The fear-conditioning keeps happening. Once someone is used to the disposition, they will always find something to fear, which will take over their lives, and turns them into predictable subhumans.
When states started passing laws a month ago, to prohibit the WHO dictating to them, I immediately posted that they were only posing as much threat to Agenda 2030 as a fly around a bull’s ass threatens the bull, because the Federal Government can always overrule the states with or without using the WHO as an excuse:
The latest deal is that a 194 “countries” (or shall I say, criminal politicians impersonating “authorities elected by the people,” while they are but globalist vassals?) signed an agreement that “they” would Arrest Citizens Who Oppose Bird Flu Vaccine:
This doesn’t seem to have made the MSM, so the target audience is not the sheeple, but those who think they are in the “resistance,” people who can still be easily lured into dark alleys of their own imagination, while being convinced that they are smarter than the rest.
The Expose, possibly the primary source this time, actually manages to calm readers by informing them that there is a 10-month period during which countries are still able to object (they will not):
This gives time for “countries” like the US until March, 2025.
No, I’m not going to hold my breath and wait for a miracle. Instead, let me consider the fact that by some time in 2025, the population is supposed to decrease by 68.5%. I realize that the Deagel prediction can be a hoax, but considering how much the globalists have been enjoying taunting their victims from the very beginning of the Great Plandemic of 2020, the figure could be quite close to the actual results.
Ever since Mercola kindly advised that heart attacks are most common during presidential elections, I can’t help thinking that November might be the time, when food and energy shortages will be introduced in the US and, among paid criminals staging riots, various other poetic causes will be blamed, which still won’t prevent people from starting to kill each other for a can of soup, especially if they have children to “save” for a future that I, for one, prefer not to see or even fully envision. Still that future is already here without any obvious signs, albeit several details are pointing in the same direction.
Notice that the “alt” news sources are calling the toxic injections “vaccines,” and the terminology confirms the official narrative despite the fact that Germ Theory, Virology, and Vaccinology have been proven fraudulent, and are already causing a potentially extinction-level event.
Would silencing the survivors make any difference? People have already been silenced more than enough ever since their “governments” started to treat them as assets just before WW1 was provoked and passports and the draft were introduced.
So, readers can now
Miss the part that there are 10 months left until absolute tyranny (not that it’s not already here), and freak out;
Believe that the next 10 months could still bring about changes in politics: the WHO could be rejected, and it would make a difference. During the plandemic, it was the governments that issued the edicts that turned people into subhuman objects and statistical figures in spectacular manners like the toxic and humiliating muzzle, poking into people’s nostrils with fraudulent tests that reached in deeply, only an inch away from the fear center in the brain, shutting down small- and medium-sized businesses, forcing people to keep apart and herding them along arrows in stores (I used to make a sport out of walking against the arrows and not wearing a muzzle :) ), instructing hospitals to refuse life-saving treatments even when those were possible, locking down retirement homes, where the elderly, who were supposed to be “saved,” were conveniently taken “care” of, and mandating everyone, except themselves, to take the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections. One must be a true idiot to believe that politicians, who have been instructed at every single move up to this time, would suddenly grow a conscience or, for that matter, possess power over their globalist handlers;
Prepare for an exceedingly-likely total societal collapse during the elections.
None of these options seem particularly appealing, but not much else is left.
The gradually-dwindling general public can watch their TV series and fiddle with their 5G phones until the bitter end. After all, people are free (to do that).
It's NOT the bird flu. It's the WHO flu!
Even if the election was to be true and fair, nothing will change no matter who is elected. Congress will still be owned by big pharma and WHO. What? Out of 535 US congressmen, how many tried to stand up to WHO and the pandemic amendments? Less than 10%. That means the other 90% are all on board. Trump will not change that and I believe he will be driving the next fake pandemic train...that means we will be going right over the mRNA cliff. The same as with any other fool that is elected or installed.