Is it possible that you yourself are so conditioned to fear that you have become paranoid? There is no basis for fearing that the WHO operates as you think it does or for fearing that democratically elected leaders are controlled by other unnamed powers. Democracy may disappoint at times but it is the better than any of the alternatives. If you really want to understand tyranny have a look at Russia or China where (for an example) journalists are arrested or worse for opposing government policy. Here in the west we are free to express opinions, regardless of how preposterous those opinions may be.

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Psychoanalyzing the author is one thing trolls do...

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I suppose that could be true. Is that an appropriate thing for “trolls” to do at times?

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No, it is not. I usually ban them, if they insist. :)

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Straw man argument.

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Is that a correct characterization? I don’t think so but it does not matter. I wish you all the best Ray, though we disagree fundamentally.

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As long as you are putting words into my mouth, there can be no discussion. Proper discussion has its own conditions, which are hardly ever met:


I don't expect it to happen this time, either, which is why I never argue with anyone else. In fact, it's rare for two thinking persons to agree on everything, and my objective is to motivate my readers to make up their own minds. Nobody has to agree with me. In your case, my principles apparently prevail. :)

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It is possible that the author has a poor understanding of “tyranny.” There is so much nonsense in the piece that I do not know where to begin and so I will not begin.

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If you don't understand something, how do you know who is stupid? :)

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Unless you can be specific, please, stop using nonsense instead of an argument. :)

Your comment speaks for itself and for who you are. :)

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"The WHO Scare: Being Conditioned To Be Afraid"

Yes, thank you for your work, we need more people to wake up to the virology lies.

Unfortunately 4yrs later the mass population still go along. I see so much of it in in social media, especially twitter X [ such is the choice of names when Xing out humanity, isn't it?]

There are so many influencers who are continuing to keep people in that virus mind set.

These so called activist now play the role of MSM, imo that how they continue to accomplish their agenda. They start the propaganda on the bird flu and boom, everyone is on it.

They have embedded into people's mind the belief that convid was a lab leak and GOF, that's why people like Gates & his family, Fauci, & too many others to mention were out and about.

Ironic that it didn't leak on their parade..

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Thank you kindly.

Virology is irrelevant. It was already two years ago:


About 75 percent of all people could be killed at the flick of a switch (5G and comparable tech).

If it was not a "virus," it would be another invented illness. The "health" tyranny cannot fail...

As you are also saying it, using the enemy's terms only confirms them, which is why I am using alternatives.

The worst thing that has been planted into people's minds is that survival is the greatest goal:


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My gut feel is they have rushed into it despite years of planning and laying the groundwork. It will be brutal but pushback will amplify. Civil war? We will not sit idly by while they amp up the democide

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Civil war seems to be part of the globalist plan; it's a lot simpler to make sure people will kill each other without being microwaved or poisoned, not that there isn't enough of both, anyway. Still, I don't think it's going to be that heroic; famine, lack of electricity and potable water will suffice, and serve the same purpose just fine. Without reserves, people WILL turn on each other, especially if they have children.

All I can do is stick to my own rules:


Everything is infiltrated, corrupted, bought up, or posing as the "resistance." In my understanding, as I've been saying from the beginning of the Great Plandemic of 2020,

"We are all in this together. Alone."

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The government isn’t afraid.. jus’say’n

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I never said the government is afraid. It's owned by the globalists, but the taxpayer is paying for it. :)

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To face the enemy, or a major one, we must seriously know our enemy. I'd say it's fear. Fear is our enemy and just what is fear? Is it contagious? Can it spread? How does it take hold of someone? I find fear an important, fascinating study.

Generally, not specifically or exactly, there's almost nothing I can do about anything.

Then there's worry. Is worry the child of fear?

Knowing as surely most of us do that worry not only doesn't help, but hurts, just why do we ever do it. Einstein, sometimes considered smart, in ways, said something wise about that.

I want to know the drivers, the handles. Yes, I will sidestep.

Aside? I was shocked growing up to learn that people actually chose to watch fear producing movies, in the safety of their homes. I think they're conditioned to fear.

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The enemy is provoking a fight on its own turf. That must NOT be allowed:


Yes, fear is contagious.

Once humiliated by force (and the muzzle and the "tests" accomplished that), human dignity shrinks to the size of a peanut, lingers on for a while, until it vanishes in the dark. People without a sense of dignity are easy to commandeer around, even if they are not afraid, but fear has its perks...

Anxiety is normal as long as it doesn't take over. It can alert people to prepare, and being prepared means something else for everyone, because it's measured by options.

There are lots of fables about Einstein, but he simply combined two previous resources, and couldn't even calculate the surface of a globe. :) Yes, his family life was a disaster, too.

Whenever possible, I prefer Aikido: step aside and give a little push to the attacker to use their own impetus towards their own destruction.

Movies do condition people to become dependent on "authority" and believe in "the law" that doesn't apply to their self-appointed "leaders." Conditioning them to be fearful is only one of the many aspects, and it's based on the "saving lives" bull crap...

