I find it very telling that Karen is very "exclusive" with her work, at first I was impressed, now I'll check her work at arms length. Ray, I am studying a lot of the info that keeps coming out. I am in total agreement with you that this whole "covid" thing was a psyop that utilized toxicity as a vector. Graphene Hydroxide is one of the components that I find to be the most toxic. The companies that made the chemical ingredients for the pharma companies to assemble the injection, had many of the descriptions up on their own websites. This may be old news to you, here's a link to Sinopeg:
They were not delivering mRNA, it is obvious that the graphene was the major feature.
No matter how we agree to interpret all this, the structure of Globalist Control is silently being "back engineered," by myself and many others. We must identify the actual controllers located at the center of the onion skin circle of criminals.
When our children become the target of their greedy desire for control; that is where civilization goes to die.
Thank you for your work, Ray I appreciate the realism.
As you also seem to agree, mRNA has been around since 1981, when the Soviets invented it, but I doubt it would be used anywhere else but in the "Green Zones" (aka. death camps).
5G can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide, providing an elegant "kill switch."
Much of what people can see out there is smoke and mirrors and most of them only notice what they are looking for.
It has been, and still is, driving me nuts that most readers (a notch up from TV-viewers) of "alt" sites" (another notch up) are content after imagining they understand a single part of the puzzle and they are so intrigued how smart they think they are that they stop thinking...
I'm just an old dog who can still learn new tricks, but only because I don't even believe in what I know: I know, it's fragmented and incomplete. Still, I've lost most of my friends and family to the Covidian Sect.
There is no "we," but even if there was, what could people do? Well, one thing, they can:
I promise to be brief. All things considered, since the contents of this lethal bioweapon parading as a vaccine are not fully disclosed to us by DARPA or pharmaceutical companies; we have to piece everything together in a linear fashion in our respective areas of expertise and discovery process. In my view, those who concocted such a weapon for effectively decimating 75% of the world population needed to approach the design from a fail-safe position in order to get one "shot" at making it work before the enemy figured it out. So they threw in CRISPR technology with the mRNA, AI self-assembling quantum dot, Hydrogel with Graphene Oxide, 26 poisonous venoms, and two plus parasites to compliment the initial computer-driven signatures for SARS, MERS, HIV, and the coronavirus. Only then to be fully activated and utilized by 5G. Did it really require all of this to cleave the God gene in order to produce transhumans or augmented humans who would do the heavy lifting as laborers for their globalist masters? Yes, by all appearances, yes it did. But there are methods to both prevent and repair most of the damage done given all of the skilled people working on this from a wide variety of approaches. Stay tuned. Stay strong. Stay true!
They CANNOT use mRNA, because they wouldn't know how to stop the chain reaction it would start. "Viruses" are also out of the question, because the existence of a single infectious virus has never been proven.
Toxins, parasites, pathogens and graphene are more than enough, especially when combined with related technologies:
Watch out with RM, Cole (just harmless lipids and salts), and McCullough (Paxlovid and ‘I isolated the virus’). All controlled ops. RM with his nicotine 3.0, PG blood brain barrier studies, HCQ doesn’t work, we need a vaccine, the CIA called me Jan 4; Jill’s a player in the virus space too. He’s paraded out there to call attention off of the IP holders Weissmann and Kirikó at UPenn, Pirthbright, BARDA et al, probably the only people who actually know what’s in the vials if made to spec (lol, bruh, what’s GMP?)
It is not my logic that you like; it is actually yours, because without it, you couldn't get mine. Also, I only provide information and everyone is welcome to make up their own minds.
The tiny particles called "viruses" do exist, but they are most likely exosomes, that is, dead cells discarded by the body, but still carrying partial human DNA. As a result, there is an endless supply of them. Some uniformity can also be observed, depending on the kind of poisoning the body has to deal with.
mRNA, as opposed to graphene oxide, has never been found in the vials. Some sources say it was there in minuscule amounts, but I would say that's only an anomaly in the diagnostic equipment.
Malone may have been part of the development of the "vaccines," but mRNA was developed by the Soviets in 1981:
No she doesn’t
She doesn't what?
I never thought I'd be here where 'iesous' (known as fake name 'Jesus') said there'd be a terrible time of trouble,
and then we read of 'the beast', and a fair amount on that. I think of one scripture that says
'Who can make war with the beast?', so it looks like that time of 'peace and safety' except for
those without 'the 'mark'' who are killed.
This sounds to me like 'transhumanism'. Not the initial transhumanism, never the first out of the gate.
No, it's the changes made. Trudeau in Canada emulates this method introducing things that really
escalate, putting in a 300 PAGE Amendment(!!), really??, at the last minute. Such a thing should be
verboten, but we don't have those 'laws' yet. Every day more laws are needed for what this
group do to Canadians. He's on target to destroy Canada, make it for WEF.
So, another part of the dark puzzle, and he certainly pushed the 'vaccine' and over 80 doctors
in Ontario, many young, very fit, DIED after the booster, forget which one.
But I think we've arrived.
I think you've written articles on this time, and one above here. I'll want to read what you put.
We're seniors, and very happy about that, on the last segment of our journey.
And there's surely never a dull moment, we can all testify to that.
Stay well, find joy wherever you can, be it a flower, a plant, a kitten, a child,
whatever helps you. It's better to think on what is good than dwelling on all the rest.
We should know it, and put it away. My view, anyway. Thanks again.
