Jul 15Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Electromagnetic radiation (normal levels) should be between: 0,046 - 0,167.

We are experiencing higher levels such as 0.499. 🤦🏽‍♀️

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The problem starts above 30GHz, and there is no way to measure that for the commoner...

The figures are also in my article...

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I keep saying... Profit motive is the most ghastly motive there is. And We can be rid of that!!!

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Money is only an intermediary, and it's ALWAYS the people's money being spent.

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My gut had a hunch in 2020, cell towers for 5G phones were being erected while the world was being sold on 5G phones simultaneously. I went, hmmmmm, what if this is not a coincidence? What a boy cloud seeding? Another interesting topic.

All activated on signals from 5G towers? Coincidence?

And the Chinese company Huawei has a big stake in this.

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Again a very informative and excellent article regarding this all encompassing attack on all of humanity - I think that the biggest problem now is the fact that there is a huge amount of people worldwide who have never heard of this, who still believe all this lying crap from the paid lying media, politicians, doctors - vaccination-doctors included (who will never admit that they took part in a mass murder operation and for money! ) and their whole swarm of helpers believe and are stuck in their mass psychosis/bubble (which was of course planned and deliberately brought about) and will most likely not come out and continue to be injected with this harmful to deadly poison due to lies, manipulation and deception! These toxic-chemical poisonous substances including nanotechnology were 100% injected into people in connection with 5G, 6G etc. (this has been the aim for years now and nobody can really say how long people have been abused as guinea pigs in this regard, if you look at all the abnormal reference studies), everyone should really assume this by now, otherwise this virus lie would have made no sense! And the excessive deaths of 2020 are due to catastrophic hospital protocols, harmful to lethal drug cocktails, far too fast aggressive ventilation, dehydration and the non-stop push of fear etc. - there has already been blood money for this too, and in excess!!! Thank you very much for this article and I will share it with me - and yes, Firstenberg is an excellent source in my opinion!!! We all cannot reach the great masses - THAT is the worst thing for me personally because the harming and killing will continue, especially with this new criminal WHO treaty!!!!



e.g. https://www.protocolkills.com/post/diane-s-story









https://maryann255.substack.com/p/the-truth-is-always-on-the-other-0a4 etc. etc.

And regarding your mention of drones, I think that would also be quite interesting:


Many thanks to you and most of the commentators here!!

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Thank you for your appreciation. If I may, let me suggest that it's a lot more efficient to provide useful links for readers in comment sections in brief comments, and with every link introduced in a sentence or two, to make sure readers would know what to expect. In general, no more than three links are useful, because people just don't read long comments... Also, hardly anyone reads comments after two days, so being an early bird might count.

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Jul 9Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

No doubt it's gotten worse over the past couple of years. 2020 or the first year of covid things got better for awhile only to get worse again in 2021. That's just my perception. I've been shielding for decades. Heavy duty shielding as I don't mess around with shielding cloth and such. One thing I've learned is that no matter what shielding material you use there is one thing you have to add to it. I've got six inches of shielding around my be and head board. But I still will get a headache if I don't use powerful magnets. If you are electrically sensitive it means you are allergic to the south pole. I use 1000 pound magnets (the disk type with a hole in the middle) attached to my headboard. You put the north side of the magnet facing your head.

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Shielding can easily amplify the impact, as in a box where a pebble is shaken. Millimeter-long waves can get into the shielding from anywhere, and the body can react at an alarm, when the exposure suddenly changes. Magnets might collect the magnetic stuff from the air and high-quality air filtration can enhance the protection, but I don't know for sure, because we are talking about nanotech. The graphene cannot be delivered into the body without hydrogel, but hydrogel can be in anything now, and it has been in the last 30 years in domestic stuff.

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This company has a lot of EMF reducing products… Including clothing, paint, and even pop-up tents that you can put on your bed


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Based on the pricing, they are bottom feeders. It doesn't matter, anyway.

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There are places where these are being burned to the ground or destroyed..are these responsible for the “heat wave” we have going on across the nation right now!

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Jul 8Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I take EMFs seriously.

I currently have a melanoma in my eye, which I strongly suspect was caused by an internet signal booster installed some 8 M away; necessary because my rural accommodation was so distant from the signal that it dropped out every few minutes. No signal, no work. I am now away from that setting.

