Just before Christmas of 2021, Law C-2 was pushed at the very last session of the Parliament. Under the cover of pandemic preparedness, Point 4. includes the confinement at will of the provinces by non elected bureaucrats and, among other horrors, the cut of social benefits (retirement, social security, un-employment, etc.) of the non vaccinated and the interdepartmental exchange of Canadians’ personal data, a premise to a Centralized Digital Identity.
In her recent post, Sasha Latypova referred to Kathryn Watts’ findings on US laws, which have also been gradually changed throughout the years, leading to a One World govt. The citizens of every countries in the world should do the same chronological exercise in order to prove how they too have been scammed.
You are right. There is no justice for the people anymore for the causes are not even accepted by any courts of « justice » for hearing.
What’s left to us then if, in addition to the sprayings tech., weather modification, confiscation of our money at will in a One World’s military advancement towards a totalitarian surveilled and repressive society, any rebellion can cruelly be repressed?
Considering such a dark perspective, only pine trees and cactus will be there for us to address. :) :) :)
"Justice" has always been different for the rulers, but this bunch is miserable enough that if they signify the cream of humanity, the human race is better-off extinct. Even dying with dignity would be victory:
if I remember correctly, the Supreme Court actually bestowed personhood on corporations about 100 years ago? and it was actually something that was transcribed incorrectly but was allowed to stand in the record. I guess I could try to look that up...
But it wasn’t until the 1886 case Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Rail Road that the Court appeared to grant a corporation the same rights as an individual under the 14th Amendment. The case is remembered less for the decision itself—the state had improperly assessed taxes to the railroad company—than for a headnote added to it by the court reporter at the time, which quoted Chief Justice Morrison Waite as saying: “The Court does not wish to hear argument on the question whether the provision in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution which forbids a state to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws applies to these corporations. We are all of opinion that it does.”
In later cases, this headnote would be treated as an official part of the verdict, and Waite’s conclusion reaffirmed in subsequent decisions by the Court, from an 1888 case involving a steel-mining company to the 1978 Bellotti decision, which granted corporations the right to spend unlimited funds on ballot initiatives as part of their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.
This interview with Michael Nehls explains why your zombified friends cannot hear what you are telling them. the spike protein furin cleavage site was specifically engineered to produce inflammation of the brain, and the Non-Stop narrative programming was designed to replace people's autobiographical self-concept with the freaking narrative. so when you produce evidence against the narrative, they feel like it is an attack on their very being. this interview explains so much. and is consistent with what we already know about brain science.
Indeed, the psychopaths are creating ghastly things. I stand sovereign on My planet and hope I will not stand alone, that I will stand with Others, whose planet this is too (it belongs to all born here). When enough of Us are standing sovereign, not playing Their game (the only winning move is not to play), the psychopaths will have no power.
I see Your point but... As I said, They play fast and loose with "implied consent." If You do not say You do not consent - whether You know about what They "told" You in some obscure place, or esoterically, or in the movies, on TV whatever. Wrapped up in "fiction" guise - They will take that as Your consent.
I wrote this once somewhere... If I want to punch You in the face, and take a pad of sticky notes to the bathroom and write "I'm going to punch You in the face" on it, peel it off, open the cupboard beneath the sink, and plaster the note on the underside of the sink...
And then claim, since You did not say You don't consent, You consented, come back out and punch You in the face, stating You consented to it...
Well, that's basically what They are doing.
My whole body of work is about what We can so - I posted four pieces there. But also consent to a better way and co-create it.
A Sample Tutorial on How the Slow Reveal Method is being used by the Deepstate Psychopaths.
The vaccines were always meant to be exposed as dangerous, from day one. The vaccines have always been a decoy of sorts.
Eventually (as we see happening) - even many normies are meant to wake up to the dangers of the vaccine so that they can be herded into the new pen.
This is the purpose of the "vaccines are dangerous" slow reveal campaign which starts with the Alex Jones types, then moves to the Joe Rogans and eventually into the mainstream.
Early Treatment will be the acceptable alternative (and ultimately the catalyst to what they wanted all along).
Once enough of the public accepts the "Early Treatment" narrative, they will start to demand it, regardless of whether they are pro-vax, or vax-hesitant normies.
