Technocracy can be described as the rule by experts. Also, technocracy can be described as social engineering. Who are the engineers? The experts. What’s the goal? Monopolistic control of natural resources and the production of goods and services. How will it be accomplished? Carbon credits. Human beings are the carbon that the technocrats are owning and controlling. Welcome to the New World Order.

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In my understanding, it's more about assigning a new "priesthood," to "scientists," that is... They are only enablers and as such, disposable.

Science itself is a despicable myth:


The globalist already own just about everything that matters, which is why it's not a feasible option to counter them directly:


After artificial riots and looting, people will beg for "law and order" from the very same people who caused the crisis (order ab chao).

The next move, obviously, is the new fiat "currency," and it's been around for a year and a half:


As I previously said, it's not going to last, but it's a question who is going to outlast whom...


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bustin' mah bubbles here...

Helen Keller?! AG Bell (whose wife wuz deaf?!).. those two were sorry surprises (a few more, most I knew... but these defy sanity... Keller wuz one piece'a work--socialist too...)

YES, much've our math / time / astronomy came from the once sane + talented + hardworkin'/thinkin' Arab world from whence we now git (if I may quote the fantabulous CHER:) "gypsies tramps & thieves" + gee haw'd Lord High (really high!) Executioners (sum' change, eh?)

ps they fergot Yates! (yipes)

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I am talking about Scientism now. Do you think Helen was embraced for no good reason?

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Not sure I'm gettin' yer drift here but but what I'm sayin' is that it's surprisin' (ta me at least) that these two were eugenicists. Two "misfits" (Bell bein' one by marriage)--AND he reproduced (with his ostensibly defective wife)!

Eugenics (faux PSY-ants fer sure) is ironic as a phil-OSSIFY in those that would have literally eliminated themselfs (or w/ Bell his wife) if given the option. Just add Stephen Hawking ta that list an' you'll see the insanity of it...(imho)

Yup, I know in both these particular cases it was illness--scarlet fever fer Keller.. mebbe German Measles in Missus Bell but advocatin' that such individuals LIKE themselfs be eliminated from the hew-man race is quite the convolution.

Ironic ta me that of all pee-pull ya'd git fer "spokes-folks" ta cull the herd'd be "imperfect hew-mans" so I'd say both Keller & Bell are interestin' picks ta say the least.

I dunno... were they MORE "effective as defectives" to promote the cullin' of the herd than, say, the likes of cherce speci-mens like blond, blue-eyed, Aryan lookin' Lucky Lindy?) I think normally the "eu-genic" (nice lookin', well packaged specimens) as examples would make the more POWerfull argue-mint... SO all I was sayin' wuz that I find those two interestin' cherces ta promote the cause... STRANGE. wuz not aruguin' either of yer other points at all...

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I'd say the same goes for all organised religions. I live in a country full of Christians that have no clue about the issues with the god of the old testament, the problems with Israel and the concept of a chosen people. They just do and think as they are told, love the word 'amina' and believe they are saved.


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Yes, but Christianity is not used as a state ideology anywhere, and as your article also suggests, it's divided to the extent that it's next to impossible to find an authoritative voice for Christianity.

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Yes, they are very different. One tells the gullible to convert the masses if needed with the sword, the other tells the gullible to always turn the other cheek when said swords enter the conversation. They seem to be made for each other (and they are).

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A most worthwhile discussion, Ray.


I submit that Islam & collectivism must be destroyed.

Also, the moderates hold you down while the radicals remove your head, if no moderates are around, they use rope.

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Some of my ancestors are from Hungary, where the Muslim threat was stopped (actually, it was at Vienna), but only because Christians refused to become slaves. Is there such a determination around now? In me, yes. Anyone else?

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Well, I for one, most of us good old boys here in the South, for sure.

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"Assigning “experts” is the common denominator between Islam and Scientism. The commoner is assigned the role of a moron. Some things never change, I guess…".

Berdyaev wrote in the 30's but he could say this today-Faced with the realities of Christian history and culture and the impending demonic technicization of man, Berdyaev can only conclude that, “Either a new epoch in Christianity is in store for us and a Christian renaissance will take place, or Christianity is doomed to perish,” though he knows full well that the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Berdyaev wagers on behalf of the Church Triumphant, but he condemns degenerate Christianity when he sees it because he knows a failure of culture is at its core a failure of Christianity. He recognizes the paradox. The paradox is that only Christianity can save the world from Christianity. Thus Berdyaev prophesizes the arrival of “the new Christianity” which will “rehumanize man and society, culture and the world” because “[o]nly in Divine-humanity, the Body of Christ, can man be saved.” But such regeneration is not without conditions:

“The future depends upon our will and upon our spiritual efforts. This must be said about the future of the entire world. The part to be played by Christianity will certainly be enormous on condition that its old fictitious forms are left behind and that its prophetic aspect is revealed as the source of a different attitude towards the social problem.”

