Good stuff - I remember you from earlier in the substack age - but drifted away - only 24 hours in the day. Re-booked marked!

I was on HT meds for about 8 months - the.most.poisonous substances I have ever ingested - they changed everything - including totally wrecking a life-long exemplary large intestine function.

Now - I am drug free - lots of water - exercise - Magnesium etc supplements and I don't stress about it. I am wonderfully healthy and MD free for five+ years. (Vax-free too, of course).

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I am adapting to my “sleep issue”. For knowing my own body and health it is safe to say, all good at 68. That said I sleep mostly sound for 5-6 hours. I become waken by a pee call but knowing I am going to not fall back asleep I embrace it make a cup of coffee and find something interesting on Substack or wherever to ponder. The mental energies and caffeine kick in and a higher state of being emerges. Within a couple of hours I’m drowsy so back a little dreamy sleep for usually 3 hours. Up again for my second morning enjoying what ever the Fuk gets my attention. Do I have a sleep problem?

How many people do you know that have 730 mornings per year? Not to mention all the night life stirring around at the edge of woods. Now imagine going to see dr quack.

No need to project that outcome.

Haven’t had any form insurascam for over 20 years and reaping the mental freedom of ignorance of the whole complex of what you describe in this excellent piece of journalism.

Be good, access, adapt, and just do what works and self adjust as the need reveals…

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In the Middle Ages, people tended to get up in the middle of the night, congregate around the fire, tell stories for a couple of hours, and go back to sleep. :)

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Evidence for that is strong; natural sleep in a 7 to 9 hour period occurs in two clearly defined cycles; so, it's more like they woke naturally at the conclusion of cycle 1; were active for a period and then returned to sleep. Also, some claim that wakeful period was a very common time for sexual relations. Me? - I've been getting some good reading done some nights- with very good retention - since I stopped trying fight the cycles! Oh wait! BOOK reading, I mean -do NOT turn on the computer.

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biorythm (not everyone sleeps in batches of 10-12 hours at night. or not so much at night but not before the wee hours of the morning). indeed: adapt, improvise, enjoy the good things in life.

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Strangely, when volunteers lived in caves for months, their "day" became 36 hours long. Not sure how much they slept. :)

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Wait a sec ... THAT claim needs more work; I have often seen claims that the natural diurnal body rhythm is close to 24 hours - not exact , closer to 23 (or 25 - can't recall).

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I take 1/4 tsp of cayenne pepper daily for “any” high blood pressure.

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May 11·edited May 11Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

..."medical professionals"...the most disingenuous term ever attached to someone. Most of these cowardly clowns are no better than neophyte hit men and con men. Murderers who claim to be professionals at saving lives. Murderers who are afraid to see themselves as such. Murderers who are afraid to stand up for themselves. Often considered the most intelligent among us...what a freaking joke.

Speaking of BP, I despise the one-size-fits-all category they place everyone into. It's the same with most of medicine. It is utterly ridiculous. Can these ultra-dumb self-proclaimed medical professionals be this obtuse? Sure, they are trained to be cloned chimps never questioning the death they deal to us like candy.

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Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

prescribing blood thinners in combination w/blood-pressure-lowering meds...? I'm not an expert, but that sounds like a stupid solution (while somebody's making a buck there).

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They do it all the time...

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It looks like you know what you are talking about.

Yes, they are professionals at saving lives -- THEIR OWN lives, at least, that's what they believe. All the money in the world will not buy a loaf of bread (not that real loaves are all that common even today) in a few years, and they will be either killed or enslaved all the same. They are already slaves to their own greed and/or ignorance.

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May 11·edited May 11Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Many health issues cause sleep issues. Arthritis, Neuropathy, and Fibromyalgia. I could add PSTD to that list, but those are more nightmares and periodic to the time of the year. I have all three. The best thing we did was buy an adjustable split king bed, it lets us sleep at the angle we have the least pain, DO NOT get the Baffle one, it gets Mold. And stay away from the GI-destructive OTC MEDS. Tylenol may have liver issues, but gut ones are worse. And my BP is normal.

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You are making an important point here. Elevated pulse seems to be a lot more characteristic result of inflammation than HBP. Also, my impression is that the two go hand-in-hand with changes in body temperature, which is unique for every single person (and it certainly changes according to the environment, the biorhythm, and with the sources of ingestion), but it might be a good indicator of the speed of metabolism, although stool/urine production are also indicators, and toxic impact from virtually unlimited sources can change the picture to the extent of unrecognizability.

