This guy knows what's going on. Think like the bad actors and you understand how bad things may get.

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- WW3 on TV (following a false flag or two in a real nuclear attack or at least a dirty bomb; with 9/11, the perpetrators stopped being bashful); -CHECK

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they are going to let Trump win. Then they are going to take Trump out, along with his people, and replace him with a new leader. Overnight, the new leader, who is the new dictator, will have loyal agents of the State snatch up 100-1000 persons, no trials, no accountability. They will never be seen again. Now everyone else will become silent. People will be completely passive and compliant. And they will all begin talking about how everything is now "a lot better." This "good" period will last months or years. Then problems return, as they tend to do. Various problems will come back, whatever those will be. And it gets worse and worse...

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Your article, following mine by less than seven weeks, sheds further light on the details!

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Excellent list. Updated for 2023, [They] are also poisoning the soil and air now, via massive volatile industrial accidents. This makes it easier to confiscate the very land upon which we live and make our livelihoods.

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Well, it's an old list, but real poisoning is on it. :)

Of course, I couldn't identify the actual mode of deploying toxins, but it was ingenious in the East Palestine incident and a lot more to follow.


Here is the latest:


Chemtrails are only a small part of the general poisoning:


Yes, confiscation seems to be on the list now. I used to think it would be either due to taking Americans' assets as a collateral for the "loans" that the govt picked up on the taxpayer's behalf, or after the introduction of the DBDC, property taxes will have to be paid in CBDC, but nobody's allotment will be enough to pay.

Exterminating the population is a lot more simple.

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There is a tremendous number of people who are visionaries and can use their own powerful abilities to create, manifest and change the energy of the CABAL, by connecting coherently to the ganglionic cells on the top of their hearts with their minds and thoughts so that we connect and unite in one vision of creating Heaven on Earth. We can and design and imagine new n systems to replace the old, that are not fear based and horrific for humans and all life on this Earth. I believe in the power of thought in connection with a Higher Power and I believe in Quantum Power from combined efforts to do so.

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If they can do that, how come they haven't done it yet? To me, it seems that everything is progressing smoothly towards the 2030 agenda.

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Ray there is much we do not know about how powerful we are. It is not a "they" thing. There must be critical mass and it comes from all of us. If we focus on the fear based stuff we will create more of that. Gregg Braden describes it from many different perspectives, including a scientific one. Perhaps you could check out some of his stuff.

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If the enablers and the enforcers realized that they will be next, the globalist plan would fall apart.

The technocrats have been planning this for decades and are now using a global simulation that is fed live data and advises the globalists on their next moves. Their moves have an unusual fingerprint: one event usually serves several of their objectives:



Those who are afraid are already dead; they just do not know it.

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Ray, I wish what you say is true for I would be living in the world I desire to be a part of and have desired to be a part of since I can remember. Unfortunately since the systems the Illuminati have put in place I can only say that it has not been true that those who are "afraid" are all dead. I We are still fighting a "monster" whose primary food is "fear"!

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Thanks Ray. This part. "Martial law enforced by foreign (probably Chinese) mercenaries".

Highly possible that the Islamic invasion of UK, Europe & USA will be the enforcers. In the main all fit, healthy young muslim men. Zero allegiance to their host countries. Always willing to commit atrocities. Especially when their palms are greased.

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LAPD just initiated a squad of non-citizen cops...

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They are certainly not your best friends,


but there are plenty of others who hate Americans, too (because of US killing sprees in the name of "spreading democracy")... I assume, many of these newcomers were brought in here for that very reason to serve a purpose and, currently, they are going through their training. Killing everyone in an area is easy, but occupation (for the time being, and for not much longer) works only with live troops...

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Excellent article Mr Burns 😂.

How I see the next coercion play out.-


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I am supporting anyone who is willing to take responsibility for their actions. Here is a little bit more:


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Even worse:


Their dream, our nightmare. Yet, we can stop this with more prayer and political action:

The 2023 digital dollar (Federal Reserve is testing it): they plan to ban cash. We need a law forbidding banning cash and allowing paying in kind compulsory payments like taxes. Also, a zero inflation new coin backed by real assets (gold, silver, copper, lithium, oil, soya warrants, whatever but real, since freemasons counterfeit dollars and Euros as explained by Ronald Bernard).

The 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty: they plan nations to give up their sovereignty to the WHO


The 2025 new plandemic: 67 P4 labs like Wuhan are working in new Frankensteins, we need a REAL non-proliferation Bioweapons Convention.


The 2026 global drought through cloud dissolving tech: we need an international anti-geoengineering Convention.

Finally, the Transparency (out-of-closet) law could be the key to unleash the movement towards direct democracy:



A law stating under severe penalty for non-compliance (even to their heirs if that is known after they died), that anyone should disclose if they belong to a secret society, especially those with the requirement to obey secret orders, such as all lodges and freemasonic and luciferian/satanic type of societies.

