Are you all aware of the Alien intervention in Man's evolution? You might be surprised to learn that the Old Testament was simply a history book about a journey of 12 Tribes given to an Alien "god" who called himself Yahweh. He was one of many aliens "gods" that came here to mine for Gold. They used their advanced tech to bamboozle proto humans into believing they were "Gods". They then decided to use the Humans to work their mines for them, as their own lower cast was rebelling. The part of the Old Testament that talks about 'begets and begats" is the Breeding Record of the Alien Yahweh, as they worked with what they had to create the best Slave to work and fight for them. That's what the Old Testament is. A history book with a breeding record.
When the Aliens finally left,....for reasons we don't know,.....they told their 12 Tribes that they had the Right to RULE the planet, and that they would be BACK some day to see how it was going.
Now you know what the Khazarian (Fake Jews) are scared of. And it appears that their Alien 'gods' may be back. So, the SHIT is about the HIT the FAN and all "Hell" is about to break loose.
Everything we have been told and taught for 100's of years has been lies. We don't know a thing about our Actual History. There were many alien 'gods' with groups of Humans to play around with,.....some of the 'gods' were good and kind to their humans,....some like Yahweh were cruel and evil. Some were to interested in us at all.
Let's hope that Yahweh is not one of them coming back! Read Paul Wallis's Books,...his Eden Series. Read Mauro Biglino's book, "The Naked Bible: The truth about the most famous book in History. All are on Amazon. You will see that all the Religious dogma has been to keep us Busy trying to figure out an illusion! And illusion created by the people left from the Elohim Occupation until now,...who generation after generation control the Planet. Even now, they are creating a new government,....I guess we'll see what happens this time. Maybe there are some of the Good aliens coming to help save us from the Khazarian Mafia (fake jews). LOL! I know, wishful thinking!
Personally, I don't believe in aliens; I consider them a psyop. Once an "alien invasion" is staged, "humanity must unite" and that will deprive everyone of their basic human rights in order "to fight the common enemy" that, of course, doesn't exist. That, however, is only one of them many options for the globalists:
“The curvature of the Earth is easy to ascertain, even for simple people like you and I. Just look at the streetlights across a lake like 8-10 miles away, and only the ones that are tall enough (about 15” or taller) can be seen.”
Whaaaat? This is perspective. Things appear smaller and lower the further they are away. This is why the sun appears to ‘set’. But when you are close to the lights or looking from a different perspective, say side on, they are clearly all the same height. Selling Curvature is more insane than the moon hoax. The earth is a flat, motionless, plane. Read some of the early experiments and books on zetetic astronomy.
Look, I am not interested in discussing flat Earth. You believe what you want to believe; no offense meant. Ultimately, it doesn't change a thing if the Earth is flat or round. It's the same sidetracking as the "virus" debate:
“The curvature of the Earth is easy to ascertain, even for simple people like you and I. Just look at the streetlights across a lake like 8-10 miles away, and only the ones that are tall enough (about 15” or taller) can be seen.”
Whaaaat? This is perspective. Things appear smaller and lower the further they are away. This is why the sun appears to ‘set’. But when you are close to the lights or looking from a different perspective, say side on, they are clearly all the same height. Selling Curvature is more insane than the moon hoax. The earth is a flat, motionless, plane. Read some of the early experiments and books on zetetic astronomy.
One to ponder. As the shaman said to my friend in the jungle “Es spirito mundo es reale” - forgive the spelling but I’m sure the gist is right. You know it’s real. They know it’s real. They know that some of us know it’s real and their greatest fear might well be that a critical mass realize it’s real, and hence every effort is aimed dumbing our senses, quite possibly worse, though mind seems to be the principal battlefield with the least obvious red flags. Do you feel that having had the experiences you share there’s an element of melancholy in the absence of spirit in daily life? Spending time in the company of people who are ‘connected’ leads to the awareness that the senses can be cultivated by conscious effort and the rewards are manifold. Sometimes simply looking your dog in the eyes and answering his plea to walk can be enough.
Thank you for your appreciation. The article was meant to inspire similar thoughts that could initiate a discussion, which is why I haven't intervened for two days. I'm not sure how often I am outstanding or helpful, but I am always "different"; as one of the children's book title out of those that never made the cut put it, "You ARE different, and that's BAAAD!" :)
When it comes to vulgarity, please, at least use asterisks. :)
Just like you, I also have favorite authors, but sometimes I can catch up with their work only months later...
