18 hrs agoLiked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ba de ba de ba deep. My head is spinning. Microwaves have been a staple in multiple millions of environments since the 1970s. That means virtually everyone in the country (US anyway) has been exposed to numerous bombardments of micro-rays. Is this true or assumed to be the case? Is it even provable? I do not think it's a one-size-fits-all proposition.

As with numerous other poisons, of which there seems to be a new one coming along every week or month, why is there not millions more dying? Why has the population continued to grow over the last 50 years by over 57% while environmental poisons have increased substantially during that time? Population growth can't be all illegals and intruders can it?

I have not yet read Agent's article, but I will. If all these poisons are around and accumulating in a person, then either the accumulation is slow to affect that person or it isn't having much of an affect. I worked in a factory for about 23 years with all kinds of poisons such as chemical, welding fumes, dust from metal cutting, and other things. I quit that job 29 years ago and yet here I am still accumulating poisons from who knows how many sources and I am still relatively healthy.

Not saying none of this isn't happening. My conclusion is that if all this crap is so toxic, where are the bodies? Piled up in a FEMA warehouse?

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Thank you for being such a thorough reader! :)

As far as I can see, the current death toll from the injections only in the US is about 20-30m. Official statistics ceased to be reliable since August, 2020:


Chemtrailing has been around since 1947. The synthetization of human proteins started around 1961. The following article has quite a few of the most important the links to my previous investigations (at least I hope it does; I'm only human, at least for a little longer :) ):


Agent is a good read, but only as long as one can put the information into a global perspective:


The human body is an amazing system. To me, it looks like that its current thresholds are being tested (sorry, I'm not ready to write about that yet).

Bodies seem to have been disappearing, too, but turning them into something "useful" is also legit in some places:


There MUST be a reason why humans are being OPENLY replaced with deepfakes:


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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I wish I could find the paper I read but it stated that microwaves also cause antibiotic resistance.

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AB resistance is supposed to be caused by germs that get used to the drugs, just like ever-increasing amounts of pesticides are making pests more resistant to the toxins, so produce these days contains about 400 times more of the same than in 1990.

On the other hand, as everything seem to be connected and converge at the same end, nanotech can be affected by microwaves and, most likely, by countless other things; it all boils down to diabolical engineering...

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Probably will do a substack on Arthur Firstenberg the Invisible Rainbow, The book looks at how many of our modern ailments seemed appear when we were more and more subjected to radiation/electrical exposure.

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Fistenberg is the classic, but things have gone out of hands since then...

Modern illnesses, as I've also been saying from the beginning, are invented ones to cover up for industrial poisoning and, of course, radiation sickness...

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My research suggests that after yet another Roswell-type UFO crash in USA, at least 3 items/capabilities were developed by Lockheed, amongst other labs. The microwave "oven" extracted from the crash was given to various labs and finally Lockheed worked up a prototpe oven for quickly heating meals for troops on active service. A atrange metalic film that would not "scrunch up" became Mylar, the emergency blanket. the central horizintal "touchscreen" in the UFo became the now common touch screen but without the crucial direct connection with the mind of the operator.

incidentally, President Ronny Raygun and Steven Spielberg sat together at the Whitehouse private first screening of the film "Close Encounters"... they were overheard saying "only us 2 know how true this film really is!".... and for those who want even more startling revelations, search for the impromptu lecture given by Ben Rich, Chief of Lockheed Skunkworks in the vast labs under Area 51... to a group of California College students. Minds boggle! and in connection, Gene Roddenberry admitted that Startrek storylines came from the Skunkworks.... just as with storylines for Mulder and Scully.

And we all know that the moon Landing was hokum but hey at least the French have a monument to their Fried Cat, rocketed into the Van Allen Layer. Glamour boyPaperclip man, Werner von Braun asked to design a lunar Rocket, said the manned capsule alone needed at least 200 tons of lead sheeting protection just for the crew......His calcs were made at Peenemunde. History buffs are recommended to swot USNavyhero Admiral Byrd and his 2 full scale Antarctic Wars. Incidentally, Italian Mussolini was said to be the firstto be contacted directly by Aliens offering technology. He reckoned this would annoy the Pope, so he passed the project over to Hitlers SS. And forget Hiroshima an Nagasaki... the Yanks lacked 2 Trigger mechanisms ( which Hitle already had! )The published local site radioactivity readings were borked... it was a massive Air Fuel bomb! very reliable low tech!

