There are only a few of us who are aware and reading the couple hours a day to discover as much truth as we can handle. From my corner of the world, we have a chance to rip this government lie apart and approach the original intent of the Constitutional Republic.
Deconstruct the Federal Cartel while working with the States to reign in the corruption from the trafficking and drugs.
Last I heard is $20B to AZ alone. 15 other states share 20B, with my state of WA at the top of the list, an OG of election fraud possibilities. It starts with the propaganda that is is safe, honest and staffed with people from Central Casting. Then they make laws to make the whole system cheatable in every way possible, and it is against the law to audit an election. Auditing would be futile as there are chain of custody issues, black boxes with "proprietary software" and systems with "man-in-the-middle" algorithms that make elections completely fictional in Washington State.
With free-thinking people like Ray Horvath, Agent131711, Margaret Anna Alice, and many others on the relatively unrestricted segments of the internet, like Substack, we could increase this critical mass of truth-seekers, and the core of the Federal Executive being amassed to Drain the Swamp, I am assuming a priority will be to prosecute the treason, then to correct the basics of election maladministration.
Fixing elections will do for us what it did for the Cartel, it will give the people control of their own fate, and the opportunity to reverse the curse of the MSM, Papers, News, Radio, TV and the courts who have been the most corrupted of all. It is the courts where the RICO indictments will flow. The replacement judges will not tolerate the lies. Even a white lie will be treated as an abomination is the dream of dreams, which includes people who live the lie for convenience, money, and power. All the deceit of the political parties will destroy the parties. How has it been tolerated that any group could organize around the destruction of the Constitutional Republic, Who dropped the ball? Was there a point in time when the arrest and retribution for a crime against the people, like the intrusion of a harmful Fabian history text or some other subtle but significant input into the system, that it be recognized, called out how they did it and who was complicit, and be soundly punished for their subversion, could we have been better off now?
How did we get here? Was it the press demanding freedom without taking the responsibility to be truthful? Was it the courts?
I will finish by stating the solution is to first read more Agent131711, Will Zoll, and all they refer us to. There is evil in the world. We left a vacancy evil filled. We need to pray to God for another chance, repent for having let evil dominate us and fight with righteousness. No more Pietism. Wear the full armor of God and do what is right.
Can you, possibly, compile a list of good authors on Substack? A only have a handful, but I agree on your other two selections (I am not posing to be authentic, but I am doing my best, which might or might not work). Proton Magic is one I would immediately add to your list, and a few "small" authors, whose profiles are different from mine, but are still wonderful people! :)
The revolution always devours its own children. Cf the Robespierre brothers, virtually EVERYONE who brought Stalin to power, Lavrentiy Beria Stalin's NKVD leader, Lin Piao (or Biao alt. spelling). Yes, those enforcing these laws need to realize they will be next.
If you speak French, this is from “Considerations on the Nature of the Revolution in France, “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants” – Like Saturn, the revolution eats its children. (Mallet du Pan aptly refers to the Greek myth of a titan who ate his children upon birth to prevent them succeeding him.)
Interesting. This completes your research (read my other posts there as well), proving that a community might not survive, unless moving to a non-cash-less third world country:
Their dream, our nightmare. Yet, we can stop this with more prayer and political action:
The 2023 digital dollar (Federal Reserve is testing it): they plan to ban cash. We need a law forbidding banning cash and allowing paying in kind compulsory payments like taxes. Also, a zero inflation new coin backed by real assets (gold, silver, copper, lithium, oil, soya warrants, whatever but real, since freemasons counterfeit dollars and Euros as explained by Ronald Bernard).
The 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty: they plan nations to give up their sovereignty to the WHO
A law stating under severe penalty for non-compliance (even to their heirs if that is known after they died), that anyone should disclose if they belong to a secret society, especially those with the requirement to obey secret orders, such as all lodges and freemasonic and luciferian/satanic type of societies.
Penalties should be even more severe with all stake holders involved in or with all the 3 branches of government (even suppliers and candidates), finance (especially, banks, funds, listed corporations) and especially, the armed forces, even the police (that's the reason they' didn't protect the country against blatant constitutional violations).
If this law passes, you'd learn that all listed financial and corporate boards are controlled by freemasons, all the Democrats and especially all the Republicans voting for gender ideology were freemasons, all politicians members of the CFR or attending Sun Valley are freemasons, most of the Supreme Court and lesser courts, all dominant media CEOs are freemasons.
Only then people will ask for change, for example, a law barring them from all such positions. There's no deep state just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry. Freemasonry is the enemy of the people.
Don’t get sad, move your ass! Get into politics! There’s no other way to survive the future.
First of all, you are probably the only person who has read all my articles, and I don't know if I should congratulate or commiserate. :) Even today,I had to correct typos in old articles (I am a rapid reader and my brain automatically corrects mistakes in the texts I read/type, so I keep discovering typos still. Usually, my articles are more readable after 24 hours, but this is, quite often, also journalism and I tend to come out with the new stuff ahead of others, and I consider the information more important than flawlessness.
If there was a "we," it would be easy, but I cannot see a unifying force and/or ideology. Yes, ignoring the shadow government might help for a while (a few months?), but a new "people's currency" would be inevitable. The globalist technocrats are well-prepared for any opposition and crowd control. Still, CBDC couldn't be introduced without food and power shortages, but it is possible that the upcoming riots (people pissed off for losing their cash) will precede those (it makes little difference if the shortages or the riots come first, but I've always thought it would be the artificial famine, because that would set up people against each other and eliminate a large chunk of the armed population by using people against each other. Of course, if the riots come later, they will be food riots.).
When it comes to prevention, it looks like prayer has more chance than "political action," because politicians are only service personnel for the globalist bankers.
I might be too pessimistic, but considering that China even acknowledged that they have already crossed pigs with humans, I'm quite sure that whatever can be done, someone will do it, especially if it gives them a winning advantage. Already around 1998, I stipulated that genetic weapons would be developed against certain parts of the population, and at this point, I'm quite sure they are ready for deployment, but it's kind of like the cold war, because all sides have these (well, there are really no "sides," but it will look good as a show during the depopulation process).
As far as I can see, conventions make no difference. Only people with power can change things, and it would be quite an experience to see that any decent person would get into such position (even when it happens, they are deceived, corrupted, or intimidated, unless they resign or, worse, killed).
Laws work only as long as there are legitimate courts and law enforcement that actually enforces them. Obviously, that has probably never been the case in any civilization, although the US is sticking out like a sore thumb.
By now, it's quite clear that nothing is what it seems (I understand you've read this, but I'm still inserting the link for continuity):
Seems that nearly everyone thinks, talks, writes and acts as if solving this problem is a Very Big Deal. Virtually all avenues of resistance are closed or heavily controlled. Fighting ubiquitous propaganda means fighting a million years worth of deep-rooted psychological intractability. The enemy has unlimited money available to buy everyone and everything. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
However, the Tools of Totalitarian Tyranny are all around you, and in your pocket - cameras, antennas, fiber optic cables, microwave towers, smart street lights, smart phones. If all of them are suddenly rendered inoperable, then the GReset, CBDC and VaxPass are all suddenly rendered inoperable as well. It takes billions of $$ to design, manufacture, install and maintain these Tools, but only takes pennies to permanently disable them.