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perfect commonsense summery, shame that is all thats remains to use your talent to transmit the truth... i think ... we need desperatly an "act of God of truth to intervene " for me this is my battle ground , my last hill ...

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.

11 Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

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In the article, I go a step further than just calling the bluff: I also show the reason why such forms of conditioning are present, and call for individual responses to avoid falling prey to the predators. :)

You seem to be working on your armor that most likely would fit a lot of the sheeple, too. :)

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Good words Ray, "During the plandemic, it was the governments that issued the edicts that turned people subhuman objects and statistical figures in spectacular manners like the toxic and humiliating muzzle, poking into people’s nostrils with fraudulent tests that reached in deeply, only an inch away from the fear center in the brain"

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Thank you. I think, it may have been you who pointed out the location of the poking. And I also added the missing "into" to the text. :)

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Ray... I hate to agree...but I agree. I should be planting a garden... but I, going to l9ok for fentanyl 8nstead. Don't wanna live without food electricity or water or be killed by those whose three day supply ran out.

Note to self..buy candles.

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I am expecting a blackout that will probably last for up to five years. Most people will die of the lack of potable water within a couple of months... Some places in the US even prohibit (!) the collection of rainwater on one's own estate! That's "the law" there, made up by you-know-who!

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There is nothing to fear, but fear itself!! FEAR F = False, E = Events, A = Appearing, R = Real! FEAR is the Devil, we are only to Fear God!

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Fear can become petrifying. When I was 11, two rivaling gangs wanted me to join, and they beat me up every day. Luckily, we moved before I would kill someone... At that point, I swore, I would never be beaten up again, and kept my promise...

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It’s all just so incredibly sad 😢my soul weeps

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Already in August, 2020, I was literally bawling in the car, listening to Mozart. These monsters want to kill everything that is good and/or beautiful...

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Real idiots, Ray! And not for money, they were born this way!

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There is an old tease about something like, this, although I opt for the power of conditioning. Of course, this is not addressed to anyone here :) :

"Are you a polymath?"


"Have you become so stupid on your own?"

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How can people be conditioned not to notice that 1 senator, judge, member of the government, and none of their families died or were injured from the injections, and still believe that those responsible can be held legally responsible? And how can he not realize who are responsible, without whom this game could not have been played with the population of the earth?!

Especially if this is exactly what you are researching and dealing with for 4 years...

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Federal employees were even publicly exempt...

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Especially! And wasn't this exemption suspicious to them?! Weren't they attacked by this "terribly virulent and deadly virus"? Don't let anyone tell me that such a person is not born a fool or an idiot!

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Thank you Mr. Horvath for the clear and honest article . The election is a great opportunity to start

anything . What ever is going on today its planned ahead of time . There was a series of books published about these US collapse in about the 90s . " The Defender" was the title . What you will find there you see it in our everyday life today .

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The whole system is rotten; it CANNOT be saved from the inside...


Yes, it's been in the works for about a hundred years. This is the end game, and not much can be done about it. The good news is that the perps will croak, too:


The bad news is that it's most likely going to happen too late.

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Even if the election was to be true and fair, nothing will change no matter who is elected. Congress will still be owned by big pharma and WHO. What? Out of 535 US congressmen, how many tried to stand up to WHO and the pandemic amendments? Less than 10%. That means the other 90% are all on board. Trump will not change that and I believe he will be driving the next fake pandemic train...that means we will be going right over the mRNA cliff. The same as with any other fool that is elected or installed.

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Honest people are not even allowed to run or are destroyed by the MSM.

Both Congress and Big Pharma are owned by the globalists.

How many voted against the "state of emergency"? I believe, it was one. :)

Trump has always been an insider, who only thickened the "swamp."

mRNA is not needed:


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Start here:

Dear Mr. / Madam School Board Trustee

I write to you today in a sincere effort to help you accomplish your noble goals for seeking this office.

That is to help you facilitate the betterment of our schools for our children and young people.

To do this, I ask you to make the Board meeting agenda and the data points behind them available to me as well as all of the other taxpayers.

Upload the stack to a server where we can read, ratify and or annul the elements after log on.

In a perfect world each paragraph must have at least three possible answers: agree, disagree, no opinion at this time.

Direct democracy is a growing trend, and many companies offer these services:

hosting, voter receipts, and a running tally of totals for everyone to see.

In this way Madam Trustee you are assured that you will always have the strength of the community with you when making the decisions that really do effect the lives of our people.


Helpful Taxpayer Citizen

Hosting Companies:




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This is your second identical post after two different articles. Please, make sure you are linking the contents with the article or stop posting the same thing.

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Is anyone complaining? I hear you and will comply...

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Yes . I do . What you are talking about is not the subject . You are off topic .

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I am. :)

In fact, it is not a complaint; it's a polite request that you rephrased and called it a complaint.

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It's NOT the bird flu. It's the WHO flu!

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It's the depopulation flu.

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