When we start to realize with real eyes the layer here... where by keeping us AT MOST FEAR and not learning what is going on, is a natural disaster of the mind games.
Definitely GeoEngineering (modifying the weather - is real and has a history on record going back 150 years, however, ramping up the infowar is NOT serving anyone other than to keep that program afire the program of Atmospheric Fear...
If you are truly interested in the Climate Agenda, as I am, and want to lessen the nervous system jabs, then join me in research and investigating live events as they occur with my mentor Jim Lee:
There are a number of excellent books on this topic (just go to Amazon and search books on geoengineering. One real expert is Dane Wigington. Go to his site geoengineeringwatch.org and start by watching “The Dimming.” There are additional NUMEROUS videos to watch. If we do not stop this, soon there simply will be no earth. I see the chemtrails in my skies (Tennessee) every day with rare exception. I can tell when we are going to have rain without even checking my local forecast. It is infuriating that the earth is being poisoned daily while we do nothing about it! The catastrophes they are deliberately causing are their ammunition for promoting “climate change” policies.
For promoting depopulation, you mean - and manipulation of the masses. At some point, with their "kind" assistance, you will have no choice other than eating bugs, staying home more, etc. It's soon - or never, imo.
Yes, that is the first site I always recommend, too.
As for videos, you just want to look up in the sky, as you and I usually do (we are next-door neighbors me being in KY)...
What's in the chemtrails is a good question at this point, because they can include fungal spores (as the fear porn in AZ and CA suggests), parasites (certain nematodes included), pathogens, toxins, and even graphene. As the concoction must change every time in order to maintain plausible deniability, chemtrails are only a small part of geoengineering:
My dreams lately have been very strange - like there are monsters attacking and we must hide. As long as we don't respond to them or move when they are around, we're okay. Psychologically, I know it them getting to me. Physically, I believe that it is much of what they are putting in the environment that is affecting us all. I can, again, smell chemicals in the area when I go out. (South MS) I can tell you, though, that I am seeing strange and unfamiliar spores and mushrooms springing up that I haven't seen in the 8 years I've lived in this house.
Thank-you to everyone who has shared your thoughts, knowledge & all the links regarding this topic of Chemtrails!
It appears that l was getting no where researching "chemtrails" because l should have been researching "geoengineering".....
I have spent my time yesterday evening & much of today listening to many of the video links that people have shared (as l was gardening & doing other chores).
I will admit....l am somewhat discouraged because it is all quite overwhelming. But, l remain a "glass half-full" kind of person & l have deep faith in God.
But....Ray....do ya' know of any nice tropical island available where all of us together (your subscribers) can sail off to soon?
Lol....all we can do is the best we can do! Thanks again Ray for opening this topic. I have learned much from all who have shared.
“Frustrating” is the word for it. It’s so obvious-- all you have to do is literally look up-- but the topic was successfully made verboten tinfoil hat territory years ago.
Just a thought - unless one is specifically targeted, one can remain healthy because a concentration of all that pollution is likely not as high. Gardening, nutrition, and a resounding "NO" to any pharma- and other poison are still very important!
As for "morals," "guilt," "speaking up" - gosh, there are very few people who do so, the vast majority is happily complicit with any and all crimes.
Jill - seriously??? THOSE are CONTRAILS = condensation trails...
put to music by the devil hissssself.
What those of us doing the research are learning is that people naturally go to their limbic brain and dive into the adrenalin and cortisol producing FEARS that is what attacks our nervous system and prevents us from thinking rationally and clearly...
If you would like to learn some instead of being a contributor to spreading and ramping up peoples fears... then see my above post suggesting where you can learn.
Keep in mind the globalists who want to depopulate the earth and have no regard for human life do have themselves and loved ones to consider. So there must be an antidote. I’ve heard that drinking a mix of water and Zeolite, an all natural mineral negatively charged by nature and claims to attract toxins like a magnet. Also, magnetic Bentonite Clay used in a bath to detox. Check out link below. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2018/ra/c8ra05247f
Below are links I have saved from my digging. Copy and paste into your browser since they are not hot. Forgive the duplicates. I am able to view the sky from an unobstructed vantage point. Northern California skies have been sprayed non stop. I believe this is what contributed to our massive forest fires last year. There are less birds and insects as well. I have videos and photos. Hope the links help wake people up. I am looking into testing our water and my own blood for heavy metals. If someone can suggest a reliable laboratory I would appreciate it.