My strength usually lies in thinking further than most, the ability to connect my past knowledge and past events with current phenomena, and to being prone to come up with unique questions and conclusions, hoping that my work can inspire my readers to do the same on their own and as much as such a thing is possible (it never completely is), they can think and decide for themselves. As you know, this site exists only because of my readers, and your experience only shows that "it takes one to know one." :)
I didn't see your post until I got the message referring to it. Had I seen it sooner I would definitely have commented as your post resonated with me in many ways, Jonathan Livingston Horvath:-)
Spiritual experiences, ah... I had an invisible friend when I was very small with a name similar to mine. We used to visit an imaginary shop owned by Mr Deepson where we bought samsa and dapsa. I didn't know at the time that I had had a twin sister who died in utero.
Shortly afterwards, when my grandfather died, I terrified my poor mother by asking her who the man in the overcoat and trilby was, playing cards at the bottom of my bed. Said gentleman appeared again (with knocking!) before anyone knew my father was terminally ill, and reappeared in spirit drawings I did much later, always prior to the appearance of the actual subject of the drawing - a guide if you will.
The night before T, the fiance of my daughter G, was involved in a fatal car accident, I felt a terrible sense of dread. I was feeding my big twin (she was twenty minutes older than my little twin and at some 30 months somewhat big to be being breastfed but that's how it was) and I was afraid something was going to happen to her - I still have this fear a bit, and she is 28 now, but it seems that that fear was not for her, because he following morning we had a call from T's mother at the hospital, saying there had been a crash and he was unlikely to survive. We dashed to the hospital in what we thought was a taxi but was just a car belonging to a man visiting neighbours.
After a horrendous night they switched off life support, with my daughter present, and she just 'switched off' too. Back home, I put the money I had taken for the taxi under the vase on the hall table and went into the kitchen where my husband was with the twins to get tea and some aspirin for my head. I took a phone call and went back for the aspirin only to find them gone. Later the ten pound note I had left under the vase appeared in the middle of the living room floor. This was the beginning of a lot of telekinetic fun that continued for months and involved many family members.
A couple of days later i was waiting for the twins to wake up from their nap so that I could take them to meet my husband in town to do some shopping, when I smelt ozone and immediately checked all electrical sockets in case the house was burning down. It was strongest by G's room, where the door was ajar though I know she had closed it earlier to stop the cat sleeping on her bed and scratching up the headboard. Inside, the air was crackling, and I heard a voice saying, "You've got to tell her. I'm still here! I'm scared for her." Without thinking, I answered, "You should be telling her not me, I don't understand. Why is this happening? Why did you have to die? WHY?" And there was a bang and the connection was lost. Later when G got home she asked me who had rolled up the left leg of her new trouser suit.^
This was the beginning of a huge spiritual journey that involved passing on messages and pictures to friends, family and strangers, as well l as receiving knowledge about esoteric symbolism (via my masonic grandfather who died before I was born), the way souls enter the next stage after death, through a sort of waterfall of light, and the nature of the universe in its crystalline state as well as the inter-connected multi-dimensional nature of our solar system. Oh, and a Walter Russell-type 'vortex machine' for healing. There was also a convoluted sort of near-death experience where I travelled with S, my daughter-in-law's mum, as she passed, rising up towards a wall with a yellow arched gate with roses growing round it, looking down at family who were sad for me, and knowing that I could love them even better from there. A phone call interrupted this - it was from E, my daughter-in-law, explaining that S had just passed and they had read a letter I had written to her just beforehand.
Vast energetic beings intervened to help my husband through a traumatic time, and, best of all, my almost-son-in-law was reborn into our family - this confirmed by two psychic mediums with no knowledge of what had happened previously. They also confirmed that he had been my own miscarried baby previously, which explained the closeness between us.
I feel so blessed and will be eternally grateful for what has happened and what continues to happen with the aid of spirit but as thy do tell me, "You always have to pay." and all this has come at a great cost, with family rifts that are hard to heal.
Because of the effects on my life I have kept quiet about these things for many years, and i withdrew a book I had written on the subject. Reading your post, though, Ray, I could not help but say what has happened, because it is important now more than ever to remember and to share the FACT that we are more than matter (whatever 'matter' may be...) BECAUSE THEY WANT TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM US.