The fatality signal intensity is now quite well known. Let's just accept that as a given. These can kill.

Meanwhile, I conclude that there was no covid and that was just a scare tactic to force the jab. I also conclude the jab kills around 11% immediately or within months of receipt; depending upon the contents of each batch. I suspect that mining employees and hospital workers were given weak or non-toxic doses so as not to reduce profits or disarm the killing machine.

Environmental toxicities are clearly part of the equation; primarily, flu shots, but also all vaccines made in the past two decades. Then comes fluoride, chlorine, food preservatives, aspartame, pesticides, herbicides, lead, aluminium, polysorbate 80, various glycol molecules, and an entire pharma-catalogue of other food poisons.

All of these project a context of death-dealing that seems quite excessive, and expensive. Moreover, it seems plausible in the face of alternative research that the contents of the jab coordinate with EMF signals, which is pointless if death is the only planned outcome.

Therefore, I tentatively conclude that the entire game is multifunctional. Cumulatively, the campaign weeds out the sick, the infirm, the mentally damaged, and generally, those who may prove problematical some time in the future.

This will leave a residue of capable workers who, through graphene oxide/hydroxide, and various other self-replication technology, can become willing and happy slaves, directed through the towers.

Not leaving anything to chance, the WEFfers have made provision for mass rebellion repression in the form of EMF relays mounted on all light poles. Geographic zones of rebellion can be neutralised (cooked) instantly by upping the ante (so to speak)..

A test element would be the killing of athletes with blood clots and micro-clots.

All of this suggests to me that 2030 is a real target date. So how do we contend with fait accompli? To my mind, this will require coordination by the intellectually independent. As far as I can ascertain, that percentage is currently well below 1%. All academics and scientists have been fatally brainwashed to not resist in any meaningful way. This probably extends down through the entire middle class. Only the working class appear to cling to any semblance of reality and as most are preoccupied with TV sport and the events themselves, they are as yet unaware of any threat to their survival. But when their childrten start dying from the jab this will change abruptly.

Herein is the WEFfer's cardinal mistake. Way too many children have been jabbed. This will precipitate a mass fury that will be containable only with mass deaths (ie the EMF blast above 40 Ghz). but this will deplete essential labour pools, which will include cops and military personnel.

Get my drift? A damaged cog in the machine.

We need urgently to identify personnel who control power to the towers. That is all.

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Jul 10Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

That is why all the illegals did not have to get the injections! When they turn it up and people start dropping the illegals step in to be their slave labor!

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Illegals seem to serve four purposes:

1. To be trained in private armies against Americans

2. To be forced into sexual slavery

3. To become involuntary organ "donors"

4. To be subjected to extreme "experiments" in isolated environments

Replacing the workforce has been around since the late 1980s, and with a robotic work force, workers are becoming redundant, anyway. Ironically, that also applies to the enablers (https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/is-everything-fake) and the enforcers (https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/once-a-killer-always-a-killer).

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Tony - thanks for sharing all this. Have you looked at dirty electricity / wiring in your home as a culprit? https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27552371/

The kHz frequencies can do much harm, and potentially turn our homes into a cell tower.

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Yup, Roman, I have heard about it but, as I invariably rent, there is nothing I can do about it. But I would never live close to high voltage.

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Thanks for your reply Tony - have you looked into Stetzer filters?


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I perused those articles and they are indeed valuable for home owners, but when the SHTF I am moving to my own costruction off-grid and with only a small solar system to power a fan in the wet season. All else will be pre-civilisation technology. But many thanks for your help. It is really appreciated, Roman. I recently read how to shield myself and equipment from sustained macro-environment EMF transmissions, should these occur. 100 Ks away, as the crow flies, suggests this will be unnecessay, but better safe than sorry.

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Hi Tony - thanks so much for letting me know you found value in the article! That's amazing you have a plan to reduce electricity - ultimately true preppers prep for no power.

However now that you mentioned solar - did you know that those inverters generate massive amounts of dirty electricity?