My father was in WWII as one of the HAM radio operators, one of the best, flew with General Patton often (probably saved his life but nonetheless he was too close to the 'powers that be' for my liking and on top of that the war itself was provoked by the City of London and the US... we have so much history to unravel its unbelievable.
The Dimming is akin to being on board a flight with Patton - take the wool off your eyes.
Sesame Street damaged our attention span... truly part of the planning to dumb us down. If you watch 20 mins of any of Jim's videos you will either want to learn more in 20 min snippets (what I used to do to push my envelope) but if its content volume issues - then the 20 mins will show you that it's worthwhile tuning the Dane Wigington's out and put the filters on the crap out there and tune into some good researchers.
Dunno about "us," but in the mid-90s, I never allowed my young son to watch Sesame Street, which even at that time was only a tool to make children get used to ugliness and to having no standards...
My millennial son spent most of his days outside with me as well.
Grateful for the quality time and how he turned out!
That's the story to develop self reliant children in a self indulgent world... at least that is my take. Perhaps to clarify when I say 'us' and 'we' I will follow that with humans... Us humans, We humans for the broader perspective and not accounting for individuality but more a bigger picture of the agenda on the chess board stance.
Those contrails that seem to hang around from flying at that creation of albedo in SAI Stratospheric Atmospheric Injection to create anthropogenic clouds which now have a name "Cirrus Homogenitus"
I believe morgellons is related to chemtrails. It’s very painful & scary. Doctors treat it as a delusional parasitosis diagnosis usually. A doctor ( out of pocket) supervised heavy metal detox by Metagenics helped me a lot. Many people have committed suicide over having morgellons.
According to the personal reports I've read about them, they seem to be dispersed in chemtrails. They look like plastic strands that exhibit parasitic behavior. They do cause a lot of suicides and "doctors" tend to be morons or liars or both...
Just a simple question: did anyone do the experiment with the swabs on meat?
We did. There were strands with a life of their own appearing to reach for the meat. We repeated the experiment a number of times. Always positive for active strands.
That sounds important. Did you manage to take photos or a video?
Morgellons look like plastic parasitic strands that move as if there were alive. They are not to toy with, because once in the body, it's next to impossible to get rid of them and the itching they cause has made many victims commit suicide... On the ground/bushes/whatever, they look like spider webs. Touching them is enough to get "infected."
Chemtrails seem to contain a variety of other, unidentified parasites, too!
I believe the other person doing the experiment took videos.
We also all were magnetic that lived on the small farm. Not just light things, we could hang heavy spoons from our torso and fixed coins all over our faces.
None done with C19 but usual and influenza 2019.
90% of days we have graffiti flights overhead. Don’t think they care about the estuary bird sanctuary as wind turbines dotted around it.
I must get a telegram account just with photo uploads. And mirror at archive.
I had already gone gluten free. Non gmo & organic, lugged distilled water in food cooking and drinking. Lots of cilantro. Flax after, to sweep it out and not reabsorb it. I had already slowly gotten off 8? prescriptions for autoimmune disorders. (Slowly). I had complications from taking Enbrel with having mold illness..
anyway I was a mess. Changing my laundry soap and personal products too. If you do it slowly it’s not as overwhelming.
I use borax for cleaning & laundry as well. (Chemically sensitive)
My integrative medicine doctor put his hand on my shoulder mid sentence talking about morgellons. He said This protocol ( Metagenics heavy metal detox) with help everything. It did.
I was on a heavy amount of supplements based on blood work and having been neglected for years with insurance dictated doctors.
N a c, querciten, b 12, a good multi vitamin, more. It gave me a little quality of life again and hope.
Here is a comprehensive source:
Great information.
It is...
When we start to realize with real eyes the layer here... where by keeping us AT MOST FEAR and not learning what is going on, is a natural disaster of the mind games.
Definitely GeoEngineering (modifying the weather - is real and has a history on record going back 150 years, however, ramping up the infowar is NOT serving anyone other than to keep that program afire the program of Atmospheric Fear...
If you are truly interested in the Climate Agenda, as I am, and want to lessen the nervous system jabs, then join me in research and investigating live events as they occur with my mentor Jim Lee:
"Where conspiracy meets reality."
Telegram Chat - https://t.me/climateviewerchat
Substack - https://climateviewer.substack.com/
Climate Viewer website - https://climateviewer.com
Weather Modification History site - https://weathermodificationhistory.com/interactive-timeline/
of which you could dive for 4 to 5 years full time and not find the bottom of all his research.
