I got my foot in the door at a lovely 30 bed retirement home in rural Ontario by starting out as a "janitor". I cleaned rooms and common areas, did dishes and cleaned the kitchen. We called it housekeeping and support staff. Worked my way up to caring for the residents. Had to fire myself when the mandates were put in place for the DNA altering injections.

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My dad was a janitor, and I've been a janitor in many homes and businesses in my career switchback careering. In some ways it's the best job, since no one wants to do it, doesn't want to oversee it being done, and only minds slacking off if they observe it. My goal was a steady state dishevelment, like leaf litter on a forest floor, or dust buildup beyond which no more could accumulate. Also, plenty of time to think, ponder, talk to the hand.

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Thank you for sharing! Having a job that nobody envies me about is one of the best option! :) Okay, you already know that, but these posts are for other readers, too, and some of them might still be young enough to be sitting on the fence about such decisions.

I am also from humble beginnings. Grew up in a poor, crime-ridden 'hood, doing factory work after that (possibly, the happiest days of my life, despite some of the company, but I've met with some of the best people there in my life, a lot better than the "academia"), serving, and by some miracle, going to college and getting a few degrees ("academics" can be great and fun, unless you are exposed to the wrong ones who are afraid of your level of knowledge, which tends to be a chronic problem with department chairs and higher up, but I had at least one good chair in my life).

In fact, about half of US billionaires (not now, only about 40 years ago) started out at McDonald's or a place like that. I've never had the ambition to be a boss or to be rich; being relatively independent is all I've ever wanted.

In my experience, simple jobs like sweeping the factory floor can provide more than enough space for am independent state of mind that can be pretentiously called "meditation." Again, you know that.

For that matter, as a subscriber to your site, I've hardly ever received notifications about your publications. The only reason why I know that is that, as a result to your reflection, I checked out your writing again, and it turns out I've even "Like"d some of your work.

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Same to you. I'm not sure why my notifications aren't going out to my subscribers. Although so many notifications makes it harder to wade through. I always check out yours. don't always comment. Physical labor does get more laborious as we age. Copious cannabis gives me about a three hour cruise.

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Janitorial is an honourable and critical ("Essential) career!

I think all humans should strive to be "Janitors" (Our brothers' keepers)

That would be a nice world.

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" Nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop

And an illustrated book about birds

You see a lot up there but don't be scared

Who needs action when you got words"


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Words are powerful, and I can attest to that; otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

In my janitorial days, I personally preferred to wipe the floor with old rags; that produced the cleanest results, and I didn't mind to be on my knees, as I've always been but only to the Highest Power. My most frequent mistake was that I tried to treat people who considered me weak or stupid, when I was kind to them, as equals. Not making that mistake anymore, which I suppose, makes me into an "elitist" in the sense that I only respect authenticity.

For some reason, as a child of the 70s and the early 80s, I missed Nirvana, but it ain't half bad, and it does sound authentic with the singers quiet resignation. After looking up Kurt Cobain, it turns out he died at a young age, and his disposition resembles my own, but I should have been dead at least 23 times in my life, and I'm still around... No, no drug addiction on my end, but who knows what really went down with Cobain... After 9/11, quite a few artists and actors seemed to be executed, often in a suicidal manner, but that was "only" because they refused to submit. Even the Beatles complained about that sort of pressure, so Cobain may have fallen victim to the same cabal that is running the world now.

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Yes, there is a paradox there.

Being condescended to whilst knowing that I knew far more than my betters, whilst understanding that all I truly know is that I know nothing.

I chose to remain in the working class because I understood the traps of material success and found the environment and comradery more honest.

I struggle now to find music, art and writings that i perceive do not have dubious origin, that have been promoted and published to brainwash, no matter how great they sound.

Yes, artists that have had unfortunate accidents or self poisonings may be possibly more authentic...

Or- cool people are depressed and addicted people, so if you self harm and go nuts, you too can get a record contract with some devils.

