations are results of intense stress, lack of social nets, lack of security (20 kids as a retirement plan), and lack of autonomy.

The old chestnut: "The Devil's greatest trick is convincing people he doesn't exist," has now become "The Devil's greatest trick is convincing YOU that you shouldn't exist."

Spare me the hypnotized virtue signaling. This is why the old and young had to be splintered first, to prevent any wisdom sharing or the "news" that every one of these terrible ideas has crashed before. It's not a brilliant new idea because old people crashed the world. It's about crashing everything that sustains life and then blaming the victims--You.

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It don't matter what it costs you, or how inconvenient it is, but having a hideaway with old fresh water is the elexir of life... literally. Grow a couple of greens for eating, trap animals for protein, catch fish, and survive. Once you are poresumed dead by the system, you can sneak out and kill overlords in a geographical pattern that suggests you live 100 miles away. Don't hunt with a gun, you will eventually be heard. Gradually, it will become known the Resistance is still alive and you can form a guerilla army. Don't worry overly about satellite surveilance. Pretty soon they will realise that rocket exhausts are destroying the ozone layer and even the elites will die. On current schedules, the thousands of satellite launchings will end all life in just a few years. Even globalists are not that dumb. There will be a massive rethink and that is when we strike.

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Thank you, Suki. I have to re-view this, to ponder. "'David Icke was right about "Covid", the jab, the Cloud, and manipulation by a non-human force' - by the team that identified graphene in the fake vaccine " https://banned.video/watch?id=65a6c2f2a2bca6fd622615e7&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email . I read that Dr Roger Lier, who worked with people who said they had been abducted, found the same nano tech things in their blood. I haven't found the link. And thank you, Ray Horvath.

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How many millions of acres will need to go into production to replace the food valve lost if we no longer raise animals for food.

No more eggs, milk, cheese, butter, jello, pet food, and the list goes on.

I have been in many processing plants and the animals are dispatched as quickly and humainly as possible.

If you have a better mouse trap, the world is waiting.

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Nov 9, 2022·edited Nov 9, 2022

What an example to show (in the email) - a cartoon of cows lined up to go into a slaughterhouse. And the vast majority of people look at that and are not at all disturbed by the reality of what we do to innocent animals. It's just an analogous meme for our own enslavement. But actually, it says a lot more, to me.

Right there is the cornerstone for creating apathetic people, living in their own little "I Me Mine" bubbles. I've seen what we, as a species, do to other sentient beings, and it is horrifically ugly. We mass torture and murder them every day by the billions, in various industries, without a second thought. And not out of any real need, but desire. Many will dress it up as "need" because addictive habits die hard.

Waking up means WAKE THE HELL UP!

"Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself know peace"

--Dr. Albert Schweitzer, Christian missionary physician

“I consider vegetarianism as a recommended starting point for giving up on established barbaric habits... Every effort should be made to stop the vicious and cruel slaughter of animals, which can be devastating to human morale...

--Nikola Tesla

“Man is truly the king of animals because his cruelty surpasses theirs. We live from the deaths of others. We are walking tombs! I gave up eating meat at a very young age. The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men.”

-- Leonardo Da Vinci

"I am sometimes asked: ‘Why do you spend so much of your time and money talking about kindness to animals when there is so much cruelty to men?’ I answer: ‘I am working at the roots.’ "

-- George T. Angell

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Nov 9, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Why did people cower to and obey mandates? They are NOT laws. I never unnderstood this.

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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

100% on all points! These humiliating government mandated and ‘publicly enforced’ rituals cause me much pain and concern.


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Sep 3, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This just posted by GATA, gold anti trust association:


How to stop the implementing of the CBDC system ? I’m up for suggestions?

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For the past few weeks I have been more alert to who may be the lovely ‘ones’ in my own arena, neighborhood etc. who will turn against or turn in me. Thanks to your mention in previous post.

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thanks for writing exactly what I was thinking, "wearing a mask makes us both look uninformed, subservient idiots" Lol but so true, Excellent article, this will be getting shared to everyone in my mail box. Respect & X 2 All

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I wish that all the folks around me who believe in BLM believed in their own right to breath, it's all quite ironic after Floyd was killed by asphyxiation. Perhaps the prion disease has commenced.

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Of course, part of conditioning. Sadly so many are in the firm grip of

fear and propaganda. I don't believe this is going to change any time soon IMHO.

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