The “Board of Governors” for the Fed is on foreign land: Washington, D.C.:
Recent newscasts suggest that the US is planning to expand or, more exactly, the owners of the US are planning to use the country for consolidating global assets.
Will Canada be annexed?
U.S. President Donald Trump reaffirmed his desire to annex Canada shortly after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was overheard admitting that the threat is a “real thing.”
During a February 9 Fox News interview with Bret Baier, Trump confirmed that Trudeau was correct: he does plan to absorb Canada into the United States and make it the 51st state.
Of course, Canada is too large for a single state, but that can be sorted out later.
Will Greenland be purchased?
“Strategic” land sounds like a joke, when Russia and China have also been fully following the globalist plan during convid, and their animosity is obviously orchestrated. The Chinese are allowed to install their plants into “strategic” US institutions, including universities, and the Russian convid injections were just as bad as the rest of them, while the digital ID and the CBDC stay their course in Russia. The little disagreement with Ukraine just opens up another stage in the political theater, while allowing for a little white genocide in the tradition of the banker-financed two world wars in the 20th century.
While politicians of a country are not supposed to be entitled to sell a country, some bribes and threats, maybe a few sudden deaths, can do the job, if or when those pesky bastards are not willing. What can the people do? Usually not a thing.
The US is already under foreign occupation, but let the clowns pose that “the US” can buy things with the taxpayer’s money which is rapidly losing value, anyway.
How about Gaza?
How much are the rulers of Egypt, Jordan or Saudi Arabia get paid by the US taxpayer to accept the Palestinians deported from their homeland? Whatever it is, it must be borrowed from the Fed at an interest. Many Israeli citizens already own housing and real estate in countries where there is no real estate tax, but are not going to be attacked by Muslims anytime soon, so protecting Israel is on the map, but not much longer.
Southern expansion?
Some countries have already been sacrificed to illegal invaders, while others appear on the lower end, but allow hundreds of thousands of “guest workers” to live in them1:
A few countries are willing to take back their criminals, and El Salvador even offered to house US-grown heavies; no prices are mentioned on the news, but I’m sure, for the kind of money involved, even quite a few Americans would be willing to set up prisons for these inmates in their own backyards. And it would be great new income for the gangs! Or is it going to gangs, anyway? Again, the money, as without an exception, will come as a loan to the taxpayer.
It would sound like a farce, reminding me of “freedom fries2,” that Google Maps has renamed The Gulf of Mexico to “Gulf of America”!
Sounds like part of a “unification” project.
What gives?
In the US, lawlessness abides:
The EU is only a single step away from “joining” the US, but there are a couple of things in common between all the above:
They all point to the process of slowly developing a single world with a one-world government.
The taxpayer foots the bill by picking up a loan from the Fed at an interest.
The most hilarious lie I’ve recently encountered was that “The Federal Reserve is broke,” which made LOL. The Fed cannot go bankrupt, because it creates money out of thin air, so it has absolutely nothing to lose even if the payee defaults on the loan. On the other hand, when it issues money, it collects an interest from the taxpayer, and from the borrower, if it’s not the taxpayer, who picks up the loan. It’s not an accident that
It is possible that the rumor of the Fed being broke will be used for the introduction of the CBDC, but according to another possibility, the Fed may have run out of usable collateral for the money issued as a loan to the taxpayer, and it demands new entries on the US government’s list of collateral assets.3
Either way, the operation uses multiple threads towards one end, and every single event serves multiple purposes, as usual:
I have such information only from Hungary, where my wife has a few friends.
It all started when a restaurant owner in South Carolina created the name “freedom fried” as a protest to France’s not supporting the “allies” in the Iraq War. He cited the fact that during World War I, sauerkraut was renamed “victory cabbage” and frankfurters were renamed “liberty dogs.”
Then the U.S. Congress got into the act. About a month later, two Republican House members ordered the cafeteria in the House side of the U.S. Capitol Building to rename French fries “Freedom fries” and French Toast “Freedom toast.” Most Americans thought the change was stupid, and Congressman Barney Frank quipped, “Congress look even sillier than it sometimes looks.”
All this is above and beyond the fact that neither French fries nor French toast are actually French. What we Americans call French fries were invented in Belgium in the late 1700s, and what we call French toast was invented by the ancient Romans at least 2,000 years ago. It was referred to as “pan dulcis” (sweet bread), and it was created the exact same way French toast is made today.
Currently, the collateral comprises “All the land and its resources of the US, and its citizens’ assets, and lives and limbs.”
"They all point in the direction of a one world govt." (paraphrase of one of your statements)
When I assert that this is taking place (at comment sections), I'm ignored or insulted.
There's mass formation psychosis ala Desmet
going on --- fueled by m.a.g.a.
Thank you for your work!
Well heck let's just buy Russia for $25 trillion and be done with it. Then we would be king of the world and the neocons will have to find somebody else to fight. We'll finally give hillary her just due and make her czar of Siberia.