GeoEngineering Free Canada as well: https://geoengineeringfreecanada.substack.com/
Apologies, but there is no "us" with power, and I've always refused to live in fear.
No, I am not in the "climate agenda," but it's part of the whole picture, as I described it several time, and last time it was a summary:
And no, I don't think there is a way to escape; everyone is captured.
There are a number of excellent books on this topic (just go to Amazon and search books on geoengineering. One real expert is Dane Wigington. Go to his site geoengineeringwatch.org and start by watching “The Dimming.” There are additional NUMEROUS videos to watch. If we do not stop this, soon there simply will be no earth. I see the chemtrails in my skies (Tennessee) every day with rare exception. I can tell when we are going to have rain without even checking my local forecast. It is infuriating that the earth is being poisoned daily while we do nothing about it! The catastrophes they are deliberately causing are their ammunition for promoting “climate change” policies.
For promoting depopulation, you mean - and manipulation of the masses. At some point, with their "kind" assistance, you will have no choice other than eating bugs, staying home more, etc. It's soon - or never, imo.
Yes, that is the first site I always recommend, too.
As for videos, you just want to look up in the sky, as you and I usually do (we are next-door neighbors me being in KY)...
What's in the chemtrails is a good question at this point, because they can include fungal spores (as the fear porn in AZ and CA suggests), parasites (certain nematodes included), pathogens, toxins, and even graphene. As the concoction must change every time in order to maintain plausible deniability, chemtrails are only a small part of geoengineering:
Yes, it's a concerted attack on humanity:
The Earth will survive. Humans might not.
Thank you for the additional references!
My dreams lately have been very strange - like there are monsters attacking and we must hide. As long as we don't respond to them or move when they are around, we're okay. Psychologically, I know it them getting to me. Physically, I believe that it is much of what they are putting in the environment that is affecting us all. I can, again, smell chemicals in the area when I go out. (South MS) I can tell you, though, that I am seeing strange and unfamiliar spores and mushrooms springing up that I haven't seen in the 8 years I've lived in this house.
Thank-you to everyone who has shared your thoughts, knowledge & all the links regarding this topic of Chemtrails!
It appears that l was getting no where researching "chemtrails" because l should have been researching "geoengineering".....
I have spent my time yesterday evening & much of today listening to many of the video links that people have shared (as l was gardening & doing other chores).
I will admit....l am somewhat discouraged because it is all quite overwhelming. But, l remain a "glass half-full" kind of person & l have deep faith in God.
But....Ray....do ya' know of any nice tropical island available where all of us together (your subscribers) can sail off to soon?
Lol....all we can do is the best we can do! Thanks again Ray for opening this topic. I have learned much from all who have shared.
Pitcairn probably wouldn't cut it. :)
Polynesia is full of small islands. Anything near New Zealand is now probably private property.
Either way, we would have to buy our own island! Not from the Five Eyes, though. :)
yeah - that won't work. They'll just do a nice fly over...
There are many poisonings evident to the average person that is awake to them,
but the chemtrails/geoengineering are the most evident/visible. I am thinking that in addition to the
drying and the dimming (one can see it) there must brain drain chemicals in the "clouds" as well
because no one seems interested. Bent-neck peeps are too busy perusing their phones to even
look up. It is the most frustrating of the myriad issues to me.
A decade ago the 150 or so patents of the compounds were easily available on line.
Scientists need to test and experiment...how else can they make a living? Someone
opened the gates of hell and the present day experimenters emerged. One can speculate
all day but the bottom line is we are populated by hellacious individuals and groups
that seek funding to experiment regardless harm they cause.
The Dimming is one of those Brain Drain videos... Dane Wigington has the narrative to ramp up the AtmosFEARic pressures nailed!
Here is the 150 years of recorded weather mods as well Jim just posted a list of the patents: https://weathermodificationhistory.com
“Frustrating” is the word for it. It’s so obvious-- all you have to do is literally look up-- but the topic was successfully made verboten tinfoil hat territory years ago.
The monsters are playing the Magician's Apprentice! :)
I just wanted to say - chemtrails or no chemtrails - but we were very healthy until have been specifically attacked with "chemical weapons" by the professional criminals. https://1dissident.substack.com/p/peacehealth-and-chaplin-md-assist
Just a thought - unless one is specifically targeted, one can remain healthy because a concentration of all that pollution is likely not as high. Gardening, nutrition, and a resounding "NO" to any pharma- and other poison are still very important!
As for "morals," "guilt," "speaking up" - gosh, there are very few people who do so, the vast majority is happily complicit with any and all crimes.
