I forgot to include it in the article (I am adding it now) that more often than not, the yeast one can buy is most likely lab-made, that is, GMO product, which can also wreak havoc in the digestive system.

I remember Anheuser-Busch delivers US-made GM yeast for making Stella Artois in Belgium, and the beer made with that is exclusively for American consumers. (They also started to add something to it as well as to Heineken, making both undrinkable. I had the same experience with some German beer, too, so no more beer for me.

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I make lots of homemade bread and do water canning. Nevertheless, we pray before eating, and ask God to bless our food. And He does just that, allowing us to be happy and healthy. 🙏

There are many spiritual forces in this world, and we fight a spiritual battle against the powers of the darkness - which Christ has already defeated!

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The problem is the processed flour, not the wheat. I don’t use processed flour or buy any processed bread. Instead I have organic wheat and other grains that I mill freshly into flour when I want to make my flour products such as bread, cookies, pasta, etc. Foods made with freshly milled grains have 35+ nutrients in them plus soluble and insoluble fiber as the bran and germ are kept in the flour. The taste is superior as well. For more information, look up Sue Becker. She has been sharing the health benefits of milling one’s own grains into flour and baking with them for over 30 years. She shares information through her podcast called Sue’s Healthy Minutes, www.breadbeckers.com, and her Breadbeckers YouTube channel.


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I eat almost no wheat (or rice), but I sympathize with the (family) farmers trying to make a living. My wife buys some stuff, supposed to be bread, with modified (genetically?) starch as the first ingredient. How can this be sold as bread? "Bread" in the store has a list of ingredients too long for my attention span. What is it? For the most part, if there are more than 4-6 ingredients, I won't eat it. I never understood why they beat the crap out of wheat flour then add vitamins. Whatever happened to "whole" and "stone ground"? Everything is full of toxins and nano things. Our bodies are in a constant state of fighting against these poisons. How can a human body's immune system be in a constant fight condition? Eat healthy-- that's a joke.

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Is there any good wheat????

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I purchase organic grains and mill the flour, don’t bake too often anymore though.

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Stay away from all Grains, is my personal suggestion!!!

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Yes. Our gut is 80% of our immune system. The toxins we consume destroys it; bromide, glyphosate, aluminum, mercury, formaldehyde etc.

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And probably a lot more than those:


As for the "immune system," a new truly medical paradigm is needed:


Out of about 8,000 household chemicals, only a handful were tested, and nothing has ever been tested for amplifying each other's impact...

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Funny I only use white vinegar or alcohol baking soda and sadly bleach diluted. I am my moms despair I use thieves oil in vodka haha with water in a spray bottle smells great kills germs keeps ants away kills them in fact. Primarily cinnamon clove rosemary lemon oils.. I gave up bread as starch and now mostly use potatoes sweet and regular. But I do like my rice. I do love my beer however also. Belgium triples Delerium and Trouges mad elf are 👍 trying to wean off beer in this hot climate is hard!

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Please remember one thing. Yes we have been deliberately poisoned for centuries but I believe our immune systems make us like rats or cockroaches. We get ill and often die from comorbidities triggered by same, BUT, but, but we are still here. Us pesky humans are like Terminators. Unlike the psyop films, they cannot wipe us out. Hold that thought. Even fertility reducing poisons will not get us all. Fuck em all

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Yes, humans can adapt, which is why I might be still alive after having been turned into something halfway synthetic:


I eat only once a day, and keep it small. That way, the body has a better chance to adapt and more room to detox. Among centenarians, eating very little was the only common denominator:


My "Like" doesn't exactly go for your last sentence, although I fully agree. :) I just wish it were expressed with some sarcasm of English humor; it ridicules them a lot more, which they cannot stand. :)

While there is no "we," we are quietly being wiped out. Dunno about others. :)

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Yes last sentence wishful thinking, but you get the gist. Clive Owen 90s film I canno fully remember springs to mind

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Making bread the old fashioned but with a KitchenAid mixer. See out quality products often not found in the grocery store. Here’s another option:


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I've wondered for a long time if any of the "bread" in chain grocery stores is even bread.

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The bread in America was a lot different to the bread in Nz

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American bread socks it isn't real bread. My Dad makes our bread. French baguettes flour yeast salt water...1 teaspoon sugar to feed the yeast.

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Even the listed ingredients suggest otherwise.

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GMO wheat has already been approved in some countries: HB4

The real cause for celiac disease is liasing of wheat and gluten cereals with trace amounts of gliphosate and atrazine:

War on food


Bill Gates, raunchy rancher

The plan? slo-poison us!


Water poisoning


Not fast food, PFAS food:


War on poultry and cattle:


War on Pigs

No ham, bacon, sausages, pork ribs, chops and tenderloin


Why is food poisoning legal?

How Rumsfeld forced the approval of Aspartame.

Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!


Since the massive use of feedlots, allergy to meet has started to grow exponentially.

Same, allergy to cow milk after Monsanto's hormones for diary cows. etc.

It's on purpose:


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Who knows what we are eating anymore?

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With all the "fortified" and otherwise modified staples, one can never be sure.

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Aug 9
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Now that’s funny.

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Causing Alzheimer's? :)

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We are using European flour from Bosnia; not any more expensive than US flour, but perhaps healthier. My wife finally found the perfect recipe; she uses the bread machine for kneading, but cooks in the oven.

On second thought, the yeast can be a major problem.

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Mr. Ray . I make my own bread by the good old European way . So I need fresh yeast . I'm buying it from Fabko in South Bound Brook , NJ .

Go to their webpage and look for dairy products . They sell fresh yeast by the pound . About $8.00 . Here is their Ph; # 732-377-9847 . They are Ukrainians .

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You can try your hand at sourdough bread. No yeast.

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