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WTF! Not another chiccane! Thanks for that Romam. That notion had never occurred to me. I will have to station my inverter and battery charge manager a safe distance away. Fortunately, I built it onto a ply panel bolted to a tip-trolley so that I can move it easily if necessary (I have backup hidey holes). What distance do you recommend. I have two 270A panels twenty metres away, and a single Lithium battery which I intend to up to two, but still 12 V.

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Sorry to hear about your injury. We also experienced a huge jump, once a neighbor (about 30 yards away from our house) had a 5G-compatible router installed, which turned the electric grid in the area into a giant antenna. Sleep interruptions and neural symptoms have significantly increased since then.

It is important for everyone to make their own judgments and decisions, as you are doing it.

Your description clearly fits the charts. Here are a few things I would add.

Killing will have to come from all directions in many ways; microwaving people in an area would be too obvious, and the control system still seems to be tested. Silent and prolonged killing will most likely satisfy the planners, and the mass control devices will be used only in "emergencies," probably combined with blackouts and signal silence from the area, which will be quarantined due to a "deadly virus" or something like that.

Convid also served as a cover-up for the 5G installations that mostly produced the symptoms.

Besides tower controllers, chemtrail operators would have to be located and, preferably, signals going to the central AI must be jammed, interrupted, overloaded, or confused (by multiple reports that contradict each other).

Better, if the enablers and the enforcers were possible to convince that they will be next, the technocrats would lose their servants (on the other hand, robotic enforcement is only a step away, so the servants are becoming redundant soon.

Best, if the ones in power (who own and control just about everything, including countries) were possible to convince that it's best for THEM to spare humans, the whole process could be stopped, although the deaths and many of the injuries cannot be reversed.

There is no "we" with any power, and only insiders turning on the system can make a difference, but the system must be so compartmentalized that single persons cannot affect it much.

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By 2005, I had identified all the active controllers and their respective organisations, as well as the programme initiators above them, and all present the behaviour of psychopaths. They cannot listen. The others believe what they want to believe and will not listen. All that is left is to stop them involuntarily. But identifying 'expendables' would certainly prove useful.

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This isn't even the half of it! Its all connected to bio warfare & freequency modulation that controls it. Its not so much about population control to minimise it in so much that is is more to do with simply controlling us like cash cows for various agendas & money making programs.... Big Pharma being just one of them.

Its all also linked to Morgellons, which is activated & controlled through the frequency towers, & which we have all been infected with over the last 40+ years by way of all injectables.= vaccines, holiday shots, flu shots, pain meds, vitamin shots, dental shots, diabetes shots, anaesthesia during routine & emergency surgeries etc.... The Covid scam was their way of ensuring EVERYONE was dosed up with the Morgellons bio tech.... all the rest is just a succession of psyops to keep everyone's attention diverted.

The frequency equipment on the towers & the cables running through the inside of our homes & office buildings via the electrical & telecommunication wiring also plays its part in activating & controlling the Morgellons. we can be both hard & soft targeted depending on whether we are deemed dissident, passive, interesting, etc etc...

All kinds of side line businesses have been going for years running off the the back of the use of this frequency & bio tech surveillance equipment. Its part of what i've been researching for the last 5 years!

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Nailed it Christina!

The link between Morgs and wireless activity, non-ionizing radiation, cell towers, cell phones and smart meters, is and has been largely overlooked.

Lookoutfacharlie covers this nicely in one case in his latest video. https://odysee.com/@LookoutfaCharlie:b/morgellons-,-crazy-cat-people-and-herb:a

I am living this nightmare, without any shots. Like Ray's wife I also endure these attacks.

What I might add to your list, it's obvious but needs mentioning, some foods are directly focused on adding morgs to our systems. These obviously are mostly processed and packaged foods.

It's only a matter of time before everyone will be zzzzinged to the brain like I am every 8 seconds from the neighbors smart meter, 95% of the time only when I sleep.

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Bless you! Try a home harmonizer from emfsol.com -- it doesn't shield the radiation, but it smooths out the waves so it doesn't bother you. Cory, the founder & owner, was severely debilitated from radiation...created these products after much study & testing, now has the company to help others. He gives back by installing free in schools & churches.

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Jul 10Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thank u!! I ordered 4 products as I know the EMF s on this new house must be off the charts So many weird health things since we moved in here! Hope this helps Grounding mat did not help!!

