Great article. Thank you.

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I just hope, it helps my readers to make up their own minds. :)

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Tools rarely understand the machine.

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While I concur with your analysis, simplicity and common sense lead to knowledge, and the truth. We have a tendency to occupy ourselves with minutia. For instance, in the grand scheme (scam), it matters little where the "pandemic" originated. Or even what laws apply or are even legal (this country is not governed under or by the Constitution). This is all distraction from our aim to return the Republic to its properly functioning form and the defeat and destruction of the so-called cabal. Just look at the published history, going back about 100 years ago, of the various eugenics and one world government forums. It is not hidden and remains basically unchanged. Their intentions, where this is going, are no mystery. We simply need to resist, practice non-compliance, fight back with sufficient numbers, unity and strength. The next move is ours. FIGHT or perish.

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Exactly FreedomFighter. In addition to resistance, non-compliance, and fighting back, we must be prepared in our minds eye, to kill, if and when necessary. This is not about aiming for kneecaps but rather total elimination of any threat. I call it nullification. Preservation of the self and loved ones is the endgame.

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It's still a good idea to keep those ideas on the back burner, and only apply them, when the time actually comes. :)

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Yes, one must stand their ground. On the other hand, it's more like fight AND perish, but it makes a difference if someone leaves this world as a free man or as a slave:


Non-compliance can only work to a certain extent:


United opposition is impossible, so there is no "we," but after everyone makes their decision, I don't think the result will be much different from person to person.

What does it mean to be a US citizen?


The enemy is in hiding, using lackeys and useful idiots, while enjoying overwhelming technological advantages (DEWs, cell towers, the electric grid, satellites, drones, a huge mass of mostly Chinese invaders who are ready to kill Americans, and the list goes on).

The only decision comes from drawing the line as I did:


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As a recent reader, I thank you for these. Where this war is concerned, it's unique, so many once embraced ideas or battle plans do not hold water. All common sense/logic conceived suggestions are worth considering. The satanist cabal, with a long head start, is still testing, probing. Their failures, rather than our victories, have kept them from already conquering the masses. Keep fighting.

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All of this..is pure nonsense! The answer is…and always has been in Jesus Christ…and the gospel! 100% out of 100% die! Then the Judgment! Eternal life is only found in Him! Evil men are trying through technology to by-pass God to find a way to eternal life down here! Will never happen! God is bigger and stronger…He will destroy…all evil life… off this planet… just as He did with the flood of Noah’s day! Only this time it will be by fire! Put your trust in Christ!

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Turning the other cheek gets you slapped twice Lorraine. Read about the Bolshitvik Revolution and the Red Terror. The commies love to rape and kill and they don't care if you are 8 or 80.

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"Turning the other cheek" has also been misinterpreted. Originally, it was meant not to oppose Roman soldiers...

Everyone has the right to fend for their lives.

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I read Sasha's article, and there was much I didn't know about anaphylaxis contained therein. And true, other poisonings weren't mentioned or focused on while only focusing on the trojan horse of the day, injections. Toxins are everywhere, and I'm sure there is much about health yet to learn.

There wasn't any smearing in your piece. You presented her claims fairly from all I can see. Perhaps she's overly sensitive and just having an allergic reaction to only partial agreement. ;)

By only regarding a portion of the whole, compartmentalization has occurred. Her piece by ignoring other toxins is a fair example of that. So are many other things. The big picture is difficult for most minds to see, myself included. Doesn't keep me from digging though.

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Myrthryn, Sasha is a nasty piece of work. I've read some of her comments to her detractors. Although I credit her for bringing to my attention that Convid (TM) is a DOD operation, who ordered the poison shots to be deployed, I agree with Ray, she is more than likely a limited hangout.

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Anaphylaxis has been common knowledge for decades for those who were interested. I simply mean to move on, and I expected Sasha to play ball to no avail.

However, as you have noticed, too, I never meant to offend anyone, and offered a fair discussion. In return, I was accused of plagiarism and incompetence without the slightest effort to substantiate either of the claims, in spite of my requesting such details.

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You are a shining star Ray. Exemplary.

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Nope, my readers like YOU are! :)

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Get over it! Sasha just got around to dealing with "viruses" and "vaccines". Probably because of some "stupid and evil trolls" who harassed him with never-isolated viruses and "vaccines" made for them. He looked around and found this. Since he doesn't read you - and isn't interested in your letters - he doesn't know that we've gotten over this topic here a long time ago.

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Sasha trolled me pretty badly in this discussion session. Is it gone now? Oh, and it's a "she," although I am not a biologist. :)

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Please cease and desist from plagiarizing and then misrepresenting mine and Katherine's work. I consider this writing a bad-faith smear campaign on mine and Katherine's work. You made no prior effort to reach out and clarify, if something we wrote was unclear to you. You decided to publish a bunch of nonsense about our analysis, and that's called acting in bad faith. Please stay away from our writing, from subjects you clearly don't understand.