*Not until some twenty years later did I discover the meaning of the masonic trouser trick - the evening before the crash T and G had been at a friend's place playing silly games and being 'homies', a symbol of which was apparently rolling up their left trouser leg. T had obviously seen this as a way of getting through to G from the 'other side.'
Re-reading the story after 46 years, it looks like I am showing how to fly, and that's why I'm leaving it up to everyone who can read, and is willing/able to understand. I am using freshman-level vocabulary, because I don't think I could get across to anyone without that competency.
want only to share what I’ve found, to show those horizons out ahead for us all.
"My brothers!” he cried. “Who is more
responsible than a gull who finds and follows a meaning, a higher purpose for
life? For a thousand years we have scrabbled after fish heads, but now we have a
reason to live—to learn, to discover, to be free! Give me one chance, let me
show you what I’ve found…
"The Flock might as well have been stone."
I've always wanted to belong, but not a single tribe accepted me; I refused the gangs that wanted to recruit me at the time, and they would have killed me and, worse, I would have killed some of them before that, but we moved when I was 14.
As far as responding to your question of belief systems, faith makes miracles possible for negative thinkers who do not ordinarily win or survive cancer, illness, and other trauma as well as fast as positive thinkers who do not consider themselves victims. I did when I was young—committed suicide to escape, repeatedly, only to be taught, informed, and convinced to return for a lifelong adventure that seemed utterly impossible. Fifty-five years later, I am a writer, getting ready to publish books finally, travel to sell ideas there in around the world once the wars are over to complete a dream, a series of NDEs that spanned a year of deep depression as a crippled bullied child who sought death to find the reason why I was alive and forced to suffer so much. No one can imagine where these bodies will lead us, but I do believe in fate, faith, and miracles at this end of the road, younger than you still as I hit 69, running hard, steady, and fast. Substack does not even get 30 views or assist on my site for videos. Wii, those who see and write the truths do get shadowbanned here, too.
Just thinking out loud here Ray re your post ;I find I spend a lot of time mulling about what you write and then intuitively , I ask myself what is "it" I am feeling about what I read at some sort of gut level . I consider myself of average intelligence , but after a little life of many seasons ,I think of myself as someone with a fair bit of empathy and maybe some touches of wisdom. Your "brilliance " shines through so much of what you write , that I wonder if you are like the general in a field leading a pack only to find there are not many with you even though your intentions are well founded and how lonely/ frustrating it must feel . Could be so far off.
I empathize and realized that Substack started dropping deliveries to most of my subs a while back and butchered my paid subs list with wrongful double billing annually on some and insulting the little old ladies who called to complain. The actual number of people that some sign up to is large and the daily email for each of us who posts so much constantly that they have no time to read much of it at all, especially given the bulk of the population only has a 8.5 grade level reading skill. Honoring the better readers follow some of us, it still is mind boggling how much distraction there is these days. Substack is definitely pumping their favorites and dumping on the conservative views as I see their posts reaching me the least often. My subscribership seems to get a smaller delivery rate each time I tap a political hotspot.
Thank you again Ray for this . I am also trying to understand Dr JJ Couey with regards to his thinking points about the virus debacle and that psyop .. I was so happy with my painting practise of many years where I had the privilege of transcending time ,after 20 years of working in psychiatry in two major Toronto hospitals and then the virus debacle happened and can never go back in the same way . Even being slightly aware of the nefarious intentions has been eye opening with many people here in Canada still at the safe and effective stage . I've been fortunate to discover so many brilliant and lovely people like yourself trying to educate others who are open to something other than a main stream narrative.
As a matter of fact, I used to go to Princess Elizabeth in Toronto, when they were killing my sister with chemo... Also, as a volunteer and a home-support volunteer, I also have extensive experience in psych wards all over the world, just like you... 'Nuff said, I suppose...
Just curious Ray ,and as always thank you for your response here . When you put quotation marks around "google scholar" for Dr JJ, I'm not sure what you mean by that . Based on your comment about the Princess Margaret hospital , I'll assume your sister was living in Canada or maybe you did as well at some point ? You probably know we are saturated by so many un elected officials here - XI for one is salivating, as bit by bit our, what was known as Canadian sovereignty ,is disappearing.
