What is a virus? Is it a bug, a germ, a parasite? If a virus is a natural living biologic entity can it be seen under a microscope? If a virus is a simple living pest is there any reason to believe it can't be destroyed by a normal (well) person's natural immune defenses? If a virus does not exist, what exactly is a viralogist studying? Do we know what we don't know?Experience offers the best proof of reality vs. Illusion.

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"The word virus comes from the Latin "virus", meaning poison, poisonous fluid, poisonous. We might also call this a foreign toxin, or toxic substance" Venom is also applicable.

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The existence of ANY pathogenic "virus" has NEVER been established. The little things advertised as such are most likely exosomes, as my link says in the article.

Virology is plain and simple, a fraud, just like Germ Theory, which has been promoted by the Rockefellerian flavor if "Madicine" in the last hundred years.

The symptoms of "flu" have always skyrocketed, whenever a new type of radiation was introduced.

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Thank you, Ray. All of your stacks are worth reposting...every. single. one. Just brilliant!

Shared an old one of mine today too! We are always on the same wave...

Rappaport had a good post - might be worth a repost, just to remind people how valuable we are to our very survival and edification...?


and, sorry to say, the archon ghoulz at the top were "never" human...


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Thanks. This is a minor post, because there is simply not much new out there, and whatever is, I've already written about several times.

People are being slowly replaced by their deepfakes:


Rappoport was a bit suspicious on Substack before (he used to be great, but it also looks like he has run out of breath...):


There isn't much time left, anyway, and money isn't going to be worth anything soon.

Not sure how to relate to your last sentence.

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just my theory that I've held for decades - that at the top of this control grid pyramid are ultraterrestrials,/interdimensionals/extraterrestrials/archons/top-of-the-heap unseen overlords, that have always been in control in this realm/simulation/whatever it is...and it seems that they are now hell-bent on taking their earthly timeshare back...

is all I was sayin'

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On that department, you and I diverge. I don't think anything fancy is needed to explain the end of humanity. All civilizations follow the same pattern until they collapse. The difference this time is that only technocracy is able to take over, and it will inevitably fail, although probably too late:


Until then, it ain't gonna be pretty:


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Masks seem to be coming back into vogue. So for all those virus freaks out there, if they are finding things like microplastics and nanoplastics, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), phthalates and phthalate esters, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), and heavy metals (lead, cadmium, cobalt, copper, antimony) why can't they find any covid viruses or any other viruses in these masks? Makes you wonder if they exist or not. My guess is NOT.

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As you are also noting, there are MANY causes for the same symptoms, which serves plausible deniability.

Most muzzle-wearers I see are elderly who are watching too much TV, but I can also imagine paid actors doing the same anytime soon.

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It seems to me that the medical mafia has seduced the majority. No one wants to confront their doctors for various rationale. He makes them feel better (they think) because they are too lazy to research or do the work for their own health. He’s schooled more so he must be smarter. They provide trauma care so must be good. And they call it trust.

Until you can break that trust bubble they will never accept that the trusted smiling doctor is the state’s executioner.

Over 50 years ago my grandfather said “If you want to live longer, stay away from doctors”. That wisdom does not get passed along anymore. Because of the assumed trust.

Our initiative is to break that trust and keep hammering home. They are trying to kill you. But only after they take all your youth, energy, and stuff.

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Your grandpa said what I've also been practicing; for 40 years, no "doctor" saw me until I nearly (?) died last year, when I went only to make sure my wife could collect my life insurance and wouldn't be arrested for not calling for help:


They WOULD HAVE treated me to death, but first, they wanted to make some money, and by the time I recovered enough, I was able to refuse any more tests and treatments.

I cannot fathom what would make people realize that they are made and kept sick by "treatments," often for "conditions" that had no symptoms before the "treatments."

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He died in his 80’s in the house he built after a life of working in all sorts of factory environments including a brick foundry. I’ve watched everyone else in the family die in the hands of hospital care.

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Our whirled is wholely based on perception. Media, advertisement & hive think.

Every day I wake up & look out my window to verify the state of my surroundings.

Today is a good day ... I see no chemtrails (day 3), No tanks on the streets or gangs of mercenary military aged men & lastly no children in leg braces with polio.

I'd like to KNOW in real time what everybody else is seeing out of their windows as opposed to what the media dictates that we see.

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Update. A blue haired girlie boy just jogged past my window & I received a phone call from United Healthcare wanting to schedule a yearly Wellness visit & update a vaccine schedule.

My whirled will NOT be infiltrated.

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My impression is that sick-care companies, besides trying to estimate their next quarter, are also using their "home visitors" for casing the premises and the information collected in the "interviews" for sale.

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I 1000% AGREE!

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Not sure why, but there are a LOT fewer chemtrails around here, too. That is something I've been observing for a couple of months already, yet haven't been able to make sense of it. Will keep trying. :)

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I thought for sure that Labor Day BBQ & festivities would be chemtrailed. We got blue skies & white puffy clouds as opposed to tick tac toes & dirty gray cotton ball schmeers.

I wonder what they are up to as well.

I wonder if in order to release their mosquitos there has to be no poisons actively floating about.

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I wonder, if with all the publicity, the sickos are pulling back on the chemtrails. But, I wouldn't be so naive as to believe that they are not delivering the poisons, toxins by other methods. DO NOT BECOME COMPLACENT.

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I don't think it matters much...THEY are putting it all out in the open now. If we do not fight back against the murder of humanity ... They see it as consent.

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Concerted action is impossible, but if everybody draws a line, I'm quite sure it will be pretty close. :)


And no, "they" don't care for consent or for "resistance." It's all AI-generated:


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Thanks for the links. I'm partway into the 2nd one...It's quite a doozy thus far! Zombie Armies? You're speaking my language Ray.

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At first, I was also tempted to think they are toning it down. On the other hand, when they can put everything in water AND food LEGALLY, there isn't much space left for misunderstanding.

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My first best guess is the food supply, but my second is that it doesn't matter anymore, because the proceedings for the potential November carnage are already being finalized.

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Now that's a winning assessment that. I hadn't factored in! November carnage!


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If I were one of the murderers, the November (s)election will be a good time for fake riots, which will explain food, water, and energy shortages, and the ensuing 5G illnesses and blackouts would create many diversions from the actual events: the country and the USD being wiped out, and the populace fighting for basics would make sure Americans do the favor of significantly contributing to the depopulation project.

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Like you said before, the parasites are following AI script. One must try to rationalize as a machine, not as a human being. No emotions attached.

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All of the above Ray! They already started activating their mercenaries to take over apartment buildings in Aurea CO, NY & Chicago. Or so the internet tells me.

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Sep 5
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THANK YOU JUSTIN! I absolutely love a boots on the ground observation. I'm sorry to hear your farmers are having a tough time. Farmers are LIFE!

We got waaay to much rainfall this spring/summer too. Overactive HAARPing ??

They must be dropping DNA from the sky. I've seen folks do microscope analysis & it's not pretty what they find (DNA) It would make sense bacterial hoof diseases would run rampant.

My allergies have been crazy as well (I'm in Midwest USA) ... Another thing I notice is a LOT of electrical jolts when I try & sleep at night.... I tried to tie that to chemtrails & breathing in metals, but I'm not sure. Whatever it is....It SUCKS BAD.

Is there a required saturation level...GOOD question!

Nobody gets out alive ... so we play their game while were here & work around their media blackouts & Farrie tales. :)

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