Early Treatment will then eventually lead to Early Detection and that's where all the devices will come in.
At first, they'll be "wearable devices" say for example one that can detect that you've been infected with COVID before you're symptomatic based on a rise in whatever (heart rate, hormone level, a rise or fall in a certain cell count, etc). The public may even go as far as demanding that these wearable devices become mandatory because it's better than forcing vaccines on people, right? Come on, it's just a device. Wear it.
Eventually, the wearable devices tech will evolve into different versions, such as an implant and that will all be tied to the blockchain and your social credit score, naturally. Take it a step further - a Carbon Credit system will be implemented as well.
Guys like Steve Kirsch will be the ones who insist that HE can take care of the "Digital Security" (OneID) piece of things. For the public's security and safety, of course. So that all of your data is private, safe and secure.
The pharma drugs are just a small stepping stone in this much larger game.
They will continue to push this "Early Treatment" trope until more and more of the public is on board and the fence sitters are swayed.
How will this be done? One of the main ways is to continue to reveal the vaccines as dangerous. This is imperative
The vaccines must be dangerous in order to come up with a solution to the problem.
If more and more people start to understand that the COVID vaccines are dangerous, then several things will happen.
1) They will feel better about all other vaccines (which are not as dangerous in comparison), and thus normalize them.
2) They will demand alternative (early) treatments - usually in the form of Toxic Drugs. These will be considered safe and acceptable thanks to drug dealers like Steve Kirsch, Dr. Zelenko and Peter McCullough.
3) The public will become so terrified of the dangerous COVID vaccines that they will accept with open arms, the new beast system. Early Treatment -> Early Detection -> Health Devices -> BioDigitial ID -> Blockchain -> Carbon / Social Credits
In order for the above to happen, the Public must slowly grow to become more and more outraged which will happen gradually, over time and the "Vaccines are Dangerous" Narrative will continue to grow as well, until it is more and more mainstream.
Like I said, it starts in the underground truth community then bubbles up into mainstream conspiracy circles Alex Jones / David Icke
then up to the Joe Rogans and mainstream social media (Twitter) Youtube, etc
So, naturally they will ride in on their white horses with the solutions - to fix the issue with the vaccines so that this terrible tragedy never happens again. We need more safety studies.
More scientific institutions. Better leaders.
Fix the breakdown in chain of command / supply line issues (or whatever). We need to create a Department of Blah Blah Blah to oversea this issue
We need BioDIGITAL ID that can not only alert you that you've been infected with CoViD. Remember, Dr. Kaufman already has a patent on a device that can detect "sentient events" soon they'll be able to detect your thoughts and if you've gone "crazy" - they'll come help you.
Now, let's say you don't want to wear one of these "devices" well, you will be disconnected from society, naturally. Whole Foods won't allow you into their store to do your grocery shopping unless you have a "COVID SAFE ANKLE BRACELET" or whatever device they deem is appropriate.
and in order to prevent hacking and counterfeitting / fraud, then naturally you will need a BioDigital ID. To verify that it's you and you're not infected.
A digital passport of sorts. We need to monitor everyone (for public health and safety). So the last piece is to just tie the currency to all of that.
Which is blockchain / Carbon Credits (for the environment) and then your Social Credit score (which is why you won't be able to access the internet without an internet passport)
The mask was a trial run. One of the main ones was to see how the public would respond when being told they must wear some sort of device.
It was also meant to present an extreme version of a thing to the public, so that when the lesser one comes next, they'll gladly accept it.
But the ankle bracelet? Oh, they will LOVE it
ppl will be posting on social media with photos of their new covid ankle bracelet
Each step will lead to the next.
Vaccines Bad -> Drugs Good -> Early Treatment -> Early Detection -> Wearable Devices -> Bio/Digital ID -> BioSurveillance -> Blockchain -> Digital Currency -> Carbon Credits -> Social Score -> Internet Passports
maybe throw in a few psyops to help them speed all of that up (like COVID, or perhaps a Cyber Terrorist attack)
These people are so predictable. It's sad that most people can't catch on to their obvious scams
It must be this or that Black or White
The vaccines are dangerous, so these people must be right.
99% of the public is engaged in Dialectical Thinking. They can't think outside the box. They literally do not have the mental capacity to consider more than 2 possibilities for any given situation.
