Compliance can kill you. But again, so can non-compliance. explains at that
“On January 21, 2010, with its ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, the Supreme Court ruled that corporations are persons, entitled by the U.S. Constitution to buy elections and run our government. Human beings are people; corporations are legal fictions.”
After the Supreme Court ruled that “corporations are persons,” it’s not all that surprising to realize that all persons are being turned into abstract (digital) entities or, if you prefer, not exactly legal “fictions.”
Reclaim the Net published the following invigorating news today:
“EU Committees Vote in Favor of Mandatory Interconnected Digital Patient Health Records for All Citizens”:
“The EP will vote in December on this recommended legislation, when amendments will be considered as well.”
According to the author, this plan endangers “personal privacy,” which is a pedestrian fable; not much privacy has been left by now anywhere, except for arcane and unenforceable “laws” that are only for a show. The imminent danger supersedes the threat to privacy by countless orders of magnitude, although the loss of privacy has indeed been its prerequisite.
If you combine this with the WHO becoming the overlord of all countries in “health” rulings, you can see that national autonomy and habeas corpus rights are about to be ignored even more blatantly that by the (un)Patriot(ic) Act, much in the way people have been forced to accept governmental oppression during the plandemic. That was the warmup for the future of permanent wars on whatever and incessant declaration of “pandemics.”
The WHO can declare a “pandemic” even without any evidence of one (“pandemics” as results of infections don’t exist, anyway1), have people forcefully injected with the toxic brews called “vaccines,” and deport and imprison subjects for non-compliance as well as for being considered “dangerously infectious.” FEMA camps in the US2 have amassed a respectable number of coffins and body bags, while they don’t have evacuation plans, which alone can turn them into extermination centers anytime. You must have heard the reasoning, “It’s better, if a few die than if everyone is in danger.” No, this is not fear-mongering; I only describe facts and you are welcome to connect the dots any way you like. In Canada, for one, decisions of public health have been transferred to bureaucrats, which is what the WHO reps also are. The Canadian Medical Ass(ociation)’s home page focuses on the fraudulently-invented climate change. Its director’s initial statement reads as a travesty3:
“Climate change has always been a health issue. We strongly urge governments and policymakers to collaborate on making sustainable, evidence-based choices to slow the impact of climate change today and into the future.” – Dr. Kathleen Ross, CMA president
I can’t help noticing that in less than three lines, she manages to use four words that only manipulators and idiots use in similar contexts: “issue,” “we,” “sustainable,” and “climate change.”
During the plandemic, legislative powers were usurped by the executive branch in most, if not all countries, and that was only a snack from an appetizer.
The perverted part is that people have been polled about this next move, the digitalization of patients’ health records. According to the article:
“Right now, people polled about the topic in 44% of cases worry about health data theft, while 40% fear unauthorized access.”
The real threat is not even showing in the results. Obviously, the “poll” didn’t ask the right questions. Polls never do4.
Concurrently, the EU is also bearing down on the introduction of “digital wallets” that will keep track of everything a person does and controls monetary transactions for each individual:
“The new European digital identity wallets will enable all Europeans to access online services with their national digital identification, which will be recognised throughout Europe, without having to use private identification methods or unnecessarily sharing personal data.”
Notice that whatever can enable you to do something, can also prohibit you from doing it. Moreover, as you are already a digital entity, there is no need for “private identification methods.” As for “sharing personal data,” you are sharing every bit of information about yourself as soon as the system is implemented.
To make a long story short, the “digital wallet” is a next step towards merging health data, social credits5, and banking options, and compliance will be ensured by limiting people’s access to their CBDC6 accounts.
You can find relevant parts in
And take a look at “Black Death” in
Even Walmarts are being prepared for being converted into concentration camps:
How to lie in questions? What can you do to protect yourself from pervasive and violent propaganda? My very first article was about that on May 6, 2022; only a few people read it at the time:
This one is only my latest post in that line:
This is the way “social credit” works in China:
The preparations for the CBDCs are in their final stage:
Hi Ray!
Just before Christmas of 2021, Law C-2 was pushed at the very last session of the Parliament. Under the cover of pandemic preparedness, Point 4. includes the confinement at will of the provinces by non elected bureaucrats and, among other horrors, the cut of social benefits (retirement, social security, un-employment, etc.) of the non vaccinated and the interdepartmental exchange of Canadians’ personal data, a premise to a Centralized Digital Identity.
In her recent post, Sasha Latypova referred to Kathryn Watts’ findings on US laws, which have also been gradually changed throughout the years, leading to a One World govt. The citizens of every countries in the world should do the same chronological exercise in order to prove how they too have been scammed.
Hoping you’re doing good.
Ah, velly interestin'! The coddled-sil ta this twisted "will an' testy-mint" is that if corporations have "personhood" then persons are no more'n "entities" that kin be dissolved contractually with a stroke've the pen. I guess if they cain't define "whut iz a woman"--they soitenly cain't define "whut iz a human"-- this is "on porpoise" as their entire point (in the whacky whirled of dismantling humanity AND makin' us all cyber-trans-humans an' NOT human...) is to dehumanize us beyond recognition... an' therefore all global health "control" is just "corporate management..."--bizness as usual ta them--both convenient an' sinister of course :-(