Penalties should be even more severe with all stake holders involved in or with all the 3 branches of government (even suppliers and candidates), finance (especially, banks, funds, listed corporations) and especially, the armed forces, even the police (that's the reason they' didn't protect the country against blatant constitutional violations).

If this law passes, you'd learn that all listed financial and corporate boards are controlled by freemasons, all the Democrats and especially all the Republicans voting for gender ideology were freemasons, all politicians members of the CFR or attending Sun Valley are freemasons, most of the Supreme Court and lesser courts, all dominant media CEOs are freemasons.

Only then people will ask for change, for example, a law barring them from all such positions. There's no deep state just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry. Freemasonry is the enemy of the people.

Don’t get sad, move your ass! Get into politics! There’s no other way to survive the future.

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What’s coming?

Actually we are about up to our eyeballs in it and that is God’s judgment on a pagan world.

Whenever a people reject God’s Law He gives ample warnings, then destroys them.

Read your Bible. The cycle is repeated over and over again and it is clear as day.

All of those things mentioned in the article can be found in the scriptures allowing for changes in language and technology.

So few see it as God’s handiwork because so few know Him or His Word and Law.

Part of the judgment is God’s blinding pagans from the truth:

Isaiah 66:4

“I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.“

If you are seeking truth start with God’s Word, and I mean the God of Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac, not the false god “we the people” or any other like it.

Go to sermon audio dot com and search “How God Destroys Nations”. Listen to the five sermon series by pastor John Weaver.

Jeremiah 8:7

“Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the Lord.“

Jeremiah 10:24

“O Lord, correct me, but with judgment; not in thine anger, lest thou bring me to nothing.“

1 Peter 4:17

“For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?“

The world is indeed being judged, but the Country Club, and the members, the church has degenerated into, will be reduced to ashes first.

After you listen to the five sermons I mentioned above search “Where are the Preachers?” And I Feel Just Like Jeremiah” under pastor Weaver’s page.

After that God will lead you where you need to go.

Have your Bible open follow along.

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"Now may the God of Hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." Romans 15:13.

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Still applicable.


Once magistrates depart from God’s charge, they no longer have His patent to rule.

A lesser magistrate can then oppose the higher magistrate. If lesser magistrates fail to act, it falls to the people at large.

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Cyber Polygon was a test run in I think it was Summer 21? So a cyber attack, possibly leading to complete shutdown and restart of internet in sanitized form, also contributes to shutdown of supply chains for food fuel parts etc.

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Sorry, I don't read the ET. I don't read anything that wants me to register. :)

I also have my problems with its contents:


Perhaps you could say a few words about the article. Of course, only if you have the time and the inclination.

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Furthermore, the ET marches in uncritical lockstep with the climatism charade, the UNEP/UNFCCC Trojan horse of all the UN corporate globalist Trojan horses'.

Nonetheless, the glint of reason; Vanguard breaking ranks


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Thank you for the further details about ET; I forgot most of my objections, because reading their stuff irritated me beyond imagination. :)

It's important to remember that all this is a theater in which everyone, including you and me, are players. "Real fake news" have been common for mass manipulation and at this point, the method has reached artistic levels. Consider the globalists' last move in raising hope:


As far as I can see, the technocrats' AI has not made up its mind yet, so everything is delayed, and such "news" only provide room for the delay.

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But what is the end game? We all die so those in power will die as well. Just to see suffering ? I do see what’s happening but I simply can’t understand the why of it...

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neither can I see why. they just want to kill and destroy is all I can think.

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The why is satanism. Freemasons worship Lucifer. He pays his followers with money, power and fame... the downside: eternal hell.

The full PLAN exposed:


Humanly, the only way out is politics:

The 2020 and 2022 rigged and stolen elections (it’s the machines!):



J6: what THEY don't want YOU to know

The fake riot was mason-planned, incited and guided by FBI agents, who broke into the Capitol !!!


Are we crazy to accept demo-crazy?


It sucks! We need to improve democracy… how about REAL democracy?


Yet, above all, this is a spiritual battle against the freemasonic and satanic cabals (all under one boss).

A little help for your faith:

Scientific proof of God and the soul:


Scientific proof of religion


What do you believe comes after death (Science backs religion)?



Why aren't atheists convinced by miracles which happened, and are scientifically proven?


Which is the true Christianity: Protestantism or Catholicism?


Don't waste your time: no aliens out there


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"Freemasons worship Lucifer. He pays his followers with money, power and fame... the downside: eternal hell."

To them; one gets what they deserve. Enjoy your time in Hell.

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And please, stop posting the same lengthy list several times after the same article. Let's agree on two the most...