I did love my work in psychiatry, however by the mid 80's I saw the hospital systems clearly as business models and not about people , so was fortunate to leave and found my way to a brighter world of art - leaving illness behind was another life of transformation. What at this point for you Ray , gives you some grounding and perhaps even some pleasure in spite of the disorder on so many levels ?
Ray, I will have to read your post about Bobby Fisher. I confess, I know little about the chess champion. I didn't like or comment on it because it didn't appear in my feed. My emails are messed up as weeks due to Substack glitches. Let me take a look. It sounds intriguing.
I see! Indeed! I’ll be spending a week reading through all the links, but it’s important to your story! I saw the musical chess in London was by far my favorite musical ever. They closed it down saying it was too expensive. I never understood that. The production cars couldn’t be any more than Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. So I knew there was much controversy surrounding Fisher, but not to the extent you write about. Extremely intriguing. Especially MK uktra connection.
Can you tell me more about "musical chess," please? Never heard of it, although in general, I never trust any public performances, especially in the last few years.
I found the original score somebody put together in some of the images and programs from the original production in London. That’s the one I saw. I will pull some other links up for you
Are you all aware of the Alien intervention in Man's evolution? You might be surprised to learn that the Old Testament was simply a history book about a journey of 12 Tribes given to an Alien "god" who called himself Yahweh. He was one of many aliens "gods" that came here to mine for Gold. They used their advanced tech to bamboozle proto humans into believing they were "Gods". They then decided to use the Humans to work their mines for them, as their own lower cast was rebelling. The part of the Old Testament that talks about 'begets and begats" is the Breeding Record of the Alien Yahweh, as they worked with what they had to create the best Slave to work and fight for them. That's what the Old Testament is. A history book with a breeding record.
When the Aliens finally left,....for reasons we don't know,.....they told their 12 Tribes that they had the Right to RULE the planet, and that they would be BACK some day to see how it was going.
Now you know what the Khazarian (Fake Jews) are scared of. And it appears that their Alien 'gods' may be back. So, the SHIT is about the HIT the FAN and all "Hell" is about to break loose.
Everything we have been told and taught for 100's of years has been lies. We don't know a thing about our Actual History. There were many alien 'gods' with groups of Humans to play around with,.....some of the 'gods' were good and kind to their humans,....some like Yahweh were cruel and evil. Some were to interested in us at all.
Let's hope that Yahweh is not one of them coming back! Read Paul Wallis's Books,...his Eden Series. Read Mauro Biglino's book, "The Naked Bible: The truth about the most famous book in History. All are on Amazon. You will see that all the Religious dogma has been to keep us Busy trying to figure out an illusion! And illusion created by the people left from the Elohim Occupation until now,...who generation after generation control the Planet. Even now, they are creating a new government,....I guess we'll see what happens this time. Maybe there are some of the Good aliens coming to help save us from the Khazarian Mafia (fake jews). LOL! I know, wishful thinking!
Personally, I don't believe in aliens; I consider them a psyop. Once an "alien invasion" is staged, "humanity must unite" and that will deprive everyone of their basic human rights in order "to fight the common enemy" that, of course, doesn't exist. That, however, is only one of them many options for the globalists:
“The curvature of the Earth is easy to ascertain, even for simple people like you and I. Just look at the streetlights across a lake like 8-10 miles away, and only the ones that are tall enough (about 15” or taller) can be seen.”
Whaaaat? This is perspective. Things appear smaller and lower the further they are away. This is why the sun appears to ‘set’. But when you are close to the lights or looking from a different perspective, say side on, they are clearly all the same height. Selling Curvature is more insane than the moon hoax. The earth is a flat, motionless, plane. Read some of the early experiments and books on zetetic astronomy.
Look, I am not interested in discussing flat Earth. You believe what you want to believe; no offense meant. Ultimately, it doesn't change a thing if the Earth is flat or round. It's the same sidetracking as the "virus" debate:
As opposed to you, I offered evidence to the curvature. Can you do the same for "flat Earth," please?
Of course, it's an option that the whole world is a simulation, but personally, I'm finding that far-fetched. I prefer to believe in Free Will:
“The curvature of the Earth is easy to ascertain, even for simple people like you and I. Just look at the streetlights across a lake like 8-10 miles away, and only the ones that are tall enough (about 15” or taller) can be seen.”