Why is Antarctica security so tight? Ask the guys in Argentina or Borman... or even Jezza, his Grand Tour went to Argentina, spectacular! so much to follow up... Wewelsburg SS Castle, The spear of Destiny, the secretive Abwher expeditions to Lhasa and South of France. Time may be short folks, we are at DefCon 2, all B52s are flyin Hot, nukes aboard loaded and locked. Crews last supper in the microwave, Autopilot set for final destination , the semi redundant Wheelus Field. Over at Kelvedon Hatch, 500 + beds newly made, Mess bar stocked... Chickenwire System tested.......... remember to keep the cat indoors...... vaya con Dios!

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UFOs are psyops.

So is the nonsense about the Antarctica...

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Thank you for your reply, I have every confidence in your ablity to do excellent reseach, shame about your dismissive arrogance as displayed in your reply. Bravo for missing the humour and tongue in cheek in my little thinkpiece...NOT!

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Instead of labeling me, it would be more helpful to point out what you think I missed.

To me, it's obvious that UFOs are "real" in the sense that they are holographic images (which even the planes on 9/11 may have been).

If I were doing the planning, I would use them for "uniting humanity against a common threat." That, of course, would mean that all humans submit to a central "authority."

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5G is worse than most people realise but often what they are calling 5G misses.. 5G is more than mmwaves. It also represents a densification of exposure in the .4 GHz to around 7 GHZ. It has beam forming which means the entire intensity of the radiation can be focused in one direction and then moments later steered to another spot. It is also the first rime that in addition to the upto 2 wifi transmitters and blue tooth it also radiates on up to 5 cell phone frequencies.. In many countries including Canada the mmwave part of 5G has not been released to the telcos, who say they don'rt want it, don't need it and is too expensive, at this time there is no schedule to unleash the mmave portion unto Canadians and Canadian and other countries cell phones do not have the mmwave chip.The whole discussion is much more involved than most realise in a short article for a publication I tried to explain more of the facts behind 5G -no matter how one looks at it it is worse than the preceding "Gs") https://normryder.substack.com/p/5c198fab-3162-4afb-a3dd-669274d7c622 In some locations in the US the full spectrum of 5G has been unleashed (I suspect mostly in the more populated areas)

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5G towers can be turned up to 100GHz, and many of them have their own power supplies.

Over 30, people get sick, and over 45, everything dies... Of course, they can be used for mimicking a "pandemic."

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Yes.... JJ Couey talks about this, too..... https://rumble.com/v5h388t-dr-j.-jay-couey.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp

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Ultimately what the purpose of 5G infrastructure or how they will use it is a guess, I do know however they plan to use it will not be good for all flora and fauna. I do know up until now they have not used mmwave in Canada and most likely much of the rest of the world, but that does not mean they will not tomorrow. At 60 GHz (57 -64GHz)the radiation seriously interferes with oxygen

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People start getting extremely sick at 30, and just about everything dies at 45GHz and above...

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Oct 7Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

2 research articles on 5g association with getting ill and a Covid label in 2020



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It does appear that some of the self assembling bots or what ever in the jabs assemble when stimulated with electromagnetic radiation and also appears to be a possibility or more a probability that covid itself is brought on at least in part by radiation

I have seen the articles you have posted and feel they are in the right direction but would still like to see more supporting the association before I am comfortable saying I feel there is a connection maybe just overly cautious on my part

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I am starting to feel that there is no need for the self-assembling bots; 5G and comparable technologies alone are most likely enough to do the trick. I am still undecided, but this assumption has been maturing in me for several months; I hope to arrive at a conclusion soon.

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Oct 7·edited Oct 7Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

You can get cold symptoms from radiation but since no sars virus (or any virus) has ever been found there is no such thing as Covid.

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Unfortunately as someone with EHS I am too familiar with the symptoms of Radiation sickness

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