And we wonder why there are white skies? Plane emissions, whether leaving contrails - condensed emission's, or not, are spraying the planet continuously with highly toxic chemicals.

Keep an eye on the sky - Del Big Tree of Highwire interviews Climate Viewer Jim Lee


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Lead poisoning = croaky RFK jr voice😂😂😂

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Sounds like all the goodies I grew up on and the Good and Plenty candies must have been packed with titanium dioxide to make them so white and crunchy in the theater. Yikes. Just one of the many contaminants in a junk food diet my first few bodies were made from. Every seven years you replace all the cells and can flush out much of the past, but it takes long term changes, not a week or two. Youthing, rengenerating healty living and thinking is possible. Never give up and believe you have to get older and weaker every day as if one equates to the other. The aging is relative to the care and exercise, the continual grounding and regeneration of our cells, breathing, eating, and thinking in a way that eases stress and increases joy, love, and good relationships. Wii can get better as wii detox and regenerate how wii express our spirit in body experience.

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The latest trend seems to be polyethylene glycol, which strangely links to the consumption of sodium citrate (some forms of sodium citrate can contain excessive amounts of PG, which can even lead to death):


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Another mammal's blood has been known to do similar things to us for at least 120 years. Say monkeys or snakes.

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Well snakes arn't mammals of course. Most of them anyway.

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Do you have more details? There are certainly strange things in animals.

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I was referring to snakes such as Bill Gates, a kind of a joke. But I think the creatures around us do have an impact on us maybe by osmosis.

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Sounds a lot like Countess Elizabeth Bathory of Hungary (or is it Hungry?). Isn't it nice (sarcasm) to know that nothing much has really changed these last 600 years? Just new and gruesome ways to murder people.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 26, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Since Rockefeller’s takeover of education and pharmaceuticals in the 1800’s—for the purpose of creating hundreds of “slow-death” metabolic disorders (heart disease, diabetes, cancer, lupus…), human health has definitely NOT improved over time.

With the pollution, manipulation and their “stolen right” to define what the hell clean water and food is, such as turning a toxic, refining byproduct such as fluoride into a public water supply additive, you know, to fight cavities with weaker teeth, brittle-bone disease and insanity…to evolving axil grease into Crisco to, you know, make pie crusts crispy, as well as your arteries…to crappy Corn Flakes for insane asylum patient’s, um, insanity treatments; GMO’s; herbicides & pesticides for healthier plants; vaccines…

Holy Hell on earth, these monsters have been so bloody literal in Protocol over the centuries, I cannot believe all the lawyers involved in policy writing, to date, have any rights to claim plausible deniability or immunity, whatsoever, but they do, in spite of 1% of humanity “understanding” this fraud. What the hell are We the Sheeple waiting for, a goddam miracle, perhaps a “good” manmade end-of-times event to finish us off? Blood is shooting out of my f🤬g eyeballs. But still, great article.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Refining by products is what they're good at. Where do you think they get radioactive material for microwaves? Nuclear waste. Probably goes into radiological medical use as well.

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They have enough even for dirty bombs that they have used for decades...

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Yes, radioactive waste does indeed go toward medical use, in both civilian practice and the unsuspecting human-soldier lab-rat kinds, but also into depleted uranium munitions, smoke detectors, glow-in-the-dark art…and recently straight into our ocean-food ecosystems; Japan’s dumping of tons and tons of the shit just in the past month.

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Moreover, it's possible that Fukushima was intentional.

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Intentional as a 9/11 data-center burn x 4 buildings in one day, the intentional clean & sweep afterwards, followed by the “intentionally-bogus” 9/11 Investigative Report that explained it all. All so bloody intentional.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Author

I hope, it helps.

One of the maxims I follow is, "If it can be done, someone will do it."

It was possible to do it...

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Worked at a woodshop in Michigan for 3 years; the wood was fine, but when they used fiberboard materials for cabinets, it was sprayed with titanium dioxide fillers before it was painted. That shit is some bad news, I imagine some of my mates from that time (we sanded those tops before painting, and yes we wore masks but ) are already dead. So far so good for me, but have to admit most of what we have invented the last 100 years should be classified as poisons.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

At the same time, useful elements like iodine and strontium are labeled as toxic!

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Well that was extremely useful information, even though I don't at the moment have a husband I need to get rid of 🤪

I have a water distiller that gets rid of a lot of toxic crap, like fluoride. I'm sure Kentucky spring water is better, but this seems to help survive in the suburbs.

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Oct 25, 2023·edited Oct 25, 2023Author

Kentucky has karst water, but the village here has municipal water through antediluvian pipes that travel several miles across pesticide-infested lands. We have to use a whole-house particle filter, a whole-house carbon filter, and for cooking and drinking, a reverse-osmosis system. Water must be warmed up to 174F/80C in case it has hydrogels in it that would deliver graphene oxide into the body, and add rock salt to replenish the water with micronutrients.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Well, you can watch the extremely toxic TV news media and torture yourself to death that way.

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I remember about eight years ago, I was a guest in a friend's house, when they turned on the 6 o'clock news. After about 30 seconds, I simply had to leave the house and ask the host to tell me, when the news was over. I simply couldn't stand the lies or even the tone.

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Oct 25, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Which network (or affiliate)?

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Jun 18Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Whenever I visit my Mom she always has MSNBC on, and it's always a surreal experience to watch the overt lies and propaganda. It's probably normal for them, but if you are relatively awake and don't watch TV (me) then it's horrifying; right out of Fahrenheit 451 or 1984

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No clue, but I don't think it would matter to me. I've never watched much TV. My wife and I don't even have one, and I don't watch videos (this one is from my wife, who often gives me ideas for articles).

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I guess the business of life and death is fashionable as well soul killing and quite profitable

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