Limited hangouts are meant to regain public trust and for creating popular heroes who are later believed even when they are spreading half-truths or lies:
in case a bit too much is revealed, it's a lesson for the people to realize they cannot do a thing, which is part of the constant humiliation fueled by having to accept nonsense (e.g. men can menstruate) or inane practices. Humiliated people are easy to commandeer.
Limited hangouts also provide excellent tools for gaslighting people.
As for giving an inch and losing a mile, I kept telling people in March, 2020 that muzzling and antisocial distancing were only the start, but nobody listened, at least, nobody who could have made a difference. During the year and a half of muzzling, I encountered about six unmuzzled faces in grocery stores (shook hands with them and told them it was good to see some sanity in a world gone insane). While my wife and I never wore a muzzle, all the heroics about "Do Not Comply!" sounds fake to me, especially when the details are considered:
Either way, as you have also point it out, one thing leads to another and there is no brake on the runaway train that is heading to destroy civilization.
Slow Reveal. Social Credit System. CBDC. 24/7 Surveillance. Transhumanism. VR "eternal life" avatars for those too poor to pay for enough carbon credits to survive. All enabled by the All-seeing Eye, the Evil Eye, Envy, Invidia. NVidia. The video game chip pioneer, AI, man-computer interface technology.
The similar names ‘Invidia’ and ‘NVidia’ aren’t a coincidence:
“The company initially had no name. “We couldn’t think of one, so we named all of our files NV, as in ‘next version,’ ” Huang says. A need to incorporate the company prompted the cofounders to review all words with those two letters, leading them to “invidia,” the Latin word for “envy.” It stuck.”
One of NVidia’s founders, Curtis Priem created the Priem Family Foundation, one of its primary beneficiaries is EMPAC, that is researching “human-computer interfaces”:
“The Cognitive and Immersive Systems Laboratory (CISL at EMPAC), a joint initiative with IBM founded in 2015, uses these same spaces and technologies to research new human-computer interfaces.”
Slow Reveal. Revelation of Method. President Obama’s 2010 State of the Union address, Citizen United SCOTUS decision mention:
”With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests –- including foreign corporations –- to spend without limit in our elections. (Applause.) I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. (Applause.) They should be decided by the American people. And I’d urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to correct some of these problems.”
Ah, velly interestin'! The coddled-sil ta this twisted "will an' testy-mint" is that if corporations have "personhood" then persons are no more'n "entities" that kin be dissolved contractually with a stroke've the pen. I guess if they cain't define "whut iz a woman"--they soitenly cain't define "whut iz a human"-- this is "on porpoise" as their entire point (in the whacky whirled of dismantling humanity AND makin' us all cyber-trans-humans an' NOT human...) is to dehumanize us beyond recognition... an' therefore all global health "control" is just "corporate management..."--bizness as usual ta them--both convenient an' sinister of course :-(
Hi Ray!
Just before Christmas of 2021, Law C-2 was pushed at the very last session of the Parliament. Under the cover of pandemic preparedness, Point 4. includes the confinement at will of the provinces by non elected bureaucrats and, among other horrors, the cut of social benefits (retirement, social security, un-employment, etc.) of the non vaccinated and the interdepartmental exchange of Canadians’ personal data, a premise to a Centralized Digital Identity.
In her recent post, Sasha Latypova referred to Kathryn Watts’ findings on US laws, which have also been gradually changed throughout the years, leading to a One World govt. The citizens of every countries in the world should do the same chronological exercise in order to prove how they too have been scammed.
Hoping you’re doing good.
C-2 definitely deserves attention even if its presence has been acknowledged.
Watts is usually good at legal matters. Too bad, the situation doesn't have a legal solution...
You are right. There is no justice for the people anymore for the causes are not even accepted by any courts of « justice » for hearing.
What’s left to us then if, in addition to the sprayings tech., weather modification, confiscation of our money at will in a One World’s military advancement towards a totalitarian surveilled and repressive society, any rebellion can cruelly be repressed?
Considering such a dark perspective, only pine trees and cactus will be there for us to address. :) :) :)
"Justice" has always been different for the rulers, but this bunch is miserable enough that if they signify the cream of humanity, the human race is better-off extinct. Even dying with dignity would be victory:
Although I have my limits, am I going to be able to keep them?