The only question is if people have the cajones to act.
Are you willing to give up your oh so convenient smart phone?
I would be willing to do that if they put back all of the payphones that disappeared with the advent and advancement of cell phones.
I only got a little trac phone because I cared for young children, and when I was going to be late bringing them home I needed to call parents to let them know. It became impossible with the dearth and death of payphones.
I had a trac phone for years before that became obsolete so I purchased a used iphone.
No, I will not give it up. I am 70 years old. Still working. (And will have to till I''ve passed).
I do a lot of walking, bus riding, train riding. I am not giving up this piece of contact I have.
Cell phones do not have to own us. I use my for talk and text (HATE texting) and for the camera. And the camera comes in handily many a time.
What happened to freedom folks?
Also, I live in a very old (affordable) building. The phone companies will no longer install necessary telephone wiring for landline. So I cannot rely on a landline.
A cell phone makes my life easier. And I need it to make immediate contact in case of an emergency. For those who live alone access to contact to the outside world, especially medical, is crucial
And God knows, after the last 4 years, life is difficult enough.
I know there are many arguments to what I have expressed as my own choice.
I am not looking for arguments, I am just stating why I have come to my own free choice decision about what is best for me.
Ray, the reason I keep following you and reading your posts is because unlike others you have a very logical, systematic and pragmatic aproach to reality.
You do not sell hopium, snakeoil, fearporn or vaccine data.
You are grounded to reality.
There is still a chance that the CBDC is not implemented but this will be achieved only with a horizontal resistance to the digital ID update (the precursor necessary step to CBDC).
I just wish people would stop praying, hoping, deferring and understand that noone is coming to save us. No Jesus, no white hats, no Allah, no good and theical police or military, no politicians.
We know their plan (basic tactics) as well as they do.
Go out and wake the fuck up everyone you know of TODAY and explain what is coming in simple terms without employing conspiracy theories and messing up the vaccines in your rhetoric.
A voluntary acceptance of digital documentation is game over for all.
Just focus on one thing for once and explain with clarity and simplicity why.
Why am I getting duplicates of your message? In the last week or so, I have developed the feeling that I have been shadow banned, but who knows. I don't think I stir up enough water to attract attention.
As I jokingly say, my posts are for the three percent of the three percent. I have published a LOT of groundbreaking ideas since May 6th, 2022, yet hardly anyone reads them, while fewer can listen, and even fewer can hear, although I've been making sure to keep my discourse at high-school freshman level most of the time and tried marketing of all sorts.
Most readers on Substack seem to fall for the weaponized version of hope
Working together would be good as long as we don't attract more than 10k readers. Why don't you reply to one of the e-mails that notify you about my articles and we can set up some time for talking or at least we can resort to less public e-mails.
"Survive to what end" is something I have been asking people in the last two and a half years. They have surely been conditioned to "survive." Of course, that applies to "survive on your own," which is what I apparently vouch for.
Ray, the reason I keep following you and reading your posts is because unlike others you have a very logical, systematic and pragmatic aproach to reality.
You do not sell hopium, snakeoil, fearporn or vaccine data.
You are grounded to reality.
There is still a chance that the CBDC is not implemented but this will be achieved only with a horizontal resistance to the digital ID update (the precursor necessary step to CBDC).
I just wish people would stop praying, hoping, deferring and understand that noone is coming to save us. No Jesus, no white hats, no Allah, no good and theical police or military, no politicians.
We know their plan (basic tactics) as well as they do.
Go out and wake the fuck up everyone you know of TODAY and explain what is coming in simple terms without employing conspiracy theories and messing up the vaccines in your rhetoric.
A voluntary acceptance of digital documentation is game over for all.
Just focus on one thing for once and explain with clarity and simplicity why.
Why am I getting duplicates of your message? In the last week or so, I have developed the feeling that I have been shadow banned, but who knows. I don't think I stir up enough water to attract attention.
As I jokingly say, my posts are for the three percent of the three percent. I have published a LOT of groundbreaking ideas since May 6th, 2022, yet hardly anyone reads them, while fewer can listen, and even fewer can hear, although I've been making sure to keep my discourse at high-school freshman level most of the time and tried marketing of all sorts.
Most readers on Substack seem to fall for the weaponized version of hope
Working together would be good as long as we don't attract more than 10k readers. Why don't you reply to one of the e-mails that notify you about my articles and we can set up some time for talking or at least we can resort to less public e-mails.
De-centralized. Organically local. Open Source. Bank on yourself.
PURPOSE: Dollar-sized ArtWorks used as advertising and gifted into the local economy. To be used by businesses and citizenry … to trade.
CONSUMER Instructions
1. Use ArtWork as you would cash for dinner, coffee, soda, tips, a massage, health care, child care, & more. Ask the community business if they take the ArtWork.
2. You may receive ArtWork in your change when buying a product locally, as a gift for a birthday, as a tip for a job well done, & more.
3. Closer to the expiration date (find date on the ArtWork), turn it back to the owner of the ArtWork and they will give you cash or more-than-equivalent services or products.
4. The more ArtWork is passed for exchange in the community before it is turned in, the more sustainable the community economy!
Get real…. Spend ArtWork…. Go local.
OWNER::BUSINESS instructions
Why use ArtWork as local exchange in Advertising:
--Get people talking about what you are doing.
--Use your advertising budget locally.
--Subtract the cost of your ArtWork as advertising.
--Watch people smile & laugh when “playing” with your “funny money”.
How to get started:
--Pay a small amount to a local artist for the ArtWork. Or make your own.
--Set aside an amount of cash to pay the “reward” for the return of the ArtWork. (You also may barter for the ArtWork with services or product.)
--Write or pay a writer to add:
1. Your business & slogan & offerings.
2. Your area of “good within ___miles of your place of business”.
3. Expiration date. Usually 3-6 months.
--Give your ArtWorks away.
1. You can only spend ArtWork other than your own.
2. Offer as a thank you to: Regulars, High pay customers, Bonuses &
Perks, Friends & Family, Lovers.
When the ArtWork is presented back to you
--Give cash or
--Give services or
--Give a product.
Keep gifting it out until closer to the expiration date.
ARTIST instructions
1. You may
--Make your own ArtWork to advertise you and your business. OR
--Be commissioned to make ArtWork for someone else to advertise.
--Do one or the other because the Kindly-Tizing ArtWork is Open Source, meaning the ArtWork is not copyrighted. K-TAW believes in a gift society and a healthy local economy.
2. If you are commissioned to produce an ArtWork for someone else:
--You may sell your labor and supplies. Once a business, person, or a not-for-profit owns the ArtWork then the ArtWork totally belongs to them. They must set aside the “reward money” to exchange by the expiration date.
3. If you create the ArtWork for yourself to advertise yourself:
--You are the owner. When you own the ArtWork, you are the one who must set aside the “reward money” to exchange by the expiration date. The Owner must give ArtWork away as a gift to the community economy.
--You may take the cost of ArtWork off your income for advertising.