Whaaaat? This is perspective. Things appear smaller and lower the further they are away. This is why the sun appears to ‘set’. But when you are close to the lights or looking from a different perspective, say side on, they are clearly all the same height. Selling Curvature is more insane than the moon hoax. The earth is a flat, motionless, plane. Read some of the early experiments and books on zetetic astronomy.
I have already posted my reply. Can you provide ANYTHING specific, please?
One to ponder. As the shaman said to my friend in the jungle “Es spirito mundo es reale” - forgive the spelling but I’m sure the gist is right. You know it’s real. They know it’s real. They know that some of us know it’s real and their greatest fear might well be that a critical mass realize it’s real, and hence every effort is aimed dumbing our senses, quite possibly worse, though mind seems to be the principal battlefield with the least obvious red flags. Do you feel that having had the experiences you share there’s an element of melancholy in the absence of spirit in daily life? Spending time in the company of people who are ‘connected’ leads to the awareness that the senses can be cultivated by conscious effort and the rewards are manifold. Sometimes simply looking your dog in the eyes and answering his plea to walk can be enough.
Outstanding. Helpful. The end - reminds me of that vulgar Native American joke: “ Why do you ask, Two Dogs Fucking?”
Thank you for your appreciation. The article was meant to inspire similar thoughts that could initiate a discussion, which is why I haven't intervened for two days. I'm not sure how often I am outstanding or helpful, but I am always "different"; as one of the children's book title out of those that never made the cut put it, "You ARE different, and that's BAAAD!" :)
When it comes to vulgarity, please, at least use asterisks. :)
Thank you for another exceptional article ❤️
Information overdrive is a large issue today, meaning too much information.
I have become very selective recently removing and unsubbing from many sub stacks.
Ray, your writings are essential reading for me!
It's the same as having a hundred acquaintances verses a few excellent friends! ❤️
Thank you for your appreciation. Yes, it's a challenge to select what one reads. I addressed the problem as early as 2022:
Just like you, I also have favorite authors, but sometimes I can catch up with their work only months later...
My strength usually lies in thinking further than most, the ability to connect my past knowledge and past events with current phenomena, and to being prone to come up with unique questions and conclusions, hoping that my work can inspire my readers to do the same on their own and as much as such a thing is possible (it never completely is), they can think and decide for themselves. As you know, this site exists only because of my readers, and your experience only shows that "it takes one to know one." :)
I didn't see your post until I got the message referring to it. Had I seen it sooner I would definitely have commented as your post resonated with me in many ways, Jonathan Livingston Horvath:-)
Spiritual experiences, ah... I had an invisible friend when I was very small with a name similar to mine. We used to visit an imaginary shop owned by Mr Deepson where we bought samsa and dapsa. I didn't know at the time that I had had a twin sister who died in utero.
Shortly afterwards, when my grandfather died, I terrified my poor mother by asking her who the man in the overcoat and trilby was, playing cards at the bottom of my bed. Said gentleman appeared again (with knocking!) before anyone knew my father was terminally ill, and reappeared in spirit drawings I did much later, always prior to the appearance of the actual subject of the drawing - a guide if you will.
The night before T, the fiance of my daughter G, was involved in a fatal car accident, I felt a terrible sense of dread. I was feeding my big twin (she was twenty minutes older than my little twin and at some 30 months somewhat big to be being breastfed but that's how it was) and I was afraid something was going to happen to her - I still have this fear a bit, and she is 28 now, but it seems that that fear was not for her, because he following morning we had a call from T's mother at the hospital, saying there had been a crash and he was unlikely to survive. We dashed to the hospital in what we thought was a taxi but was just a car belonging to a man visiting neighbours.
After a horrendous night they switched off life support, with my daughter present, and she just 'switched off' too. Back home, I put the money I had taken for the taxi under the vase on the hall table and went into the kitchen where my husband was with the twins to get tea and some aspirin for my head. I took a phone call and went back for the aspirin only to find them gone. Later the ten pound note I had left under the vase appeared in the middle of the living room floor. This was the beginning of a lot of telekinetic fun that continued for months and involved many family members.