In this light I offer a poetic glimpse of the lived existence which is sleepless nights and haggard days.

Jeffers-Night Without Sleep

The world's as the world is;/ the nations rearm and prepare to
change;/the age of tyrants returns;
/The greatest civilization that has ever existed builds itself higher
towers on breaking foundations./
Recurrent episodes; they were determined when the ape's children
first ran in packs, chipped flint to an edge./I lie and hear dark rain beat the roof, and the blind wind.
In the morning perhaps
I shall find strength again
To value the immense beauty of this time of the world,/ the flowers
of decay their pitiful loveliness,/ the fever-dream
Tapestries that back the drama and are called the future./ This
ebb of vitality feels the ignoble and cruel
Incidents, not the vast abstract order./

I lie and hear dark rain beat
the roof, and the night-blind wind.
/In the Ventana country darkness and rain and the roar of waters
fill the deep mountain-throats.
/The creekside shelf of sand where we lay last August under a slip of stars,
And firelight played on the leaning gorge-walls, is drowned and
lost. /The deer of the country huddle on a ridge
In a close herd under madrone-trees; /they tremble when a rockslide
goes down, they open great darkness-
Drinking eyes and press closer./

Cataracts of rock
Rain down the mountain from cliff to cliff and torment the
stream-bed. /The stream deals with them. /The laurels are wounded,/
Redwoods go down with their earth and lie thwart the gorge. /I
hear the torrent boulders battering each other,/
I feel the flesh of the mountain move on its bones in the wet

Is this more beautiful
Than man's disasters? /These wounds will heal in their time; so
will humanity's. /This is more beautiful ... at night . . .

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Oh, dear. I just wish you were more merciful and made it shorter and, perhaps, limit your range to the average reader here who is not illiterate, but not necessarily educated to your level, either...

Also, can you, please, format the second part of your comment and re-post it? (Night Without Sleep) My eyes are going yo-yo, as if I were reading Cyrillic. :)

Please, notice that except for me, only a few will read your comment, no matter how ingenious it is... Under such circumstances, I usually start a new article in response to another one. Why don't you and just provide a link to it?

Yes, Berdayev is right; it's the end of Christianity, unless it can renew itself. Its "leaders" were shown to be captured during the Plandemic.

While Christianity is the only hope left for the "West," it has been heavily divided to the point the even all the King's men couldn't put it back together again...

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Ray-https://www.poemhunter.com/poem/night-without-sleep/. Thank you as always for your insight. I know the writing is college level. The writers I like are in the trees like fruit so I stretch to read them rightly over my life. I know in the 80-’s NATO training manuals are in 6th grade English.

Facebook was concerned by words written for college level readers of English. So I came to Substack no caring much what the results would be except type type type.

How we, FACEBOOK CENSORS made this decision

Our technology found your content doesn't follow our Community Standards. You write. As a result, our technology took action.

Our systems automatically calculate how many times your activity goes against our rules. We count words, phrases, clauses, tense and content and match them to Community Standards pulled out of our Technology.

We use the same rules around the world for everyone but the secret police of your country ask us simply to quarantine, flag as insolent, impudent, and indifferent, Insallah, Peace Be Upon the Prophet Colossus who guides us with his wise instruction like a great Helmsman.

Our technology and teams work in many languages to make sure our rules are applied consistently.

“[...]the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes “Awww!”

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for me their exixt only three types of people ... the good the bad and the ones that dont know. also what religon is God ? all organized religons are become just politics,,, me thinks its enough to try to be a good person who try to imbibe virtue , leave the rest to the good God, he decides who goes to heaven , not any priest with their scripture their fruits are well known historically,,, the problem is some of what they say think and do is true and good , and some are bad , so we have to be brave enough to discern between good and bad , then make a choice to follow ,,, dear God of goodness truth and love please enlighten our/my darkness

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As long as anything gets organized, it's infiltrated and hijacked. Roman Catholicism may have been the last prominent example. The rulers fail, when they think they can do the same to Islam. Islam is monolithic and it CANNOT be changed...

The plandemic demonstrated that most priests sold out their flock for a can of soup, because they are not good for anything else than "following orders." I have been shedding tears for the sheep without shepherds, but only the few who wants help can be helped, and I've never been a sheep... I refused to participate, because I refused to live in fear; been there, done that...