The site wants me to pay for comments. :) The authors can comment here for free.
The only move I care about is the one I make and whatever the retards running the world have planned, that ain't it.
Welcome to the club! :)
if I remember correctly, the Supreme Court actually bestowed personhood on corporations about 100 years ago? and it was actually something that was transcribed incorrectly but was allowed to stand in the record. I guess I could try to look that up...
No, it was in 2011 by the Supreme Court. The point in blaming corporations is that nobody is found guilty in person.
But it wasn’t until the 1886 case Santa Clara County v. Southern Pacific Rail Road that the Court appeared to grant a corporation the same rights as an individual under the 14th Amendment. The case is remembered less for the decision itself—the state had improperly assessed taxes to the railroad company—than for a headnote added to it by the court reporter at the time, which quoted Chief Justice Morrison Waite as saying: “The Court does not wish to hear argument on the question whether the provision in the Fourteenth Amendment to the Constitution which forbids a state to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws applies to these corporations. We are all of opinion that it does.”
In later cases, this headnote would be treated as an official part of the verdict, and Waite’s conclusion reaffirmed in subsequent decisions by the Court, from an 1888 case involving a steel-mining company to the 1978 Bellotti decision, which granted corporations the right to spend unlimited funds on ballot initiatives as part of their First Amendment right to freedom of speech.
This interview with Michael Nehls explains why your zombified friends cannot hear what you are telling them. the spike protein furin cleavage site was specifically engineered to produce inflammation of the brain, and the Non-Stop narrative programming was designed to replace people's autobiographical self-concept with the freaking narrative. so when you produce evidence against the narrative, they feel like it is an attack on their very being. this interview explains so much. and is consistent with what we already know about brain science.
I consider mRNA a red herring, because 5G or comparable technologies are used for controlling the damages:
Indeed, the psychopaths are creating ghastly things. I stand sovereign on My planet and hope I will not stand alone, that I will stand with Others, whose planet this is too (it belongs to all born here). When enough of Us are standing sovereign, not playing Their game (the only winning move is not to play), the psychopaths will have no power.
I Do Not Consent! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/i-do-not-consent
Under Duress Only (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/under-duress-only
Walking the Walk (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/walking-the-walk
Walking the Walk Some More (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/walking-the-walk-some-more
If my consent were needed, I would be asked for it. That's is not happening.
What exactly do you think a lot of people (who are condemned to be eliminated, anyway) could achieve and how? I know what does NOT work:
I can't see how the CBDC could be circumvented by most people:
I see Your point but... As I said, They play fast and loose with "implied consent." If You do not say You do not consent - whether You know about what They "told" You in some obscure place, or esoterically, or in the movies, on TV whatever. Wrapped up in "fiction" guise - They will take that as Your consent.
I wrote this once somewhere... If I want to punch You in the face, and take a pad of sticky notes to the bathroom and write "I'm going to punch You in the face" on it, peel it off, open the cupboard beneath the sink, and plaster the note on the underside of the sink...
And then claim, since You did not say You don't consent, You consented, come back out and punch You in the face, stating You consented to it...
Well, that's basically what They are doing.
My whole body of work is about what We can so - I posted four pieces there. But also consent to a better way and co-create it.
The Detailed Blueprint (for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns) (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-detailed-blueprint-vocal-redo:9?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
The GentleOne's Solution (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/the-gentleone-s-solution-7-minute-video:4?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72
Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/heart-driven-economy-vs-greed-driven
We Have to Do This Ourselves (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/we-have-to-do-this-ourselves
Slow Reveal method by Omar Jordan
A Sample Tutorial on How the Slow Reveal Method is being used by the Deepstate Psychopaths.
The vaccines were always meant to be exposed as dangerous, from day one. The vaccines have always been a decoy of sorts.
Eventually (as we see happening) - even many normies are meant to wake up to the dangers of the vaccine so that they can be herded into the new pen.
This is the purpose of the "vaccines are dangerous" slow reveal campaign which starts with the Alex Jones types, then moves to the Joe Rogans and eventually into the mainstream.
Early Treatment will be the acceptable alternative (and ultimately the catalyst to what they wanted all along).