"Chemtrail weapons" you mean the JP8 Jet Fuels that was put to use in 1990's
In their phones and at a loss as to where to start with no resources is a problem.
Yes, we are being attacked from all sides with a large variety of mostly military-grade tech...
You have collected essential parts of the puzzle!
Great time lapse of chemtrails forming.
Jill - seriously??? THOSE are CONTRAILS = condensation trails...
put to music by the devil hissssself.
What those of us doing the research are learning is that people naturally go to their limbic brain and dive into the adrenalin and cortisol producing FEARS that is what attacks our nervous system and prevents us from thinking rationally and clearly...
If you would like to learn some instead of being a contributor to spreading and ramping up peoples fears... then see my above post suggesting where you can learn.
Did TN "ban" chemtrails?
How about this?
Keep in mind the globalists who want to depopulate the earth and have no regard for human life do have themselves and loved ones to consider. So there must be an antidote. I’ve heard that drinking a mix of water and Zeolite, an all natural mineral negatively charged by nature and claims to attract toxins like a magnet. Also, magnetic Bentonite Clay used in a bath to detox. Check out link below. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlehtml/2018/ra/c8ra05247f
Jill these are great binding agents to bind metals for elimination... what you haven't included is the elimination step...
Really, please ramp up your research especially before you share stuff publicly.
Consider joining this detox study: https://worldcouncilforhealth.substack.com/p/do-detox-protocols-actually-work
As I previously said it several times, this process is AI-designed, and all the miracle meds have been planned into it. In fact, it's a setup:
Two great videos to watch:
Geoengineering Watch: The Dimming
Geoengineering Watch: Wildfires as a Weapon
They are completely controlled ops man... see above notes.
Not sure about the "above notes," but yes, much of this is controlled opposition.
So the links below post are active. Many are videos of various accounts. So hope you will take the time to view.
Below are links I have saved from my digging. Copy and paste into your browser since they are not hot. Forgive the duplicates. I am able to view the sky from an unobstructed vantage point. Northern California skies have been sprayed non stop. I believe this is what contributed to our massive forest fires last year. There are less birds and insects as well. I have videos and photos. Hope the links help wake people up. I am looking into testing our water and my own blood for heavy metals. If someone can suggest a reliable laboratory I would appreciate it.
The Dimming. Check it out.
Excellent documentary. You can find it on geoengineeringwatch.org
Thank you!
Like the WEF. The veil of lies must be pulled back on the real climate manipulation.
I’ve watched streaks and emf pulses destroying storms.
I’ve felt the drying out of these chemicals.
Witnessing trees just wilt after a spray day.
These trails are filled with flammable compounds.
Drying compounds.
Deadly compounds for every living thing.
A good site
My dad flew in WW11. Was a Captain for a major Airline for 35 yrs.
Retired in 84.
I asked him about the streaks in the sky.
Are those Contrails?
No, contrails disappear quickly
The Jet engines now are such that even a Contrail is rare.
What are those streaks dad?
I don’t know hon, but they aren’t Contrails.
I believe my dad over any politician or media.
They lie, cover up and are all guilty of crimes against humanity.
Try learning a deeper story.
My father was in WWII as one of the HAM radio operators, one of the best, flew with General Patton often (probably saved his life but nonetheless he was too close to the 'powers that be' for my liking and on top of that the war itself was provoked by the City of London and the US... we have so much history to unravel its unbelievable.
The Dimming is akin to being on board a flight with Patton - take the wool off your eyes.
Patton was basically executed for his views on Germany and the US/French democide of Germans after WW2.
Please, post something shorter. Even I don't watch anything over 20 minutes...
Yes Jim's research is deep and far... just dive in for 20 mins...
May I also recommend ihr.org? These guy go back by several decades, including covering history:
Sesame Street damaged our attention span... truly part of the planning to dumb us down. If you watch 20 mins of any of Jim's videos you will either want to learn more in 20 min snippets (what I used to do to push my envelope) but if its content volume issues - then the 20 mins will show you that it's worthwhile tuning the Dane Wigington's out and put the filters on the crap out there and tune into some good researchers.
Dunno about "us," but in the mid-90s, I never allowed my young son to watch Sesame Street, which even at that time was only a tool to make children get used to ugliness and to having no standards...
Sorry, I usually don't watch videos.
My millennial son spent most of his days outside with me as well.
Grateful for the quality time and how he turned out!