4. The Owner of the ArtWork must give/gift it away during the time period.
There is only One Hope for mankind; and that hope has little to do with our present lives; but with our eternity. If we do not have Jesus Christ; The Only Begotten Son of God living in our hearts (He must be invited in; He will not enter our hearts uninvited); after we have repented for our sins/for being sinners; we will spend all of eternity in hell. This life; this earth; IS passing and will ultimately pass away; but eternity is, well; eternal. We may not have too much hope for this present life and world; but we have no reason to despair IF we repent; and ask Jesus to come into our hearts; to forgive us; to cleanse us; and if we obey His Word for the rest of our lives; we will spend eternity in heaven with Him. That is of much greater importance than anything that happens in this life. Yes; we can still have some degree of hope for this life that 'something' good might happen; but it's a very minute hope; where our eternal 'hope' is so much more sure and steadfast and reliable if we have Jesus in our hearts.
i generally share your hope in Jesus , and pray our heavenly good father for his gift of real repentance... i find it very difficult to see how the All loving god would condem some of us sinners to " eternal hell " temporary hell ? possibly especially since Jesus asked him to forgive us because we dont know what we do ... i admit that i did know when i did some sin , but i didnt know the vast ramifications of my words thoughts and deeds ... please dear good God help us to become good again and return to you
Hello again alex. I know it can be a difficult thing for us to understand; the concept of eternal hell.
God IS good; ALL of the time; but He is also holy; and cannot abide or tolerate sin. He IS patient and longsuffering with the SINNER; but not with sin. Hell was created for demons; God gave us Jesus who; through His sufferings and death on the cross and His resurrection; paid the full price for our sins in order to keep us out of hell. It is only our rebellion against God and His plan for our eternal Salvation; by repenting and asking Jesus to come into our hearts to be our personal Savior and Lord, that makes us go to a demons hell for all of eternity. God's Word says this about God in Romans 11:22-"Take notice, therefore, of the kindness and severity of God: severity to those who fell, but kindness to you, if you continue in His kindness. Otherwise you also will be cut off."
Again; God IS good; ALL good; and it's BECAUSE He is SO Good; SO All-holy; that he MUST make a permanent separation between us and our sins; if we choose to hold onto our sins; then WE separate OURSELVES from His mercy.
Jesus loves you alex; with ALL of His heart....not just a PART of it; but ALL of it; He said in His Word; in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life."
For God SO loved the world...that small word makes a BIG difference. Not just "God loved the world", but He SO loved (Loves) the world. It's a DEEP; ABIDING; UNSHAKEABLE; ETERNAL love.
But we must not trifle with that love. Jesus paid the ultimate price for you and I and for everyone; we must not let that gift go unused or MIS-used.
If I can help you with anything else alex; please feel free to ask. Take care.
To be fair, the CBDC only streamlines the process that Central banks have had for some time now via the BIS + IMF/WorldBank + SWIFT system and Visa/MC (debit/credit cards) . Bitcoin was/is more traceable than cash, and the 51% attack would come from majority computing power overwhelming the blockchain ledger. Well who owns majority of the computing power? (Amazon cloud, Microsoft (cloud + OS), NSA, HFT hedge funds (Wall Street).
After the cash ban, crypto will follow and it would be useless if it can’t be exchanged to CBDCs and cellphones and computers will be blocked to be used as wallets by non-compliants (anti-vax, anti-cooling, anti-rights).
In my last few years in doing mortgages around 2005 I got the notion of doing development with ecology in mind. Alternative housing. In this process I explored with a few groups in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara county the community idea. Property is key. We tried to get an old summer camp sitting on the second aquifer in Santa Cruz county. Wozniak was involved on the fringes but the 5 million dollar purchase price did deter. The group then looked to Mendocino county. The idea was a couple acres and a house backed up to either a National forest or State. The group was interested in using 19th century tech for food etc. Long story short failure. They bought a house. Had land. Had few souls interested. Fell apart.
I divide the future into vaccinated and dying over next 5 years and all others. This dynamic of death and state over-reach and total collapse suggests remote wilderness and moving as much food there as feasible, tools, medicines, --colonization 18th century style. I envision roughly 1740 as high civilization with the twist that this is going backwards.
There is enough wilderness and with enough thought small group survival is feasible.
Their dream, our nightmare. Yet, we can stop this with more prayer and political action:
The 2023 digital dollar (Federal Reserve is testing it): they plan to ban cash. We need a law forbidding banning cash and allowing paying in kind compulsory payments like taxes. Also, a zero inflation new coin backed by real assets (gold, silver, copper, lithium, oil, soya warrants, whatever but real, since freemasons counterfeit dollars and Euros as explained by Ronald Bernard).
The 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty: they plan nations to give up their sovereignty to the WHO
A law stating under severe penalty for non-compliance (even to their heirs if that is known after they died), that anyone should disclose if they belong to a secret society, especially those with the requirement to obey secret orders, such as all lodges and freemasonic and luciferian/satanic type of societies.
Penalties should be even more severe with all stake holders involved in or with all the 3 branches of government (even suppliers and candidates), finance (especially, banks, funds, listed corporations) and especially, the armed forces, even the police (that's the reason they' didn't protect the country against blatant constitutional violations).
If this law passes, you'd learn that all listed financial and corporate boards are controlled by freemasons, all the Democrats and especially all the Republicans voting for gender ideology were freemasons, all politicians members of the CFR or attending Sun Valley are freemasons, most of the Supreme Court and lesser courts, all dominant media CEOs are freemasons.
Only then people will ask for change, for example, a law barring them from all such positions. There's no deep state just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry. Freemasonry is the enemy of the people.
Don’t get sad, move your ass! Get into politics! There’s no other way to survive the future.
Unless you are talking about 33rd-degree Masons (many of them US Presidents), most Masons are only scapegoats and patsies. The 33rd-degree looks like an overlap with a number of other things, most of them unclear. Freemasonry is not homogeneous all over the world, and many of those who founded this country were Masons. My objection is that they place logic ("reason") uber alles, which seems to me a bit Satanist (of course, modern Satanists don't even believe in Satan, most of that stuff is melodramatic stuff for the masses; they are simply elitists, who dislike morons).
The ones who go through with the globalist project are using their control over the global money flow. Frankly, I don't care if they are "Masons" or monkey, their poison tooth must be removed. Fat chance.
As long as people obey the hijacked government, there is not much chance.
Growing food and keeping animals will also be outlawed in the name of "public health." Only 2-3 warm bodies (including a dog) might survive in the wilderness, because more would alert the satellites and bring in the drones.
Going to politics can work to a certain extent, at least at the local level. Video cameras and a umber of people must show up at town meetings, and they cannot be banned legally. That might create a bit more transparency at least locally. Anything larger is fully corrupt and cannot be salvaged.
Yes, we (Stegiel included) are the little ones and must keep together, but without attracting too much attention. My gut feeling suggests that nobody cares until we reach the combined readership of 10k, assuming our cooperation is discovered, which doesn't always have to happen. While my subscribers have been steadily growing, I'm still a long way from 10k. :)
I hover in readership around 350-550. We few writers tacking in our sail boats against prevailing winter winds off Substack and the odd waters once on this Bay do in our small footprint have safe harbor on the sharp rocky shores of 2022. Malone need not sue us. Kirsch need not challenge us. The various agencies regulating speech and vaccination can do little to command us to obey. We speak and wait response. The world still turns and chemtrails blot the double star.