Once enough of the public accepts the "Early Treatment" narrative, they will start to demand it, regardless of whether they are pro-vax, or vax-hesitant normies.
Early Treatment will then eventually lead to Early Detection and that's where all the devices will come in.
At first, they'll be "wearable devices" say for example one that can detect that you've been infected with COVID before you're symptomatic based on a rise in whatever (heart rate, hormone level, a rise or fall in a certain cell count, etc). The public may even go as far as demanding that these wearable devices become mandatory because it's better than forcing vaccines on people, right? Come on, it's just a device. Wear it.
Eventually, the wearable devices tech will evolve into different versions, such as an implant and that will all be tied to the blockchain and your social credit score, naturally. Take it a step further - a Carbon Credit system will be implemented as well.
Guys like Steve Kirsch will be the ones who insist that HE can take care of the "Digital Security" (OneID) piece of things. For the public's security and safety, of course. So that all of your data is private, safe and secure.
The pharma drugs are just a small stepping stone in this much larger game.
They will continue to push this "Early Treatment" trope until more and more of the public is on board and the fence sitters are swayed.
How will this be done? One of the main ways is to continue to reveal the vaccines as dangerous. This is imperative
The vaccines must be dangerous in order to come up with a solution to the problem.
If more and more people start to understand that the COVID vaccines are dangerous, then several things will happen.
1) They will feel better about all other vaccines (which are not as dangerous in comparison), and thus normalize them.
2) They will demand alternative (early) treatments - usually in the form of Toxic Drugs. These will be considered safe and acceptable thanks to drug dealers like Steve Kirsch, Dr. Zelenko and Peter McCullough.
3) The public will become so terrified of the dangerous COVID vaccines that they will accept with open arms, the new beast system. Early Treatment -> Early Detection -> Health Devices -> BioDigitial ID -> Blockchain -> Carbon / Social Credits
In order for the above to happen, the Public must slowly grow to become more and more outraged which will happen gradually, over time and the "Vaccines are Dangerous" Narrative will continue to grow as well, until it is more and more mainstream.
Like I said, it starts in the underground truth community then bubbles up into mainstream conspiracy circles Alex Jones / David Icke
then up to the Joe Rogans and mainstream social media (Twitter) Youtube, etc
So, naturally they will ride in on their white horses with the solutions - to fix the issue with the vaccines so that this terrible tragedy never happens again. We need more safety studies.
More scientific institutions. Better leaders.
Fix the breakdown in chain of command / supply line issues (or whatever). We need to create a Department of Blah Blah Blah to oversea this issue
We need BioDIGITAL ID that can not only alert you that you've been infected with CoViD. Remember, Dr. Kaufman already has a patent on a device that can detect "sentient events" soon they'll be able to detect your thoughts and if you've gone "crazy" - they'll come help you.
Now, let's say you don't want to wear one of these "devices" well, you will be disconnected from society, naturally. Whole Foods won't allow you into their store to do your grocery shopping unless you have a "COVID SAFE ANKLE BRACELET" or whatever device they deem is appropriate.
and in order to prevent hacking and counterfeitting / fraud, then naturally you will need a BioDigital ID. To verify that it's you and you're not infected.
A digital passport of sorts. We need to monitor everyone (for public health and safety). So the last piece is to just tie the currency to all of that.
Which is blockchain / Carbon Credits (for the environment) and then your Social Credit score (which is why you won't be able to access the internet without an internet passport)
The mask was a trial run. One of the main ones was to see how the public would respond when being told they must wear some sort of device.
It was also meant to present an extreme version of a thing to the public, so that when the lesser one comes next, they'll gladly accept it.
But the ankle bracelet? Oh, they will LOVE it
ppl will be posting on social media with photos of their new covid ankle bracelet
Each step will lead to the next.
Vaccines Bad -> Drugs Good -> Early Treatment -> Early Detection -> Wearable Devices -> Bio/Digital ID -> BioSurveillance -> Blockchain -> Digital Currency -> Carbon Credits -> Social Score -> Internet Passports
maybe throw in a few psyops to help them speed all of that up (like COVID, or perhaps a Cyber Terrorist attack)
These people are so predictable. It's sad that most people can't catch on to their obvious scams
It must be this or that Black or White
The vaccines are dangerous, so these people must be right.