Actually, it is the person who decides where (s)he goes; God is only leaving it up to him/her. As I put it in a poem at the age of 19, which actually shows you the world in which I grew up,


You are piling up blocks on each other; green ones, blue ones.

Everyone will get what they expect.

Wild geese are crying out.

Stray dogs are crossing the railroad tracks.

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Islam was the wildest success ever, if you ask me.

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Christianity was not half bad, either. Nearly quarter of the world (sorry, no body count here) is still in China and another in India, where none of the two prevails.

Certainly, no country invaded by Muslims was ever able to break free without external help. Islam is now "coming home."

Is it still a success? My impression is that it's being used, with all its antediluvian beliefs, for destroying the "West." After that, it will be "properly" discarded or, perhaps, transformed into the "One-World Religion":


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yes, a wild, wild success. Ofc islam is used. was created for that very purpose, to conquer with fearless armies ready to march into sure death in the unshakeable belief of ending up in heaven with slaves and what not. Its all just a way to rule over the plebs, it doesnt matter what clothing is put on it, priests, scientists, all the same modus operandi to control little you an me. Whatever works. Turns out telling people they get nice things in the afterlife works. Its just the assassins guild all over again.

They found some sorry dimwit, drugged him, brought him in to the secret level in their fort where they installed fountains of milk, willing women and nice food and kept him there for a week, then drugged him again and brought him back home where the guilds speaker told him he was in heaven and he has to murder this or that man to get back there. Then they laughed through the tortured to death session for killing some big shot in the unshakeable belief of ending up in that level with the milk fountains and willing women.

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Collectivism is the umbrella term for Communism, Socialism, Scientism and Islam. They reward group thinking and punish expressions of free will and individualism. Scientism can be added to that list because it is a cult of blind obedience.

Communism sucks, that is why they must lie, cheat and steal to get into power. Christianity is in the way of communism. The family is in the way of the communists claiming your children as their own ( their promoted perversions bear no children, so they need yours). The West remembers the promise of free will and the birthright of freedom. That is why the communists destroy Christianity, family and Western traditional values.

God gave you the miracle of life to live it. Self-defence does not violate this law because God wants you to live free and multiply, not be a punching bag for tyrants. Dying without a fight helps neither you, your family or your community. Remember who you are.

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" This is the Borg . Prepare to assimilate . Resistance is futile ."

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And we should answer : Resistance is fertile ! ✊️

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" Molon labe ! " Hmmm...

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The Borg has nothing to offer me. I choose another path. Thank you.

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Than you choose resistance .

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Yes, the "scientist" is supposed to be the latest brand of priesthood:


There are collectivist and individualistic cultures (the latter one starting in ancient Greece).

ALL ideologies used for maintaining "law and order" in history were maintained by the rulers at the point of the sword, no matter what. That's how ideologies (religions often used as such, which still doesn't invalidate them) "survived."

Free Will is mostly a myth, because in my experience, fewer than one in a thousand people ever use it:


Self-defense, in my understanding, is a duty, under most circumstances. It starts with retaining human dignity:


We all die, but perhaps being allowed to meet our own conditions:


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I call it "SCIENTISM". Faith in the authority above all else. This is a rebranded cult.

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Technically, Scientism is a belief that science if going to answer all questions even about human existence, which is only possible, if we are living in a simulation, which I would prefer not to believe, although at my heyday in chess, I was able to think 15-20 moves ahead, and had to stop, because it made me feel that everything was predestined or, at least, out of my control...

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Jan 16
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Bill, are your REALLY ready to put yourself on public display with your current comment? Incredible... Did I mention I'll have to ban your trolling, unless you change your course?

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Instead of going on opinionating, name-calling, and trips somewhere else in your mind's remote universe, point out where I am wrong. Before that, please, familiarize yourself with the techniques of trolling:


I am expecting you to revise your comment or provide adequate explanation. I am not going to tolerate trolling (I personally don't care, but it deters other readers from reading comments).

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Jan 16
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Correct, to each their own.

Would you care to remove your comment or want to stay in public as a display of trolling?

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Of course, I still have "Bill's" original comments which I could re-post, but let me be merciful. :)

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Bill, Islam is anything but an easy target (ask the survivors at the disgusting place for Charlie Habdo). Islam is a NWO asset, a means to an end.

If you care to actually read my sources, Islam doesn't need to be demonized. :)

Ultimately, you and I both reveal who we are, and I am happy with who I am.

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