Although I lost a few dozen readers after critiquing RFK, Jr. and Mercola, subscribers have been increasing at a rate of about 100 a month. My initial guesstimate that one in a hundred is able to contribute financially was right on spot. :)
Kirsch has become quite good in the last 3-6 months. Of course, he is still blindsiding his readers, but that might not even be fully intentional. Our opinions are still supposed to be protected by the First Amendment, and if they are not (as it happened in the lawsuit about Sandy Hook), we are royally screwed, anyway. Well, as a matter of fact, we probably are, no matter what. :)
Sure let us do so. In what wise? A theme? Graphene Oxide and Group Think? Substack as the little propaganda engine that could? Maybe we take Orson Wells as our theme and review the 3 year and counting War of the Worlds!
To be honest what I want to see first is the community's response. I mean I want to read yours for sure but I am really dying to know what have others learnt from this...
I haven't revised it ever since, so I'm not even sure what's in it, but I have the habit of responding to the same problem the same way even decades apart. As for the typos, I don't know how many I left int this article. :)
Whatever it will be, it would be good to approach our readers from our quite-unique points of view and methods!
I've been doing journalism most of the time here, although I can defend my theses before any fair doctoral committee.
How about collecting other people? Different takes on the same subject can accomplish a lot, even if I just re-post something oldie, but goodie, which applies to the rest of us.
The whole thing varies. I subscribe to a lot of sites only in order to keep informed about the latest trends, whether I agree with the authors or not. I even "Like" the articles, if they allow me to comment.
I have a hard time to read authors who allow comments only from paying subscribers. I am useful enough for them (many of them "borrow" my ideas) to make sure they allow me to say my words. Still, I keep some of them, because I find it amazing how many paying subscribers some of them have without ever publishing anything new or even useful (Bad Cattitude and Karen Kingston, the Kingston Report, comes to mind; I don't have patience for Malone and his ilk).
There are other well-meaning and honest little ones, but it would be unfair to point them out, because I'm sure I would miss a few. Utobian, thereadirish, OUTRAGED, Edwin 1/2, Dear Rest of America, and John from Shouting in space are good candidates, but there are others, depending on the topic, because everyone here tends to have a profile.
Ray, I'm sorry to disappoint you, and as much as I liked the old BSA and Triumphs, the "Motorcycle of the Future" absolutely will not be a vertical twin.
"It can't be allowed" in the immortal words of David Levinson (Independence Day).
Now don't get me wrong, a twin is preferable, as long as it is first, 4-stroke, and second, opposed, 45 degree or 90 degree, third, water, oil and/or air cooled.
My only hope is that my land is surrounded by an Aristocratic Estonian German Baron’s foundation established by right hand man for Soros and the main banker for Rothschild. Kind of like living within Grate’s 1000+ acres preventing government from confiscating all the acreage. And that this family is fond of a family member.
However, all the Estuaries, and Channel coast land of Suffolk, Essex and Kent have been highlighted as areas included within EU’s Natura 2000. Sites of special scientific interests. My village has lost 50% of it’s land to Bird Sanctuaries and a reservoir. The village was given money that was given to a neighboring village that lost v little land!
So if they take mine they’ll take theirs and they will fight it. They did try on the new ‘rewilding’ revamped version of injurious weed covered Set Aside. But immediately after Truss revoked payments for doing nothing on the land was revoked, they sprayed off everything (without telling us. Roundup? With spray coverage 5m from end of sprayer). Now planting wheat.
As for hunting, I am the worst shot ever. Can’t hit a sitting duck.
Ooh. Escaped animals yet again. Dogs (hounds) off after them.
Most of it went to the neighbouring village to build a new village hall.
A smaller amount was used to fit the church out for receptions. A bathroom, kitchen area that’s built IN the main floor plan of the 14th C church and to cover the ancient flag stone floor with wood floors. I’ve rented out the space and must say the church has become a very nice room rental.
To me, it more and more seems like the global banking system is only a tool for the globalist takeover. It's a good question who is behind it. On the other hand, if the rulers adhere to the principle that "if you want something done, do it yourself," the banking system can be under their direct control. I'll keep my eyes open and look for significant indicators both ways.
I have long believed that the bankers are the central force in devising and bringing about agendas. But they’re certainly not alone; they need allies (AKA co-conspirators) to make things happen, and that’s where the gov’t-corporate complex comes in. It’s their golem.
My impression is that the global bankers own or control everything that matters, including governments. Are the bankers also controlled? They kill off the few who resist and intimidate or pay off their supposed allies who are, most of the time, only dispensable useful idiots.
2. The "twisted, evil means good brain". Best seen in Bill Gates who laughs at causing impending doom to others. Some want to call this psychopathic, but "psychopath" has a poorly defined operational definition.
3. The," I'm in awe and in love with a monster" state. Best seen in Leonardo DeCaprio staring in awe at Claus Schwab speaking. Also seen in attendees at Unification Church Weddings.
4. "The unhinged monster thug" who has identified with killing, maiming, and raping, maybe even eating as many victims as possible. Dr. Ouchi?
Mixing these persons in a group that has nefarious agenda will make a very efficiently destructive organization.
There are only a few of us who are aware and reading the couple hours a day to discover as much truth as we can handle. From my corner of the world, we have a chance to rip this government lie apart and approach the original intent of the Constitutional Republic.
Deconstruct the Federal Cartel while working with the States to reign in the corruption from the trafficking and drugs.
Last I heard is $20B to AZ alone. 15 other states share 20B, with my state of WA at the top of the list, an OG of election fraud possibilities. It starts with the propaganda that is is safe, honest and staffed with people from Central Casting. Then they make laws to make the whole system cheatable in every way possible, and it is against the law to audit an election. Auditing would be futile as there are chain of custody issues, black boxes with "proprietary software" and systems with "man-in-the-middle" algorithms that make elections completely fictional in Washington State.
With free-thinking people like Ray Horvath, Agent131711, Margaret Anna Alice, and many others on the relatively unrestricted segments of the internet, like Substack, we could increase this critical mass of truth-seekers, and the core of the Federal Executive being amassed to Drain the Swamp, I am assuming a priority will be to prosecute the treason, then to correct the basics of election maladministration.
Fixing elections will do for us what it did for the Cartel, it will give the people control of their own fate, and the opportunity to reverse the curse of the MSM, Papers, News, Radio, TV and the courts who have been the most corrupted of all. It is the courts where the RICO indictments will flow. The replacement judges will not tolerate the lies. Even a white lie will be treated as an abomination is the dream of dreams, which includes people who live the lie for convenience, money, and power. All the deceit of the political parties will destroy the parties. How has it been tolerated that any group could organize around the destruction of the Constitutional Republic, Who dropped the ball? Was there a point in time when the arrest and retribution for a crime against the people, like the intrusion of a harmful Fabian history text or some other subtle but significant input into the system, that it be recognized, called out how they did it and who was complicit, and be soundly punished for their subversion, could we have been better off now?
How did we get here? Was it the press demanding freedom without taking the responsibility to be truthful? Was it the courts?
I will finish by stating the solution is to first read more Agent131711, Will Zoll, and all they refer us to. There is evil in the world. We left a vacancy evil filled. We need to pray to God for another chance, repent for having let evil dominate us and fight with righteousness. No more Pietism. Wear the full armor of God and do what is right.
Thank you for your illuminating reflections.
Can you, possibly, compile a list of good authors on Substack? A only have a handful, but I agree on your other two selections (I am not posing to be authentic, but I am doing my best, which might or might not work). Proton Magic is one I would immediately add to your list, and a few "small" authors, whose profiles are different from mine, but are still wonderful people! :)
The revolution always devours its own children. Cf the Robespierre brothers, virtually EVERYONE who brought Stalin to power, Lavrentiy Beria Stalin's NKVD leader, Lin Piao (or Biao alt. spelling). Yes, those enforcing these laws need to realize they will be next.
If you speak French, this is from “Considerations on the Nature of the Revolution in France, “A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants” – Like Saturn, the revolution eats its children. (Mallet du Pan aptly refers to the Greek myth of a titan who ate his children upon birth to prevent them succeeding him.)
"Revolutions" accomplish little else than using the slave class to assign a new master to them.
Similar deal with constitutions.
The Articles of Confederation still kept some independence for each state. The Constitution seemed to set it up for the supremacy of the federal govt.
Interesting. This completes your research (read my other posts there as well), proving that a community might not survive, unless moving to a non-cash-less third world country:
Their dream, our nightmare. Yet, we can stop this with more prayer and political action:
The 2023 digital dollar (Federal Reserve is testing it): they plan to ban cash. We need a law forbidding banning cash and allowing paying in kind compulsory payments like taxes. Also, a zero inflation new coin backed by real assets (gold, silver, copper, lithium, oil, soya warrants, whatever but real, since freemasons counterfeit dollars and Euros as explained by Ronald Bernard).
The 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty: they plan nations to give up their sovereignty to the WHO
The 2025 new plandemic: 67 P4 labs like Wuhan are working in new Frankensteins, we need a REAL non-proliferation Bioweapons Convention.
The 2026 global drought through cloud dissolving tech: we need an international anti-geoengineering Convention.
Finally, the Transparency (out-of-closet) law could be the key to unleash the movement towards direct democracy:
A law stating under severe penalty for non-compliance (even to their heirs if that is known after they died), that anyone should disclose if they belong to a secret society, especially those with the requirement to obey secret orders, such as all lodges and freemasonic and luciferian/satanic type of societies.
Penalties should be even more severe with all stake holders involved in or with all the 3 branches of government (even suppliers and candidates), finance (especially, banks, funds, listed corporations) and especially, the armed forces, even the police (that's the reason they' didn't protect the country against blatant constitutional violations).
If this law passes, you'd learn that all listed financial and corporate boards are controlled by freemasons, all the Democrats and especially all the Republicans voting for gender ideology were freemasons, all politicians members of the CFR or attending Sun Valley are freemasons, most of the Supreme Court and lesser courts, all dominant media CEOs are freemasons.
Only then people will ask for change, for example, a law barring them from all such positions. There's no deep state just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry. Freemasonry is the enemy of the people.
Don’t get sad, move your ass! Get into politics! There’s no other way to survive the future.
First of all, you are probably the only person who has read all my articles, and I don't know if I should congratulate or commiserate. :) Even today,I had to correct typos in old articles (I am a rapid reader and my brain automatically corrects mistakes in the texts I read/type, so I keep discovering typos still. Usually, my articles are more readable after 24 hours, but this is, quite often, also journalism and I tend to come out with the new stuff ahead of others, and I consider the information more important than flawlessness.
If there was a "we," it would be easy, but I cannot see a unifying force and/or ideology. Yes, ignoring the shadow government might help for a while (a few months?), but a new "people's currency" would be inevitable. The globalist technocrats are well-prepared for any opposition and crowd control. Still, CBDC couldn't be introduced without food and power shortages, but it is possible that the upcoming riots (people pissed off for losing their cash) will precede those (it makes little difference if the shortages or the riots come first, but I've always thought it would be the artificial famine, because that would set up people against each other and eliminate a large chunk of the armed population by using people against each other. Of course, if the riots come later, they will be food riots.).
When it comes to prevention, it looks like prayer has more chance than "political action," because politicians are only service personnel for the globalist bankers.
I might be too pessimistic, but considering that China even acknowledged that they have already crossed pigs with humans, I'm quite sure that whatever can be done, someone will do it, especially if it gives them a winning advantage. Already around 1998, I stipulated that genetic weapons would be developed against certain parts of the population, and at this point, I'm quite sure they are ready for deployment, but it's kind of like the cold war, because all sides have these (well, there are really no "sides," but it will look good as a show during the depopulation process).
As far as I can see, conventions make no difference. Only people with power can change things, and it would be quite an experience to see that any decent person would get into such position (even when it happens, they are deceived, corrupted, or intimidated, unless they resign or, worse, killed).
Laws work only as long as there are legitimate courts and law enforcement that actually enforces them. Obviously, that has probably never been the case in any civilization, although the US is sticking out like a sore thumb.
By now, it's quite clear that nothing is what it seems (I understand you've read this, but I'm still inserting the link for continuity):
Seems that nearly everyone thinks, talks, writes and acts as if solving this problem is a Very Big Deal. Virtually all avenues of resistance are closed or heavily controlled. Fighting ubiquitous propaganda means fighting a million years worth of deep-rooted psychological intractability. The enemy has unlimited money available to buy everyone and everything. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth.
However, the Tools of Totalitarian Tyranny are all around you, and in your pocket - cameras, antennas, fiber optic cables, microwave towers, smart street lights, smart phones. If all of them are suddenly rendered inoperable, then the GReset, CBDC and VaxPass are all suddenly rendered inoperable as well. It takes billions of $$ to design, manufacture, install and maintain these Tools, but only takes pennies to permanently disable them.
The only question is if people have the cajones to act.
Are you willing to give up your oh so convenient smart phone?
I would be willing to do that if they put back all of the payphones that disappeared with the advent and advancement of cell phones.
I only got a little trac phone because I cared for young children, and when I was going to be late bringing them home I needed to call parents to let them know. It became impossible with the dearth and death of payphones.
I had a trac phone for years before that became obsolete so I purchased a used iphone.
No, I will not give it up. I am 70 years old. Still working. (And will have to till I''ve passed).
I do a lot of walking, bus riding, train riding. I am not giving up this piece of contact I have.
Cell phones do not have to own us. I use my for talk and text (HATE texting) and for the camera. And the camera comes in handily many a time.
What happened to freedom folks?
Also, I live in a very old (affordable) building. The phone companies will no longer install necessary telephone wiring for landline. So I cannot rely on a landline.
A cell phone makes my life easier. And I need it to make immediate contact in case of an emergency. For those who live alone access to contact to the outside world, especially medical, is crucial
And God knows, after the last 4 years, life is difficult enough.
I know there are many arguments to what I have expressed as my own choice.
I am not looking for arguments, I am just stating why I have come to my own free choice decision about what is best for me.
I trust others will do the same.
Pretty close to what I've been saying for nearly two years. You might enjoy reading my previous articles (under "Archive" at the top of my home page).
Ray, the reason I keep following you and reading your posts is because unlike others you have a very logical, systematic and pragmatic aproach to reality.
You do not sell hopium, snakeoil, fearporn or vaccine data.
You are grounded to reality.
