Sorry, it’s a silent alarm.
Tracking is everywhere: the slaves and the condemned must be identified, located, and their movement restricted
The “elected representatives” of the people of the United States are about to empower the WHO to muzzle, “test,” inject, and imprison (“quarantine”) people at will. Digital IDs are in development and the CBDC is crawling in. Those over 65, must register for Medicare in order to receive Social Security, and over $100 is deducted from miserable Social Security “pensions” and the SSI. Life insurers want your DNA, just like it was stolen with the PCR “tests,” but your blood work and your tissue samples (from biopsies, pap smears, miscarriages, and abortions) and are also traded, and even paternity tests, DNA tests for “hereditary conditions,” or a humble BAC roadside test can perform the job. Your “digital ID” will certainly include your DNA details. Data collection and personal tracking fit into the pattern of the rapidly-developing globalist control. And I haven’t even mentioned facial recognition and the limitless possibilities of being impersonated by AI or by entities that already possess sufficient amount of personal details to emulate someone’s linguistic code, opinions, looks, and voice prints that can be combined with everything written, announced, or presented in person in the presence of any data-collecting agent (e.g. a cell phone, a landline, or anything connected to the internet or a private network).
The Prelude
According to the commonplace, “if something is free, you are the product.” Of course, most commoners have been products all their lives without realizing it. The technocrats’ “paradise” might work for them, too, at least to sober them up, if for no other reason. The difference is that in the cashless setup of the future, someone’s “cash value” will be replaced with their “usefulness in the system” that will be constantly assessed by the central AI that is already running the live worldwide simulation that is advising the globalists about the next steps. If one’s usefulness wears out, the AI will dispassionately issue a termination code, and the person’s kill switch becomes activated, with the death probably assigned to another invented illness or, perhaps heroified as volunteers to be “sacrificed” on the altar of “saving the Planet.”
It’s very much possible that “vaccines” already contain antidotes to some common forms of lethal poisoning that is meant to eliminate those who do not fit in or cannot be “meaningfully” handled1. Not-so-strangely, modern compliance training goes back to the days, when personal tracking was introduced a little more than 100 years ago:
Still, it looks like more technocratic experimentation will be needed in order to achieve technological perfection, so giant “evacuation centers” have been set up all over the United States, and residents can soon expect FEMA buses to pick up the “useless eaters,” the “basket(s) of deplorables,” the dysfunctional, and the disobedient. A few glitches in the rationing system, some water or energy shortages will ensure that the buses will be filled with volunteers for the camps that have been euphemistically allocated as “Green Zones”:
The NRA used for establishing trust
Perhaps not quite by accident, only a few days after I published my introductory article for new gun-owners (https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/gunning-for-success), the following e-mail reached me, precariously bearing the “approval of the NRA.”
The URL is called view.mybenefitprograms.com, and the message itself is an “NRA Approved Member Service Program.” Specifically, it has been “approved” enough by the NRA to have the NRA emblem included in the e-mail, but when I am copying the web page from the e-mail here, the emblem, for better or worse, is already missing (it’s supposed to be above the picture of the hiking couple). Opening the page comes with a personal identifier in the URL that assigns a unique code to my computer and to my reaction, so I am omitting its traces in my quoted version:
Dear NRA Member
[my name]
As an NRA Member who has already activated NRA approved coverage, we have authorized your provisional registration in a broad package of medical assistance services, also approved by the NRA.
Please Register Now
All are VITAL in an emergency [link to the “Emergency Assistance Validation Center”] —whether you’re on a hunting trip a few hours from home … traveling on business or with your family … or even out of the country.
Called Emergency Assistance Plus® (EA+®), this dependable program helps you handle almost any crisis when you’re away from home. It’s a critical safety net that helps pay for emergencies your health insurance generally will NOT cover and is available at a price you’ll find hard to believe. Not because it’s too costly, but because it’s so reasonable.
It stands as an important medical and emergency service expansion since you already have NRA approved insurance coverage.
More than 20 emergency transportation and medical services including …
Emergency Medical Evacuation by Ground or Air Ambulance if deemed medically necessary to get you to a more appropriate hospital if your current facility can't properly treat your medical condition.
Your acceptance is guaranteed, but you must Validate your status within the next 10 days.
And it’s yours on a fully guaranteed basis. That means you cannot be turned down when you validate your status within the next 10 days!
To help you quickly take care of this time-sensitive matter, just visit the NRA approved EA+ Online Validation Center. Everything you need to validate your NRA approved emergency services is included on this secure, fully encrypted website. Just tell us who you want protected and how you’d like to handle future payments.
But it’s important to act on this notice right away. Your provisional registration is only valid for the next 10 days. As a result, I strongly urge you to lock in your guaranteed NRA approved EA+ plan by going to the Online Validation Center today.
Matt Bishop
Program Administrator for the
NRA Approved EA+ Program
P.S. Validation required to place your name on the “ACTIVE” list for EA+ in addition to your current coverage. Your EA+ status is now marked as “provisional.” That entitles you to streamlined validation privileges when you act within the next 10 days.
Please validate your EA+ services now. You’re already pre-approved so you cannot be turned down. We just need to know who you want to enroll and how you want us to bill you in the future. Please register for your expanded NRA approved EA+ plan privileges now.
NRA Member dues or contributions are not used for this promotion, program or any other related expenses.
Please do not reply to this message. If you have any questions, please contact us at 1-844-603-0565 Monday-Friday, between 8am and 7pm Eastern Time.
© 2023 AGIA
The EA+® and Emergency Assistance Plus® service marks are federally registered and owned by Worldwide Rescue & Security, Inc. The Emergency Assistance Plus program is owned and operated by Worldwide Rescue & Security, Inc., and the individual Member relationships and all written materials, information, and goodwill associated with the service marks and program are the confidential property of Worldwide Rescue & Security, Inc.