True, inspiration can come from suffering. But was middle class western life so safe and boring that kids would seek inspiration by seeking to intentionally suffer?

I was one of those kids but was drawn to the suffering artists and writers in history, so I can confirm the attraction.

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Your struggle is mine, too. In fact, finding any source that is not obviously disturbed, captured, or tabloid-quality has become an increasing challenge in the last few years, but the challenge has been constant ever since the global conglomerates bought up the media around 2012.

Yes, even Mozart was drawn into Freemasonry, but I haven't been able to find a source that he was killed because he wanted out. He wrote a LOT of crap for money, the kind that reminds me of country music (the authors and the composers are hardly ever the same as the performers, but the performers receive all the credits, and they receive pittance from their handlers). Basically, everything that survives from cultural history is here only because at least at one point, but most likely even today, serves the interests of a/the ruling class. Quite a few "famous" people seem to have been suicided, especially after 9/11, when pledging allegiance to the globalist plot became mandatory among public performers/actors/younameit.

Your level of empathy for suffering artists is admirable to me... It has also been known at least since the early 1940s that administering certain substances to a subject inevitable results in suicide, and substance-abusers are easy prey...

Did you know that these days, many "celebrities" and other well-known players have been bred for the purpose?


The "FIB" manual for conditioning is part of the project:


I agree that all good manipulators entice their audience into a false sense of superiority AND (what you are not saying is that they also) demonize the rest. I also remained independent all my life for the same reason you decided to remain "working class," but I was luckier and managed to be an academic in the US and even as a guest professor in Europe for several years until my semi-retirement 12 years ago, after which I've been mostly an AI researcher and a "madical" consultant for sick-care "professionals."

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Yes the dry run with the swine flu of 2009 exposed some holes in the scheme- that the media and internet had to be captured to fill.

Thanks to Jane Burgermeister and others,( who really haven't done well since, other than to possibly still be alive.)


I am aware of some of the sick breeding programs of the ' stars'. I know that some occult organisations like the Masons etc, will use astrology/ astronomy "the stars" to allign births to specific dates that have the planet's alligned etc for breeding certain character traits... And I don't discount this as having some possible truths.

Hell, bankers use astrology, and I have used it myself in business to predict people's behaviour ( mainly to plan my own recovery periods)

I chat with Pirate Studebaker.

She was being bred for the Hollywood scene, and managed to get out. Truly horrible... Makes my personal traumas seem as insubstantial as gravel rash-


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Plateau written by The Meat Puppets in 1984... Quite fitting...

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It sure is.

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got my sense of empathy from my grandfather, who was a gentle and wise GP, and ended up not a janitor but working with "difficult" children. intuition, no training and many, many good experiences. and I was always good friends with the janitors, so many of whom could perform magic :-))

morale of the story: everyone should have the opportunity to do what one's good at.

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My mother grew up in Hungary during WW2, and went through hell numerous times even after that. She was still such a wonderful soul, open for showing me the beauty and the goodness, while trying to shield me from all the evil around us in our poor, crime-ridden neighborhood. My impression is that nobody can cover the full scale, and she fell victim to some Soviet microwave weapon (the first of its kind) in the late 1970s in Germany...

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We're all janitors now...we'll be cleaning up this mess forever...from now on...

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That's a fact, but how can dirty minds be cleaned up, unless they can respond to the call to be fascinated by the beauty and goodness that is available for, hopefully, everyone. My wife is keeping the light on in our home. :)

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XO to you both...

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I hope you don't lose your job to an illegal alien.

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For that matter, illegals are serving specific purposes:


And legally eligible immigrants are mandated to receive ALL the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections:


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I was born an American. :)

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This is an awfully large mess Ray.

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It needs more "janitors"! :)

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It surely is. :)

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No kidding. :)

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I would be pleased to have such a janitor working with me.

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Would I like the pay? :)

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Probably yes, I'm not quite sure about the work itself. Reactors, catalyst, nitrogen, high pressure water jet, heavy chemicals...

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