There is still a chance that the CBDC is not implemented but this will be achieved only with a horizontal resistance to the digital ID update (the precursor necessary step to CBDC).
I just wish people would stop praying, hoping, deferring and understand that noone is coming to save us. No Jesus, no white hats, no Allah, no good and theical police or military, no politicians.
We know their plan (basic tactics) as well as they do.
Go out and wake the fuck up everyone you know of TODAY and explain what is coming in simple terms without employing conspiracy theories and messing up the vaccines in your rhetoric.
A voluntary acceptance of digital documentation is game over for all.
Just focus on one thing for once and explain with clarity and simplicity why.
It is not about privacy converns.
it is about slavery concerns!
Why am I getting duplicates of your message? In the last week or so, I have developed the feeling that I have been shadow banned, but who knows. I don't think I stir up enough water to attract attention.
As I jokingly say, my posts are for the three percent of the three percent. I have published a LOT of groundbreaking ideas since May 6th, 2022, yet hardly anyone reads them, while fewer can listen, and even fewer can hear, although I've been making sure to keep my discourse at high-school freshman level most of the time and tried marketing of all sorts.
Most readers on Substack seem to fall for the weaponized version of hope
and I cannot think for anyone else.
Working together would be good as long as we don't attract more than 10k readers. Why don't you reply to one of the e-mails that notify you about my articles and we can set up some time for talking or at least we can resort to less public e-mails.
"Survive to what end" is something I have been asking people in the last two and a half years. They have surely been conditioned to "survive." Of course, that applies to "survive on your own," which is what I apparently vouch for.
NOBODY is going to "save" anyone:
Waiting for it means placing hope before faith/trust, which is a lethal recipe, which makes people go along with the globalists' program:
Hope has been weaponized, anyway:
People's minds have been imprisoned:
Ray, the reason I keep following you and reading your posts is because unlike others you have a very logical, systematic and pragmatic aproach to reality.
You do not sell hopium, snakeoil, fearporn or vaccine data.
You are grounded to reality.
There is still a chance that the CBDC is not implemented but this will be achieved only with a horizontal resistance to the digital ID update (the precursor necessary step to CBDC).
I just wish people would stop praying, hoping, deferring and understand that noone is coming to save us. No Jesus, no white hats, no Allah, no good and theical police or military, no politicians.
We know their plan (basic tactics) as well as they do.
Go out and wake the fuck up everyone you know of TODAY and explain what is coming in simple terms without employing conspiracy theories and messing up the vaccines in your rhetoric.
A voluntary acceptance of digital documentation is game over for all.
Just focus on one thing for once and explain with clarity and simplicity why.
It is not about privacy converns.
it is about slavery concerns!
Why am I getting duplicates of your message? In the last week or so, I have developed the feeling that I have been shadow banned, but who knows. I don't think I stir up enough water to attract attention.
As I jokingly say, my posts are for the three percent of the three percent. I have published a LOT of groundbreaking ideas since May 6th, 2022, yet hardly anyone reads them, while fewer can listen, and even fewer can hear, although I've been making sure to keep my discourse at high-school freshman level most of the time and tried marketing of all sorts.
Most readers on Substack seem to fall for the weaponized version of hope
and I cannot think for anyone else.
Working together would be good as long as we don't attract more than 10k readers. Why don't you reply to one of the e-mails that notify you about my articles and we can set up some time for talking or at least we can resort to less public e-mails.
K-TAW = Kindly-Tizing ArtWork :: a kind of funny money
ArtWork backed by community spirit of exchange
MISSION: We are artists banded together in partnership with businesses and community to exchange Art-Works in support of the local economy.
METHOD: Beyond permaculture currency. Barter. Banter. Build.
De-centralized. Organically local. Open Source. Bank on yourself.
PURPOSE: Dollar-sized ArtWorks used as advertising and gifted into the local economy. To be used by businesses and citizenry … to trade.
CONSUMER Instructions
1. Use ArtWork as you would cash for dinner, coffee, soda, tips, a massage, health care, child care, & more. Ask the community business if they take the ArtWork.
2. You may receive ArtWork in your change when buying a product locally, as a gift for a birthday, as a tip for a job well done, & more.
3. Closer to the expiration date (find date on the ArtWork), turn it back to the owner of the ArtWork and they will give you cash or more-than-equivalent services or products.
4. The more ArtWork is passed for exchange in the community before it is turned in, the more sustainable the community economy!
Get real…. Spend ArtWork…. Go local.
OWNER::BUSINESS instructions
Why use ArtWork as local exchange in Advertising:
--Get people talking about what you are doing.
--Use your advertising budget locally.
--Subtract the cost of your ArtWork as advertising.
--Watch people smile & laugh when “playing” with your “funny money”.
How to get started:
--Pay a small amount to a local artist for the ArtWork. Or make your own.
--Set aside an amount of cash to pay the “reward” for the return of the ArtWork. (You also may barter for the ArtWork with services or product.)
--Write or pay a writer to add:
1. Your business & slogan & offerings.
2. Your area of “good within ___miles of your place of business”.
3. Expiration date. Usually 3-6 months.
--Give your ArtWorks away.
1. You can only spend ArtWork other than your own.
2. Offer as a thank you to: Regulars, High pay customers, Bonuses &
Perks, Friends & Family, Lovers.
When the ArtWork is presented back to you
--Give cash or
--Give services or
--Give a product.
Keep gifting it out until closer to the expiration date.
ARTIST instructions
1. You may
--Make your own ArtWork to advertise you and your business. OR
--Be commissioned to make ArtWork for someone else to advertise.
--Do one or the other because the Kindly-Tizing ArtWork is Open Source, meaning the ArtWork is not copyrighted. K-TAW believes in a gift society and a healthy local economy.
2. If you are commissioned to produce an ArtWork for someone else:
--You may sell your labor and supplies. Once a business, person, or a not-for-profit owns the ArtWork then the ArtWork totally belongs to them. They must set aside the “reward money” to exchange by the expiration date.
3. If you create the ArtWork for yourself to advertise yourself:
--You are the owner. When you own the ArtWork, you are the one who must set aside the “reward money” to exchange by the expiration date. The Owner must give ArtWork away as a gift to the community economy.
--You may take the cost of ArtWork off your income for advertising.
4. The Owner of the ArtWork must give/gift it away during the time period.
--Because if you sell the ArtWork, you
1. must pay taxes on the sale and
2. cannot deduct ArtWork as advertising.
Pray harder
There is only One Hope for mankind; and that hope has little to do with our present lives; but with our eternity. If we do not have Jesus Christ; The Only Begotten Son of God living in our hearts (He must be invited in; He will not enter our hearts uninvited); after we have repented for our sins/for being sinners; we will spend all of eternity in hell. This life; this earth; IS passing and will ultimately pass away; but eternity is, well; eternal. We may not have too much hope for this present life and world; but we have no reason to despair IF we repent; and ask Jesus to come into our hearts; to forgive us; to cleanse us; and if we obey His Word for the rest of our lives; we will spend eternity in heaven with Him. That is of much greater importance than anything that happens in this life. Yes; we can still have some degree of hope for this life that 'something' good might happen; but it's a very minute hope; where our eternal 'hope' is so much more sure and steadfast and reliable if we have Jesus in our hearts.