Still, I am finding it most likely that most "modern" ailments are caused by the appearance of protein modification in the body.

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Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Have you written any article(s) on protein modification? I tried to look it up and found the information to be highly complex and not explaining relation to modern ailments. Thank you for all you do!

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Lot of articles. My discovery happened, while I was writing


I put it into perspective in


Searching for "protein" under "Archive" on my main page brings up several more results.

Apart from that, I am only trying to do something useful before I die. :)

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Yes, and one must remember the latest most damaging thing: microwave technology in radars, cell towers, "smart" meters/appliances, and even over the electric grid. Nobody can escape all those.

Sleep problems in our place mostly come from smart meters that are daisy-chained and transmit data at regular intervals. We tend to wake up around 1 or 2 AM and can't fall asleep for an hour or two after that. Arthritis et al. must have been caused by protein modification in the last 60 or more years, but these days, everyone can be targeted in person, because the nanoparticle-infused people's DNA can be downloaded through wireless transmission and the person can be accurately tracked after that.

Probably most madications are now containing synthetic toxins or their catalysts for accurate delivery into a person's body...

If the body is used to a specific mixture or poisoning, which includes wireless/EMF/ELF, it can accommodate them and adjust itself accordingly up to the point when its tolerance threshold is exceeded. BP alone doesn't indicate any specific condition.

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Nano tech is vulrnable to focused thought words and deeds and emotions are em also ...and spiritual field modalities because their domaions a close both manifest on the same scales they intersect can be parrel and nano tech is controlled by em ,humans are electromagnetic too eg ,ie electrtoencephlagraph electric heart , brain neuronal etc are e m ....only we have a commanding superior biologic and spiritual position .... thats why sincere prayer to the ultimate creative transcendant [ and knowable by our soul ] power is effectual .... good God is our true FATHER revealed by Jesus in the prayer our Father which art in heaven ... thus revealing that we are HEIRS of the allmighty Good GOD of LOVE ,,, "when we return as like the prodigal son " as such we too can command satan as Jesus did ... " get thee behind me satan" That is what satan does not want us to know and do ... and tries to eliminate christian principles .... dear God of goodness truth and love please guide us all how to deal with evil and help us return / turn to goodness truth and love for all

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May 11Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This is a very good overview of our medical predicament, thanks Ray. One point on schizophrenia (I'll use the term loosely) and EMFs to ponder. Auditory hallucinations even of voices can clearly be caused by ELFs, but the person is usually tormented and knows it is not right, a "schizophrenic" will have delusions and believe the voices are some entity. Delusions are much more complex to create than ear sounds and voices. In addition, Kraepelin characterized these symptoms in the 1880s before the world was much electrified or vaccinated:


So I think we need to separate auditory hallucinations due to ELFs that have a special tone (low fuzzy voices) to schizophrenia a term to describe a complex of delusions, strange behavior, and hallucinations, known from before the world was electrified in any substantial way. The validity of a psychiatric diagnosis notwithstanding, there are many people who are clearly delusional with strange behaviors hard to fake, but we should always keep our mind open to things we can't really prove. Intriguing post Ray!

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Thank you. You are pointing out further important things, and it might be a good idea to turn this conversation into my (your? "our"?) next post.

In a way, everyone is "delusional," because the mind constructs and maintains its own cognitive models for its experience, and it is possible that it can be severed from processing new experience in any other way than in a cognitive model that has closed down in a previous state. In fact, I believe that "midlife crisis" is mostly due to people realizing they have irretrievably messed up their lives, but are unwilling to snap out of their previous lies and mistaken judgments. They end up running on an engine whose exhaust goes back to its intake, which eventually stops the engine (the mind). Guilt can severely contribute as well to a mental breakdown.

I have extended experience with schizophrenic patients. I personally had dealings with a victim of a Soviet experiment from the late 1970s, but volunteering for the Psych Ward at the V. A. also had its perks... To me, it looks like there are targets and plain victims to the technology.

When the voices vary and change their points of view, it might be microwave signaling. Patients stuck in this mental mode usually externalize parts of themselves, but I believe, even that sort of thing can be triggered before it becomes automated. The strangest part is, when psychiatrists are usually called in, is self-harm as a reaction to the voices, because schizophrenics are usually not violent.