I find it very telling that Karen is very "exclusive" with her work, at first I was impressed, now I'll check her work at arms length. Ray, I am studying a lot of the info that keeps coming out. I am in total agreement with you that this whole "covid" thing was a psyop that utilized toxicity as a vector. Graphene Hydroxide is one of the components that I find to be the most toxic. The companies that made the chemical ingredients for the pharma companies to assemble the injection, had many of the descriptions up on their own websites. This may be old news to you, here's a link to Sinopeg:
They were not delivering mRNA, it is obvious that the graphene was the major feature.
No matter how we agree to interpret all this, the structure of Globalist Control is silently being "back engineered," by myself and many others. We must identify the actual controllers located at the center of the onion skin circle of criminals.
When our children become the target of their greedy desire for control; that is where civilization goes to die.
Thank you for your work, Ray I appreciate the realism.
Thank you for thinking for yourself.
As you also seem to agree, mRNA has been around since 1981, when the Soviets invented it, but I doubt it would be used anywhere else but in the "Green Zones" (aka. death camps).
5G can turn graphene oxide into graphene hydroxide, providing an elegant "kill switch."
Much of what people can see out there is smoke and mirrors and most of them only notice what they are looking for.
It has been, and still is, driving me nuts that most readers (a notch up from TV-viewers) of "alt" sites" (another notch up) are content after imagining they understand a single part of the puzzle and they are so intrigued how smart they think they are that they stop thinking...
I'm just an old dog who can still learn new tricks, but only because I don't even believe in what I know: I know, it's fragmented and incomplete. Still, I've lost most of my friends and family to the Covidian Sect.
There is no "we," but even if there was, what could people do? Well, one thing, they can:
Civilization is about to end, no matter which side is going to "win":
I promise to be brief. All things considered, since the contents of this lethal bioweapon parading as a vaccine are not fully disclosed to us by DARPA or pharmaceutical companies; we have to piece everything together in a linear fashion in our respective areas of expertise and discovery process. In my view, those who concocted such a weapon for effectively decimating 75% of the world population needed to approach the design from a fail-safe position in order to get one "shot" at making it work before the enemy figured it out. So they threw in CRISPR technology with the mRNA, AI self-assembling quantum dot, Hydrogel with Graphene Oxide, 26 poisonous venoms, and two plus parasites to compliment the initial computer-driven signatures for SARS, MERS, HIV, and the coronavirus. Only then to be fully activated and utilized by 5G. Did it really require all of this to cleave the God gene in order to produce transhumans or augmented humans who would do the heavy lifting as laborers for their globalist masters? Yes, by all appearances, yes it did. But there are methods to both prevent and repair most of the damage done given all of the skilled people working on this from a wide variety of approaches. Stay tuned. Stay strong. Stay true!
They CANNOT use mRNA, because they wouldn't know how to stop the chain reaction it would start. "Viruses" are also out of the question, because the existence of a single infectious virus has never been proven.
Toxins, parasites, pathogens and graphene are more than enough, especially when combined with related technologies:
Are you saying, then, there was NO mRna in the mRna Experimental 'Vaccine'? I'd read they didn't always use
that much, and this you're saying makes sense: can't control it like the toxins, known poisons, parasites.
So, was THAT the 'vaccine', the one mandated? Couldn't they get samples and prove this?
Did they do that? What about Robert Malone who is credited with mRna? Sure can't figure him out.
A question about viruses, so then ALL viruses are fake for sure? Nobody responds to the questions
around other viruses like 'Dengue Fever' (only by 'infected' mosquitos?}, and 'Malaria'?
Do we just say then 'oh, it's 'something else'? We were told Dengue was in Panama near the
Columbian border on the Pacific side, I think? I don't think there was industry nearby.
I'd like something definitive if it were possible about 'viruses'. It's surely true if they haven't
found any, then that's telling. So, then we have no idea, and thus no recourse on those
other 2 diseases?
I like your logic. But where should I go about these other areas then?
I wonder if we can even BE definitive about viruses? None, some, all (we proved not all, not 'covid'), what
about 'some' in some form then?
Are we saying since there's no covid, no polio, no Spanish Flu, there's NO Viruses?
This niggles.
Watch out with RM, Cole (just harmless lipids and salts), and McCullough (Paxlovid and ‘I isolated the virus’). All controlled ops. RM with his nicotine 3.0, PG blood brain barrier studies, HCQ doesn’t work, we need a vaccine, the CIA called me Jan 4; Jill’s a player in the virus space too. He’s paraded out there to call attention off of the IP holders Weissmann and Kirikó at UPenn, Pirthbright, BARDA et al, probably the only people who actually know what’s in the vials if made to spec (lol, bruh, what’s GMP?)
I would also take Kingston with a pinch of salt:
It is actually possible to learn from controlled opposition; there is hardly anything else out there, anyway:
Thank you for your contribution.
It is not my logic that you like; it is actually yours, because without it, you couldn't get mine. Also, I only provide information and everyone is welcome to make up their own minds.
The tiny particles called "viruses" do exist, but they are most likely exosomes, that is, dead cells discarded by the body, but still carrying partial human DNA. As a result, there is an endless supply of them. Some uniformity can also be observed, depending on the kind of poisoning the body has to deal with.
mRNA, as opposed to graphene oxide, has never been found in the vials. Some sources say it was there in minuscule amounts, but I would say that's only an anomaly in the diagnostic equipment.
Malone may have been part of the development of the "vaccines," but mRNA was developed by the Soviets in 1981:
Environmental and "medical" poisoning go hand in hand:
As for mosquitoes et al.,
All my articles are parts of the same construct.
Modern Rockefellerian "Medicine" has been a scam for a hundred years by now: