Yeah everyone where ARE the kids? If you were planning on implementing a global totalitarian regime by reducing the population en masse and hiding for at least a decade what would you want when you begin your New World Order back on the surface?

Well I would want a generation of new adults that I have indoctrinated for a decade in complete isolation! Girls especially, breeders. A captive work force completely under my control, following my rules. A group of humans who will have nothing and be happy about it.

You see this in plan play out in movies, I know you can read about this scenario in books, I have read many. Its NOT rocket science Jesus-lon.

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...and it directly connects to what all the invaders are doing here:


How to capture the world?


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Thank you for calling attention to this.

Sorry, I forget what the video was about, but if anyone here is a Tiktok member (sorry, I am not signed up for anything on the Internet besides Substack), they might be able to ask the source, assuming she still exists. Her page seems to:


If this could be straightened out, I could post a functional link, which might or might not exist...

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what did you mean by "don’t worry; only the strong are brave enough to cry."


"after serious consideration, I said I wanted to learn how the world works. At this point, I know, and I am sick of"

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I just watched a video this morning from Redacted, an interview with a Carlos Arellano, Former US immigration contractor. He had some extremely chilling things to say. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3FYvsqCpGM If God came back to start the human race over, I would not blame him. China has been doing this organ trafficking dance for many years now. Horrible, absolutely horrible!

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Thanks for your courageous writing. Keep in mind Ray, some of us were failed by the "Family" model long before we got jobs. Sadly, we didn't recognize the slave system we were in or the need to break through it. Just saying, if the "family" model depends on helplessness and subservience, it needed to change. Maybe to something better than subsistence level tax-farm wage slavery, but still it needed to change.

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IKR? I am so glad I am not God. Because me being me, I would have wiped out these evil perpetrators a long time ago. I severely lack the patience to put up with them long enough to accomplish a larger purpose......

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Humanity doesn't seem to need God's help to be wiped out; it's doing a good job on its own. :)

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He just turned them over to the idolatry of the Reprobate Mind to learn about consequences in indulging in evil in thought and action, which can help people to rethink the error of their foolish ways and get back on track with His will

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That is so sad but, what you are saying is the truth.

For those who want to learn or would like to help:



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CHD sometimes publishes useful information, but it must be evaluated with caution:


One needs discerning eyes to read between the lines:


SWC is a well-meaning site, but I'm afraid it overestimates what people can realistically do:


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"At this point, I know, and I am sick of it. I can only admire God’s patience."

Ray, this about the sickness and the patience is a profound statement and I am with you there.

It's a question really and an answer might be that we, participants in the "greatest civilization on earth" (as that Substacker blithely wrote not long ago), have made such a hellish mess of God's project, humanity to wit, that he is simply waiting for the ship to run aground by and of itself.

To my knowledge we have been equipped to know right from wrong. Biblical religion, especially the church, has done unspeakable harm in enticing us into the ways of written revelation (so-called) and forgiving of sins (so-assumed). We need no such revelations and our sins are being payed back to us by their consequences. Some may believe they have a personal account with a personal god, but fate (fatum = the word spoken by God before tiny humans began drawing out their ledgers) is putting the collective account in order now. Forget about faith, hope and love. They have proven as unreliable as their source. Faith, resistance and only the toughest of tough loves is what we have.

Thank you for your honesty.

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From the Christian point of view, my understanding of the fall (the story of the Garden of Eden) was that humans wanted to learn right and wrong on their own, so they are given the opportunity in this life.

While primary socialization takes care of the person's moral conditioning by the age of five or so, morals can be re-learned, so the person has to make conscious decisions instead of relying on their conditioning and follow their "instinct."

Humans are absolutely incapable of telling good from evil on their own; they need divine revelation. Also, they cannot save themselves; they need divine redemption. Various religions end up with pretty much the same conclusions, and they differ only in their paths.

In my experience, it is the personal relationship with the Creator that matters, as long as it is footed on divine revelation that is accessible for everyone truly interested. As a medieval preacher put it, those whose house is not built on a rock resemble the drunk who keeps losing his balance, yet he is blaming the ground under his foot.

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Only the poets can teach us. This is the gist of the story of the Garden of Eden. It's about staying away from priests, sorcerers, necromancers etc., from religion for short. Like this:

Ever since the Biblical story of Paradise swam into our ken our thinking about good and evil has been muddled. At the time it entered our field of vision the story had already been tampered with by those who had their own use for it, priests, theologians and what else have you in the market place of religon. To threaten people with God’s anger because of a sin in the past which could not be undone, only mitigated with the help of priests, theologians and their likes. In order to have a firm grip on the masses that sin has been amplified, made ever more dreadful over the centuries. Until it had exclusively to do with the Mighty Issue of Good and Evil (which is too dry and abstract for a poet anyway). Now the understanding of that original sin in the mind of Bible scholars may have evolved gradually but the purpose of the clientele of Biblical scholarship, to exploit the fear of the masses, has ever been te same.

The original story however by-passes the question of good and evil and deals with the deeper dichotomy of our likes and dislikes. Deeper as in our search for shelter and food we are apt to postpone questions of good and evil. And right there, in our pursuit of physical well-being, the story addresses us. In Antiquity people turned to priests and prophets to help them to their comforts. Priests, prophets and related vocations postured as keepers of a knowledge fit for them but unfit for the masses. If properly rewarded they were able to put the gods in the right mood for the benefits everybody needed and sought. Or so it was assumed. Just as we turn to science for our health, fertility and crops our forefathers in days long gone headed for a sanctuary with a reputation of efficacy.

And now comes my point. In the story of Paradise the type of knowledge that priests and miracle-workers had to offer is represented by the Tree of Knowledge of Bitter and Sweet, of pleasant and unpleasant. It is contrasted with the Tree of Life. If you want life, says our poet, then stay away from priests and priestly arts. And from their modern equivalents, I would add, for that way wisdom runs dry in a blind alley. And without wisdom, the teaching of te meaning of life, all is vain and useless. The meaning of life cannot be stated yet it can be transmitted through words. The very waves of the ocean in their unending song will teach you that. If you want life, follow the living word of the poets. Go your own way but make them your guides. Find out what life, not life in general but YOUR life, is about. Persevere and you will not be disappointed.

Understand that the true poet does not speak of physical life or immortality. That’s what Gilgamesh is after and the Babylonian poet, knowing what our Hebrew poet knows, makes Gilgamesh come home disenchanted. Life in the sense of the story of Paradise means a life that never ends but (and this is a huge but) it MUST begin before physical death sets in. For as the lady in white has it: “Who has not found the heaven below, / Will fail of it above. / God’s residence is next to mine, / His furniture is love.” If we do not find this life before we die, then we have ignored the Tree of Life. We have not been interested in God’s best gift. So our living in his presence after death would be to no purpose. We have been dead in life as God’s neighbour in Emily’s poem has been alive in death. Life in the flesh being a sort of death to speakers of divine words. When the moment of the falling away of the flesh arrives those having lived next door to God won’t miss their body at all. They shall leave it behind as Hazel left his on the edge of a ditch because he did not need it no more.

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Wow, beautifully written. So true we must find and acknowledge Heaven on Earth, as is written. Our creator made Earth and Heaven on it for us. Once we accept Biblical wisdom, understanding and truth we want to be like Jesus and practice right living, love of our fellow man and the charity to others that is of utmost importance to Him and to ourselves.

We only dwell in our Earth-suits for a short time as merely tourists.

Thanks for your great words and thought provoking insight.

Thanks to our Father for the peace he brings us on his Earth.

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You hit the nail on its head: to be like Jesus and practice right living ... Not just to believe in Jesus, thinking we are doing God a favor, but to practice right living. That's what we are down here for. God gave us poets and poetry to learn how to make our (sometimes difficult) decisions in life. Some of that poetry has ended up in the Bible where regretfully more often than not it goes unheeded.

One of the most beautiful statements I have ever heard is: KNOW THE POWER THAT IS PEACE. Said by Black Elk apparently. The more you think about it, the deeper it gets. It condenses all the wisdom the Bible can teach.

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Wise post sister :)

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The BeeGees song is geo-censored.

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"Obviously, the police were in business with the human traffickers."

Same everywhere Ray. Thanks for this.

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Yes, the police cannot do anything else but keep up the appearance of law and order. In order to do it, they usually take their cuts and eliminate the competition, so they even produce "arrest records." Sometimes a new competitor proves to have stronger ties with those in power and/or offers a more lucrative contract. It is definitely the same everywhere.

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Yet they always have the "time" to monitor and ruin the lives of people who want to be left alone...or desire free speech...or hate war...yes, lots of time for that!

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Substack has been quite good at maintaining free speech, although some authors often give themselves away by "banning" the wrong people. :)

Here is an example (Proton and I don't always agree, but that's fine with me; he publishes good articles):


Of course, the good days on Substack might be over soon.

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I am banned on the Breggin substack and they never told me why.

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Very curious.

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Please, clarify.

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"Breggin and Malone" is obviously an official disinformer (you can't be a friend of Fitts and Malone at the same time), so having been banned might be considered an honor.

For about eight months, I was mostly troll- and bot-free. Attacks started after subscribers exceeded a thousand and visitors three thousand a day. I haven't had to ban anyone until three people tried to overtake the comment section by irrelevant nonsense or lengthy diatribes. I also issued a one-week ban to someone who had trolled me before, and tried to disseminate official propaganda in an intelligent manner. Normally, I wouldn't have banned the latter at all, but the other two had just exhausted me with their four days' of crazy parade.

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My rule is to only ban if violence is threatened. Let's see if I can stick to it.

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Thanks Ray. Awful but the truth in so many dreadful ways.

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You made an excellent point, there's always two sides in trade, the buyer and the seller. If most Johns developed a real conscience, then the sex trade would start to die. Since nobody would be buying.

But I wonder if other forms of slavery would become more prevalent.

CPS that's Child Predator Services, has been in on this for a long time. It turns out that Customs and Boarder Patrol are discharging non documented children to sex hustlers too.

I'm fairly certain that 98% of all the 3 letter agencies are just mini corporations that are trying to profit off of different types of bondage.

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I saw it in Oswego county, on the Canadian border in upstate New York.

One lady told me it was normal, her third generation of it. At the time I couldn’t believe it. Now it’s clear as day.

I believe the lady who helped me find an apartment when I was at a women’s shelter was getting kickbacks. The apartment complex targeted single women. One young mom got kidnapped and nobody believed her except me . Her children were taken from her, she’s still trying to get them back.

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how it works that she was the 3rd? what was her origin?

"One lady told me it was normal, her third generation of it."

kickbacks for kidnapping or/and recruting in prostitution or what?

"I believe the lady who helped me find an apartment when I was at a women’s shelter was getting kickbacks. "

Targeted in which way/how?

"The apartment complex targeted single women."

But she was just simply let to come back so that tou were able to speak to her or how?

"One young mom got kidnapped and nobody believed her except me . Her children were taken from her, she’s still trying to get them back."

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I'm so sorry you have had such an awful experience, especially having to see how easily some people are willing to throw away an innocent little life. There's no room for Predators and Parasites. Harming women and children is the fastest way for a civilization to fall.

The tables must be turned somehow.

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Thanks. Im very thankful to be far away from there now. Unexpectedly got married and moved to Florida just before lockdown. I feel very blessed. God used the situation (for me to stop doing new age stuff like reiki) & lean on Him. I don’t mean organized religion, just a personal relationship.

I wish I knew how to make those tables turn & fast. I keep praying and speaking up any chance I get.

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The answer is always found in your heart. If you project love into the world, you will always see what is needed. I truly wish I could offer you advice, but it looks like you are on the right track. Congratulations on your marriage. I hope that things will go well for you.

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(& I was in Onondaga county, near Syracuse. At the shelter when it was my turn to clean up the bathrooms, I found a fetus in the toilet. It was covered up. I still have bad dreams about that one)

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Sorry Rosalind.

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I have always been good at estimates, missing the percentage only by a small fraction. This time, I have lost my touch. How many people do you think still have a conscience. There is no need for the globalists to erase the "God gene" from people...

Conscience, anyway, is a social construct, based on one's primary conditioning. If you grow up among crooks, by the time you are five, your sense of right and wrong follows theirs. These days, most children are growing up among crooks and morons:


All these "mothers" taking their children to the slaughterhouse is still bringing tears into my eyes.

Yes, all the agencies are coordinated and involved.

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Fan of the bee gee’s , but never heard that song before. Thanks! Always nice to hear a new tune when your stuck at work.

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Their double album is one of my eternal favorites:


These boys loved music and managed to put the eternal desire that might give people eternal life into music:


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