The history of mind control ranges from programming, as in the case of RFK's "killer"


to the latest technologies:


"Mass shooters" are particularly relevant:


The introduction of new levels of electromagnetic radiation is likely to create both physical and mental problems. Many "schizophrenics" are aware that the voices are not real, and manage to live a "normal" life; perhaps Abe Lincoln is the most famous one, whose condition may have had something to do with the introduction of the telegraph. I have written about the link between schizophrenia and EMF/ELF in April, 2024:


Originally, I introduced the topic in October, 2022:


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May 11Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It is true Ray that there can be a combination of schiz from before EMFs and those getting a little lift from the new EMFs now. The only thing is the incidence of Schiz isnt really changing over the last 50 years and now we are inundated with EMFs up the gazoo, and compared to the 1800s, EMFs now are all over the place. The other day I brought my Trifield into the Train, surrounded by people-mostly middle class students and company workers-on the phone, the RF was bouncing quite high, but there is no specific group here getting Schiz besides the same standard 1% of the population of Schiz people who had some mild symptoms as teens and fell out of society after HS or in college or soon after. I vote that EMFs may be used sporadically and/or target individuals, mostly making them have the low voices but no delusions, just being upset. And you are correct, most Schiz in the psych hospital do not have specific physical symptoms besides that due to over smoking and poor hygiene, especially those under 40.

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There seems to be a link between toxoplasmosis and schiz, which could help explain it's prevelance before EMF

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Here I found a meta anal


it is only finding IgG seropositivity and only in 2/3 of patients, not correlated with brain lesions nor brain autopsy study of the organism. The problem is that antibodies are not specific (that fact is used to scam positive HIV or Covid antibody tests). If Toxoplasma had any actual brain infection in persons most would have more serious neuro signs than schizophrenia. I remember many patients with schiz having CTs or MRIs of the brain and almost always there are no findings. I think we should take this with a grain of salt for now. Thanks.

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"The four have one thing in common: they and all their subsidiaries, suppliers, and customers are owned by globalist-owned investment firms..." And what do They all have in common...? Money.

The Foundational Function of Money (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-foundational-function-of-money

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Actually, the globalists' openly-announced goals are a 95 percent population reduction and full control over the rest in a technocracy in which cyborg slaves perform their function in the IoT.

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True, but that does not change the fact that it is money that has allowed Them to get there (or close to there...so far).

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Again, not exactly. It's the globalists' control over the world's money supply through their central banks what enables them to impose their will on national governments into which they have been infiltrating for decades, anyway.

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May 10Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I agree again, but My point is that if We were to cease needing to account for Our energy added into a system (free energy tech would make that so when out in the open), They would have no tool to power. They could not buy the things and the People to Their nefarious goals.

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This time, you and I agree. My problem with your, as well as my conclusions is, how can the enablers and the enforcers be convinced? Without them, the "elite" would be powerless to prevent the switch from THEIR money to something else. My other problem is that no matter how primitive or sophisticated cultures have been, they have always defaulted to the same five layers of the social setup, which I believe is based on their tribal nature. One can fight a group of people, but cannot fight human nature, which inevitably divides humans. Unity is not possible. Many have tried to achieve it and failed even on the smallest scale like the Pilgrims. :)

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May 10Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This is wise 👆 thank you Ray and AS for the dialogue. The enablers and enforcers, mindless cooperators, reason not, and question not from ‘Fear’ from ‘community’ internalised and externalised threats, fear of failure, fear of loss, or ‘opportunity’ for money, it all works easily. Then community human hero’s are carefully selected, particularly in ‘the science’ as the UK AstraZ rat poisonDame, a notable heroine, yet to give up accolade.

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Well, here's the deal. When We get the free energy tech out in the open, money use will dissipate to zero - this is why They so avidly hide and suppress free energy tech. 100% of the cost of EVERYTHING is energy. The resources sit here freely but it takes energy to put them into useful configuration.

I figure it will be about 10 years from the time We have free energy flowing until the effort to collect a penny for anything becomes more energy than it's worth.

I don't know if You have looked into the societies that developed in abundance - We have abundance now, but profit motive creates artificial scarcities. The caring Ones took care of things, and the psychopaths learned to choose Their behavior Ethically or be outcast (or killed).

And in those societies, no energy accounting arose. No trade/barter, no shells, beads, sticks notched and split, no metals/coins, no paper bills, no electronic bits. And no poverty.

People did what They loved to do...

And, when Our rightful wealth is effectively returned to Us, I see Us congregating - by family, by religion, by interests, by goals. With the three Laws of Ethics as standard.

About Our rightful wealth:

Trusts: The Big Heist Against Humanity (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/trusts-the-big-heist-against-humanity

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