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Jul 10Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Correction, I don't think the Trifield meter will show a reduction in the EMFs, since the products don't block them, they just smooth them out so they're not harming you. Still good to check for EMF, though, & to check the electrical readouts I'm sure.

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As long as you can feel the improvement, it's good.

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Jul 10Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Good for you -- I hope they help as much as they have me! My smart meter is just outside on the wall where the head of my bed is. I bought a smart meter guard years ago, but feel better since putting the home harmonizer on there. You can test for EMFs with a Trifield meter. Cory has a very expensive piece of equipment, but I can't afford that.

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All good, but apologies, even the most advanced meters available for the public at a price at least a few people can afford requires an internet connection or a satellite link is built into it, so it either collects data from the user and also enables targeting, or it is meant to report false figures...

Anyway, they only "measure" up to 40GHz, and THAT IS EXACTLY where lethal radiation starts...

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Grounding pads are actually harmful in heavily-populated and industrial areas because of the stray currents in the ground.

My wife and I have had some luck with Aulterra whole-house harmonizers (about 30-40% less bothersome radiation), but we have been living in the middle of nowhere, and since a next-door neighbor who lives about 30 yards away had a 5G-compatible home router installed (a few months ago), the electric grid in the area has turned into a giant antenna, so we are also sitting ducks. Neurological symptoms (headaches, tinnitus at various frequencies, numbness and tingling) and sleep disruptions are now on the daily menu now.

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One thing just occurred to me, that might help someone who sees these. Dr. Henry Ealy did a huge amount of testing on various EMF mitigating products, spent over $20k on them. Before becoming a naturopath doctor he was in electrical engineering, so understands all the testing he's doing (unlike me). He learned that it's good to ground our computers & devices, but then to touch only the device, & NOT the grounding mat.

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Wow, haven't heard that on grounding pads. I sleep on a hooga grounding blanket, with the conductive side turned up. I sleep much better since using that, even dreaming vivid dreams again. I'm sorry to hear of the issues you & your wife are having! You might want to try the home harmonizer from emfsol.com -- it just might help immensely. Or at least the room harmonizer for the bedroom. It really seems to have made a big difference for me.

I have a wireless router, but disabled the 5ghz (I think), only using the 2.4. But I turn it off at night, along with all my computer equipment. You might ask the neighbor if they'll turn off their wireless router at night...at least for a few nights, to see the difference it might make.

We are progressing ourselves right into extinction, I fear. Definitely into not-so-great-health. It's an ongoing battle trying to stay ahead of the damaging products/radiation.

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I should say that I don't operate my computer using wireless, it's wired. I'm thinking of changing my cell service to a $50 plan (it's $35 now, Verizon prepaid), with unlimited data, & I'll disable my wifi altogether. My cell phone is 4G, Samsung Galaxy S10+ that I bought last year off ebay. I won't go to a 5G phone. The cellular radiation isn't healthy either, but surely it would be less harmful than a wireless router.

I'm also ordering a regular landline corded phone today, with answering machine. Am going to ditch my cordless phone, as they (esp the base) put off a lot of radiation.

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I have collected 13 major sources that harm/kill people, and they can converge:


Electric wiring is already acting like an antenna:


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About 55 years ago I read "13 ways to kill a man" by Basil Davenport. None of these methods were mentioned.

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Jul 7·edited Jul 7Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

'Electric wiring is already acting like an antenna:' without even getting into Lilly Waves. I have to shut down the house electricity every night to reduce the harm when I sleep, (or when i can get to sleep).

High humidity makes it considerably worse, allowing for greater wireless conductivity.

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That's a good call Cos. We do the same.

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Turning off the main switch is a good idea; it has been helpful for people who told me about it. Still, it only works in houses that are far apart, and even there, only to a certain extent. Even my next-door-neighbor's 5G-compatible router messed up our sleeping pattern, and that house is about 30 yards away...

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Jul 7Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I watched a congress man ask a telecommunications executive how much has been spent on research to see what the possible environmental impact and what possible effects on human health could be. Answer...NONE. Doesn't it feel great to be their guinea pig?

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It's a miracle you received an answer. For that effort alone, you deserve my admiration. :)

To me, it doesn't feel an experiment; it feels like I am being processed:


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I explain the electric car deception in this podcast. It is all about control, total control:


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EVs are a prescription for neurodegeneration as the magnetic fields and EMI are off the charts.