Pray harder
i generally share your hope in Jesus , and pray our heavenly good father for his gift of real repentance... i find it very difficult to see how the All loving god would condem some of us sinners to " eternal hell " temporary hell ? possibly especially since Jesus asked him to forgive us because we dont know what we do ... i admit that i did know when i did some sin , but i didnt know the vast ramifications of my words thoughts and deeds ... please dear good God help us to become good again and return to you
Pray harder
Hello again alex. I know it can be a difficult thing for us to understand; the concept of eternal hell.
God IS good; ALL of the time; but He is also holy; and cannot abide or tolerate sin. He IS patient and longsuffering with the SINNER; but not with sin. Hell was created for demons; God gave us Jesus who; through His sufferings and death on the cross and His resurrection; paid the full price for our sins in order to keep us out of hell. It is only our rebellion against God and His plan for our eternal Salvation; by repenting and asking Jesus to come into our hearts to be our personal Savior and Lord, that makes us go to a demons hell for all of eternity. God's Word says this about God in Romans 11:22-"Take notice, therefore, of the kindness and severity of God: severity to those who fell, but kindness to you, if you continue in His kindness. Otherwise you also will be cut off."
Again; God IS good; ALL good; and it's BECAUSE He is SO Good; SO All-holy; that he MUST make a permanent separation between us and our sins; if we choose to hold onto our sins; then WE separate OURSELVES from His mercy.
Jesus loves you alex; with ALL of His heart....not just a PART of it; but ALL of it; He said in His Word; in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on him should not perish, but have eternal life."
For God SO loved the world...that small word makes a BIG difference. Not just "God loved the world", but He SO loved (Loves) the world. It's a DEEP; ABIDING; UNSHAKEABLE; ETERNAL love.
But we must not trifle with that love. Jesus paid the ultimate price for you and I and for everyone; we must not let that gift go unused or MIS-used.
If I can help you with anything else alex; please feel free to ask. Take care.
Pray harder
To be fair, the CBDC only streamlines the process that Central banks have had for some time now via the BIS + IMF/WorldBank + SWIFT system and Visa/MC (debit/credit cards) . Bitcoin was/is more traceable than cash, and the 51% attack would come from majority computing power overwhelming the blockchain ledger. Well who owns majority of the computing power? (Amazon cloud, Microsoft (cloud + OS), NSA, HFT hedge funds (Wall Street).
The end of Crypto
After the cash ban, crypto will follow and it would be useless if it can’t be exchanged to CBDCs and cellphones and computers will be blocked to be used as wallets by non-compliants (anti-vax, anti-cooling, anti-rights).
That's easily on of the best I've read on Substack.
Great article! Subscribed, although you and might I disagree on the existence of "covid," but that doesn't matter:
Of course, that's the plan.
In my last few years in doing mortgages around 2005 I got the notion of doing development with ecology in mind. Alternative housing. In this process I explored with a few groups in Santa Cruz and Santa Clara county the community idea. Property is key. We tried to get an old summer camp sitting on the second aquifer in Santa Cruz county. Wozniak was involved on the fringes but the 5 million dollar purchase price did deter. The group then looked to Mendocino county. The idea was a couple acres and a house backed up to either a National forest or State. The group was interested in using 19th century tech for food etc. Long story short failure. They bought a house. Had land. Had few souls interested. Fell apart.
I divide the future into vaccinated and dying over next 5 years and all others. This dynamic of death and state over-reach and total collapse suggests remote wilderness and moving as much food there as feasible, tools, medicines, --colonization 18th century style. I envision roughly 1740 as high civilization with the twist that this is going backwards.
There is enough wilderness and with enough thought small group survival is feasible.
It won't work: eventually communities will be hunted down (they will be called a disease hot-spot because unvaxxed). The only way out is politics:
Their dream, our nightmare. Yet, we can stop this with more prayer and political action:
The 2023 digital dollar (Federal Reserve is testing it): they plan to ban cash. We need a law forbidding banning cash and allowing paying in kind compulsory payments like taxes. Also, a zero inflation new coin backed by real assets (gold, silver, copper, lithium, oil, soya warrants, whatever but real, since freemasons counterfeit dollars and Euros as explained by Ronald Bernard).
The 2024 WHO International Pandemic Treaty: they plan nations to give up their sovereignty to the WHO
The 2025 new plandemic: 67 P4 labs like Wuhan are working in new Frankensteins, we need a REAL non-proliferation Bioweapons Convention.
The 2026 global drought through cloud dissolving tech: we need an international anti-geoengineering Convention.
Finally, the Transparency (out-of-closet) law could be the key to unleash the movement towards direct democracy:
A law stating under severe penalty for non-compliance (even to their heirs if that is known after they died), that anyone should disclose if they belong to a secret society, especially those with the requirement to obey secret orders, such as all lodges and freemasonic and luciferian/satanic type of societies.
Penalties should be even more severe with all stake holders involved in or with all the 3 branches of government (even suppliers and candidates), finance (especially, banks, funds, listed corporations) and especially, the armed forces, even the police (that's the reason they' didn't protect the country against blatant constitutional violations).
If this law passes, you'd learn that all listed financial and corporate boards are controlled by freemasons, all the Democrats and especially all the Republicans voting for gender ideology were freemasons, all politicians members of the CFR or attending Sun Valley are freemasons, most of the Supreme Court and lesser courts, all dominant media CEOs are freemasons.
Only then people will ask for change, for example, a law barring them from all such positions. There's no deep state just freemasonry. There are no conspiracies, just freemason plots. There's no democracy with freemasonry, only conspiracy. There’s no 2030 globalism without freemasonry. Freemasonry is the enemy of the people.
Don’t get sad, move your ass! Get into politics! There’s no other way to survive the future.
Unless you are talking about 33rd-degree Masons (many of them US Presidents), most Masons are only scapegoats and patsies. The 33rd-degree looks like an overlap with a number of other things, most of them unclear. Freemasonry is not homogeneous all over the world, and many of those who founded this country were Masons. My objection is that they place logic ("reason") uber alles, which seems to me a bit Satanist (of course, modern Satanists don't even believe in Satan, most of that stuff is melodramatic stuff for the masses; they are simply elitists, who dislike morons).
The ones who go through with the globalist project are using their control over the global money flow. Frankly, I don't care if they are "Masons" or monkey, their poison tooth must be removed. Fat chance.
As long as people obey the hijacked government, there is not much chance.
Growing food and keeping animals will also be outlawed in the name of "public health." Only 2-3 warm bodies (including a dog) might survive in the wilderness, because more would alert the satellites and bring in the drones.
Going to politics can work to a certain extent, at least at the local level. Video cameras and a umber of people must show up at town meetings, and they cannot be banned legally. That might create a bit more transparency at least locally. Anything larger is fully corrupt and cannot be salvaged.
Infiltration at local level is key. Infiltration at smallest governmental unit is key.
be a virus (not like the cohoax though!)
I reckon you, Ray and I do a combined post over these issues. Is there an appetite to collaborate here?
Yes, we (Stegiel included) are the little ones and must keep together, but without attracting too much attention. My gut feeling suggests that nobody cares until we reach the combined readership of 10k, assuming our cooperation is discovered, which doesn't always have to happen. While my subscribers have been steadily growing, I'm still a long way from 10k. :)
OK, just resubbed so now you know my e-mail address. Let's take this off Substack.