A couple of days later i was waiting for the twins to wake up from their nap so that I could take them to meet my husband in town to do some shopping, when I smelt ozone and immediately checked all electrical sockets in case the house was burning down. It was strongest by G's room, where the door was ajar though I know she had closed it earlier to stop the cat sleeping on her bed and scratching up the headboard. Inside, the air was crackling, and I heard a voice saying, "You've got to tell her. I'm still here! I'm scared for her." Without thinking, I answered, "You should be telling her not me, I don't understand. Why is this happening? Why did you have to die? WHY?" And there was a bang and the connection was lost. Later when G got home she asked me who had rolled up the left leg of her new trouser suit.^
This was the beginning of a huge spiritual journey that involved passing on messages and pictures to friends, family and strangers, as well l as receiving knowledge about esoteric symbolism (via my masonic grandfather who died before I was born), the way souls enter the next stage after death, through a sort of waterfall of light, and the nature of the universe in its crystalline state as well as the inter-connected multi-dimensional nature of our solar system. Oh, and a Walter Russell-type 'vortex machine' for healing. There was also a convoluted sort of near-death experience where I travelled with S, my daughter-in-law's mum, as she passed, rising up towards a wall with a yellow arched gate with roses growing round it, looking down at family who were sad for me, and knowing that I could love them even better from there. A phone call interrupted this - it was from E, my daughter-in-law, explaining that S had just passed and they had read a letter I had written to her just beforehand.
Vast energetic beings intervened to help my husband through a traumatic time, and, best of all, my almost-son-in-law was reborn into our family - this confirmed by two psychic mediums with no knowledge of what had happened previously. They also confirmed that he had been my own miscarried baby previously, which explained the closeness between us.
I feel so blessed and will be eternally grateful for what has happened and what continues to happen with the aid of spirit but as thy do tell me, "You always have to pay." and all this has come at a great cost, with family rifts that are hard to heal.
Because of the effects on my life I have kept quiet about these things for many years, and i withdrew a book I had written on the subject. Reading your post, though, Ray, I could not help but say what has happened, because it is important now more than ever to remember and to share the FACT that we are more than matter (whatever 'matter' may be...) BECAUSE THEY WANT TO TAKE IT AWAY FROM US.
*Not until some twenty years later did I discover the meaning of the masonic trouser trick - the evening before the crash T and G had been at a friend's place playing silly games and being 'homies', a symbol of which was apparently rolling up their left trouser leg. T had obviously seen this as a way of getting through to G from the 'other side.'
Re-reading the story after 46 years, it looks like I am showing how to fly, and that's why I'm leaving it up to everyone who can read, and is willing/able to understand. I am using freshman-level vocabulary, because I don't think I could get across to anyone without that competency.
From the book; it fully applies to my story:
"I want no honors. I have no wish to be leader. I
want only to share what I’ve found, to show those horizons out ahead for us all.
"My brothers!” he cried. “Who is more
responsible than a gull who finds and follows a meaning, a higher purpose for
life? For a thousand years we have scrabbled after fish heads, but now we have a
reason to live—to learn, to discover, to be free! Give me one chance, let me
show you what I’ve found…
"The Flock might as well have been stone."
I've always wanted to belong, but not a single tribe accepted me; I refused the gangs that wanted to recruit me at the time, and they would have killed me and, worse, I would have killed some of them before that, but we moved when I was 14.
<3 I cry all the way through that book. I start as soon as I take i off the shelf...
Sorry about the long wait. More is coming, but I might as well start responding to your comment.
Yes, the story was one of my early experiences, but I read it about three years after my "life dream":
Thanks - now I can cry over my laptop.
As far as responding to your question of belief systems, faith makes miracles possible for negative thinkers who do not ordinarily win or survive cancer, illness, and other trauma as well as fast as positive thinkers who do not consider themselves victims. I did when I was young—committed suicide to escape, repeatedly, only to be taught, informed, and convinced to return for a lifelong adventure that seemed utterly impossible. Fifty-five years later, I am a writer, getting ready to publish books finally, travel to sell ideas there in around the world once the wars are over to complete a dream, a series of NDEs that spanned a year of deep depression as a crippled bullied child who sought death to find the reason why I was alive and forced to suffer so much. No one can imagine where these bodies will lead us, but I do believe in fate, faith, and miracles at this end of the road, younger than you still as I hit 69, running hard, steady, and fast. Substack does not even get 30 views or assist on my site for videos. Wii, those who see and write the truths do get shadowbanned here, too.
Thank you for sharing. I'm so happy you've managed to leave rock bottom!
Here you are, a writer, addressing a specific audience on (multiple?) platforms, and you are doing a great job.