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Sasha, it's a bit late for this message, but I believe, I said positive things about you and Katherine, so I don't even understand why you thought I was attacking either of you...

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Please, point out where you believe I am plagiarizing you or Katherine. I can copiously document that I came out with the information first, sometimes years ahead. Moreover, I stopped reading both of you more than two years ago, which can also be documented.

A civilized discussion, however, is most welcome. I prefer to keep it public.

Posing as an "expert" doesn't exempt you from reasonable arguments. Point out, where you think I'm wrong, and we can have a discussion.

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My content and Katherine's content is original writing and research. I have no idea who you are and never read your blog. You however seem to read both our newsletters, and quote them to make misrepresentations, innuendos and smears couched as "civilized debate". It is not a civilized debate, it is an operation to smear and deflect. you can claim whatever prior knowledge for decades, I don't care. Many people have knowledge of many things and wrote about those things even centuries before. You are attempting to smear me and Katherine and I ask you to stop, desist and never visit our publications. Thank you.

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"I don't care"! Is that a fact Sasha? Centuries? You're grasping at straws Sasha. Never visit your publications? Ray can do whatever the hell he pleases. Get a grip!

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You have even responded to me a couple of times, which can also be documented.

And if you don't care, what are you doing here? :)

You and Katherine speak for yourselves; no "smearing" is needed.

Do you mean I am banned? :D Now, that's certainly civilized, especially after your unsubstantiated claims about me.

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I have 50K subscribers, and I respond to almost all comments on my sucbstack. I don't keep track of people I respond to as it is impossible. I never read your page until you decided to make this hit piece. That's why I am here telling you to stop. And in the future, please stay away, because now I actually will have memory of who you are.

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And I've read your responses to your readers Karen. Now you "will have memory"? Are you a chatbot Sasha/Karen?

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You have 49k bots. That's what you have.

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Yes, and they are all made by Putin, too. Jealous much?

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It doesn't matter. Can you offer ANY reasonable argument against my statements in the article, or only (not-very) veiled threats?

Moreover, with my 3,400 readers, I am not posing any threats to you or to Katherine, so what's the problem?

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I am not interested in your article or your position, and I am not going to dignify a bad-faith smear from you with a good-faith debate. You should have learned this principle of human cooperation at around grade-school level. You are free to pursue whatever topics you feel best suit you and your readers. I don't perceive you as any kind of threat, nor do I perceive anyone as threat, and I actively help many people grow their audience here when they show that they are acting in good faith. I am just telling you to stop misrepresenting my writing, which you clearly do not understand (but I won't debate anything with you for the abovementioned reasons). Have a great day.

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Ray, your stuff is brilliant. Anything is possible and can be made to seem plausible. So many mechanisms and pathways to dis-ease. I subscribe to us being like human rats or cockroaches, building up tolerance to our environment physiologically over time. Pharma, 5G, poor diet, fear, stress etc undermines that. The jab was essential to accelerating the cull. Am navigating prostate cancer in the UK. Made it clear I do not want hormones and radiotherapy or surgery. Trying other naturopathic and herbal strategies, including molecules FenBen and IVM despite concerns over fertility etc. Will let you know how I get on.

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bestie is addressing possible colon cancer using a daily mix of baking soda+maple syrup, plus IVM, and several cups p/day of herbal drink: powdered turmeric+black pepper+acacia honey. eating nuts instead of bread/carbs. be well!

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All good Mary-Lou, but ditch the IVM. That's a pHARMaceutical.

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you know it, I do to, but bestie's hard headed.

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Paul, I seem to be the only author with a global perspective. I keep wondering why I am still allowed to appear in public. Possibly, because some readers think I am gloom-and-doom or "fear-porn," but those strategies usually push the audience to specific commitments, which I don't do. In my understanding, only free people can stand up against tyranny, and under the circumstances, that's not much of a choice.

The injections did speed up the carnage, but they also seem to have been experiments with tracking and targeting. As they are not necessary anymore, the next steps are predictable but nobody will know where the lighting will strike more than twice.

I also experiment, but only after I have nothing to lose. Right now, I am testing a Schumann wave generator:


IVM seems to have been a bait-and-switch operation, so I must advise caution (although you haven't asked for advice; this is only for those, who are interested, because the decision is theirs, just like it is for you):


Herbal stuff places a heavy burden on the liver, and how can one treat something, when the causes remain unclear?

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Wish I could restack this one hundred times! Will share everywhere! This is brilliant. 🎯

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Well, Sasha is only regurgitating what has been known for decades...

Considering the nearly 400 "Like"s after her article, is she supported by the stupidity-meter subjects or by other means?

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Sasha's fans are chatbot trolls.

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