99% of the public is engaged in Dialectical Thinking. They can't think outside the box. They literally do not have the mental capacity to consider more than 2 possibilities for any given situation.
Credit: Omar Jordan of Darkside Papers Chat
"Slow reveal" is called limited hangout. I first wrote about it in October, 2022:
January, 2023:
Limited hangouts are meant to regain public trust and for creating popular heroes who are later believed even when they are spreading half-truths or lies:
in case a bit too much is revealed, it's a lesson for the people to realize they cannot do a thing, which is part of the constant humiliation fueled by having to accept nonsense (e.g. men can menstruate) or inane practices. Humiliated people are easy to commandeer.
Limited hangouts also provide excellent tools for gaslighting people.
As for giving an inch and losing a mile, I kept telling people in March, 2020 that muzzling and antisocial distancing were only the start, but nobody listened, at least, nobody who could have made a difference. During the year and a half of muzzling, I encountered about six unmuzzled faces in grocery stores (shook hands with them and told them it was good to see some sanity in a world gone insane). While my wife and I never wore a muzzle, all the heroics about "Do Not Comply!" sounds fake to me, especially when the details are considered:
Either way, as you have also point it out, one thing leads to another and there is no brake on the runaway train that is heading to destroy civilization.
Slow Reveal. Social Credit System. CBDC. 24/7 Surveillance. Transhumanism. VR "eternal life" avatars for those too poor to pay for enough carbon credits to survive. All enabled by the All-seeing Eye, the Evil Eye, Envy, Invidia. NVidia. The video game chip pioneer, AI, man-computer interface technology.
The similar names ‘Invidia’ and ‘NVidia’ aren’t a coincidence:
“The company initially had no name. “We couldn’t think of one, so we named all of our files NV, as in ‘next version,’ ” Huang says. A need to incorporate the company prompted the cofounders to review all words with those two letters, leading them to “invidia,” the Latin word for “envy.” It stuck.”
One of NVidia’s founders, Curtis Priem created the Priem Family Foundation, one of its primary beneficiaries is EMPAC, that is researching “human-computer interfaces”:
“The Cognitive and Immersive Systems Laboratory (CISL at EMPAC), a joint initiative with IBM founded in 2015, uses these same spaces and technologies to research new human-computer interfaces.”
More at:
Slow Reveal. Revelation of Method. President Obama’s 2010 State of the Union address, Citizen United SCOTUS decision mention:
”With all due deference to separation of powers, last week the Supreme Court reversed a century of law that I believe will open the floodgates for special interests –- including foreign corporations –- to spend without limit in our elections. (Applause.) I don’t think American elections should be bankrolled by America’s most powerful interests, or worse, by foreign entities. (Applause.) They should be decided by the American people. And I’d urge Democrats and Republicans to pass a bill that helps to correct some of these problems.”
They'll tell us what they're doing. Confidant we won't do anything about it. Then sleep soundly at night knowing they tried to warn us.
And all over the Rockefeller unicorns of "viruses" and "contagion!"
Covid Whistleblower Arrested
Biden's war on faith and family continues
Checkmate? Thank you for calling me out, lol, as I'm Czech!
You've put forward what's been and is in the 'works'. Would you or any others call that living, worth living?
I doubt it. Not for me.
The Bible organizes my thoughts about all this.
Some people are destroyers and they...destroy.
The Bible indicates that Mammon opposes God, caring, goodness.
The two groups oppose. Evil is being allowed to show itself.
It IS.
I love the other way, will live as much as I can the other way,
and dying just isn't the big deal people think. Living is hard to do properly.
I never said human life is worth saving. In fact, I've been wondering about the Creator's patience.
Ah, velly interestin'! The coddled-sil ta this twisted "will an' testy-mint" is that if corporations have "personhood" then persons are no more'n "entities" that kin be dissolved contractually with a stroke've the pen. I guess if they cain't define "whut iz a woman"--they soitenly cain't define "whut iz a human"-- this is "on porpoise" as their entire point (in the whacky whirled of dismantling humanity AND makin' us all cyber-trans-humans an' NOT human...) is to dehumanize us beyond recognition... an' therefore all global health "control" is just "corporate management..."--bizness as usual ta them--both convenient an' sinister of course :-(