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It's only my feedback, but I believe, it is more helpful for everyone involved, if I focus on no more than three links in a comment after an article. Although I sometimes violate my own premise, I still can't imagine too many people reading more all at once, and that includes me most of the time. Expanding my readership is more effective, if I cut it short and keep it focused.

Still, I do realize that your links are relevant, and I am also one of your readers, but you caught my attention with single articles, not with an overwhelming list.

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These monsters have been using adrenochrome to lengthen their lives for years, but now they believe their genetic manipulation will allow them to live forever. It's in one of my old articles, but I cannot find it. :) Too many articles.

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With heavy metals injected into people, the flick of a switch at a certain frequency 5g, can end it all

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As an anti-dote perhaps some AC/DC or Motorhead.

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And it will. :)

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Does anyone have any ideas on how to fucking stop this or what a person can do to prepare beside the obvious. Like we need a plan!

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Look at my post of a moment ago.

This world will end and it will end violently.

The most important thing YOU can do is accept Christ and study God’s Word.

Absent that you are part of the problem.

Like Ray I also see what is coming. But I know WHY.

Both are to be found in the scriptures.

As well as the “Escape Pod”.

If you are a Real Christian, you have already made the call from: “Beam me up, Jesus!” He will energize on His schedule so stay “In the Beam”.

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This whole nightmare has brought me closer to God. Recently baptized.☺️ It's not me I'm so concerned with it's my poor kids. I'm heartbroken for them. I can happily go meet my maker. They should have much life to live before that time comes. I just have time to grow old. I don't really need to do that. They still aren't even close to having there first girlfriend, beer, marriage, kids. It's just heartbreaking. I can feel there is spirituality component to what's going on. It's palpable. That part is the easy part for us. It's the in-between that's concerning I think. Thanks.

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There are a number of things that must be done, but only those in power could do them:


The alternative is civilizational collapse and replapsing to the pre-industrial period or turning the world into a technocratic nightmare where real humans will be limited to the rulers, if anyone.

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Agree, the problem is the people in power will not do them. So I guess we are faced with collapse. That was my deduction too. So how do you prepare for a collapse? Or is there a way to pressure them into taking action?

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If the enforcers realized that they will be th next victims, the program might grind to a halt.

Other than that, preparing for five years of no food, no water, and no heat is probably beyond the means of most people.

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"If the enforcers realized that they will be the next victims, the program might grind to a halt."

Not 'if' but 'when'?

Their literal dead-end moral, biological, social and economic trajectory goes no where. Their 1000 yr. 'Reich' analogue will unravel very quickly.

You will surely have noticed how much more rapidly events transpire in a network society?

If NATO/EU goes nuke and has a crack at Mother Russia, anticipate Davos in Switzerland becoming a radioactive ash filled crater.

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In response to "when," I would say, "probably too late."

Yes, they are killing themselves, too, without even knowing it, but they will go last. Their technological superiority is making them unavailable, but even if people know who they are, they would have five-year-old's chance to beat the schoolyard bully. Well, probably less than that.

Nobody is going to nuke anyone, although WW3 is likely to come up on TV after a few strategically-placed false flags in the tradition of 9/11.

China, Russia, and the US have been working hand-in-hand towards the New World Order.


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What is "weaponized smallpox"? Is that like gain of function? J. Brabazon had something to say about smallpox in 1863 :)


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But if based on pathogens, well overrated by the looks of it, that's not really going to work is it?

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It will be a concerted attack on all fronts from all sides. Weaponized smallpox can be used as a new plandemic that actually kills a lot of people.

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Thankyou. How about Marburg as suggested by Todd Callendar. Activated by 5g

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Ricin already within the nano gels. All already on board the injected . Just awaiting the correct 5 g signal.

The Ricin will make folks bleed to death . Media will proclaim Marburgs Pandemic.

Then the same medical Loonie Toon killers will line up all the Terrorized folks begging for a Vaccine... they'll get Ricin Injections characterized as Vaxes....quite the blood bath.

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Any clue where the info about ricin is? Sorry, never heard of it. Still, it sounds absolutely feasible. Marburg as a "variant" of Ebola is a good explanation for the masses...

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As far as I can see, a potentially infinite number of combinations can be activated by 5G. "Marburg" is only a name for a non-existent "virus."

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Ricin already within the nano gels. All already on board the injected . Just awaiting the correct 5 g signal.

The Ricin will make folks bleed to death . Media will proclaim Marburgs Pandemic.

Then the same medical Loonie Toon killers will line up all the Terrorized folks begging for a Vaccine... they'll get Ricin Injections characterized as Vaxes....quite the blood bath.

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The failure might therefore be in their inability to weaponize any bio agent other than convincing everyone to inject it, which I think some resistance has been built to in the last few years.

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They can aerosolize the injections...

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How? That seems on surface to require too much 'aerosolizing'.

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