That's the story to develop self reliant children in a self indulgent world... at least that is my take. Perhaps to clarify when I say 'us' and 'we' I will follow that with humans... Us humans, We humans for the broader perspective and not accounting for individuality but more a bigger picture of the agenda on the chess board stance.
Here’s how I describe the difference to the unaware (after asking them to Look Up! Do those look normal?)
When you boil your kettle what comes out? They answer: steam
What’s the steam made up of? They answer water molecules
So heating up the liquid causes steam? They answer Yes.
What happens to the steam? They answer it goes away
Yes I say, it dissipates.
So why do you think those streaks from the airplane hang around? They answer that they don’t know
Well, I say, if those were vapour trails from heating liquids from the engines wouldn’t it dissipate too? They answer Yes, it would.
Yeah, I say, so those can’t be vapour trails.
Sometimes they will say no and then I will explain about solar radiation management.
But many, even Army experts continue to believe they’re still vapour trails and nothing devious is going on.
Concl, you can drag some to start questioning the propaganda but others will remain blind no matter how many facts you present.
What isn't normal is the 'whitened skies' known as albedo.
We need to realize with real eyes that whether or not there are condensation trails or clear plane farts, it's all poison and albedo creating plan.
Those contrails that seem to hang around from flying at that creation of albedo in SAI Stratospheric Atmospheric Injection to create anthropogenic clouds which now have a name "Cirrus Homogenitus"
Here is a segment of a 35 min video worthwhile watching https://youtu.be/bwwGJOKXhjc?si=p-isxj6WgPSWRueK&t=990
Shorter videos or transcripts, pretty please? My readers tend to read, just like me. I know, it's a dying breed. :)
I believe morgellons is related to chemtrails. It’s very painful & scary. Doctors treat it as a delusional parasitosis diagnosis usually. A doctor ( out of pocket) supervised heavy metal detox by Metagenics helped me a lot. Many people have committed suicide over having morgellons.
According to the personal reports I've read about them, they seem to be dispersed in chemtrails. They look like plastic strands that exhibit parasitic behavior. They do cause a lot of suicides and "doctors" tend to be morons or liars or both...
Just a simple question: did anyone do the experiment with the swabs on meat?
We did. There were strands with a life of their own appearing to reach for the meat. We repeated the experiment a number of times. Always positive for active strands.
Were these morgellens?
That sounds important. Did you manage to take photos or a video?
Morgellons look like plastic parasitic strands that move as if there were alive. They are not to toy with, because once in the body, it's next to impossible to get rid of them and the itching they cause has made many victims commit suicide... On the ground/bushes/whatever, they look like spider webs. Touching them is enough to get "infected."
Chemtrails seem to contain a variety of other, unidentified parasites, too!
I believe the other person doing the experiment took videos.
We also all were magnetic that lived on the small farm. Not just light things, we could hang heavy spoons from our torso and fixed coins all over our faces.
None done with C19 but usual and influenza 2019.
90% of days we have graffiti flights overhead. Don’t think they care about the estuary bird sanctuary as wind turbines dotted around it.
I must get a telegram account just with photo uploads. And mirror at archive.
They do seem to have a life of their own and not natural, at all. Clifford Carnicom, Harold Vella kutz (?) have some work on it
Borax in a bath helps a lot too.
What else does it help with?
Arthritis & inflammation.
Breaking up the "legs" of the nanotech.
I had already gone gluten free. Non gmo & organic, lugged distilled water in food cooking and drinking. Lots of cilantro. Flax after, to sweep it out and not reabsorb it. I had already slowly gotten off 8? prescriptions for autoimmune disorders. (Slowly). I had complications from taking Enbrel with having mold illness..
anyway I was a mess. Changing my laundry soap and personal products too. If you do it slowly it’s not as overwhelming.
What kind of soap and conditioner do you recommend?
I use borax for cleaning & laundry as well. (Chemically sensitive)
My integrative medicine doctor put his hand on my shoulder mid sentence talking about morgellons. He said This protocol ( Metagenics heavy metal detox) with help everything. It did.
I was on a heavy amount of supplements based on blood work and having been neglected for years with insurance dictated doctors.
N a c, querciten, b 12, a good multi vitamin, more. It gave me a little quality of life again and hope.
& vitamin D. I was miserably low. Because of my various issues, I only absorb 3/4,1/2 of what I take in. Anyway, it’s getting better.
I know the fires in California were created a few years ago and I suspect it continues by our own agencies. They cloud seeded in viet nam ..
Does this method help with parasites, too?