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Agreed. They fry us, reduce our fertility and bring down our energy in multiple ways. Have you ever met an energetic Tesla driver? SHUNGITE can help. I carry some on me at all times.

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Shungite only made it worse for me, but everyone is different. On my end, white crystals seem to help my wife with her tinnitus to a certain extend.

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I have double-terminated clear quartz crystal and a piece of Shungite in my pocket. It works for me.

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Good to know Ray - do you know what type of crystal? Selenite? I've also heard of bees carrying shungite into their hive, but have never seen it.

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And one can add cell-phone use inside the vehicle to give the signals a boost...

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It's like an amplifying antenna.

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Shaking a pebble in a box...

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Thanks for the additional information here now, Ray!

(Or maybe I just missed it last time?!)

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Well...I am stuck in a city of about 100,00 called Eugene, Oregon. A cess pool of 5G radiation. Impossible to go without at the very least a smart meter on your house...but I applied to have mine "turned off" ha. I struggle every night with tinitus waking me up...although the past two nights I actually slept through the night. I took a double dose of magnesium citrate both days...I am also taking NAC and zinc. But we rent this house. Anyway, what can we do???????????? I try to avoid anxiety but...

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HI Lizzie, can you turn the power off to your bedroom at least? Make sure they don't replace your smart meter with a non-RF PLC meter (power line comm) which uses the home wiring and creates kHz frequencies/ more dirty electricity.

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Sorry to hear about your predicament. I know, it's not a relief, but these days even local electric grids are being turned into a giant antennas:


I have found NAC helpful for a week or two, and after that, it was doing more harm than good to me. As for sodium citrate, I ask reasonably questions here:


In fact, all supplements are under suspicion:


However, everyone's situation is slightly or drastically different even from time to time, experimenting is possible:


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Of course avoidance is the best defense but, when radiation can not be avoided a hot bath with 1 cup of baking soda, 2 cups of Epsom salt helps, some find adding cup of himalayan rock salt (stay away from sea salt because of the nanoplastics in it) and one cup of borax helps "drain" the radiation -I find if all 4 are added not all dissolves and best to cut back on the quantities a bit. Sometimes it is difficult to get non scented epsom salt - in that case if natural scented my guess either eucalyptus or lavender are best from an aroma therapy perspective

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For sure - Boron too!

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In this context born is Borax, Borax, also known as sodium tetraborate, has a chemical formula of Na2B4O7·10H2O.

2 sodium (Na) atoms

4 boron (B) atoms

7 oxygen (O) atoms

10 hydrogen (H) atoms

Generally speaking most people find it is easier to source Borax

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Jul 7Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

One mile from my house a regular white tower was just made into a monstrosity with huge black cables winding up the tower and an array on top that looks like every other 5G tower I have seen in other more populated places. The only problem is, we don't have 5G here and more than likely won't have it for a long time. I watch the 5G sites online that show locations of towers and we have none. So what is this newly changed tower for exactly? I have been reading about the GWEN towers with interest, wondering if this is something along those lines. True 5G is really only in very populated cities if my understanding is correct.

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5G towers are no longer needed:


By default, the new ones can be decoys or GWEN towers for all I know. They can also be tracking, targeting, and depop devices even if the electric grid is turned off (either with the flick of a switch or with a false-flag EMP attack; well, solar flares could also be blamed, but it doesn't matter).

Actually, 5G exists in small towns, too. It looks like especially banks are using it.

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great call on the banks Ray

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Already two years ago, my wife and I felt extremely dizzy in the grocery store in isles that had cans on both sides (which I call the pebble-rattled-in a box effect), so I started to investigate. At that time, the town of about 10k was not fully covered, but it had lots of small bank branches. As I knew their locations, it was easy to notice the correlation... Strangely, this is the first time I've ever mentioned it. Since then, the coverage has even reached our middle-of-nowhere village, too (signal boosters on lamp posts and 5G-compatible home routers closed the circle). We are basically sitting ducks, but we are able to pay $15 a month for our antediluvian electric meter being left alone.

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Horrible. There we are, at least somewhat awake. And what do you see . . .

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