Your difficulties on Substack seem to match mine. :)
Just thinking out loud here Ray re your post ;I find I spend a lot of time mulling about what you write and then intuitively , I ask myself what is "it" I am feeling about what I read at some sort of gut level . I consider myself of average intelligence , but after a little life of many seasons ,I think of myself as someone with a fair bit of empathy and maybe some touches of wisdom. Your "brilliance " shines through so much of what you write , that I wonder if you are like the general in a field leading a pack only to find there are not many with you even though your intentions are well founded and how lonely/ frustrating it must feel . Could be so far off.
Thank you kindly for taking me at face value, which I still am. (If I EVER change my my profile/philosophy, I'll have been replaced as in
Please, realize that ALL THIS has NOTHING to do with your intelligence. What they are trying to take away is thinking...
Intelligence is another psyop:
I also understand that literally nobody can read through the nearly 1,000 articles I've posted since May 6, 2022, but I'm still here.
Yes, this is frustrating...
I empathize and realized that Substack started dropping deliveries to most of my subs a while back and butchered my paid subs list with wrongful double billing annually on some and insulting the little old ladies who called to complain. The actual number of people that some sign up to is large and the daily email for each of us who posts so much constantly that they have no time to read much of it at all, especially given the bulk of the population only has a 8.5 grade level reading skill. Honoring the better readers follow some of us, it still is mind boggling how much distraction there is these days. Substack is definitely pumping their favorites and dumping on the conservative views as I see their posts reaching me the least often. My subscribership seems to get a smaller delivery rate each time I tap a political hotspot.
That seems to be the case with my stack, too; many readers are not even notified about my publications, and some cannot comment.
As I am writing for "the three percent of the three percent," I manage to maintain college-freshman level...
And I'm also sick of Substack popularizing inadequate, irrelevant, and inconsequential coverage. :)
Thank you again Ray for this . I am also trying to understand Dr JJ Couey with regards to his thinking points about the virus debacle and that psyop .. I was so happy with my painting practise of many years where I had the privilege of transcending time ,after 20 years of working in psychiatry in two major Toronto hospitals and then the virus debacle happened and can never go back in the same way . Even being slightly aware of the nefarious intentions has been eye opening with many people here in Canada still at the safe and effective stage . I've been fortunate to discover so many brilliant and lovely people like yourself trying to educate others who are open to something other than a main stream narrative.
As for Couey, it should suffice that he is a "Google scholar":
As a matter of fact, I used to go to Princess Elizabeth in Toronto, when they were killing my sister with chemo... Also, as a volunteer and a home-support volunteer, I also have extensive experience in psych wards all over the world, just like you... 'Nuff said, I suppose...
Just curious Ray ,and as always thank you for your response here . When you put quotation marks around "google scholar" for Dr JJ, I'm not sure what you mean by that . Based on your comment about the Princess Margaret hospital , I'll assume your sister was living in Canada or maybe you did as well at some point ? You probably know we are saturated by so many un elected officials here - XI for one is salivating, as bit by bit our, what was known as Canadian sovereignty ,is disappearing.
I did love my work in psychiatry, however by the mid 80's I saw the hospital systems clearly as business models and not about people , so was fortunate to leave and found my way to a brighter world of art - leaving illness behind was another life of transformation. What at this point for you Ray , gives you some grounding and perhaps even some pleasure in spite of the disorder on so many levels ?
Ray, I will have to read your post about Bobby Fisher. I confess, I know little about the chess champion. I didn't like or comment on it because it didn't appear in my feed. My emails are messed up as weeks due to Substack glitches. Let me take a look. It sounds intriguing.
My post on Bobby is, to say the least, is "controversial." However, the devil is in the details.
I see! Indeed! I’ll be spending a week reading through all the links, but it’s important to your story! I saw the musical chess in London was by far my favorite musical ever. They closed it down saying it was too expensive. I never understood that. The production cars couldn’t be any more than Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. So I knew there was much controversy surrounding Fisher, but not to the extent you write about. Extremely intriguing. Especially MK uktra connection.
Can you tell me more about "musical chess," please? Never heard of it, although in general, I never trust any public performances, especially in the last few years.
Here is another link giving you a lot of information about the original production. Apparently they did a redo and presented again in 2022. I sought in about 1987 or so.
I found the original score somebody put together in some of the images and programs from the original production in London. That’s the one I saw. I will pull some other links up for you