Apparently, what worked previously is not working now. So, what is your suggestions?
Could you not see who unsubbed and resubbed (and therefore my e-mail address)?
I tried to reply via e-mail and did not work!
is that a pmail acct starting with s*?
I hover in readership around 350-550. We few writers tacking in our sail boats against prevailing winter winds off Substack and the odd waters once on this Bay do in our small footprint have safe harbor on the sharp rocky shores of 2022. Malone need not sue us. Kirsch need not challenge us. The various agencies regulating speech and vaccination can do little to command us to obey. We speak and wait response. The world still turns and chemtrails blot the double star.
Although I lost a few dozen readers after critiquing RFK, Jr. and Mercola, subscribers have been increasing at a rate of about 100 a month. My initial guesstimate that one in a hundred is able to contribute financially was right on spot. :)
Kirsch has become quite good in the last 3-6 months. Of course, he is still blindsiding his readers, but that might not even be fully intentional. Our opinions are still supposed to be protected by the First Amendment, and if they are not (as it happened in the lawsuit about Sandy Hook), we are royally screwed, anyway. Well, as a matter of fact, we probably are, no matter what. :)
OK, just resubbed so now you know my e-mail address. Let's take this off Substack.
Guide here
Sure let us do so. In what wise? A theme? Graphene Oxide and Group Think? Substack as the little propaganda engine that could? Maybe we take Orson Wells as our theme and review the 3 year and counting War of the Worlds!
Well I am wayyyyyyyyyyy smaller than you both. But combining readership and hence reach can only help.
What I was thinking is asking our collective readership:
"What would you do differently if you knew 6 months in advance a plandemic would hit the world"
Let us see what the community has learnt.
How can we technically do a combined post if we all have 3 different accounts?
I already have a couple of articles on that, but they can always use some additional ideas and some more proofreading. :)
To be honest what I want to see first is the community's response. I mean I want to read yours for sure but I am really dying to know what have others learnt from this...
My site was two days old, when I published the following:
I haven't revised it ever since, so I'm not even sure what's in it, but I have the habit of responding to the same problem the same way even decades apart. As for the typos, I don't know how many I left int this article. :)
Whatever it will be, it would be good to approach our readers from our quite-unique points of view and methods!
I've been doing journalism most of the time here, although I can defend my theses before any fair doctoral committee.
How about collecting other people? Different takes on the same subject can accomplish a lot, even if I just re-post something oldie, but goodie, which applies to the rest of us.
Knowing that either of you is bigger than I am we can decide on an owner, then what we publish (take this offline) and then follow this guide on how to do it
There are sites here with multiple authors, but I am yet to see one that has not been compromised.
I'm still not sure why a single person must be an "author," if we work together.
I agree in collecting a few more like-minded individuals (we will never agree in everything obviously) and the try it as an experiment.
I have none to propose so fire away!
The whole thing varies. I subscribe to a lot of sites only in order to keep informed about the latest trends, whether I agree with the authors or not. I even "Like" the articles, if they allow me to comment.
I have a hard time to read authors who allow comments only from paying subscribers. I am useful enough for them (many of them "borrow" my ideas) to make sure they allow me to say my words. Still, I keep some of them, because I find it amazing how many paying subscribers some of them have without ever publishing anything new or even useful (Bad Cattitude and Karen Kingston, the Kingston Report, comes to mind; I don't have patience for Malone and his ilk).
There are other well-meaning and honest little ones, but it would be unfair to point them out, because I'm sure I would miss a few. Utobian, thereadirish, OUTRAGED, Edwin 1/2, Dear Rest of America, and John from Shouting in space are good candidates, but there are others, depending on the topic, because everyone here tends to have a profile.
Ray it maybe that you have the most subs compared to us both.
Take the lead invite us on a secret post (follow the guides I posted) and let's take the discussion there!
Ray, I'm sorry to disappoint you, and as much as I liked the old BSA and Triumphs, the "Motorcycle of the Future" absolutely will not be a vertical twin.
"It can't be allowed" in the immortal words of David Levinson (Independence Day).
Now don't get me wrong, a twin is preferable, as long as it is first, 4-stroke, and second, opposed, 45 degree or 90 degree, third, water, oil and/or air cooled.
My only hope is that my land is surrounded by an Aristocratic Estonian German Baron’s foundation established by right hand man for Soros and the main banker for Rothschild. Kind of like living within Grate’s 1000+ acres preventing government from confiscating all the acreage. And that this family is fond of a family member.
However, all the Estuaries, and Channel coast land of Suffolk, Essex and Kent have been highlighted as areas included within EU’s Natura 2000. Sites of special scientific interests. My village has lost 50% of it’s land to Bird Sanctuaries and a reservoir. The village was given money that was given to a neighboring village that lost v little land!
So if they take mine they’ll take theirs and they will fight it. They did try on the new ‘rewilding’ revamped version of injurious weed covered Set Aside. But immediately after Truss revoked payments for doing nothing on the land was revoked, they sprayed off everything (without telling us. Roundup? With spray coverage 5m from end of sprayer). Now planting wheat.
As for hunting, I am the worst shot ever. Can’t hit a sitting duck.
Ooh. Escaped animals yet again. Dogs (hounds) off after them.
Who got the money given to your village?
Like was it divided up between residents or some scam?
Most of it went to the neighbouring village to build a new village hall.
A smaller amount was used to fit the church out for receptions. A bathroom, kitchen area that’s built IN the main floor plan of the 14th C church and to cover the ancient flag stone floor with wood floors. I’ve rented out the space and must say the church has become a very nice room rental.
Shakespeare should have said “First kill all the Bankers”.
Lawyers are small potatoes compared.
To me, it more and more seems like the global banking system is only a tool for the globalist takeover. It's a good question who is behind it. On the other hand, if the rulers adhere to the principle that "if you want something done, do it yourself," the banking system can be under their direct control. I'll keep my eyes open and look for significant indicators both ways.
I have long believed that the bankers are the central force in devising and bringing about agendas. But they’re certainly not alone; they need allies (AKA co-conspirators) to make things happen, and that’s where the gov’t-corporate complex comes in. It’s their golem.
My impression is that the global bankers own or control everything that matters, including governments. Are the bankers also controlled? They kill off the few who resist and intimidate or pay off their supposed allies who are, most of the time, only dispensable useful idiots.
they’re not controlled, they’re possessed.
YES, it's like a possession, but closer to a brain-washed state. There are different types:
1. The, Manchurian Candidate state, spaced-out, robotic dissociated state. Follows patterned orders.
2. The "twisted, evil means good brain". Best seen in Bill Gates who laughs at causing impending doom to others. Some want to call this psychopathic, but "psychopath" has a poorly defined operational definition.
3. The," I'm in awe and in love with a monster" state. Best seen in Leonardo DeCaprio staring in awe at Claus Schwab speaking. Also seen in attendees at Unification Church Weddings.
4. "The unhinged monster thug" who has identified with killing, maiming, and raping, maybe even eating as many victims as possible. Dr. Ouchi?
Mixing these persons in a group that has nefarious agenda will make a very efficiently destructive organization.
That's another way to put it. :)