Emergency Assistance Plus® (EA+®) is not insurance, it is a membership plan. This is only an outline of the plan's features. Hospitalization (admitted as an inpatient) is a requirement to be eligible for some services. All services must be arranged and provided by EA+. Please read the EA+ Member Guide carefully to understand all the services available to you, as well as any rules and regulations.
This email was sent by: NRA Approved Member Service Program
P.O. Box 9887 Phoenix, AZ, 85068, USA
At first, the whole scheme looks like the usual money-making ripoff, especially because of the 10-day deadline (as if that mattered). This service is not free, but members are already inevitably products; I’ll elaborate on that a bit later.
According to another platitude, “you get what you pay for,” which is embalmed wisdom to hook people on certain services or products that can cost a fortune or are at least not free (hiding contents behind paywalls on Substack is an immediate example). The cost of this “service” is described as a money-saving one for prospective members:
Can you imagine what you’d pay for on air ambulance on your own? To fly a specialist in to supervise your care? To fly in a loved one and then fly you both back home with you in the care of a nurse escort if deemed medically necessary? Or to have someone drive your stranded vehicle back home … even over thousands of miles?
Now compare those sky-high costs to the reasonable rate for NRA Approved EA+:
For only 36¢ a day … $10.75 a month … just $129 for a full year, you can lock in this solid emergency “safety net.”
And only $40 more protects your family.
In order to avoid scams, you might want to check out the BBB (better Business Bureau) ratings for Worldwide Rescue & Security, Inc., but let me spare you the time:
So, for your information, here is an enterprise that has been active for 67 years and it has a the highest-possible A+ rating without a single complaint or, for that matter, a single record, except for its flawless rating:
Who owns the BBB? The government is owned by the globalists. Can one put two and two together?
In these days of globalist takeover, the name, Worldwide Rescue & Security, Inc., might suggest more than it was originally supposed to imply.
Tracking the company back
My chances of needing the service are close to zilch, which might be a good sign and only shows that this “insurance” is like term life insurances, which are profitable for insurers, because they are hardly ever cashed in.
The owners of an enterprise, once identified, can reveal more than enough about the nature of the endeavor and its potential ulterior motives. So, who owns the company?
To my internet query, Datanyze comes up with a “browser not supported” error message. Zoominfo wants to install something into my computer. D&B offers a “free trial” that, of course, requires registration with my personal data and the promise of future automatic payments deducted from the bank or credit-card account. Finally, I gain access to useful information from Generali Global Assistance intimating that in 2019, GGA went into partnership with Worldwide Rescue & Security “to provide Identity Resolution services,” which is already on the level of the convoluted and ever-changing global asset management companies that are primary tools for the program of “you will own nothing”:
Bethesda, Md. – February 26, 2019 – Worldwide Rescue & Security, Inc. and Generali Global Assistance today announced a strategic partnership to provide Identity Resolution services to members of affinity organizations and loyalty clubs. The companies will collaborate to deliver a best-in-class product and service that will provide victims of identity theft and fraud the necessary tools and assistance needed to reestablish their good standing with financial institutions, lenders, government institutions, and credit bureaus.
At this point, hunting down the owners becomes a wild-goose chase, but it’s unnecessary, anyway, because the participants are already well-known (Blackrock, Vanguard, State Street, and a number of minor players, probably owned or controlled by the “big three” just the same).
Volunteer to be tracked
Needless to say, once your identity is stolen, nobody can do a thing (except for perhaps paying for your court appearances, but probably not more than once), but the system certainly identifies and tracks you after you register. In short, you volunteer to be tracked.
The current system is flawed to the point that it mixes up or merges existing or even deceased “clients,” so your participation in enabling the system to hunt you down is most appreciated, especially because you are even paying for it, as you have paid, and are expected to pay, for the mass murder with the “covid” injections. Your concentration camp ID, the Social Security Number, could be easily shadowed, if the government actually cared for your privacy2; for this reason, some credit card companies issue alternative card details that are directly linked to you and nobody is supposed to be able to access it even on the Dark Web that uses up to 90 percent of internet traffic.
Heck, an alternative SSN# would only be another tracking system for you to pay for, but it’s kind of redundant for the system by now, because it has many alternative methods to keep track of you, gather your data, and perhaps issue a kill switch for you3.
Anyway, the word “global” keeps coming up.
The company website offers “peace of mind” for those engaged:
“Travel protection” is added to “emergency assistance,” which reminds me of the previous and the upcoming limits on traveling (e.g. passports have been around since WW1); the page even attempts to scare visitors with the “covid” threat4.
People are usually tracked as “government assets5,” pay for their own imprisonment, while their governments are owned by the globalist banking interests that control access to money and uses whole countries (the US certainly) as collateral for the “debt” that is in fiat currency with no intrinsic value to begin with6.
The alarm sounded a long time ago:
These days, even the prison industry fulfills its functions, but meting out “justice” is hardly one of them. It seems to act as a pressure valve for those who are threats to the equilibrium in the system where government agencies are making a killing off the drug trade and organ/human trafficking, and competitors are caught and imprisoned for a show of “justice.”
The government doesn’t care for your property; it declared ownership over your property:
Kill switch in action?
This is from 2020, but it’s still left on the website:
Remember that clip where billy goates says with a smirk with his now x wife sitting beside him on a sofa that "The next pandemic will get their attention" -I mean he is saying this smirking-How obvious is it that it is all being planned and why on this God green earth is he still breathing ????????
“Run runner, run!” That about sums it up.