The pendulum swings back and forth.

Are we under the spell of the same shuffle different century?

Nothing will change this deception. It’s Just swarm behavior by billions controlled by very few. 1 is difficult to control 2, but 300 control 8B easily.

Acceptance is all that’s needed to get back to a self perceived state of mostly happiness.

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When lawlessness rules the day, and 'what's in it for me, but not ever for thee', and when the more power

certain people get, the more they abuse those below them, and the more they admire those above them,

then I know a proper system got 'inverted', and a kind of witchcraft took over. With all the

atrocities going on about children. So, we may notice we don't have 'rights' (did we ever really?),

but when we see what's happening to children, all the sex trafficking, whether children or adults,

it's a matter of 'how bad do we have it'?

It was YEARS ago that I saw videos about human slavery which is very much alive and flourishing today.

I understood N. Korea would just do anything at all, but learned that Putin had agreements with

N. Korea for human slavery in Russia also, and I think he arranged for numbers of slaves to

be sent to N. Korea also. Humans are merchandise. Maybe always were.

Many years ago now, I first heard about the flat earth by Eric Dubay who definitely was vilified for his work

(ooh, his family were Freemasons, the horror!, yet Eric had LEFT this family), but his work was classic,

and then the music guru, Alex Michaels who showed me in song, no less many of the lies,

including 'the beautiful globe', all cgi. Fabulous.

And the mockery and put downs of all those stupid ancient people who foolishly thought the

earth was flat. Nonsense. Then there'd be UP and DOWN. Then this earth might, gasp,

be the center of activity. Can't have that.

And the world bought it, just like they bought Covid, and just like they went and took all the

fake vaccines. All fake, all lies.

Talk about 'hidden in plain sight', imagine the 4 longest rivers on this earth flow from South to North.

I'll leave you think about that.

So, it's been corrupt for a long time.

Even the name 'Jesus', fake, invented, means nothing at all. What a lie.

He does have a name, in Hebrew (His own background), and the translation into Greek.

For us, good to know. If it doesn't matter, no problem.

So, then, that means my freedom exists on other levels, other realms, and so it does.

Those that follow those like Biden, son Hunter, Pelosi, Trump, Trudeau, Zelensky, Schwabb,

Charles III, Soros, etc., etc., are a group I'm really glad to be exempted.

Yes, they TOOK everything. This was one very wealthy, rich earth when we calculate a

little, just a little of what was stolen.

That we can manage AT ALL. That's what amazes me.

Richard Vobes is certainly worth listening to, as he delves into how things are.

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The CONstituion?

“But whether the Constitution really be one thing, or another, this much is certain - that it has either authorized such a government as we have had, or has been powerless to prevent it. In either case it is unfit to exist.” ― Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority


CON - To Trick or Manipulate

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Know your rights so you know what to defend! Challenge yourself! Summer Constitutional Law Bootcamp IPAK Edu LLC ! https://popularrationalism.substack.com/p/constitutional-law-bootcamp

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Thanks Ray. Ignorance allowed this debacle to unleash the evil on the world.

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May 15, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Very comprehensive posting! In your prior one you mention Sun Tzu and his teaching that; "If you fight your enemy using the enemy's rules, you are guaranteed to lose." You were very accurate there.

So while we are on the topic of "The Law," lets remember what Fredric Bastiat says of the "purpose" for the law: "An instrument through which a select few can commit plunder against Individual Sovereignty." His small book called "The Law" written in 1850's predicted the world we are living in today.

So the remedy should reflect knowledge of both the purpose and nature of expectation of "Justice." What I mean is: "stop blindly trusting and following a 'legal system' that serves itself at your expense." I've declared Individual Sovereignty, but it would mean nothing to these presumptuous ass hats that write laws under the capitol dome. At this point, they should know that I do not recognized their authority anymore and I don't recognized the power of "mandates," either.

They wrote the UN- patriot ACT a year before the 9 11 so called "attacks;" just like Larry Silverstein the owner of the Trade Center site went out and got extensions of 1.5 billion dollar insurance coverage per building on that site; he did this approx 9 months before the 9 11 "false flag." Everything that happens with government is PLANNED.

Everyone is Individually Sovereign; there is nobody above you, there is nobody below you. Arbitrary Hierarchy is unnatural, it is a crime against the truth.

"No law is sacred except that of my own nature, all that I must do is all that concerns me, NOT what the people think." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

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Excellent line up! Only trouble is people have to care about all of his and the present generation is being trained to be colder regarding involvement and caring. Over-reaction prevents involvement and is rewarded with attention...something the present generation craves. Those who are in the right do not make the same amount of noise. I fear that many of them will go down without a whimper.

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Stunning how so few people still don't understand that we are lawless and post-constitutional now...captured, poisoned and compromised on every front. It will take a bloody revolution to get any of our rights back. And if and when we should ever muster the courage to try to do so, we will be facing millions of foreign color-revolution mercenaries that are invading and flooding into the country as I type, and they will not hesitate to take Americans out. It is the deep state's blood-sacrifice orgasm to deploy their disposable army...BO/Soros' private army...they're here.

I was going to suggest that we all learn Mandarin, but I'm not sure there's enough time...

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